The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, October 20, 1906, Image 3

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    industry toda
has oday.|
at best.
Our Fall and Winter
We have the new model
Mial's Lieutenants Uncorked Ba-
thusiasm" ig Large Quantities
at East Smithfield Last Night
Ever since the campaign opened
Mial E. Lilley, the machine candi-
New Departure
A success—not an ex-
Regular price $5 each.
Our special sale price
while they last
$2.50 Each
A new Departure in
Gas Heating. A pure
moist air, guaranteed ab-
solutely odorless. Burns
85% air and 135% gas.
Consumption of gas 13
feet per hour. Can be
operated for 1ic per hour
218 Desmond St., Sayre.
322 8. Main 8t,, Athens.
The Man Who
“Gets There”
Is the man who has blood
—geal righ blood—and
plenty of i%—in his body.
Briggs’ Wise of Cod Liver ON
Makes bhiood—iote of 1t—
life-giving, brain-nourish-
Sc Par Bottle.
"The Valley Record
“All the nowy that's fit te print”
If you love your wife, buy her a
. Drop Light of the Gas company.
~ Fifty per cent. off this month. sar
Hats, shirts and underwear.
- Giveus a call, H, Sattler. 135-6
Re The engdgement of Emma Buat-
Just received over 800 vol-
unies of Books of Fiction and
Poems. Prices ranging from
10 cents to $2.00 each,
We have everything that is
good as well as cheap in sta-
tionery, novelties, etc.
We are headquarters for
Souvenir Post Cards,
Lockhart St.
Edison phonographs and records
at Tiffany’s music store Athens,
Gents, see our line of suits, and
overcoats. Largest selection in
the Valley at H, Sattler's. 135-6
Justice of the Peace W. T. Care
ey has moved his office to room
No.5, M. P. A. block. Telephone
The regular services, both morn-
ing and evening, of the Lutheran
church will be held in the P. O. S.
of A. hall tomorrow.
At Loomis opera house next
Monday evening, Porter J. Whije
Nizon and Zimmerman's produc~
tion of “The Proud Prince.”
You had better get prices on
pianos, organs and sewing ma-
chives. Monthly payments, no
interest. Tiffany's music store,
Athens. Valley phone goc.
The mechanical effects required
for the proper rendering of “The
Proud Prince” whith will be seen
here soon, cost a small fortune.
The most elaborate effect is the
storm scene in the first act which
is said to rival anything of the kind
hitherto attempted, namely that of
Robert the Bad, King of Sicily is
the myrtyr and the redemption of
his soul is accomplished through
ed of an uacoatrolable desire to get
out and stump the county. Mial
believes that he has sufficient lung
power to redeem his lost prestige
in Bradford county and therefore
has decided to make a few speeches.
Mial decided to try his oratorical
powers first on the citizens of
Smithfield township, as this is
where he began hic “brilliant
ingly a meeting was arranged for
last night J. Andrew Wilt, a
former prothonotary of Bradford
county, W. J. Stone of Canton, and
Kent Mitchell, who has been
promised the district attormeyship
were secured to address the meet
ing along with Mial. The town
hall, which is located in the shad.
ows of five churches, was secured,
a brass band was advertised to be
in attendance, and Mial's lieuten.
ants were iustructed to procure the
necessary amount of “enthusiasm,”
whoop ‘er up and have a big time.
That the citizens of Smithfield
might be impressed with Mial's
greatness a bunch of his willing
followers in Sayre and Athens were
ordered to secure rigs and drive
over to Smithfield and make Rome
howl. According to a long dis-
fance telephone message which
The Record received from that
place this morning it appears that
the orders of the boss were carried
out so far as the “enthuMasm’ was
concerned According to The
Record’s informant there were less
than one hundred present and con-
siderably over one half of this
number were from Sayre and Ath.
ens, The visiting delegations cars
ried out the orders of the boss to
the letter, and the citizens of
Smithfield will not ask them to
play a return date. The “enthusi-
asm” which the Sayre and Athens
bunch uncorked will long be re-
membered by the residents of that
quiet hamlet. When the Sayre
and Atheas bunch started to return
home one of the rigs, in which the
“big” boss was seated, got lost.
Being a stranger in that section
the driver got mixed as to the
homeward route. He depended
upon his passengers to keep him
straight, but by this time thgy were
badly mixed, too. They all at-
tempted to give directions at once,
with the result that about 1 o'clock
this morning the rig brought up at
Mountain Lake, having gone in an
opposite direction from that which
was intended. About 3 o'clock
this morning the rig pulled up in
front of the Forrest house. The
inmates were wet to the skin. A
session was held in the Forrest,
however, and things were balanced
up, so far as the wetness was cons
This morning three men who
went from this place to attend the
meeting denied Raving been there.
John Masterson of Wilkes-Barre
has secured a verdict of $1,250
against the Lehigh Valley Railroad
Company for damages done to his
property in that city. Mr, Master-
son's property is so situated that a
sewer belonging to the Lehigh
company floods his lands, As
many as 20 of these floods have
occurred and Mr. Masterson at last
sued the company. The company
put in a defense that the city of
Wilkes-Barre was responsible and
asked for a nonsuit, which was
All water rents are now due and
payable at the office of the Com.
pany. Ten per cent discount
allowed on current flat rate bills if
Charges John Maroney Wth the
Offense, Which Is Alleged to
Have Been Committee at the
L.V.R. R. Station
John Maroney was arrested this
morning about 1 o'clock by Of-
ficers Vogel and Lewis on a wan
rant swofn out before Justice Carey
by Johan Clancy. Clancy claims
thot he went to the Lehigh Valley
station this morning to take train
20 for Towanda. While on the
station platform near the steps
leading to the superintendent's
office he says that Maroney
knocked him down. Clancey also
claims that he had a small sum of
money when he was knocked
down, but that when he recovered
trom the blow his money was miss-
ing. Maroney, when arrested, de-
nied the charge and said that a fel-
low named Norwood, who was
with him, knocked Clancy down
and then ran away.
When Maroney appeared in
court he was representad by D. W.
Allen of Waverly, who entered a
plea of not guilty, Maroney was
released on his own recognizance
until 10 o'clock this morning,
When the hour of 10 arrived
Maroney failed to show up. It
was ascertined that he was at his
home sleeping off the effects of a
large sized jag which he secured
after he was released on bail, It
also developed that early this
morning he got into an altercation
with a bartender in a saloon and
came out second best in the mix-
up that ensued. Officer Vogel was
sent after Maroney this afternoon
and located him at his home.
When he appeared in court he was
wearing two beautifully discolored
optics which he had received in
the fight with the bartender. The
evidence being insufficient to hold
him upon the charge of assaulting
Clancey he was discharged.
During the past two years Ma-
roney has given the police author
ities of the valley no end of trou-
ble. He has been charged with
various petty offenses and is now
under suspended sentence.
If you are not a subscriber to
The Valley Record, why not in-
vestigate and become one ? In the
present political campaign The
Record has taken a stand which
we believe is for the best interests
of the people of this district. In
fact, The Record can always be re-
lied upon to support men and
measures which will ultimately re-
sult in the greatest good for the
greatest number. Look over the
columns of this issue, and if you
are pleased, notify the subscription
department and have your name
placed on the subscription books.
The Record prints the news while
its fresh.
The letter carriers of Sayre,
Athens and Waverly will hold their
annual banquet at the home of
George Loop, on South Elmer ave+
nue. An elegant menu has been
prepared aad a fine time is antici-
pated. Sawyer Weeks, who was
recently assigned to the position of
money order clerk at the postoffice,
is to be the toastmaster.
The Socialist local held a meet-
ing at the West Sayre hose house
last night and final arrangements
were made for the lecture that will
be delivered by Ed Moore of Phil-
adelphia on Thursday, October 25
Mr. Moore has been at Sayre
before and an interesting talk is
assured. wi dk
Tomorrow will be Rally Day at
the Presbyterian church, There
will be a rally of the church and
the Sunday school at 11:45 and of
the endeavors at 6:15. Special
Question As to Where Mial Will
Speak This Evening Is Un-
this afternoon the question as to
where Mial E.
henchmen would hold their polit
ical meeting this evening was still
nounced that the meeting would be
that plans for holding it in the
pavilion at Oak Grove park had
been abandoned. This morning,
however, it developed that there
was a disposition on the part of
some of the members of the hose
company to not let the rooms for
political purposes. These members
say that the company has never
meddled with politics and that it is
not considered good policy to com-
mence at this time. This decision
on the part of the company caused
Mial’s henchmen to get busy, The
inclemency of the weather has
made the pavilion almost out of
the question, and if the members
of the hose company persist in
their determination to not let the
rooms for the purpose Mial and his
coterie of spiclers will have to do
the curbstoae act, as there is not
another hall in town that can be
If Mial is unsuccessful in his els
forts to secure a hall it will be a
matter of sore disappointment to
“some” and particularly to those
who arc interested in hearing Mr.
Dunfee of Towanda explain just
how he came to meet with a sud
den change of heart. Perhaps
however, Mr. Dunfee will be better
pleased under the circumstances if
the whole thing is called off,
Mr. and Mrs. Wi William Seigfried
went to Easton today.
Dayton Mills of Jamaica, L, I,
is the guest of friends in Sayre,
Mrs. George Ritz went to
Wilkes-Barre this morning for a
short visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs, William L. John-
son of Hopkins street, went to
Black Walnut, N. Y,, this mornieg
to visit friends and relatives.
Chief of Police James Walsh is
in Binghamton today on business
Officer Voegel is acting chief dur~
ing the absence of Mr, Walsh,
John Dugan, formerly an em-
ploye of the Lehigh Valley, but
now chief cletk for the Norfolk &
Southern Railroad Company, with.
headquarters at Norfolk, Va, an
rived in Sayre last night and has
been spending today renewing ac-
quaintances and shaking hands
with old friends.
tm ———
A successful wee s business will
be brought to a close by the Emma
Bunting company at the Loomis
Opera House tonight, when they
will present one of the greatest
sensational melodramas ever writs
ten entitled “The King of Crooks."
Miss Bunting will be seen in a very
pleasing rolc in tonight's performs
ance. The scenes and story of the
play are laid in the west, and the
piece abounds in sensation and
realism throughout. Madame
Flower, who has pleased nightly,
will be heard in new songs at tos
night's performance. The hand-
some Freach poodle which has
been on exhibition in the lobby of
the theatre all week will be given
away at tonight's performance.
License Transfer
Application will be nade to the Conrt
on Monday, Oot 20th,
transfer of the hotel license in the First!
| Ward of Sayre borough from John |
| Brundage to Chas. Doalin,
Willis Gordon, Clerk.
Towanda, Oct. 10th, 1908,
Here's Your Chance
Get 6 per oral on your money
estate security.
ot small
Sayre, Pa.
Gilt edge real
Kacellent opportunity for large
Address Lock Bex 3,
'S 4 Hy .
Lie 31 Kitchen Cabinets
are destined to revola-
ticnize bhounsewotk by
the introdaction of sys-
tein, They offer a sola-
tion of the servant preb-
lem. They cat in half the
time and strepgth now
spent In cocking. No
Xitehen, however elabor-
ate; is completa without
ote, No kitchen, howe
ever wodest, bat needs
one, It is an indispensa-
ble article in every prop-
erly equipped kitchen,
4 A
205 Desmond St, Valley ane 191 a.
Ne 3%,.3¢: 2
Just what you are looking for, first class insurance for
actual cost, on fraternal plans. Insures both sexes be-
tween 18 and 60 years. Also writes policies covering
sickness and accident, paying dividend each five years.
Call on
E. F. MERCEREAU, Dist. Manager,
Office 112 Desmond St., Sayre.
Bell and Valley Phone.
This is an excel
lent time of year to
have a heating sys-
\Wtem installed and
ready for the hard |
winter which the |
weather man says |
ZY 1s coming.
We would be plea.
sed to offer sugges-
tions or give esti-
mates on steam, hot
water or hot air ays-
tems. We sell the
satisfactory “Win-
chester steam and
"= hot water healers
the American Rad-
7jiator Co's radiators
and boilers and the
justly famous
‘Cheerful Home"
furnace, making a
fine line for you to
es choose from.
Plumbiug. Heating and Tinning
Gas Fixtures, Burners and
—— po ctp———
Sith "Phones. Elmer Ave.
|. 8
3 30
A) 28) EA)
Strength and Integrity
are marked features of the insurance
companies which we represent, afford
ing through the most liberal forms of
policies protection to the dependent
which protects in every sense of the
word. Every man should make himself
acquainted with the systems we offer.
He will have a better medium of savisg
than is offered by any other way,
Sayre Rendering
* oes gt
The Nixon & Zimmerman Co.
Presents the Eminent Actor
And an Exception lly Efficient Company
in E. H. Sothern’s Greatest Success
The Proud Prince, ==
A Powerful Romantic Drama in four ac ts |
by Justin Huntley McCarthy |
Maynard, Maynard & Schrier
Attorneys and Counselors.
Fl Ath «Ba and Waverly.
a must be on carcasses; remove a. remove free
fa, Cpr er
akins, tallow and bones,
ces. Call Bell telephone
sy mand rls
“A greater play than the Sign of the
Cross or Jekyll and Hyde!
Philade Ip shia Press,
“A play of stupemdous climaxes.”
“A work that will become a classic.”
“Extra ndinary strong cast.’
“A scenic investurs of great splendor” |
A complete production in every detail
exactly as presented by
, 100,
fil 50,
Wholesaler of
Wines, Beer and Ales.
, | attention to Pension
109 Packer Avenue, SAYRE, PA | 13 Desmond Street,
Lu. way, mo. | fF BIKER.
SPECIALTIES Carpenter and Builder.
Diseases of the Bye, Ear, Nose and sete
17 Pleasant 8t. Waverly. N Y.
{ Throat, and the Proper Fitting of Glass
{es. Hours—8-12; 1-5; 7-8; Sundays by
Every Friday night at the How DINING HALL AND LUNCH ROOM. 6000
ard Elmer Hose house, Maple, LUNCHES AT ALL HOLRS.
street, West Sayre, opposition to. Pool and Billiards in the Rear.
Socialism. | 184 Lockhart Street Sayre, Po,
Sverytaing Now ani Up -foafiite Fired.
Thomas Ave, Opposite L, V. Biation.
— $1.50 Per Day. Sara.
PRICES 25, §& £100
Box seats
Notary Public