The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, September 12, 1906, Image 4

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the thrifty people's store.
quantity and cash buying.
you find full assortments, good store-
a resident buyer can get by
alone to be derived from business.
A Separate 20 ft. Counter Filled With
China, Kitchen Utensils
and Everyday Useful Bric-a-brac
- This includes matched decorated ware
with meat plates up to 10 inch, a value
"mold by small stores at 20¢ and up;
pitchers, nickel trays, cake tins, enamel
pudding pans, basins, salt boxes, 4 in.
eres, etc.; all worth } to | more.
Anything on the counter for 10c.
Flower crocks, 3c up; Sc size Enam-
‘eline 2c, 10c size Engmeline 4c, wood
clothes pins lc dozen.
Deduct 25 Per Cent. from
~~ B.&B. and Peerless
Oil Stoves
When you come in to buy Saturday.
2 burner, open frame, blue flame, $2.98
stead of £5.50; 2 burner closed, $1,00
instead of $3.00: 3 burner, $5.07/in-
stead of £7.00. But deduct 25% from
the low prices.
" A Rattling Price
on All Fruit Jars
Rasans, partT2c; quarts, 47¢; 2-
Songitts, Glass top, Lightning pat-
“® ts, 65¢c; qnarts, 70c. Masons,
quart, rgd top, wide mouth, 55¢; no
discount from this list will be given
At the Notion Counter
Buy Belts at } off. Brown, blue,
: realy and black silk at 10c; formerly
- 19¢c. Fire Gilt silk lined belts at 25;
formerly 50c.
: Clark's Thread at 3c a spool or 30c a
- dozen.
Our Last Call on Screen
Doors and Windows
At fag-end-of-season prices. Doors all
sizes, formerly $1.37, to close, 89¢; $1.19
ones, to closs, 75c. Adjustable Win-
dows, now 15¢, 19¢ and 25c¢, instead of
23¢, 29¢ and 37. BASEMENT
Only 2 left. They are for sale at fac-
tory Cost.
9 Hammocks representing 9 designs
and values, to close at } off. Original
markings $2.37 to $3.19. THIRD FLOOR
Dry Goods Section
and unlimited
assortmonts of foreign and domestic
lines for fall and winter. No less than
35 patterns of new grey suiting,
bought at a saving of } because of our
buying facilities. So they come to you
under value, 50c up to $1.75.
Very Special —11 patterns 28 inch
percales. Special, Gc.
Garmants —The new fall styles
are here in profusion, and each express
brings new numbers.
At the Remnant Counter
You can buy a dress for a school girl
at pearly nothing prices. Look them
Men's Combed Maco Silk
Finish Cotton Hose
At 10c to close.
blue polka dot.
15¢ straight.
They are fast color
Originally priced at
smi OF THE
Offs Maney & Page Block,
Rooms formerly occupied by the
1ate John R. Murray,
Offices hours: —§ to 10 a. m.; 6:30
toS p,m At other times during
day at Valley Record office.
Williams’ Kidney Pills
Have you overworked
207s ud Bladder? Have Joi
the loins, side, back,
| der? Have you a flab
uent desire to urine?
Williams" Ridaey
Cle 0. Bold by C. M.
Crore parks
Mrs, W.G. Hart was in To
wanda today.
| George Wood is attending
| Wyalusing fair,
Miss Gertrude Stanlon returned
to Altoona yesterday.
C. I. Lacey and Alfred Whitaey
have gone to Syracuse to attend
the State fair.
Daniel VaanLoan and wife went to
Owego this morning to visit friends
and attend the fir.
Floyd Beidleman has traded his
| automobile with Leslie Lurcock
{for a horse and wagon.
| —
| Miss Bessie Jeaney has been
spending some time in Athens and
returned to her home in Milan
Charles Drake is employed on a
lumber job at Barclay and spent
the past three days at home, re-
turning this morning. .
“Fabio Romani” tonight at Oak
Grove park.
George Weller and wife, Mrs.
Fred Everson, Mrs, F. H. Sherman
and Elmer Briggs and family went
to Owego today to attent the fair,
Miles Thompson and wife of
Sheshequin, and T. G. Smith and
wife of Black, were guests at the
home of Geo. L., Fuller yesterday.
Jack Jones went to Owego today
where he is to be employed in the
clothing store just being opened
there by the Geo. E Vail com-
Manley Tolbert has finished his
vacation at home and returned to
Bucknell University today, where
he has a three years’ course yet to
engage in.
L. C. Crandall and family, Mrs.
Geo. Fredenberg, Mrs, John Biener
and daughter, and George Richards
and wife went to Wyalusing today
to attend the fair.
“Fabio Romani"
Grove park.
tonight at Oak
Athens W. C. T. U. will meet
at Mrs. W, H. Osborn's, Main
street, Friday p. m., meeting to be-
gin promply at 2:30. Reports of
County convention will be given.
Also business of importance to be
O. L. Haverly, wife and daugh-
ter Julia, and Mrs. Haverly's
father, James W. Swank of Wash-
ington, went to Ithaca today in
Mr. Haverly's automobile. From
there they will go Aurora to visit
Wells College, where Miss Julia is
to enter as a student soon.
I have just secsived over 400
samples of the latest fall designs in
Spotter g materials. I will be
cased to call at house and show
samples and give estimates on all
kinds of upholstering, mattress
making and renovating. Satisfac-
tion and moderate prices guaran-
teed. I can furnish the best local
references. Valley 'phome 310-x.
104-1W ~ Wm. H. Dennis, Jr.
fen, Houses Rented, Rents Cok
lected, Taxes Paid.
“ROOK vy,
ait Mads of team work attended
Livery attached.
Tob Sree
A Bird's Eye View of the World
Today. Stirring Scenes of His-
toric Interest of Yesterday.
If it Happend Lyman H. Howe Has It.
America--Intarcollegiata Brat Races
Norway—Ski Jumping.
India— Elephants at Work in Teak
Algiers— Tunney Fishing.
Spain— Royal Wedding
Italy — Eruption of Vesuvius.
Gireece— Olympic Games.
England — Henley Regatta.
Sweden — Harvesting Ice.
Diagram of Reserved Seats at Western
Union Telegraph Office, Waverly,
PRICES —Matines—15 and
Evening —25, 35 and 5c.
Advance Sale Sept. 13.
Maynard, Maynard & Schrier
Attorneys and Counselors.
M. P. A. Block, Sayre, Pa. May-|
$3.00 to Niagara Falls and retaro.
Special train Jeaves Waverly 7:47 a. m.,
uesday, Sept. 18. to return
Bept. 10th. 10%
$4.50 to Toronto, Ont, and return
Sept. 18th, Good to return Sept.
2st. 1
80c Owego and return Sept. nh to
14th inclusive account fair.
75c Eimiraand return Sept ph
to 21st inclusive account fair. 101
$1.55 to Mansfield, Pa. and return
Sept. 18th to Rist inclusive account
fair, 101
$1.20 to Binghamton and return
Sst ot 3 nt inclusive, account
Home 101
$4885 0 lo and retarn Sept. 33
and 24th, account Democratio State Con-
vention, 101
Jamestown or Chautauqua
please nots that the Rrie Raliroad Co.
is now running a vestibule coach dally
on their train one through to Jamestown
without change of cars.
For further Particulars apply to i
W. Clark. y
self that
our regular
able Property
Athens— Thursday ight. Spt. 1]
6, Mrs. George A. Daytoa had
property coasisting of two smgle
harnesses, one horse blanket, two
bridles, two laprobes, ene pair stir
rups, one saddle, one riding bridle,
and lines belonging te a doubl
fcom her barn in Litchfield. Chief
were summoned te trace the thie
suspicions that Ura Drake, a 15
year-old lad, son of Fred Drale,
who lives on the Steve Evans place,
was the guilty party. Chief Mulli-
gan went to scarch the house and
McGovern went to the woods just
stable McGovern found the prop-
erty in secluded place in the woods
covered by a teat that was crested
by tying the tops of seme sapli
together at the top and spreading
a tent cloth over them #0 hide them.
A warrast was issued for the ar
not be found. Last evening Mr.
MoGovern went to the Drake resis
dence, arriving there at about 6
o'clock and the lad saw him com-
ing and fled to the woods, He hid
himself where he could watch the
house and at about 10 e'clock the
lad returned and went imto the
house. McGovern went to the
back door and soom the boy's
father came out and went to saw-
ing wood. McGovern then rushed
in at the open door and captured
his prisoner and brought him to
Athens, where he rested in the
lockup the rest of the might. His
hearing will be held before Justice
Tozer, when Mr, Payton arrives
from Towanda. This i the same
lad that was arrested for stealing
Steve Evans’ bicycle in Sayre, and
selling it, which case was settled a
short time ago.
Fire Was Dgubticss of Incen-
diary Origin and Building Was }4
Eatirely Gonasmed
Athens—Last night at a littl
after 12 o'clock the railroad shanty
at the north side of the crossing oa
Elmira street was discovered to be
on fire and the alarm was sounded.
The firemen respemded, but the
building was an old shell aad be-
fore the fire could be ehecked the
most of it was conewmed. This
building was a rough structure and
has been used-by the sailroad
track walkers for a mumber o
years, but more receatly it was in-
habited by an Kaliam colosy who
were driven out of town m the re-
cent raid. Wo one has resided
there since the Italians left town
and the fire was of inesadiary or
igin. It is dificult to determine
who was the perpetrator of the
deed and what the motives eould
be in burning the building. There
Lhas been a persistent rumor on the
stroets that the Italians were coms
ing back te Athens aad that they
were to have government protecs
tion. This rumor may have in
town so that they have taken this
means to circumvent their coming.
The building was of small value
and not insured, and the only dam-
age resulting is the loss of about a
habited it.
Exposure Brings on Rheumatism
Painful in ita mildest form,
made in all
Boys $1.50 to $2.50.
Girls 3. 1s to > $2.0.
3 Hy
Permanent Dentistry
A quarter of a century ago we
placed some gold fillings in the teeth
fo a well known gentleman at pres-
ent a resident of Sayre. These fill-
ings today are just as bright, firm
ond useful as the day they ware
made. We will tell you the nam of
fe party, Ff you wish to see kim
o Pherd are variations in dental
kemanship, just as there are dif-
en in the vavions brands of
flows. If you desire the highest de-
te of proficuncy—the skill and
knowledge that will make YOUR
fillings serviceable twenty-five years
from’ today—come wm or "phone for
an appointment, On the other hand,
of you take pleasure in having your
teath filled over and over again every
year or #wo, you should go elsewhere
—we do not do that kind of work,
JW. Murrelle,D.D.S..
106 Centre St., ATHENS, PA.
Valley 'Phone 97 D.
Ofics=—Rooms § and §, Eimer Block,
Lockhart Bireot, Sayre, Pe,
ing Mew and Up-to-Date, Fired
Thomas Avs, Opposite L. V. Station,
Rates $1.50 Per Dav. Sawe.
Murrelle’s Printing
“The Satisfactory Place,”
From four to eight skilled job
and a new,
are ab your service.
Valley Phone 128x.