a £= : 3itW Db yg . ha — a 2 asf a = a your liking. at local prices. fall apparelings. them to you? . No Matter What the Weather Is It’s Fall by the Dry Goods Calendar And we are prepared to serve your wants in every particular. This store is one of forty buying direct, and what we save in buying at the * short price is passed over to our patrons, Besides, the assortments % here’shown are in keeping with the magnitude of the business. | Fashion's Favorite Dress Goods This is an unusual aisle in the store. The display includes every- thing from the gauzy weaves to the substantial tailor suitings, running * in hundreds of colars. ps ‘Fancy Broadcloths The best fashions stamp of ap- proval. Ve have an imported one in all the leading shades, blue, brown, myftle, garnet, and tan, 54 in. wide, $1. 79, worth $2 25, An excellent quality in almost same shades as above, 52 ip., $1.25. Another god line, 52 in., at $1.00. Grey Suitings {Tua Englhsh checks, overplaids and satripes, 54 in. at $1.50. Tweed and manbish effects at 50c, 7c, FL 00, and $1.25 per yd.; widths ~ 38 to 58 in. Get samples. |. On enmparison, Other Good Leaders A full range of shades in Panama, ~ Prenella, Granite, Serge, Cheviot, _ Crepe, Mrlrose, Wool Tamise, and t Mohair. Our word for it you can't match these unless yon go to a town 4 or 5 times as big as Sayre, "Wool Plaids and Checks at 25¢, 459, H0¢, 75¢, and 81.00, The ~ most comprehensive line we have ever shown. Look elsewhere, then here. It's for your approval. We find we thrive For the Dressmaking Season save “on the Little Things too. : We sell most 5c articles for 3c, 4c, * and Sc: we sell most 10e articles for Te, 8c, 9¢, and 10c. Silks Silks Silks - Do you kuow there is an inside to ‘many deals we make? One of them “is Bilks. A member of cur firm is “fdentified with the silk industry. We “employ jobbing prices when we buy . from the mills and we pass it on to ; ry Our assortment coupled with _ the quality and price we give will suit you. Why not collect samples ? Then we know you'll buy here. 36 in. Taffeta, 79, $1.00, £1.25, $1 50; 36 in. Colored Taffeta, $1.00; 27 in., $1.00; 27 in. Moire, $1.19; 19 in. Fancy Silks at 50c, 58¢, 69¢, 75¢, 85c, ‘and 98¢; 19 to 22 in. Fancy Plaids at bbe, 75c, $1.00, $1.25. Black Pau de Hoie is in favor fur Coats as well as Dresses, 36 in. at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, and $2.00, 7 AY, _CORVRICHT 1800 x MBuAaCha 8&5 CO > aio Ee go — a ads pu PL oy TEI ET en Rugs, Carpeting, Foot Coverings No obsolete patterns to wade through when you look here: -All- the chea made. look here and a look else~ where will be a sign board as to the, New Fall Draperies | In Artlooni aod others, goodd of special worth, confined designs, and rare values, from 87c to $7.00 each. We have too large a line to compre- hensively tell you about, but tha man and the lady attendants on the 3d floor stand ready to show you. Lamps Lamps To ‘help make cheerful the fast a proachiug long evenings. There 1 character in lamps same as in other merchandise. 42 big decorated lamps just placed on sale; a lot of smaller ones. You'll get an idea of assortment from Elmer avenue win- dow display: Price 25¢ to $9.00. Comfortables and Saket We buy these in dray loads. -The go to our customers, who know valk ues in blaiikets, full size, 49c, 596; 75c¢, 856c¢, 89¢, $1.00, $1.25, $1 50, $1. 75, Wool blankets at less. Immediate recognition is given them sa good - values and choice colorings, a com- bination you will look for bat not: always find, at $1.00, $5.25, £6.50, and Seon ‘See the tables full on street oor Ey ——— Js CHR RE hl Al ve Ca al aa A RR A BRR - Splendid line, whether for baby, boy, girl, man or woman -Werno infént's. All ‘grades and-styles; x well as prices. It will surprise you to see the assortment we carry. The Millinery Event of the Fall Occurs October 11th, 12th and 13th, When We Have Our Formal Opening. Mrs. Beatty, formerly with a leading Binghamton milliner and later of New York is here to build Hats to fit your head. We shall not spoil the pleasure of your visit by telling you of the many novelties we will bring out ! Long Doe Finish, the Moaquetaire sort, in greys, 7c. white, $1.00 and $1. 50. et Books offered at such you, it will be lh early enough So ohigous yl match your ot Solors, )! Leathers ( ices as we make =