The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, October 10, 1906, Image 4

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    hat dealings.
¢ already being taken to i
A nS aan roe whhY
r the valley
{Im effect May 13, rout )
Trains leave Sayre as (oilows
A MM. Dally for Towands,
Banaock, Wilkes-Barre, Mauch
Beidiehera, Mew
, Baltimore and Washington
A°A. M. Dally for Towsads, Tunkhaz-
Pittston, kes Baire, Glen Sum
, Ma Chunch, Allentows,
Wew York and Philadephia
i ey iy MM.) eh Week Jars
New Albany, Dusbore, Satter
port, Wysiasing, Lacey
Itston and Wilkes Jarre
fi wen SL Ba MM) Sully bon
ka all Kir
ven Junction, Mssck
gp I chem New York, Pal)
‘ ee ee.
Mf} A. M. Busday ouly, Ne Ainans. Milan
P.M (Waverly 133g P. M) Dal?
for Tankhaanock Pitts ;
York, Philsdriphis, Baltimore 25d Washington
(Waves! PF. MM} Week ¢d
Ic amma. SOater, Bp Nn
New Alveny. Duors. Satter
Camaests fo
Wiagera Falls sad Toronto.
Yea Meh
fe a, en
i Geneva, Rochester, ai
Compects for Auburn week days only
A.M. Weak days only, for Lockwood,
, Ithacs, Tramacs
rg Dally for Cenevs Rochester, Buf.
Niagara Valls, Detroit and Chi
ally for Lockwood, Odesss,
9 Vales, Lodl, Gilbert,
M. Dally for Ifhaca, Trumanabsry,
Genevs, Rochester, Ba.
Buffslo, Cleveland, Detroit, and
for Auburn week dave ‘only.
P.M Sally, Race Dismand Mepress.
Geneva, Rochester, Buffale, Niagars
| Puli Tg reso
Adams Killed Himaselr.
NEW YORK, Oct. 10-W. E D1
nla apartment, and Coroner Julius Har
burger wet In the coroner's office
ther Fhe occa |
nary to the oh the death of
Al Adams policy King, but if
quickly resolved itself into n name
calling contest between Stokes and
Harburger. The coroner went so far
4% to Intimate that Stokes kuew that
Adams was murdered and that he con
cealed a crime
When the
paneled Ce
“1 expe
a munder
coroner's jury
the jurymen
t this case will prove to
ind 1 think that the
this courtroom
ia the case
that there wil be an
«nse (2 finished
tion, however, the
verdict of
the box
Toner said, It
Le |
He will lw
ined J expect!
is in
I Wilhess
arrest before the!
thie coroner s Asser |
jury brought in a
“suicide” without leaving!
(losing Stock Quotations,
Money n call easier at 4 per
per. UT per
prime mercantile pa cent; |
eXchangrs 368 311 44. balunces, $5.95. %4
cxpurts of general merchandise from the!
port of New York for the week onding
yerterda were vakusd at $37@0.174
Closing prices
Amal, Copper... 118% N
Atchison Hay, Norf. & Went
DB &0 13 Penn. R. R
Brooklyn R r (3 Heading
CU CC &BL] Ro Island
< hes & Ohio 3 st ‘aul
Chl & Northw 27 Sou m Pac
D&H - Southern R
Er % Sob Hy
Gen, Electric, Hy
LL Central 1 Texas Pacifi
Jackawanna BK Pacific
Louls, & Nash 140
Manhattan 1&
Tut. -Met
Missuur! Pas
Y. Central, 14441]
1% |
183g |
=, |
106A |
Wig l
1 |
New York Markets,
FLOUR Steady, but quiet; Minnesota
patents, $015048, winter straights, RUG
Ww winter extras, JI86GI1 2 ter pats
ents, F544 10
WHEAT In line with higher catdes and
western bull support, wheat was firm and
partly Se higher, December, S1Tgusd
May, S484
CORN Quiet, But steady
October, L3Y
Firm and in fair demand, No. 2
patural, Iga
BUTTER -Creargery, extras
Ay Wri firsts, “2% Ba seconds, Qe:
eld, extras, Sh) fests, 2385 2404«
vated, exira AGU fires, 1904
per pound,
CHEE 3K State, full cream
small, colored and white
falr 10 gonl Binal. 12% 441%
best, small, | barge
Rime, prime fair 1
full skims
EGO8 Fre
on ~~ r + » fre i Ean
extra firs
TA «
extra, per dos.
red, frets fd
FOTATOLS “Ste andy New York
western, choke Pe hg hel, E3600
Wo goed, per bash rae. Per
nia, cholee, per bs ixhel. TL
demand, fowls, LGN | roost re au
oe b, Fig chickens, 1I%O16c.. ducks, 1}
DRER®ED aovLTRY Steady;
choice, WMUISC; do, fair to good, 4c;
ad roosters, 3: chickens, nestby. 180
; do, western, 12014
nn fair
Live Stoek Markets,
CATTLE — fair, market
Complete Pardon Granted For All
Political Crimes In Cul,
HAVANA, Oct. 10 William H. Taft
as provisional governor of Cuba and
of war of the United States
has issued an lmportant order to Gen
eral Frederick Funston outlining the
duties of the American forces In Cuba,
he Mascotte, having on
board Charles E. Magoon, the newly
appointed provisional goveroor, whe
succeeds Secretary Taft, has arrived
An amnesty proclamation of the
t sweeping character possible par
donning every serious crime which hag
been an outgrowth of the recent revo
Intion and Hs causes hax been Issued
or Taft. Complete pardou ly
granted to all persons involved In the
killing of Congressman Villuendas al
as well us to everybody lm
plicated in the Killing of several rurai
guardsiuen at Guanabacao last Febru
Ihe ofticers of nlarines stationed io
various localities are advised that they
expected to take part ing an ac
way in the suppression of disorder
Cluergency arises in
by Goveru
The order says
“The president of the United Stater
deenrs it of the utmost Importance thal
the Awerican forees do not engage in
conflicts with Cubans, but that disor
bans, It Is also expected that the off
fort to show all courtesies possible tg
Cubaus of all parties and avold in any
way injuring thelr sensibilities.”
Fear Yellow Fever at Cienfuegos.
CIENFUEGQOS, Oct. 10.—Colone! Bar
woval of the American marines from
fever. The marines
were taken on board the ships. The
yellow fever patient came from Cruces,
where two other cases are reported,
- -
Indian Lands to Open For Boomers.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 10.—The presi
dent has issued a proclamation fixing
12 o'¢chxk noon on the 20th Just as
the date for openiug the Walker River
Indiou reservation in Nevada to set
tlewent, There are 208000 acres of
laud to be disposed of, and the law
perinits its acquisition under the geu
eral land laws
Franklin Amended.
For want of a pall the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider bought an
automobile. ~N. YT. Bun
Lynch obs at Bloomington.
BLOOMINGTON, Ind, Oct. 8~The
negro Edward Jones, who shot and in-
stantly killed Alfred Stephens, a lunch
wagon man here, has heen safely tak:
en to the Jeffersonville penitentiary.
The srowd threatensd to take Joues
frow the officers amd lynch him, sod it
was only by the determined efforts of
the sheriff and his deputies that the
excited men surrpunding the jall were
kept from battering the doors down
entering the place,
Leiihar post sara at Strong's
William Sweeney of Owego, was
in Waverly today. *
Pyyography outfis at Strong's.
Lehigh pay day will be next
Monday, October 15
Myron W. Briggs of Nichols,
was in Waverly yesterday.
Post cards, albums, 3c to $500
eich at Strong's pharmacy. 130
Miss Horrigan of Owego spent
part of the day at Waverly.
Hon. Sherman Moreland of Van
Etten, was in Waverly today.
Pyro, etched wood glove and
handkerchief boxes 25¢ at Strong's.
10,000 bait fish for sale at Lock~
erby's barber shop, Also hair cut
and shave for 25c 118 25
Miss Gillan of Chambersburgs,
Pa, is the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Seward Baldwin,
The Rev. J, J. Moriarity is ats
tending the forty hours devotion
at Horseheads taday.
Mrs. M. W. Falsey and Miss
Mary Higgins went to Horseheads
today to visit relatives.
M. J. Murray, Frederick J. Dav-
is and Attorney Barrett of Owego,
were in Waverly yesterday.
If you love your wile, buy her a
Drop Light of the Gas company.
Fifty per cent. off this month, sai
Job Tozer returned from New
York city this afternoon. He
spent the past week at the metrop-
Lial Manning of Halsey Valley,
was in town this merning calling
on his old friends and acquaint-
The Hon. Byram L. Winters
has moved his office to the second
story of the Odd’ Fellows building
on Fulton street.
Arrangements have been coms
pleted for the firemen’s parade and
review which will take place to-
morrow evening. Much interest is
manifested in the event. °
A large delegation of Waverly
people went to Binghamton yes
terday to attend the session of the
Bible jastitute which is holding a
three days convention at that city.
Dr. Torry, onc of the leading
evangelists of the world delivered
an address, which proved very ins
teresting and instructive to all who
listened to it.
Waverly—Hon, Byram L. Wia-
ters has leased the entire second
floor of the Manoca Temple, and
is having it fitted up and putin
first class condition. The rooms
are very commndious, and will be
used as campaign headquarters.
The room below which serves as
an entrance to the stairway is also
being put in good condition so as
to appear attractive to the caller at
the place where the plans for the
conduct of the forthcoming cam-
paign will be made.
Waverly—A Pole, who was
ejected from VanNorstran's saloon
a few nights ago, and who thought
to obtain revenge by throwing
stones through the door, was ar-
rested Monday night and given 20
days in the county jail at Owego.
He was badly filled with alcoholics
and it took the greater part of the
day for him to dry out sufficiently
to be given a hearing. An od
man named Decker who resides in
Milltowa fell into the hands of the
police last night and paid $3 fine
and was allowed to depart for his
native mill patch.
a 1 get a goo
deal more pleasure afd perhaps
fully as much prefit out of the pres-
ent campaign, if he would develop
a sense ol humor,
is getting lots of fun out of the
take it seriously.
the newspapers in this section, the
from the Times and is pretty accus
rate, although incomplete. “But,”
says Editor Smyth,
anything he desires to have appear
lass of
the Owego Times,
stands unbought and unpurchasa-
ble, The Times is for Mr. Smyth
Mr. Winters need not try to seduce
the Times with gold—the Times
intends to stick by Smyth. If you
see anythinz in any other news-
paper itis there because Mr. Win-
ters bought and paid for it. If
you see anything in the Times, it
is there from purely disinterested
motives—there because the Times
likes Mr. Smyth ani believes in
him and feels that he is about all
there is to the Republican party
It is also there because Mr. Smyth
and the Times are one and the
same thing. No, no! Mr. Smyth
does not believe in buying space in
newspaper—he owns one. That is
Strange, though, isn't it, that the
good newspapers of this section
should be so unanimous in the
stand they have taken? Strange
that the Times should be alone!
Almost as strange as il anyone,
Republican or Democrat, favors
Mr. Winters he has been bought,
but if he favors Mr. Smyth, it is
from the most disinterested motives
and pure love df Mr, Smyth, O,
Mr. Smyth, you should develop a
sense of humor —Owego Record
Waverly—Charles Quick, who is
out on bail under a charge of grand
larceny, was arrested last evening
on a warrant charging him with
illegal train riding. Quick, it is
alleged, rode from Owego last Sun-
day on the head end of the engine
that pulls train No. 1. A compana
ion was with him at the -time, but
no trace of him has been found.
When the train approached the
Waverly station the mea jumped
from the locomotive and got away.
Quick was given a hearing this
If you love your wife, buy her
a Drop Light of the Gas company.
Fifty per cent. off this month. sai
The W. C. T, U, will meetat the
home of Mrs. Minnie Mandeville,
117 Keystone avenue, Thursday,
Oct. 11, at 2:30. Subject, “Fran-
During the remainder of the ex-
istence of the present Lehigh Val-
ley time table No. 44 on the Mont-
rose branch of the road will be dis-
Eugene Smith, fireman on No.
6 and 7, was promoted yesterday
to an engineer. Milford Krotzer,
Lincoln street, was also promoted
to an engineer, ’
Another letter carrier has been
added fo the force of the Sayre
postoffice—at least that is what the
boys are saying since the fine ten-
pound son arrived at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. H. Sawyer Weeks this
Conductors in the freight depart-
ment of the Lehigh Valley have
been ordered to report promptly
by wire all accidents to their trains,
Recently passenger and freight
trains have been delayed consids
erably by comductors failing to
A variety of
Permanent Dentistry| ou
A quarter Se a century ago we
placed some gold fillings in the teeth
fo a well known gentleman at pres-
ent a resident of Sayre. These fill-
ings today are just as bright, firm
and useful as the day they were
made. We will tell you the name of
the party, sf you wish to sce him
workmanship, Just as there are dif-
ferences in the various brands of
floxy. If you desire the faghest de-
gree of proficsency—the skill and
knowledge that will make YOUR
fillings serviceable twenty-five years
from today—come in or "phone for
an appointment. On the other hand,
f you take pleasure in having your
teeth filled over and over again every
year or 1100, you should go elsewhere
—we do not do that kind of work.
JW. Murrelle,D.D.S..
106 Centre St., ATHENS, PA.
Valley 'Phoné 97 D.
Read The Record.
we have the
aa Wo keep
Valley Phone 128x.
The Valley Record
Bring Your Job Printing to
Murrelle’s Printing
“The Satisfactory Place.”
From four to eight skilled job
printers. and a new, up-to-date
equipment are as your service,