The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, September 26, 1906, Image 2

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Brass Beds
$15 to $50.
& CO.
| Mrs. A J Taylor spent the day
'in Elmira,
| F. A Gillette was in Bingham-
(ton today.
C Ww Bullard is moving to
Owego today.
Carson Blackwell went to To
wanda today.
Curtis Thurston was confined to
| the house today with illness,
George L. Fuller and wife at-
tended the Towanda fair today.
Mrs J A. Gould and son re-
turned from their western trip to-
day. es
Purl F Lurcock moved from 2 223
Centre street to South Waverly to.
Jroay. . — :
W.G Hart and wife went to
Mrs. Joha Decker is visiting her
brother, T. H Shaw, at Elmira
J) Weller and wif: and George
Free Free
Mm A. C. Trainor, Colchester, Coan.,
that a free mample bottle of
ne hel her when she was all
loodiae is a body builder
system tonic of wonderfal merit,
Hf yon have not tried it, you shoald
a greatest system Toaio in
Sick Kidasys are pasitively
Cheap Rates West
The Erle Railroad Is agaia off+ring
low rates to the Puicifis Coast and
western ta. Ingres of Erie
Agents or write J. H Webster,
Pass. Agt., Elvira, N.Y. 990ct30
Very Low Rates
Lolo tickets are now on male via
8 Rallroad to the Pacific Coast and
western points. These rates are
ow, A and will ba in effect un-
ie desiring to get
36 tao far he h d take advantage
of these rates. Call on Erie Ticket
t = H. Webster, D.v. Pass, Agt.,
00 to Wilkes-Barre and Re-
The Lehigh Valley Railroad will
tioksia September 30th; good
and returning on spacial train on
of sale only. Special train leaves
at 7:10 x m.; retaraing leaves
3 p.m Half tickets
for Childeon. For further par
; see Lehigh Valley Ticket
Williams' Kidney Pills
you neglected your Kideys?
you yOUr nervous s
caused trouble with your Kid-
ys and Bladder? Have you pains in
loins, side, back, ins and blad-
Have you » y appearance of
Bapocially under the eyes? Too
aire bo lw urine? If so
Kidney Pills will care you.
By mail 50c. Bold by
Williams Mfg. Co, Prop's,
0, Bold by C, M. Driggs,
Week-Bnd Outings
On Saturday and Sandays from Jane
10 Beptembar 30th, tho Babigh Val-
y Rallrond will sell excursion tickets
i York state at low fares,
will provide pver Sunday outings
minimum cost for rallroad fares.
t applies generally to
state east of Geneva,
$1.50 to Ithaca and Return
Valley Railroad will imae
to Ithaca and retarn from Sayre
aborts named low fare, account Tomp-
County Pair, Sept mber 25-29. Tick-
1} be sold Sept. 25, 24, 27 and 28h;
jad for ret arn until September 29th,
and will be gool going and
oni all traing © eept the Black
Express, within prescribed
Half rate tickets will be jasusd
children, Ben Ligh Valley Fickes
wots for further urther particals culars,
; to Towanda and and ST
Lehigh Valley Railroad will is-
ue tek A Tawnads and return from
re at above samed low fare, acconnt
lord County Pale; Se t. 35-28. Tick-
will be sold Sept, + 37 and 3th;
foe rotars’ unl Sept. a, in-
ul ve good going and re-
on all $rhing axoupt LL
ton today.
The officers of Athens lodge
No. 165, 1. O. O, F, will be clected
this evening.
Miss E mma Bonney went to To
wanda last evening where she will
visit friends this week,
Daniel S. Wilbur of Windham
has been granted an increase of
pension to $17 per month,
Miss Olive Barrows will go to
Massachusetts tomorrow where she
is to remain for some time,
Mrs. J] LL Smyth, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs, ] W. Mur-
relle, returned to Laporte today.
Stephen V Ryan of New York
is sp nding his vacation with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs M W. Ryan,
will Coveny spent the night in
he borough lockup and paid a
$3 50 fiac this morning and was re-
G:orge B Richirds went to
New Albany this morning, where
he will be the guest of relatives a
short time.
Mrs Lum Kendall went to To
wanda last evening where she will
visit her sister a week and will at-
Rowen Munn and E'mer O ~
born, were among the crowd that
went to Towanda this morning to
ittend the fair.
Mrs. W. W. Gail of Cripple
Creek, Colo, is visiting her pars
-nts, Mr, and Mrs. John H. Gun.
derman i» Athens
The alumni and high school foot
bill teams will have a game on the
{icga Point grounds Saturday
fternoon, Sept. 29.
Stanley Ellis of Wysox, was in
Athens yesterday. His sister, O a
E'lis, 1s in the hospital and was
perated upon yesterday.
The third ward Stars have or-
ganized their football team for the
scason and they are ready to play
any team that is willing to com-
pete with them,
Mrs. Samuel Mott of L=Roy was
in Athens yesterday and visited the
hospital where her son Harry has
just been operated upon for appen-
dicitis. She returned home this
On September 28, 1806, Lieuten
ant Z-bulon M. Pike hoisted the
The Epworth Leaguc of Wy-
oming confererence commenced its
17th annual session at Waverly
last evening and will conclude its
meetings this evening. Mrs. Simp
son, Mrs. Leslie Farnsworth, Mrs,
Geo. Wood, and Miss Laura
Drake of Athens, were in attend-
ance today.
W. H. Nutt was riding his bi-
cycle up Main street yesterday and
when in front of Lamkin's store
had crowded to one side of the
street to pass the teams. In passing
Stacy’s ice wagon he met Mr,
Stacy, running into him, and was
thrown from the bicycle to the
pavement. He sustained a severe
cut over the left eye and an injury
to his hip. He was taken into the
store and his wounds attended to;
this morning he is able to be on
the streets, Mr. Stacy was also
injured slightly,
Athens—The meeting of the
Ladies’ Library club yesterday
afternoon was attended by about
50 ladies, As it was the annual
basket picnic it took on a szcial as-
pect which was thoroughly enjoyed
by all present. Prof. E. Lamaze,
dean of the department of lan-
guages in Scranton Correspond-
ence schools, gave a short address
explaining their methods of in-
struction in French, German and
Spanish, before going to th tables.
His method is similar to the Ros.
enthal course, employing phono-
graphs to give correct pronuncia~
tion of the words. He states that
a person of ordinary inlclligence
can gain sufficient fluenCy in any
of the three above mentioned lan
guages for commercial uses, by
devoting an hour each day for 18
months. This meeting is the be-
ginning of a regular course that is
to follow and it is desired to have
a full attendance in the future
Athens—Y -sterday was the
79'h birthday anniversary of C. P.
Hunt, and he is as hearty and lively
as any of the boys in the strects,
He works every day in the bridge
shops and is regarded as one of
their most reliable employes. He
took a day off yesterday in order
to receive his many friends who
called to congratulate him, Among
those present was Thomas Park of
U ster. Mr. Hunt is growing young
every day and we hope he may
continue in good health and vigor
f 'r many years to come.
$6 75 to New York and Return
Account popular autumn excursion,
October ith, via Lebigh Valley Railroad.
Tickets sold O tober 4th wth final re-
tarn limit of October 13th, good goin
October 4th and retarning within MRE
limit on al! trains except the Black Dia-
mood Express. For farther particalars
see Lehigh Valley Ticket Agents. 119
———— i —a——
$1.50 > Niagara Falls and return
via Erie Rallroad, Leave Waverly Sat-
urday, Sept. 20th at 1:25 am, after
midnight or Sanday morning. 116
$1.60 to Binghamton and return
during the Etposition Sept. 25 to 28
inclusive; goad on all trains and to re-
taro on or before 20th. 116
$100 to Portage and retarn Sun-
day, Oct. Tth, the last for the sea
son. 1178
Jamestown or Chautauqua passengers
lease note that the Erie Railroad Co.
now running a vestibule coach dally
on their train one through to Jamestown
without change of cars. 70
Call and See
The latest style in win-
ter waits at McMahon's.
We have the latest nov-
elties in silk, mohair and
nun’'s veiling waists. We
also just received a tull
line of underwear for men
women and children.
Call and be convinced
of the excllent quality and
low prices.
I. ©, O. F. Block,
Cor. Pine and Mala Sts., Athens
News and advertising matter may be
left at Greggs Racket Store, Waverly.
After 11 o'clock noon call the mals
office at Sayre, Valley ‘phone 138X.
Miss Della Thompson of Smith-
boro, is visiting Waverly friends,
Miss Nellie Mack has returned
home after sp: nding two weeks at
Mrs. W. S. Godshall of Bing-
bamton, is in Waverly, attending
the convention.
10,000 bait fish for sale at Lock~
erby’s barber shop. Also hair cut
and shave for 25¢c 118 12
James A Clark, Jr., Cornell "08,
who has been visiting in Waverly,
has gone to Ithaca.
C. A. Neaves is improving his
place of business by placing a
plate glass in the door.
Judson Smith of San Francisco,
a former Waverly resident, is visits
ing friends in this place.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Sager of Elizabeth street, an eight
and a half pound daughter, Scpt
G S. McGlenn and family have
gone to Troy, Ps, to be present at
the wedding of Mr. McGlenn's
E.D Sebring E-q, is moving
today from South Waverly to the
concrete apartment house on Or-
chard street.
Grand opening of fall millinery
at Miss Devlin's will commence
Thursday, Oct. 4, and continue for
three days. 18g
The Tioga county W.C. T. U.
convention will be heli at the Bap~
tist church tomorrow afternoon
and evening.
G. D. Genung, B. L.. Winters,
Seward Baldwin, F. E Hawkes
and W. C, Farley are attending the
Republican convention at Saratoga.
James P. Falsey is attending the
Democratic convention at Buffalo,
He has been appointed chairman
of the committee for this district.
The mid-week prayermeeting at
the Baptist church will be held
this evening instead of Thursday
evening as is the custom. This
change is rendered necessary be-
cause of the W. C T.U conven-
tion that will be held at the church
Waverly—A meeting of the Ia-
dependence League has been
called for this avening, at the par-
lors of the Tioga Houge. Some
time ago the county committee met
at Waverly and recommended that
the convention endorse the candis
dacy of the Hon, Byram L. Win-
ters for assembly, and it is said by
those prominent in the league
movement in Tioga county that
the convention this evening will act
favorably upon the recommenda-
tion of the committee. It is stated
that considerable pressure has been
brought to bear upon the delegates
from the various parts of the coun-
ty to prevent an endorsement of
Mr. Winters, but it seems that the
majority of the delegates stand
+quarely for his nomination by the
Waverly—A man known as
“King” Kelley has been hanging
around Waverly for several days
past. He is a broken down show-
man, and spent his time dancing in
various saloons, and amusing the
habitues of those places. He has
been sleeping in doorways, and
last night he became badly intoxi-
cated and was locked up, He bad
not thoroughly dried out this
morning, but will probably be
given a hearing this afternoon.
convention of the Wyoming Con
ference of the Epworth League
which is being held at the Meth
odist church is one of the best
since the League began its yearly
gatherings. There are about 100
delegates present from the varios
leagues in the conference, and a
large number of the Waverly peo-
ple are displaying much interest
The papers and addresses are ex-
ceptionally good. The address
delivered last evening by the Rev.
George C. Peck, D. D,, and a paper
entitled “What My Bible is to Mc"
by Miss Lottie Eastman of Lester-
shire are worthy special mention.
The convention will close tonight.
In Stone's hall at Waverly every
Saturday evening, 118 4
The W, C. T. U will meet at the
house of Mrs. Susie Hulslander.
141 North Hopkins, Thursday,
Sept. 27, at 2:30. The mothers are
especially requested to come and
bring their children.
Henry E Dixey in “The Man
on the Box" has scored such a suc-
cess in New York, Chicago, Pitts-
burg, Boston and Philadelphia, that
his route this year contains only
some half a doz:n places outside
of the largest cities. Waverly is
one of them and Mr. Dix+y will be
at the Loomis for one performance
only on the night of Wednesday,
Oct. 3. The fact that Manager
Watrous has secured the enormous
success should be appreciated by
local theatregoers so heartily that
every seat in the house should be
sold long before the curtain rises,
Seats go or sale Monday morning
atthe Western Union telegraph
office at Waverly
C. J. Kiron,
Especial care and prompt at-
tention given to moving of
®lanoe, Household Geods, Safes
The Cayuta Land Company
ob, re, Pa, desires to announce that
ve some very desirable building
het for sale on cheap and easy terms,
and that they have placed the agency
for selling them in the hands of Andrew
Evarts of this place. All those wishing
to provide themselves with homes or to
invest in lots for speculative purposes
will do well to consult with Mr. Evarts
before purchasing elsewhere, This plot
of land is nearly surrounded by indus-
trial plants, with beautiful scenery and
all the advantages of a modern Indus-
trial town, Terms to suit purchasers.
Steps are already being taken to su py
all the land comprising this plot
fall supply of the beat water the walle
affords. ANDREW EVARTS, 108 Hoapl-
tal place, Bayre, Pa. Phone 4c.
The constant repetition
of delivering good coal has
given us our reputation.
We handle Lehigh Valley
and Sullivan Coal, Hard and
Soft Wood and Steam Coal.
103 Lehigh Ave., Lockhart Bullding
Both Phones.
Advertise in The Record
When want a cement side-
walk laid in a first-class, durable
manner, call on Simeon Davis. You
will get Lhe benefit of years of prac-
tical experience. Mason work of
all kinds. Simeon Davis, Olive St,
Carpenter and Builder.
iy Pleasant 5t. Waverly, N. Y.
Diseases of Women and of the
Hours-Tho fam, 108 78pm
Enormous Triumph
® A True Story of Rural Life
Absunding in Humanity, Bubbling
Over With Joyous Comedy.
Itis so Boft, Tender and Sweetly
Pathetic, it Stirs Every Emotion
of the Human Heart
Prices 25, 35, 50 and 75c.
Advance sale Wednesday at Western
Union Te'egraph Office, Waverly.
In Harold Mac Grath's Famous
Dramatized by Grace L. Furniss,
Exactly as sesn 204 Nights in
New York
Prices 25¢ to $1.50.
Seat Sale Monday at Western Un-
ion Te'egraph Offize, Waverly.
Sterling, Dockash,
Happy Thought
and Lehigh Stoves
and Ranges
From $10 to $75.
We repair stoves
and furnaces.
Reotiog, Hetates Managed Collecting
E. E. Reynolds,
Sayre and Waverly,
dociuns " [NSURANCE
—Rzehanged —
Investments Loans Negotiated
117 Packer Ave.,
Valley Phone 230%, Sayre, Pa.
loans N Insurance Writ
ten, Houses Rantad, Rents Ool-
lected, Taxes Paid
First class dressmaking at
prices. Apply at 314 Desmond B88. 11
Two bright smart girls to learn mil-
linery. Miss Devlin, 338 Broad street,
Waverly. 117-8
Dining room girl wanted. Apa!
Touhey Hotel, Rayra,
Gitl for ral housework in family
of three 50 a week. 020 B. Malan
street, Athens. 111-13*
A girl for general
quire 503 Lincoln street.
Rooms over BB Freedman's
Broad street, Waverly. Inquirg
House for rent, Elm street, Waverl
near Main street car line.
house for small family.
session, $12.60 per month. Eaquireat
Chemung street Green Houses, 414 One
mung street, Waverly, N. Y°
Large furnished front room for
tleman. Bteam heat and electric |
No Bath room. 68208 Main Weel, gs
ens, Pa.
8-room house on Pitney street, near
Warren, South Waverly. Haas large at-
tic fine cellar and city water.
sion given October Jot Inquire of W.
L. Watrous, Waverly, N. Y. 111-4¢
Four rooms for light housek
Ioquire of F. KB Bmith, West
Plamber, 1
H. H. Mercereau,
Notary Public
Spesial attention bo Pension
Valley Phone 11 X.
13 Desmond Brest
Best of Everything
Lockhart St.
Maynard, Maynard & Schrier
Attorneys and Counselors.
M.P. A Block, Bayre, Pa. May-
nard Block, Athens, Pa.
Wholesaler of
Wines, Beer and Ales.
top Packer Avenues, SAYRE, PA.
Lehigh Valley Coal
Best Quality & Prompt Delivery