% * SUITS, SKIRTS, and Russian Mink, was I hart street window. And you can sent us bya cry demand. buy them here at a big STREET FLOOR days only. Our own in- vestment and risk is practically nothing. We have priced them very much to your advantage. Prices are ! At the in small store pairs for 2c. dozen; alway under regu- lar selling prices. This Notion Counter s, here at 23c. 8 5 elsewhere. 100 yard especial of- fer is for the 16th, 17th and 18th, and is an op- portunity of Base 300 pieces 1 winter use ou er pots, TABLE OIL CLOTH “A THIRD FLOOR ANT ADS F Rates : —~Wasted, Lost, Found, For 8, etc, § ceat a word each insertion r three times, | cent a word each Noose taken for Jess than 25 cents. Situatiocs wacrted, free to pald-in-advance subscribers, For Sale. For Sale— Andes beating stove, large size, [or®hale cheap. Enquire at this For mle—An eight room house, 409 Inguire of M, L. Beach, houseiad lot with threo acres of land and a fruit orchard. three | miles from A Will be sold cheap. pply to Mary J. Wanzer, 123-8w | heap for cash or on rasy | hange for Bayre improved’ Sheshequin-valley farm. ee, Washington, D.C. 127-m* acres in Overton town- exchange for village! thens or Bayre. Good | fruit on the premises, address C. A. Heavener, R. FP. | 125-Im* | in Bayre. Inquireof E | y 200 Spring St, Sayre, | 1 Bevers] boases and lota for sale in de- town. , Terms to : : Inquire of W. G. Sehrier, Maynard Block, Athens, 29f es Wanted. Girl wanted at once. A. M. Hun- singer, 320 Lincoln St, Sayre. ‘133-8¢ king at reasonable Desmond BE. 118 For Rent For rent, office rooms in the Wheelock Block. Homse on KN. Lehigh avenge, ( ) Valley phone, 41ty. $71 Ten room modern boose, 512 8. Wilbur avenue, Sayre, corner Chemung street; all eon es, Inquire BH. ia 138- For Rent —8ix room house with water at $9 per month, 102 Lake St, Valley phone 111x or little store mext Oak Grove Park, 185.3 Two offices for rent in the Maney & bloek. na House for rent, Bim street, Waverly, street car line, Des Immediate pos. Cook Stoves, ment Specials Oc China at 7c. Includes r Red Earthenware flow- Red Cross by name. Ex- "QUALITY LOCAL NEWS O. L. Smiley of Towanda is in town today. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Morrison are spending the day in Elmira, Chas. R. Lauer of Dushore, is visiting relatives in Sayre and Ath- | ens. |W. M, Segar of Elmira, return ed home this afternoon after visite ing his brother, Clarence M, Segar. Special sale on trimmed hats this week only at Mrs. J. Williams’ millidery parlors, South Elmer | avenue, 136 at | | The foundation for the Record’s | new quarters on Lockhart street is | completed and this morning care | penters begaa work. | tices —— traditional Indian summer, but that | supplemental season of sunshine | and balmy air was never presented | more typically than at the present! time. | Born—to Mr. and Mrs. Harry | Swem of Trenton, N. J, an 814 pound son. The event occurred | on Thursday last. Mrs. Swem was formerly Miss Cora Eastham of Sayre. ne The divorce suit begun on Octo- against his wife, Emma J. Hallock, has been discontinued. The parties live at Athens. The plaintiff in the suit alleged cruel ard barbarous treatment, Geo. W. Kipp of Towanda, fus~ ion candidate for congress, spent yesterday and last night in Sayre greeting his large number of friends. Mr. Kipp creates a very favorable impression wherever he goes. FITZHARRIS-CABILL William Fitzharris and Miss Catherine Cahill were married at noon today by the Rev. J. L. Shanley at the Church of the Epips hany. The bride is a well known young lady of this town and the groom is an employe of the Le- high shops. Their many friends happiness. ENTERTAINENT FRIAY Waverly—The first of the series of tertainment. : a a— office ab Sayre, Valley ‘phone 138X, SE ————————_ Try C. C. Strong's cough syrup. Burgess Wm. Foyle of Towanda was in Waverly yesterday. I — pf ————— J. Sloat Fassett of Elmira was in Waverly for a short time yesterday. Latest Parisian ideas developed at Mrs. Ellis’ Broad street parlors, Waverly. ot Leather post card books at Strong's pharmacy, Waverly. so20 Mr.and Mrs. James B. McKay of VanEttan are in Waverly today. Alfred Ryan of Syracuse is vis- iting his brother on Chemung street. Mrs. W. E. Farley. and Miss Frances Carroll are spending the day at Elmira. Mrs, B. Freedman has returned from a month's trip including New York, Philadelphia and Bethlehem, 10,000 bait fish for sale at Lock erby’s barber shop. Also hair cut and shave for 25c. 18 23 Bargains in wood for burning, 25¢ buys the best value in the vals ley, at Strong's pharmacy. soz0 An exclusive line of trimmed hats at Mrs Ellis’ millinery par lors, 363 Broad street, Waverly, 2t If you love your wife, buy hera Drop Light of the ‘Gas company. Filty per cent. off this month, snr Dr. Griswold's horse, Roly Poly, won another race at Albany yester- day. It was a three quarter mile run and the time was 1:19. The Sunshine Society will serve a hot supper Saturday evening of this week in W. C. T. U ha!l bver Walker's store from 5 to 8, price 15¢, Let everybody come, The funcral of Henry Skellenger, who died Mordiy, was held from the house at 11 o'clock this morn ing, and the remains were taken 'to his old home at Owego for burial, The rummage sale by the ladies of the Episcopal church is a great success. The sales yesterday amcunted to $150. Many new ar- ticles and much useful material is still unso!d. ITALIAN KILLED Waverly—An Italian named La- motagna Satina, a laborer for the D.L. &W, was killed yesterday morning at about 9 o'clock at Litchfield on the D. L. & W. tracks. A section gang was work- ing at that place and as a passenger train opproached he failed to get off the track in time and was badly mangled. Coroner Eugene Brown of Owego was called but decided that an irquest wis unnecessary, and the remains were brought to Waverly, where they were taken in charge by E S, Hanford IN POLIGE COURT Waverly—The police corralled a batch of drunks yesterday, who were disposed of yesterday after- noon by Justice. Hoagland. One man named Hurley was given 30 days. He would come over on ‘thé New York side of the line, raise a disturbance and then run to the south side and hurl back epithets and insulting talk. He He was captured in Waverly, how- ever, and will crack stone for the next 30 days. Another drunk paid a fine of $5, and a third was dis- SECURE MANY SIGNERS Waverly—The work of securing the signers necessary to place the Independence league ticket on the in Sayre on Saturday evening. A year ago last spring he addressed Borough has been on the decline. ‘Mial should select some other place beside Sayre in which to make a speech. He is too well known here to cut any ice. FINE PERFORMANCE Another large audience greeted the “Emma Bunting Co.” at the Loomis Opera house last night, when “Rachel Goldstein” was pres sented, The performance was complete in every detail and very enjoyable throughout. Miss Bunt- ing as Rachel kept the audience in continued good humor, Her sup: port was first class. Tonight “The Burglar’s Daughter,” a comedy drama in four acts, will be present, cd. This is one of the best plays in the company's repertoire, and is being played in the larger cities to high prices. New York city is the scene of the story and many thrill ing scenes and startling climaxes are introduced. Special scenery is carried for the production. Tomor- row afternoon “Pretty Miss No body" will be presented. It is the intention of Manager Burgess to star Miss Bunting in a big producs tion of this play next season Beautiful scenery and costuming will be seen throughout. Thurs day night, it is expected, a mar. riage will bs held on the stage. A purse of £25 and all expenses will be p.id to any young couple who will be uzited. Lovers of romance have taken advantage of this cp portunily in a great many cities this scason. Madam Flower, Th: Great Brorz: Melba, will pasitiva- ly appear at every p:rformaace throughout the weck. Oa Friday evening ten choice building lots will be award:d to those holding lucky coupéas. ——— - Exposure Brings on Rheumatism Painful in its mildest form, quickly becoming an agony or torture if neg- lected, When Joa feel the first paln in the muscles, the firstslight stiffness la the joints take Bloodine., It acts im- mediately on the Blood and Nerves, and will positively care Rheumatism, how- ever severe, Bold by C, M. Driggs, Sayre. EE —— Corporation Notice "THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. NOTICE TU POLICYHULDERS The official statement, which may be used as a ballot for voting by mail, having been sent to cach policyholder on October 11, auy voter fail ug to receive the same in due course is requested to send his name and address to Lhe Company, New York City, in order that a duplicate may be JLut him Covers More Surface, (3 times as much) Wears Longer, (8 times as long) Dries Quicker, (ia 10 minutes) Than Any Enamel, A GHILD CAN APPLY IT. If your dealer hasn't it, Bolleh Broa. have I. L. BENJAMIN, Palater, Decorator and Paperhanger. work done at Residenoe:—130 Spruce Bt, Athens, Pa. ES En, Read The Record Lame) TE CNTY RVEE NTT) Carpet Cleaning H. A. P ' carpet cleaner is OV iD OF a the Wilson averly street, Waver- pt service, 5 work ! Er AS ; LE 20° 5 lected etc. ANI Ge Nappies, Ls es Happy Thought and Lehigh Stoves and Ranges From $10 to $75. We repair stoves and furnaces. BOLIGH BROS., HARDWARE R. H. DRISLANE, Contractor and Bulider Plans and Estimates Furnished 210 Miller. 8¢ Sayre Pa EARL BURGESS —PRESENTS— MISS EMMA BUNTING And an Excellent Company for Six Nights and Three Matinees. EVENINGS. Tuesday —“Rache] Goldstein.” Wednesday —*The Barglar's ter," Thuorsday-“Tracked Aronnd the World,” day—' Polly Primroge.” Saturday —*The of Crooks.” MATINEES, Wednesday—''The Two Little Sailer Boys." Thursday — Miss Nobody.” Saturday “That Girl of Johnson's. Davis & Walker will positively a r at every ormance in one of Ear armangs acts on the American stage.’ PRICES Reilk: 10, 20 and 30c. inee, 10 and 30s. CEMENT SIDEWALKS Mat [A -