The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, October 15, 1906, Image 4

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    of real bargains.
your purse will allow.
Tabourettes and Parlor Tables
On Sale Monday and Tuesday Only
75¢ golden oak tabourettes, in round
or square top. 49c. ~
$1.75 parlor tables in golden oak or
gany, square or round top. 31.19
Ha'l Racks, Mirrors and Secttees
Provided You Buy
: Monday or Tuesday
That means our
| $32.50 for $24.38
27.87 for 20.90
21.67 for 16.25 10.67
$10.37 for $6.00
Hall Mirrors and Settees subject to
the same discount and bought
for $14.25
for 10.39
for 8.00
In Dry Goods
There Is No Nearer Head Than Here
Arnold's double fold Flannelettes,
specially designed for wrappers and
kimonas. 12ic.
25 patterns of Eiderdown, specially
priced for the Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday selling. 19¢, worth ! more.
Blankets and Comfortables, bought
Means you get
Keepin touch with styles, conditions
The newest weaves can al-
16¢c up
We Own Shoes at Old Prices
FRANK BE. WOOD, Representative
News and advertising matter may be
left at Gregg's Racket Store, Waverly.
After 13 o'clock noon call the main
office at Sayre, Valley ‘phone 128X.
Leather post cards at Strong's.
Mrs. W, H. Leckerby is sens
iously ill.
Pyyography outfits at Strong's.
E. Barton Hall and wife spent
yesterday at Owego,
Post cards, albums, - 3¢ to $5 00
cach at Strong's pharmacy. 130
separately or jointly.
Choice of 25 Patterns of
And you can buy them here at a big
Reed's Cushion Sole, for tender feet.
Regular $3.50 Women's Special, to in-
troduce, $2.75. Buy a pair for winter.
12ic yard. . Sold for no less in quantity
At the Notion Counter
Save | or More
Buy 10¢c Talcum Powder for Se, 25¢
Talcum Powder for 15c¢.
Eaton Hurlburt box paper, 35¢ kind
in small stores, here at 23c.
Ladies’ “Queens Own" black hose, 2
pairs for 25c.
Olark’s Thread at 3c a spool or 30c a
dozen; always 5 elsewhere. 100 vard
spool “Eureka” silk, 8c.
~ Bilk Dress Braids, all colors, 4c yd.
Dexter Knit Cotton, special at 5c,
Rubber Goods to fit all feet and ev-
Basement Specials
300 pieces 10c China at 7c. Includes
When taking in your plants for the
Prices 5c to 19c.
Examine our line of Heating and
Hom:s Furnished Complete
will establish the truthfulness of our
Our only comment
These alone
‘B Coats, £10.00 and £12.00.
Cayuta Land Company |
Pa, desires b announce that
Ve some very dosirable building
for sale on cheap and ‘easy terms,
have placed the agency
ia the hands of Andrew
this place. All those wishing
ems=lves with homes or to
In lots for speculative purposes |
woll to consult with Mr, Evaria
ng elsewhere, This plot
surrounded by indus-
crms fo suit purchasers.
¥ beieg taken to supply
prising this plot with a
the best water the valley |
REW EVARTS, 108 Hospi-
Sayre, Pa. Phone de.
Administrator's Notice
Letters of administration on the es-
tate of John H. Mills, deceased, late of
Horo. of Bayre, Pa., having been granted
the undersigned, notice is hereby given
“Shat all persons indebted to said estate
to make immediate pay- | —
| Weverly — Henry ~~ Skellenger
diced this morning at 10 o'clock.
| Deceased bad been ill for the past
[two years with cancer of the stom-
|ach and it was that which caused
| his death. He was a resident of
Owego until about a year ago,
‘when he came to Waverly, and
| has resided here since that time.
He was 63 years of age, and is
survived by one daughter, Emma
| Skellenger of Owego. Two
\brothers also survive him, The
| faneral arrangements will be an-
I nounced later,
ment, and all persons havigmg elalms
nab it must present them daly an
for settjement,
Bayre, Aug. 27, 1008, Administrator,
out today for a meeting to be held
this evening at the offices of B L.
of Women aad of the
Iam, iwi 7ipn
Those who plans for the coming campaign, It
stated that the objsct of the mects
{13g is to secure harmony and good
feeling in the party.
Wavery—Mrs. Mary Sherman
died Saturday at her home in El-
listown, aged 56 years. She is
{survived by her husband, one
's Confec- daughter, Mrs. L.
| Saye, and three sons,
aad Floyd. Funeral
Harry, Lewis
Tuesday af-
Mr. and Mrs. E. D, Sebring were
{ia Owego yesterday.
| Pyro, etched wood glove and
| handkerchief boxes 25¢ at Strong's.
| C.E Rumsey and daughter,
Evelyn, of Watkins, spent yester«
day in Waverly.
Mrs. Parley Finch aad daughter
Mabel of Nichols were io Waverly
Miss Ella Atwater of New York
returned home today after visiting
relatives for some time past.
10,000 bait fish for sale at Lock-
erby’s barber shop, Also hair cut
and shave for 25c. 118 25
If you love your wife, buy her a
Drop Light of the Gas company.
Fifty per cent. off this month, sn1
George Spurr and wife of
Puyallup, Wash, started on their
return journey home today after
visiting at Waverly and vicinity for
the past two months,
The M. P. A. lodge is preparing
to hold a dance next Wednesday
evening in Red Men's hall. Fine
music has been secured and re-
freshments will be served.
Members of Hope Legion Na.
45, N.P. L, are hereby notified
that the next regular meeting will
bs held in Red Men's hall Friday
evening, Oct. 19, 1906, at 8 o'clock.
Mary W. Murpoos, Secy.
Theodore Shay of the Norwocd
hotel has returned from New
Hampshire, where he spent the
past two weeks hunting, He shot
a large number of birds and had
the good fortune to shoot a silver
gray fox.
——— A A ————
Emma Bunting at the Loomis
Rev. J Shanley went to Towan-
da this morning.
Ex-Shenfl Robinson
town this morning.
was in
Postmaster Boafocy went to
Scranton this morning.
A ———————
IZdison phonographs and records
at Tiffany's music store Athens.
—— — ————
Emma Bunting opens a week's
engagement at the Loomis this
The railroad companies are kept
busy handling the coal trade and
grain freight.
—————— i ————
You had better get prices on
pianos, organs and sewing ma-
chines, Monthly piyments, no
interest. Tiffany's music store,
Athens. Valley phone goc.
The change in the weather from
winter to autumn was much appre-
ciated. People who jumped into
their winter underclothing bore
evidence of uncomfortableness yes-
Willard Barnum, of the firm of
Barnum & Taylor, accompanied by
his wife and children, left this
morning for Dover, Del, where
they will be the guests of friends
and relatives for several days,
Mrs. Sylvia B. Norrish, county
president of the W. C. T. U,, leit
this morning for Boston and other
eastern points in the interests of
Weed of East Smithfield, accoms
Were Acting Within Rights
Attorney Bell returned from Bing-
hamton last Saturday night after
having secured an order from the
court restraining any of the com-
panies concerned from laying the
track. Service has been secured
upon W. E, Case, the superintend-
entof the W. S, & A. Co, and
upon F, E. Hawkes, the company's
A motion to vacate the injunc-
tion will probably be made within
a very short time and it is claimed
that the street car company has a
good case on the merits,
The officers claim that the W. S
& A. company has a franchise
granting it the right to lav a track
in the center of Chemung street,
together with necessary switches,
sidings and turnoffs. They say they
were merely exercising their right
to connect up another piece of
track which belonged to the com-
pany, and that it is merely a turn:
off and is within the rights given to
them by the franchise.
It was stated by a representative
of the company this morning that
the picce of tract running through
the Simmons lot is the property of
the W. S. & A company, and that
the line of the Elmira, Coming &
Waverly company ends near the
Eric railroad, and does not extend
out to the sidewalk line on Ches
mung street.
There is a provision in the fran
chisz giventhe W.S & A, how-
ever, that requires the company to
get the grade from the village bes
fore any tracks of any kind are
laid, and this little preliminary, it
seems, was overlooked by the coms
pany before it attempted to lay the
track last Friday shortly before
Service of injunction will be cb-
tained upon all the officials of the
various companics interested, and
the right and wrong of the matter
will be decided by the courts,
Daniel B:ntley of* Sayre, a well
known conductor on the Lehigh,
met with a painful accident at Wy
sox on Thursday of last week,
which will probabjy lay him up for
seme time. Bentley was in charge
of an castbound freight train and
when it neared Wysox he went
ahead to the engine. He jumped
off at the station aad as he struck
the grourd he stepped on a stone.
In order to prevent himself from
falling underneath the engine he
threw his body in the opposite di-
rection, severely spraining the left
ankle. He was brought to his
home at this plac*, where he re-
ceived medical attention, but has
since been confined to the house,
rr —————— et eta——
Charles Decker, a resident of
South River street, suffered a ses
vere strain of the ligaments in the
right knee joint while working in
the shops on Saturday afternoor.
Mr. Decker was engaged in repair-
ing a car bumper when it fell on
his leg.
S ibsenbe for The Record.
For sale - An eight room house, 400
First street, Inquire of M. L. Beach,
corner First and Orchard streets, Ath-
ens, 135-8¢
For Rent —-8ix room house with water
and gas at $9 per month, 103 Lake St.
Inquire Valley plone 111x or little store
next Oak Grove Park, 135-3
A Earn, Comrie Ruin fur Sorvunmas ¥erwr warm.
Bake? Bure t Kpwely t Balin.
ju Juve) IBIAS. Netomtod, Bent 1
mp Wirt snd ibwen #0 trent be te fot
Fove. Uf gout dregtet
panied Mrs, Norrish as tar as New
Come and
Happy Thought
and Lehigh Stoves
and Ranges
From $10 to $75.
We repair stoves
and furnaces.
Contractor and Builder
Plans end Rstimates Furnished
210 Millar R¢ Baye Pa
And an Excellent Company for Six
Nights and Three Matinees,
Monday “Anita, the Biogiog Girl"
Tuesday —*“Rachel Goldstein.”
Wednesday —“The Barglar's Daughter.”
Thursday “Tracked Around the World."
riday—*' Polly Primrose.”
Saturday “The King of Crooks,”
Wednesday — Two Little Sailor Boys."
Thursday ratty Miss Nobody.”
Saturday —*“That Girl of Johnson's.
Davis & Walker will positively ap
at every performance in eon nd
greatest vaudeville acts on the
American stage.
PRICES =Bréifugt 10, 20 and 300. Mat-
inee, 10 and 20¢c.
A limited number of ladies’ tickets have
been issued for Maalday night, price
16c. Advance sale Friday.
When want a cement mide-
walk laid in a durable
manner, call on Simeon Davis. You
Wil get Lhe benefit of years of o
experience. Mason wor
ll kings, Simeon Davis, Olive St.,