The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, October 06, 1906, Image 3

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Confronted By Indisputable
Bvidence of the Crime
- The Valley Record
“AI the mows that's £1 to print”
Mrs, Dubois Bll of South Key-
Just Received
The fifth book of the
$1.50 copyright books to
sell at 50 cents. ‘“The
House of Defense.”
Justreceived ten thous-
and fancy and local post
cards, including Metho-
dist, Catholic and Bap-
tist churches.
Lockhart St.
Fine fresh oyster crackers at
Wood's bakery, 126-3
“Joshua Simpkins” at the Loom-
There will be Communion serv-
ice at the Presbyterian church to-
morrow morning. Special music
by the choir in the evening. The
pastor will take for his subject
“The final choice.”
Join the Order of the Golden
Seal. It admits both ladies and
gentlemen between the ages of 16
and Go, It furnishes greater bene-
fits both socially and financially
it. Jennie M. Cole, District Or
ganizer, No. 414 Desmond street, {
An order has been issued to].
equip 50 engines on the Wyom-
ing division of the Lehigh Valley
with two air pumps instead of one,
This is being done 50 as to always
have one pump in reserve in case
the other refuses to work. When
this provision is complied with it
is said that the Wyoming will have
IN pn uieped cugines on the
H. L Gilopi: stared lat
m Harrisburg,
kins county jail yesterday morning
by Mrs, Fred Tucker, who lives
about nine miles from Ithaca on
the Mecklenburg road, and who
stated positively that he was the
man who ate breakfast at her home
on Monday morning between eight
and nine o'clock, Clarence Ely,
one of the men under arrest charg-
ed with stealing $1,195 from the
Lehigh Valley station at Ithaca,
broke down and confessed He
then agreed to accompany the of~
ficers and detectives to Watkins
and show them where he had con
cealed the money.
Several other women who lived
near the home ol Mrs. Tucker
identified Ely as th: maa who
passed along the road on Monday
morning. Sooa after being identi-
fied by Mrs. Tucker he lost the air
of selfsassurance and coafidence
that he has assumed since his ar-
Bryant, the operator who was on
duty at the time the theft occur-
red, was released on $2,000 bail
yesterday. It is not believed now
now that he was implicated in the
robbery, Itis expected that the
officers of the company will recov~
er all but $100 of the stolen mon-
The quick work of the officers
Ithaca and the company detectives
is to be commended. They had
their man - under arrest within a
few hours after the discovery of
the robbery,
Several Cars Were Derailed but
Fortunately No One Was In-
A headon collision on the Le-
high Valley railroad on Thursday
evening between two freight trains,
resulted in the destruction of sever-
al freight cars, but fortunately no
lives were lost. The freight which
leaves Elmira at 7 o'clock had
reached VanEtten and was switch-
ing cars on the siding when the
freight which passes through Ithaca
from Cortland crashed into it, Sev-
eral cars oa both trains were de-
railed and the engineer and firemen
on both locomotives were badly
shaken up. .
The Magazine Section of the
New York Sunday World is alone
equal to one of the ten-cent popu-~
lar magazines, It is printed in
color and, with the funny section
added, consists of 16 large pages
of text and illustration. Many
thousand dollars are spent each
month in the preparation of its
contents. The best authors and
artists write and draw for it.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church will hold a rummage sale
in the Carey buildigg near the
Packer avenue bridge oa October
15, 16 and 17. A large number of
useful articles have been donated
for this sale, all of which are in
d condition and this will be an
unusual opportunity to secure
some bargains,
Black Diamond Legion, N, P.
L., held a public pay-off last night
at which time dividend checks
amounting to nearly £1,200 were
Hopes to Recover Stolen Money
Through the Assistance of a
This morning Joe Beniat, acs
companied by several Hungarians,
left on Lehigh train No 8 for the
city of Wilkes-Barre, Benint is
the man who had a trunk stolen
from his home about three weeks
ago. The trunk contained about
$675 in money, besides a quantity
of women’s and children’s clothing,
The next day after the robbery
Chief of Police Walsh found the
trunk on the banks of the Susque-
hanna river, near the new bridge
It bad been broken open, the cloths
ing was scattered on the ground,
but no trace of the missing money
was found.
Since the robbery Benint has
made all kinds of cfiorts, with the
assistance of the police, to get trace
of the thieves, but without satis-
factory results, Recently, how-
ever, Benint resolved to try an-
other method, and this morning
he went to Wilkes-Barre to con-
sult a fortune teller of that city,
The sorceress is said to have been
highly successful in handing out
information of this character and
when Joe left the station this
morning he was confident that af-
ter he has consulted the fortune
teller it will only be a matter of a
few days when he will recover his
money. Of course it will be an
easy malter for the fortune teller to
give accurate information as to the
location of the money. In fact the
information that Joe will receive
from her will be as useful to him
as larrow cow.
This morning Coleman Hassler,
the well known councilman from
the secoad ward, and John Gums
bert left on Lehigh train No. 8 for
Wyalusing, Previous to starting,
Councilman Hassler visited the
various business places where am-
munition is sold and depleted the
stock, so that it is said that there is
not an ounce of shot or powder in
the town at the present writing,
When Hassler and Gumbert reach
Wyalusing they will at once take
to the tall timber in that region of
Bradford county known as Lime
Hill 2. Itis expected that when
they return this evening they will
be laden with gray squirrels in
great numbers, provided they can
escape the diligence of the game
The firm of Child, Waltman &
Young have this day dissolved
partnership, The business will be
continued under the firm name of
C. A, Child & Co., who will assume
all outstanding accounts and lias
C. A. Child,
M. A. Waltman.
__ _W.C Young.
Mial Lilley will “receive the unquali-
fied support of the corrupt Republican
machine, Under the cover of President
Roosevelt's request to vote for Repabli-
can congressmen the machine will insist
that Lilley is logleally entitled to Re-
publican votes. The voter, however,
will not ba deceived. The voter knows
that if his ballot is cast for Lilley it is
simply a ballot for the perpetuity of a
rascally political organization which
has mado the state of Pennsylvania an
object of contempt.
The Recurd believes that the interests
of the people of this county will be best
subserved by electing George W. Kipp
to congress. Mr. Kipp is a thorough
business map, a man of undoubted in-
tegrity, acd can be implicitly relied
upon to keep his pladges he makes in
his letter of acceptance,
The Record urges its readers to care-
fally peruse the letter of George W,
Kipp, aceepting the nomination for ccn-
gress in this distriet. It is a document |
which has the true riag, and which has | |
already oreated consternation In the |
18 for reform In. this state
EE es
[ identified
Crack of Machine Whip Last
the Same Opinion Still
Notwithstanding the boasts of Lilley's
supporters that their master can whip
the people of Sayre and Athens back
{nto line whenever ha gets at it, it is
very evident that the great boss himself
and his small staff of friends are greatly
worried at the situation in this part of
Bradford county. Mial has been spend-
ing the major portion of his time ia this
vicinity daring the last week or so in
the endeavor to re-establish his old-time
strength. Bat the effort has proved as
fatile ax the desire was vain. It is true
that he has won over a few wavering
spirits and added to his force an Indi-
vidaal or two whom his oppogenis are
secretly rejoiced to see on the other
side— for then they know just where to
place them». But al the same time a
quiet defection from the ranks of the
men who have hitherto rolled up the old
time party vote has been going one The
people of the City of the Plains have at
Iast found Mial oat, and they are deter-
mined that they will no longer be used
as tools of the big boss. They are tired
of palling chestnuts out of the fire for
him, and declare that heraafter thoy wil
take no orders from anyone, but will
vote as they see fit. The peopleol Sayre,
Athens and South Waverly form one of
the most progressive, intelligent and
self-respecting communities in the state,
and it is unworthy of thelr high stand-
ing to do the bidding of Boss Lilley, or
any other boss.
As a matter of fact, the people of the
and the whole state—are throwing off
the yoke of bossism. The movement is
ore that every citizen should support
heartily without reference to any pre-
vious condition of party servitade into
which he may have been drawn. The
man in this county who boasts that Le
always votes the straight Republican
ticket is becoming a decided curiosity.
Just for example, how can the Republie-
ans of Athens township consistently ad-
vance any such claim when, at the last
elestion, the Democratic candidate for
sheriff received a unanimous vote in
that district 7 Look at the magnifl-
cent vote this same candidate rve-
ceived in Bayre and Athens! The
Republican candidate for the
shrievalty possessed every attribule
that makes a man a good citizen, yet he
was overwhelmingly defeated. Consider
the resalt of tho Republican primaries
that preceded the last election. Hon, L.
T. Hoyt, one of the members of the Leg-
islature who, In accordance with
the unwritten law of Bradford county
Republicanism should have been re-
nominated for the second term,—a young
man of great ability, considerable at-
taloments and wide acquaintance, de.
feated by a veritable avalanche of bal-
lots | The machine adherents professed
to ask the reason for Mr. Hoyt's defeat,
but deep down in their hearts they
knew before the thought found audible
expressicn. Mr. Hoyt failed of renomi-
pation because he was backed by the
boss, and the same reason accounted for
Mr. Coddiog's defeat. Resentment
against the state machine took the form
of a majority in this county for Berry,
Democratic candidate for state treas-
urer. With this independence in voting
before one, how can it be argued that
the end of Lilleyism and machine rule is
not in sight ? And what folly for the
boss to have exclaimed to a newspaper
man at Bayre a few days ago, “Tell your
people that I'll skin 'em to the queen's
taste |”
The blind worship of party name is
largely responsible for the reign of boss-
ism throughout thes whole country.
Apd yet the boss is without party
principle. His only motive is self-Inter-
est, pure and simple, and he merely uses
the party name as an auxiliary toward
accomplishing his own selfish purposes.
The party flag is waved to inflame the
prejudice of the voter and render him
oblivious to the promptings of sober
second thought. Bat no matter bow vig-
orously the banner may be flaunted in
the face of the party man, no matter
how imperiously the dictator may com-
mand him to bow down to the party idol,
the time will come when this party wan
will rend the banner and destroy not
only the idol but the one who has ruled
him. 1t is this spirit that has reduced
the one-time Republican majority of
Bradford county from 5,000 to the point
where it is often a very doubtfal quan-
tity, and occasionally a minus quantity.
The Record believes that there are
just as many Republicacs in Bradford
county today as there were twenty
years ago, bat their feelings have been
80 outraged by bossism, as exemplified
in Lilleylsm, that they do not blindly
follow the party flag as they once did
It is evident that the people are waking
up to this fact, and it ix no wonder that
the boss Is worried, for his sole hope of
success lies in the old, old Bppe: al to
party prejodice. We say all honor to
the people of this county for their revolt
Baaingt demagogism, and all honor to
® voter everywhere who has the cour-
o 30 seloot his own candidates without
tation from any boss !
Here's Your Chance
Ged 6 per cml On your money. Oli edge real
ou s
The “Banmmicn’ Pillows are filled
with pure, clean and odorless feathers,
Enough feathers are used to properly fill
the ticking cover. A pillow not properly
mads or filled cannot give satisfaction,
Every pair of ‘'Exuznicn’’ Pillows is
sweet and pure, and is guaranteed to
give entire satisfaction, or money ree
205 Desmond Bt, Valley Phone 191
eal +
Ee a lll
Just what you are looking for, first class insurance fc
actual cost, on fraternal plans. Insures both sexes be-
tween 18 and 60 years. Also writes policies cove
sickness and accident, paying dividend each five years.
Oall on
5 /
Office 112 Desmond St., Sayre.
Bell and Valley Phone.
This is an excel-
lent time of year to
have a heating sys-
tem installed and
ready for the hard
winter which the
h | weather man says
Mis coming.
We would be plea-
sed to offer sugges-
tions or give esti-
'mates on steam, hot
'water or hot air sys-
tems. We sell the
satisfactory “Win-
chester steam and
=hot water heaters,
tho American Rad-
iator Co's radiators |
and boilers and the
justly famous
“Cheerful Home"
furnace, making a
Suen line A] you to |
Dorn d oT Sa
Gas fine hing y e
——— ear m———
Both "Phones. Elmer Ave.
Wholesaler of
Wines, Boer and Ales,
Strength and Integrity:
are marked features of tha Insuramos
companies which we represent, sfiord-
ing through the most liberal
policies protection to the
which protects in every sense of
word. Every man should paver
ae quainted with the systems we offer,
{ He will have a better medium of savisg
| than is offered by any other way, 3
tog Packer Avenue, SAYRE, PA. |
Practice limited Yo dlasacaol the Eye, | ‘Maynard, yee: &Schrler
Ear, Nose and Throat, Platts Munrastly
fitted. Hours 10 tol1 am. 40l 1% Attorneys and Counselors.
8 p.m. Office and
Elmer Ave, Valley ‘phons 1
'M. P. A. Biock, Sayre, Pa. May-
nard Block, Athens, Pa
Thomas Avs, Opposite L. V, Shallon.
Rates $1.50 Per Dav. Sure.
H. H. Mercereau,
Notary Public &
attention to Pension Papers,
Valley Phone 11 X. Bs
13 Desmond Btreed, Gay.
Garpenter and Bulder,
Heavy and Light Draying and Moving
Bagsnes called for and delivered In
Atving aud Waverly,
say rh kinds of
promptly. Livery attached.
207 N. Lashigh Ave. Valley Phone 308x
Diseases of the Fye, Ear, Nose and
Throat, and the Proper Fitting of Glass-
ea. Hours—0-13; 1-5; 7-8; Sundays by
appointment. Oftioe, Wheelock Blook.
Do you know that Rlostein Bros, pays
the highest prices for Rags, Rubbers,
Iron, metals, eto. It will Py you to
call on us before disposing of your junk,
We handle it wholesale and retail. Bell
phone 80w, Calls promptly attended to.
Good weight gaaranteed. Write for
vices. BLOSTEIN BROS, corner John- | o ;
Fan & Broad mreets, Wavoriy, 8. v. |S Pleasat Bt. Waverly. Ko
Every F ht at the How. | DINING HALL AND LUNGH ROOM.
ard Eimer Hose. house Maple| - UUNGHES AT ALL HOURS.
3% Lowiuart Sonu; a