The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, September 21, 1906, Image 3

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Oil Heaters
For cold morning, no
smell, no smoke. Pric-
ed at
$2.50, $3.00, $3.15,
$4.00. $4.50, $5.50
AND $7.50.
Woe also sell wicks for
all kinds of oil heaters.
216 Desmond St, Sayre.
322 8. Main 8t,, Athens.
actusl value.
piancs and pri
wants to put a piano in your
Any of the above on small
count of
canvassers, or from any store
and commissions will add
how much better Piano we can
buy from any canvasser for one
when some commi ion agent
on trial.
60 Drop Head Domestic, . $35
60 Drop Head New Home
makes as low as 20, 25,
The Man Who
“Gets There”
tm yp ic
plenty of 1—in his body,
Briggs’ Wise of Cod Liver OM
Wako hlood—loke of th
~ 75¢c Per Bottle,
0. M. Driggs
Prosctiption Druggist
y NS ————
Sayre, Pn,
The Valley Record
~ Residents of the southern part
Summer ends officially today.
The heat, however, promises to do
business at old stand.
Despite the incessant: rain the
majority of the visiting firemen
managed to have a good time.
The chestnut crop promises to
be large. Farmers say the trees
are not only loaded with burrs, but
that the nuts are of large size,
The carnival grounds were pack-
ed with humanity last night. The
various shows did a thriving busi-
ness and the management and the
Packer hose company will come
out big winners,
Word was received here this
morning of the sudden death of
Mrs. Ethlyn Holzback Steward of
Aurora, Ill. The deceased is a
niece of Mrs. Charles Burton and
attended school here at one time,
Yesterday's Record was the first
paper in the valley to appear on
the streets. Several hundred
copies were placed in the hands of
news boys and they disposed of
them like hot cakes on a frosty
A never failing sign of the ap-
proach of colder weather is the ap-
pearance of a flock of wild geese
high in the air and flying south
£5 chi
Terrific Downpour Mars But
Does Not Prevent Yesterday's
Big Event
Despite a terrific downpour of
rain the Valley Firemen's Associa-
tion and their invited guests pa-
raded the streets of Sayre ycster.
day afternoon, and when ranks
were broken those who had par-
ticipated were drenched to the
skin. Jupiter Pluvius began to do
business in the early hours of the
morning, and a half hour after it
began raining the thick dust in the
streets of Sayre had been changed
into mud. With the exception of
two or three brief intervals rain fell
until the early hours of the evening,
and at times it looked as if the big
parade might be abandoned.
Shortly before the hour of four,
however, the rain ceased falling
and it was decided to form the line
and move over the principal thor-
oughfares on the sidewalks, Within
five minutes after the start was
made rain began falling in torrents.
The firemen braved the elements,
however, and covered several of
the principal streets, without re-
gard to the program which had
been previously arranged. When
they returned to their various
headquarters they were wet
through and through.
Although the rain was badly
needed it spoiled what would have
been the greatest firemanic event
ever seen in Sayre, The local fire-
men for weeks have worked almost
night and day to make the fifth an-
nual parade of the association a
success. The details had been care.
fully arranged, the business places
and many private residences had
been handsomely and appropriate-
ly decorated, but the fates in the
shape of an unlooked for storm, o
a distinctly local nature, marred
the pleasures of the day.
The firemen, however, are de-
serving of unlimited praise for
what they did under the circum.
stances, and although there was no
attempt to carry out the regular
program, so far as the line of march
was concerned, the big crowd
which had gathered from far and
near, were apparently satisfied and
lavished unstinted praise upon the
firemen for doing the best they
All of the out ofstown companies
that had accepted invitations, res
sponded, in spite of the disagree-
able weather, The famous Ex
empts of Elmira, accompanied by
the Northern Central band, arrived
here carly in the forenoon. This
organization is composed of men
well along in years, and they made
a fine appearance.
Towanda and Laceyville organ-
izations arrived later in the day,
and at noontime all of the visitors
were being well cared for by the
local firemen.
The parade was scheduled to
take place at three o'clock, but it
was the hour of four when the Ex-
empts took their places at the head
of the line. The rain them had
ceased falling, but almost at the in-
stant the signal was given to start
the skies poured forth another
The following was the order of
the parade:
Grand Marshall, Rimer A. Wilber.
Marshalls, Robt. Wass, M. F. Mee,
Chief Engineer and visiting Chiefs.
Northern Central Band, Elmira,
Elmira Exempts.
Franklin Steamer Co, Towanda.
Mantua H. & L. Co, Towanda.
Good Will Hose, Laceyville.
Marshalls, John Hill, 8. A. Blish,
Waverly Fire Police.
Nichols band.
Tioga Hose, Waverly.
Waverly Hook and Ladder Co,
Boys band, Waverly.
Spaulding Hose, Waverly.
Cayuta Hose, Waverly,
Marshalls, John Laux, Walter Brooks.
Hosmer's band, Athens.
Wilbur Hook and Ladder Co.
Packer Hose.
Drum Corps.
R. H. Sayre Hose,
His Sister-in-law Secures One
and His Mother-in-law the
Fred Decker was arraigned before
Justice Nelson this moming on a
charge of making threats. The
complainant in the case is Mrs.
Louise Thompson, the mother of
Decker's wife, She alleges that her
son-in-law tnreatened her with per-
sonal violence,
Last night Decker's sister-in law,
Miss Caroline Thompson, secured
a warrant for his arrest, charging
him with choking his wile, but
when he was arrested his better
half did not wish to prosecute.
Her mother thought differently,
hence the second warrant for surety
of the peace.
Decker, it is alleged, filled up
with booze yesterday, and then
went to his home ani proceeded
to play rough house. He is said
to have taken his wife by the neck
and choked her good aad hard.
The charges against Decker
were withdrawn this moraing.
Congressional Conference Was
Held at Tunkhaaonock Yester-
day Afternoon
At the Democratic Congressions
al conference held at Tunkhannock
yesterday George W. Kipp, of
Towanda, was nominated as candi
date for congress from this district.
Yesterday's Record exclusively
foretold Mr Kipp's nomination.
Immediately after the confer~
ence the Lincoln Republicans met
in convention and endorsed the
Hon. Mial E. Lilley, the present
congressman, The Bradford dele~
gation, however, refused to abide
by the decision of the convention
and endorsed Mr. Kipp.
Yesterday afternoon Paul E.
Maynard, the well known attorney
purchased from L. T. Hoyt the
latter's farm situated just across
the river east of Athens.
The farm implements, stock, etc.,
are also included in the purchase
and Mr. Maynard will take possess-
ion as soon as Mr. Hoyt can
vacate. The latter will move his
family to the Ovenshire house on
Main street, Athens. The farm
which he has sold to Mr. Maynard
is ope of the most attractive couns
try places in this section. It con-
sists of about 38 acres of land
under a fine state of cultivation,
which has recently been used for
truck gardening, The house,
while of an old fashioned type, has
been extensively altered by Mr.
Hoyt and is regarded by those
who are acquainted with its in
terior as being one of the finest
country seats in this section.
“King Kelley,” once a noble
Thespian, but whose time is now
occupied in putting down whiskey,
made a pilgnmage to Sayre yes-
terday, but before the hours, of
evening grew late the king of all
the tramps found himself an in-
mate of the borough bug house.
The “king” had become helplessly
drunk and was placed in durance
vile for sale keeping. This morning
he was released and told to hie
himself to Ithaca, where he claims
a voting residence,
As a result of the Italian diss
turbances which occurred at Wysox
on Wednesday a number of the
foreigners went to Towanda yes-
terday and purchased firearms and
wéapoas of all sorts. The Lehigh
Valley officers at this place were
notified of the purchases and went
to Wysox, where further trouble is
a Busy One for This Excellent
Although there were many out
side attractions last night there was
Sayre Lodge, No. 1090, I. O. O. F.
The most important business of the
in nomination officers for the en-
suing year. The result follows :
Noble grand, William R. Conine ;
vice grand, Miles K. Hudson;
financial secretary, Willis P. Weeks
recording secretary, Clarence C.
Walker ; treasurer, B. LL Lewis;
trustee for eighteen” months, Ed.
Peters; representative to grand
lodge, James Adam.
Word was received from District
Deputy Grand Master Molynecaux
of New Albany that he will be in
Sayre on October 4 to install the
regularly elected officers. On that
date the initiatory degree will be
worked, and the regular degree
team is requested to note this fact
and prepare for drill.
The regular season opens aus-
piciously for the Odd Fellows and
great things are expected during
the winter moaths. :
He Was Struck by One of the
Big Concrete Buckets at To-
wanda this Morning
Suffering from a fracture of the
spinal column and a frightful lacers
ation of the scalp, an Italian whose
name could not be learned was
brought here this forenoon and
operated upon at the hospital, The
Italian had been employed for
some time on the construction
work at Towanda. This morning
he was engaged in emptying one
of the big buckets which carry
concrete to the piers of the new
bridge. After the bucket was
emptied it swung to and fro, and
before the Italian could get out of
the way it struck him on the head,
knocking him down,
He fell against a pile of timbers
and it is presumed that in the fall
his back was broken. Surgeons at
the hospital express but slight hope
for his recovery.
About 8 o'clock last night Mrs.
Ella Williams, who lives with her
brother, E. M. Thompson, at the
corner of Spring and Bradford
streets, became alarmed at a noise
she heard in the rear of the house,
The noise sounded as if a man
was walking on the roof of the
summer kitchen. She informed
Mr, Thompson, who made an in-
vestigation. He went to the rear
of the house, but in the darkness
could see nothing. This morning
Mr. Thompson investigated again.
This time he discovered that sever-
al pickets had been broken from
the fence back of the house, and
the tracks of a man were also
found in the mud. A window in
the main part of the house was
open and from tracks found on the
roof it is believed that a man had
entered the window. but had be
come frightened and ran away.
The annual report of the Lehigh
Valley Railroad Company for the
fiscal year, ending June 30, 1900,
was made public after the adjourn
ment of the regular meeting of the
board of directors held at Phila.
delphia yesterday. The report
shows that in spite of the great
reduction of freight carried in April
and May, because of the anthracite
strike, the gross earnings over 190g
increased £1,51401391. The loss
during the past year in income has,
however, been a quarter mil-
lion of dollars, -
Try in The Record,
3 205 Desmond St,
tween 18 and 60 years. Als
sickness and accident, payin
Call on
Valley Phone 191 a. :
o writes policies covering
g dividend each five years.
This is an excel-
lent time of yearto |
have a heating sys-
tem installed and!
ready for the hard
winter which the
|weather man says
) 1s coming
‘sed to offer sugges-
tions or give esli-
mates on steam, hot
water or hot air sys-
tems. We sell the
satisfactory “Win-
chester steam and water heaters,
~_Athe American Rad-
> > lator Co's radiators
) and boilers and the!
4 justly famous
“Cheerful Home'
fine line for you to
choose from.
Gas Fixtures, Burners and
BE —————
Beth "Phones. Emer Ave,
Heavyand Light Draying and Moving
Baggage called for and delivered in
any part of Sayre, Athens and Waverly,
and all kinds of team work attended to
promptly. Livery attached.
207 N. Lehigh Ave. Valley Phone 208x
Practice @riited to diseases of the Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat. Glasses accurately
fitted. Hours 10 to12 am, ,2t 5, 7 to
8 p.m. Office and residence, 211 South
Elmer Ave. Valley ‘phone 158x.
Averviap Xow and Up-to-Date, First
C Accommodations.
Thomas Ave, Opposite L. V, Biation,
Rates $1.50 Por Day. Sayre.
Are You Looking For An
Investment ?
We have a fine proposition. Inquire
of or address,
A. H. Sawtelle, Sayre, Pa.
Plans and Estimates PFuraish
£25 Btevensun BL. Valley Phone 213y |
Meets every Friday evening at
street, West Sayre. All invited
Everybody welcome,
Real Estate
If You Will Call On Us
you may mewt the opportunity of your
life in real estate investment likely to
prove profitable within a shorter time
than you imagine. Our time, experience
ind facilities are at your disposal -om
commission or a straight baying or sell-
ing basis
Sayre Rendering
Remove dead horses and cattle at
notice. All orders will receive
attention. Remove stock 8
tant from Athens, Sayre and Wa
Hides must be on carcasses; remove
of charge. Iam prepared to do the bu
ness, have ambulance to haul the
also buy hides, skins, tallow and
y marked prices. Call Bell telephone
oy £38 RAYRRE. PA.
The Cayuta Land Company
02 favre; Pa, desires to announce that
they have some very desirable building
lota for male on cheap and easy terms,
and that they have placed the
for selling them in the hands of Andrew
Evarts of this place. All those
to provide themselves with homes or to
invest in lotsa for speculative
will do well to consult with MY. Rvarts
before purchasing elsewhere. This plod
of land is nearly surrounded by Iau: 3
trial planta, with beaatiful scenery and
all the advantages of a modem indas-
trial town. Terms to suit purchasers.
Steps are already being taken to
all the land comprising this 10 upniY
full supply of the beat water the
affords. ANDREW EVARTS. 108 Hoapl-
tal place, Sayre, Pa. Phone 3440
Contractor and Builder
Plans and Estimates Furnbhed
IN Miller v4 CSavra Pe.
foreign and Domestic Fruits.
Pure Olive Oil for medical p
Macaroni at 5, 8 and 100 per
No g Elizabeth St,, Waverly
rinted In Bradford county;
Pocket ni Deak
Painter, Decorator and Paperhanger.
Firsb-clam work done promptly at
sonable prices, re
Pool and Billiards in the Rear.
Sayre, Pa,