The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, October 09, 1906, Image 1

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a a, Dam aad Ba¥:
= uriige. on Warpath;
Ofice boars: —0 $010 a. m,; 6:80
olp,m Alother t/mes during
day st Valley Record office,
Ofios:—Rooms 4 and §, Elmer Bloek,
Loskchart Strest, Sayre, Pu.
0G. J. Kiron,
Repecial cars and prompt at-
tention given to moving of
Blanes, Housed Goods, Bafes
Best of Everything
io Wewerew arom,
4 Snel Siuntyt Bulls.
$0 pr te md ham on in. tor
hea » If your Greggins
BOE them pend your srders 46 the -
UNITED MEDICAL TO., Bok 74, Lancasrea, PA.
Hepublican Candidate's Party In
“Date Treat” Pullman Car—Beoth
Sides Are to He Heard In
Many Towns,
NEW YORK, Oct. ¥ —Headed by Eli
hu Root, secretary of state, wembers
of President Roosevelt's cabinet will
take an active part in the New York
state campaign and will address meet-
ings here and up the state in the inter
est of Charles E Hughes, the cand
date for governor, and the severnl Re
publican candidates for congress. The
secretary will be aided by Speaker Jo
seph GG. Canuon, Secretary of the
Treasury Leslie M. Shaw and Senator
Representative Jawes S. Sherman,
chalrmatt of the Hepublican congres-
sional committee, was in Washington
conferring with President Roosevelt
about the campaign, and It was at this
confab With the president that it was
decided to bring Secretary Root Into
the campaign In this state.
Mr. Root will speak in Carnegie hall,
New York, during the week of Uct. 22.
He will be preceded by Mr. Cannon,
who will address a New York meeting
on Oct. 10. Mr. Cannon and Mr. Shaw
will speak at several places up the
state. Mr Cammon will speak at White
Plains Oct. 17 and at Niagara Falls
and Batavia Oct. 20. Mr. Shaw will be
at New Rochelle Oct. 18, Oneonta apd
Kingston Oct. 22, Ilion and Utica Oct.
28 and Oct. 24.
ughes’ itinerary for the week
has been completed apd announced
He and Lieutenant Governor M. Lion
Bruce started the trip together, begin-
ning at Yonkers and Mount Vernon
last night, going to Lyots tonight, Buf-
falo tomorrow night. Geneva Thursday
afternoon, Cisandsigua Thursday
night, Peou Yan Friday afternoon.
Seneca Falls Friday evening aud Aw-
stendawn Saturday evening,
The ouly other dates for Mr. Hughes
positively fixed are Troy Oct. 18 and
Elmira Oct. 23.
Mr. Hughes will travel lu a special
Pullman car, which he will share with
the mewspaper men and others of his
party. It will be & “Dutch treat” all
around, every member of the party
paying his own fare.
Timothy L. Woodruff, chairman of
the state committes, prociaims that he
feared more than any
thing else. He with the Re
publicans to believe that they have a
William R. Hearst, candidate for gov-
ernor on the Independence league and
Dewmecratic tickets, began his week's
campaigning with four addresses In
New York last night. One meeting was
held In the lower east side and three on
the west side, Including an epen alr
meeting Iu Abingdon square. At each
gathering a large and enthusiastic
crowd greeted the candidate.
Thoredoy Mr. Hearst will leave on
another up state trip, addressing meet-
ings arranged as follows: Corning, Oct.
11; rns Oct. 12; Binghamton, Oct
18; Cortlafld, Qct. 15; Oswego, Oct. 18;
Ogdensburg, Oct. 17; Plattsburg, Oct
18; Glens Falls and Saratogs, Oct, 19;
Schenectady, Oct 20.
Mz. Hearst will be accompanied by
Lewis Btuyvesant Chanler, candidate
for lisutenant governor on the same
ticket. and Arthur Brisbane, both of
whom will speak, and many other
prominent Democrats
Last night Mr. CHanler devoted his
attention to public corporations, which,
be declared, sbould be controlled LY
the public to the extent at least that
the public, threugh the government,
should be permitted to examine thelr
books, as the Looks of hanks are ex-
amined, and the directors held crimi-
liable for any false statements,
& special meeting of the central
bedy of the Direct Nominations lsague,
8 nonpartisan organization, bere a res-
olution was adopted condemulng the
Republican majority in the last legisla:
ture for its attitude toward the direct
nominations bill and the recent Repub-
lican state convention at Saratoga for
its action regarding a direct nomina-
tions plank in the platforms. The reso
lution concludes with an indorsement
of the candidacy of William R. Hearst
for the governorship.
Sehoolgirl a Suleide.
OWOBSO0, Mich, Oct. 9.—Bessle GI
rardy, aged twelve, a schoolgir), com-
mitted suicide by taking poison in the
presence of four of her little playmates
at the pump house of the country
school In Venice township. That the
child should concelve and carry out a
plan of suicide is attributed to the
reading of sensational novels.
Thish Menarch's Malden Veyage.
NEW YORK, Oct. 9.~The new Brit-
ish steamer Irish Moumrch, Captain
Grabam, arrived here on her maiden
vayoge from Glasgow after a good pas
sage Of twelve days. The Irish Mou:
arch was built at Old Kilpatrick. She
registers 4.200 tous gross and ls ftted
with all the Jatest modern appilances.
Faviey te Be Cardinal Seon.
ROME, Oct. 9 "Archbishop Farley
of New York aad Atchbishop Begin of
Quebec are tu be elevated to the car.
digalate” This statement was made
by a person high ln Vatican circles. It
was sald that the elevation will be
the November consistory
Commander of Sevastopol Treops Is
Woeuaded—Fired on Assailant,
SEVASTOPOL, Oct. §.— A bomb was
thrown at Major Gegeral Dumbadze,
commander of the troops, as Le was
driving to the barracks of the Brest
regiment. The general, who was slight:
ly wounded, Sired on his assailant. The
latter after a struggle with some sol
diers escapad.
Troops Immediately surrounded the
barracks and the neighborhood and
searched all the houses. It is believed
that several persons were implicated in
the attempt. The general's coachman
and two orderlies who were following
the carriage were severely wounded,
This Is the second attempt on the
general's life, as n bomb was thrown
gt Major General Dumbadze, who was
then colonel, commanding the Brest
regiment, on July 19 last when he was
leaving the court martial which Lad
been trying mutineers of the Black sea
fleet at Sevastopol. Dumbadze was uu-
Injured at that mttempt.
Bombs Thrown at a Gevernor.
KABAN, Russia, Oct, 9—Two bombs
were thrown at Vice Governor Kobelo,
but he was only slightly injured. The
would be assassin escaped
Terrorists Hanged.
WARSAW, Russian Poland, Oct. 9 —
Three terrorists were hanged here aft
er having been sentenced to death by
a drumbead court martial.
W. J. Bryan In Kansas—raises Pres-
ident Roosevelt.
FORT SCOTT, Kan, Oct. 9-—-WIl
liam J. Bryan made his first Kansas
speech of this campaign here. He sald
in part:
“f am glad to come to Kansas, and
I am glad to find a spirit here that we
have not always found in politics. In
fact, unless | am very much mistaken,
we are approaching a time when we
can consider public measures with less
of partisanship than we have before In
“I can remember when I first enter
ed politics that there was such a
strong feeling in regard to parties that
It wai almost impossible for a man
belonging to any one party to find any
thing good in another party, This
State bas dene much to break down the
old feeling. President Roosevelt Las
done a good deal to convince the pud
lic that there Is something good In the
Democratic platforms. He had the
courage to take up some of the re
forms the Democrats advocated before
his party bad advocated thew
“The president has done much good,
f don’t know what be might have done
bad he had au environment favorable
to reform. He has done rewarkable
things for a man who had to fight Lis
leaders all the way through”
Balley Offers His Services.
AUSTIN, Tex, Oct. 9A proposal
tion from Senator J. W. Balley to as
sist In representing the state In the
matter of prosecuting the Waters
Plerce Oll company as part of tbe
Standard Oil company says be would
be glad to lend what assistance Le
could Iu the way of developing facts In
connection with the case. To this
proposition the attorney general re
plied that while he appreciates the in
terest manifested by the senator be is
able to handle the case with facts now
fronting him, but If he needs any ad
ditional assistance or advice he will
deem It a pleasure to call upon the
Twe Arrvestd In Migh Lake Murder.
HONESDALE, Pa, Oct. 9-Clarles
McVey and Michael Clune of High
Lake are in the county fall bere charg
ed with the murder of Patrick Furle,
former tax collector of Preston town
ship. Furle's body was found by the
roadside near High Lake with the base
of his skull crushed. The three men
bad been at Equinunk, and Furie and
McVey, it 12 sald, quarreled. After an
Investigation by the coroner McVey
and Clune were arrested.
Jewels Hidden Under Eggs.
NEW HAVEN, Conn. Oct. 0. Jewel:
ry valued at $1,000 and $128 lu money,
covered by eggs and a cake of fresh
butter, In a market basket, were left
in a Branford electric car. John Den
ney, a substitute conductor, turned
them over to the company In this city,
and Le Roy J. Kirkham of East Haven
claimed them. Mrs. Kirkham left the
basket in the car when going home
from her shore cottage. Her husbaud
left no reward for the conductor
Alabama Officers Acguitied.
WABHINGTON, Oct. 0. Acting Sec
retary Newberry of the uavy depart
ment has approved the findings of ac
quittal in the court martial (n the case
of Captain Samuel! P. Comley and
Lieutenant A, W. Pressey, who were
recently tried ou charges growing out
of the collision between thelr ship, the
Alabama, and Illinols off Brenton's
reef, Rhode Island.
Was Tired of Her Children.
NEW YORK, Oct, 9 ~The body of a
woman who was fished out of the East
river Is supposed to be that of Marie
Greeley of 110 Boulevard, Rockaway
Beach, an young woman who sald she
was tired of her two beautiful children
Decause they were in ber way, [Her
husband 1s employed at a hotel in
Falled to Identify Him,
. NEW YORK, Oct, 9. Miss Eugenie
Ladenburg, who was attacked and drag.
ae from ber pony at Westbury, N. V,
nant by two men whe are
Frank T. Brouwer on Trial at
Toms River.
Prominence of Physician and Wide
Pablicity of Accusation Made It
Difleuit te Select un Jury
on the First Day.
TOME RIVER, N. J, Oct 9-Dr.
Frank T. Brouwer faced thie relentless
enmity of his late wife's relatives as
he sat in the courtroom bere on trial
for his life
The examination of a score of tales
men has resulted lo the selection of a
Jury, headed by 8. Judson Ridgeway
of Little Ege Harbor as foreman
Dr. Brouwer closely the
choosiug of the jury, and several times
when Lis counsel appeared to be about
to accept a wan the prisoner leaned
forward and whispered to his Jawyer,
shakiag his head ln an emphatic way,
whereupon the man in the chalr was
promptly rejected
The prominence of Dr. Brouwer, who
is one of the best known physicians ja
the county, aud the wide publicity
given to the case made it difficult to
find wen acceptable ta both sides, and
the opening session was taken up In
choosing a jury, the last wan being
accepted Just before the court ad-
Trevonlan Hyeg and Miss Elizabeth
Hyer, brother and sister of the dead
woman, have for a year persistently
urged the logal authorities to prosecute
the physician upon the charge of caus
ing his wife's death ou Sept. 28, 1005
Mrs. Brouwer's relatives had opposed
ber marriage to the physician years
ago, and stories of their quarrels, his
alleged Il treatment of Ler and their
sister's dylag words, construed as an
accusation, were repeated to the public
Arsenic and ground glass are sald to
bave been giveu Mrs Brouwer by her
husovazd as she lay ill
Hyer aud Lis sister, who are wealthy,
say they have positive evidence of the
physician's guilt and that they will re
veal new and startling evidence that
will leave Ip doubt as to the gullt of
their brother in-law
Supreme Court Justice Charles E
Hendrickson is presiding, and the case
for the state is being conducted by
Prosecutor Theodore J. KR. Brown, as
sisted by Frank McDermott of New
ark and A. E Johuson of Red Bank
The prisoner Is defended by J
Carmichael and kdmaoud Wilson
Red Bank and A. E. Arrowsiuith
Each side his wore than forty wit
nesses, and Mr. McDermott sald that
Le believed the trial would last two
weeks. esidents of this place who Le
lHeve that Brouwer Is Innocent have
contributed $2.00 to nid in bis defense
Fhe ease against Dr. Brouwer lo its
principal allegatious resembles those of
Carlyle Harris and Dr. Buchanau. In
both of these poison was the alleged
agent of death
Chandler Will Keep His Job,
WASHINGTON, Oct, 0 -The presi
deat Issued an order continuing the
Spanish treaty clalms commission to
March 2, 17. This is the commission
of which former Senstor William E
Chandler of New Hampshire Is pres
dent. It was rumored last wiuter after
the seusational passage of arms be
tween the president and ex Senator
Chandler over the rallroad rate bill
that the commission would be abol-
Ship's Safe Hobbed.
PARIS, Oct, 9A dispatch from Car
tagena, Spain, announces that a sensa
tou was caused there by the discovery
that the strong box of the Italian
steamer Sirio, wrecked In August last
ou Romigus Island, with the loss of
about 150 lives, although found to be
hermetically sealed, was empty, rals-
ing the presumption of the complicity
of the crew In the wreek
Couple Charged With Child Murder.
PORT HURON, Mich, Oct. 0. Bert
and Mollie Kemp, aged thirty-nine and
twenty-nine respectively, are under ar
rest here charged with murdering thelr
baby. The child was born one week
after thelr marriage. The police say
that Kemp confessed the crime, saying
that shame drove him to it. Kemp Is
sald to Lave decinred that his wife had
nothing to do with it
Got Strike Order From Washington.
KNOXVILLE, Tenn, Oct. 9. Fifty
machinists and seventy five helpers
and apprentices weot on strike at the
coster shops of the Southern railway,
located here. The strike was lu re
sponse to telegraphic advices from the
union's representatives fn Washington
In conference with Southern rallway
Roosevelt ua New York Senator,
WASHINGTON, Oct. 0. — Heports that
President Roosevelt wants to be selia
tor fro New York to succeed Seuator
Platt are being revived liere Ihe
president, vn the authority of men in
timate with hla, not only desires to
be senator after be ends his present
term, but frankly admits that ambition
Raliroad Machinists Strike,
BIRMINGHAM, Ala, Oct, 0 All
the machinists in the shops of the
Southern raliway in Birmingham are
on strike ln accordance with the gen
eral movement along the system among
the shop men for higher wages.
Roosevelt Will Ge to Isthmus.
WASHINGTON, i 0. President
Roosevelt intends If possible to visit
Inti this Mi and. olless there
fronsides, nt © to 2, Capinres Main
Event at Belmont Park.
NEW YORK, Oct. 0 —lronsides, at 5
to 2 In the betting, won the Jerome
handicap for three year olds, one mile
and fvesixtesnths, at Belmont park,
and in winning the son of Meddler
Hanoana equaled. the world's record
for the distance by stepping It In
2.1035 Bedouin ran it in the same
time last year. Good Luck, backed
down from 5 to 2 to 9 te 5, favorite,
was second, Runuing Water third
Ironaldes Lroke in front, and Radtke
sent him into the lead and made the
pace. At the end of the first half mile
he was leading by two lengths and
soutinued lu front with this advantage
to the stretch. Here Wiliams ou Good
Luck began to close in and, coming
very strong, soon was oh even lerms
with the leader, but Williams stopped
riding Good Luck, and Hadtke put
fronsides under a hard drive and won
hy a nose Luck was three
lengths before Running Water,
In the colts’ half of the $10,000 Ma-
tron stakes, six furlongs straightaway,
Ballot, the § to 20 favorite, scored an
ensy victory. He took command carly
and won by one aud a balf lengths
Adoration, backed down from 6 to 0 to
2, wou the fillies’ half of the Matron
She ran second to the favorite, Pope
Joau, to the final quarter, when she
drew away and won by two lengths
Five favorites were defeated. Jockey
Cochran was suspended for the remain
der of the meeting by Starter Cassidy
for disobedience ut the post in the first
race. Suminaries
First Race —Macy, Jr, first; Giovad
ni Balerio, second; Runnels, third
Second Hace. — Ballot, first; Okenite,
second; Hickory, third
Third Race Adoration, first;
tic, second; Pope Joan, third
Fourth Race —lronsides, first; Good
Luck. second; Running Water, third.
Fifth Race. —Altuda, first; Arimo,
second; Merrill, third
Sixth Race Bad News, first;
Doyle, second; Jungle Imp, third
Shooting Affilray at Louisville Track.
LOUISVILLE, Ky, Oct, 8 -Preten
siou, at a short price, simply galloped
over his field in the third race, the fea-
ture event. Zerolin repeated by win
uing the steeplectmse, Just before the
horses went to the post lu the sixth
race Bookmaker Sam Stephens kicked
sd Alvey, a local bookmaker, under
Ivey drew Lis pistol and
2 rauge. The
ver his
bullet ¢
stowach and lo
Bob Winslow, Stephens ©
low picked the buliet out of Lis u
shirt, where It had lodged against the
skin of Lis abdomen, He was unin
jured, save for a bLrulse. The quarrel
started over a bet and almost caused
a panic lo the batting shed
Miss Mackay Lends Golfers.
WEST NEWTON, Mass, Oct, 9.-
houors In the qualifying round,
opened the twelfth national
golf champlonship at (he Brae Burn
Country club bere, rested on the shoul
ders of Miss Pauline Mackay of the
Oakley Country club of Boston and the
present title holder. Her score of 87
for the eighteen holes was the best
card of the seventy which were hauded
in by players froin all parts of the
country and by oue from Canada. Miss
Frances C. Osgod of Boston was seo
ond, with 80
Both Confident of Victory.
CHICAGO, Oct. 9 — Ideal haseball
weathor Is indicated here, aud every
one In Chicago and the surroundiug
country ever the wpatioual
game of America played Is anxiously
waiting for the call of thwe thls after
goon when the Chleago Natiouals and
the Chicago Americans will meet in
the first gawe of a series of seven for
the world’s championship. Both teams
are in excellent condition for the strug
gle, aud both are confident of victory
who saw
Lillian HR. at Lezsington.
R. won the Johnson stake here, Sister
Collette got second money, Czarina
Dawson third and The Phantom fourth
Ex-Senator Foley Burled.
SARATOGA, N. XY, Oct. U.—-The Sar
atoga county bar took appropriate ac
tion on the death of ex State Senator
Jolin Foley. A committee was appoint
&l to prepare a memorial to be intro
duced at the uext session of the su
preme court, The funeral of ex State
Senator Foley was held this worning
at St. Peter's Roman Catholic church
Left Haby In a Vallmas,
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 9 -Nestling
in the corner of a in a Pull
man conch of the Pitsburg express, a
pretty blue eyed girl baby
sound aslecp Ly the
Broad street station
the Central station
searching for the
was expensively clothed
ouductor at the
He carried ber to
aid the police
mother I'he
“The Glel and the Governor.”
and the a comic opera in
three at the Na
tional theater in this city last night for
the first time on nny stage The lead
ing rule is taken by Jefferson De Au
golls, under whose entire personal su
pervision the play 1s produced
acts, was produced
Nominated on Gh Ballet
LOCKPORT, N.Y, Oct 8% In the
Forty seventh district Republican sen
atorial convention 8. I'. Franchot of
Niagara Falls was nominated ou the
four hundead aid sixty sixth ballot
A special train Jeft immediately with a
committee carrying the certificate of
gow ination Lo Albany,
Ryan's Son Dead at Oak Ridge.
| LYNCHBURG, Va, Oct. 9.-W. K,
Ryan, son of Thomas F. Ryan of New
[ York, Sled suddenly at Oak Ridge.
Standard Qil to the Ohio Bar
at Findlay.
Great Octopus (Charged by Buckeye
State With Violation of Antitrust
Laws In lis Domination of
the Oil Industry
FINDLAY, O, Oct. 9 — Charged with
conspiracy against trade ju violation
of the antitrust laws of the state, the
Standard Oil company of Ohio and its
alleged constituent companies, the
Buckeye Pipe Line and the Maunbattan
(il company, were placed on trisl here
today before Judge Gideon GG. Banker
and a Jury In the probate court of
Hancock county
Iu the original Information filed by
County Prosecutor William L. David,
John I. Rockefeller was made a party
to the sult, but through the granging of
a request for a separate trial Mr
Rockefeller will not be called as a de
fendaut until the case against the com
pany has been disposed of, Mr, Rocke
feller, it is sald. will not be summoned
as a witness and will wot attend the
The information, to which a plea of
nol guilty was entered, alleges that the
formation of a “Standard Ol trust”
in IST and its continuance to the pres.
ent time in domination of the oll In-
dustry of the state Is contrary to the
statutes of the state
If the wauner of (nstituting the suit
—by information instead of by grand
jury indictment—and the jurisdiction
assumed by the probate court are up
held in the higher state courts the case
will assume added importance, as In-
dicating an easier and more direct
method for nction against alleged trade
Both the manner of bringing the suit
and the jurisdiction of the probate
court were questioned by the attorneys
for the defenss but Judge Banker de
cided aginst them on all points, and
no appe taken on these pre
Hminary questions uotil after the case
has been tried
Judge Banker ruled that a violation
of the Valentine law coustituted a mis
demeanor and that the
the legislature probate courts
concurrent jurisdiction with common
pleas courts over all misdemeanors,
can Ia
fast session of
Babble Wowlg Prteke Death.
NEW YORK, Oct U- Johu Hewman,
years oll, of 629 East Thirteenth
I site other children, was
sight of his mother on
the third floor oF 120 Avenue CC. John's
companious, about his own age, rere
blowing soap bubbles out of the win
dow. An unusually large bubble was
shaken from the clay pipe held by one
of the children. Jolin, crowing with
delight, made a grasp at the beautiful
sphere. He lost his balance and fell to
the street. He was Killed, his neck be
ing broken and his skull fractured.
Charged With Doctoring Hams.
PHILADELPHIA, Oct, 9. ~Warrants
were sworn out by Dr. B. H. Warren,
dalry and food commissioner, for the
arrest of the Philadelphia managers of
Armour & Co, one of the members of
the so called beef trust, charging the
riz with the lllegal use of boric acid
in hams. Samples purchased at the
branch Louses of Armour & Co. were
analyzed by Professor Lawall, chem-
ist of the department, and showed, It
is alleged, that the hams bad been
“doctored” with boric acid
Wrecks In Cale on Lake Superior.
HOUGHTON, Mich, Oct. 9.—A ter
ritic gale Is raging on Lake Superior
Fhe Large Pasadena, in tow of the
steamer Gladstone, was blown on the
rocks and Is a total wreck. Three of
her crew were drowned, while seven
others reached shore after a terrific
battle with the surf. A number of ves
sels had Leen sheltered In Lily Pound
harbor, but some of these started out
In the face of the storm, and much
anxlety is felt for thelr safety
General Strike on
ATLANTA, Ga, Oct. 8 -Two hun-
dred men employed In the Routhern
railway shops in this city laid down
thelr tools and walked out in accord
ance with telegraphic Instructions
from President McConnell of the wma
chinists’ unlon at Washington. The
strike Is general, covering the eutire
Southern railway system, and about a
thousand men are involved, The wen
demanded an increase in wages of 25
cefitas a day
Southern Road
Drank Volsoned Whisky.
Webster of Canlwell, Mo
Iv of Geneva, Mo, who
fromm Manila, Ark. violeatly (ll are
dead They stated that they had
bought whisky at Maulla, which wade
them sick Another wal, uawe un
known, Is lylog at the polut of death
In a hospital, having polsoued
frow drinking whisky
B. Nal
Monument to Laknown Soldiers
AUGUSTA, Me, Oct 9A mopu
ment erected In Mount Pleasant ceme
tery over the graves of the unknown
soldiers who did while In camp here
at the breaking out of the civil war
wis unveiled and dedicated Schools
and all places of business were closed
during the eoxercises, In which the
school children took a prominent part
Train Wreck In Nova Scotia.
HALIFAX, N. 8, Oct. 9 - A Sydney
and Loulsburg passenger train is re
ported wrecked near Clace Bay. Three
oersons are reported kill and eleven n-
Weather Probabilities.
Our values are equal to last
son’s in every respect, regardless
tbe sharp advance in raw mt ri
Early buying makes it possible.
Our pcrchases were made a year
ahead. We bought before the ad
Children's fleece lined from 10cup
Children’s shaped, flected lined
124¢ up. :
Ladies’ fleeced lined, from 2
Full line of Infant's unde
bands and vests of every deg
Night Dresses
New lot of outi
are worth $1.00, ih
ttan 75c. Specially priced 89¢.
NewLine of Kid Gloves
Cet a pair belore they get beyond
your reach in price.
They are constant’y advanciog.
Plaids for Children
New dress plaids in the newest
combinations, prices begin ab 13e.
Our lipes of waisting3 are as com.
plete as you will find in the cities.
Over 100 patterns from ¢everal of
the best makers in ths country,
They were all bought direct from
tte manufacturers and we sall i
at saving prices to you.
Yarns, Yarns, ) Yarns
We are headquarters for yarns.
The Scranton st res sells tons of
yarns every season, w prices
on quantities in Sayre.
We are showing the following in
yarhs for shawls, socks, jackets,
sweaters, hoods, fascinatoss, elo, ele.
in the following weights: Home
made, Honesdale, German Knitti
Angora, Floss, y, Spani
Angora wool and G town.
the most wanted shades. Qur brand
are the best obtainable and pried
¥ Our ability lo serve you well in
blankets has been demonstrated.
We are giving last season's val
ues. We bought them very early
and direct from the mills, saving
the middleman's profit for you
Goods cheerfully shown whether
you buy os 50% or not.
Trimming Braids
Our new line of trimming
bristles with freshness and style.
Very pretty ones from Sc to 75¢ in
band edges, pull plaids and plaids and fancies.
Dress Goods
If you did not sec w Bat you daa
ed last week, you may fin tidy.
We are constantly edding to this
Wednesday Special
10 styles of §0c dress geods, all
new for one day only. Wednesday
special 39¢. -
a ov Fotent cloth at 48 a
rcbes, etc, It comes in cream x
red, light blue and pink. Ln
delight of every lady who sees them.
Advertised in magazines at 60c.
Qur price is S00. -
Globe Warehouse,
Talmadge Block, Elmer Ave.