The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, September 12, 1906, Image 3

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    ~ Caps for men and boys.
‘our new Fall €lothing this
e aulook at new styles.
Reduced Prices §
On Hose !
14c kind 12c per foot.
12¢ kind 10c per foot.
10c kind 8c per foot.
8c kind 6¢ per foot.
All new stock and guar-
| anted for the season.
{ Buy your hose now and
save money.
aif Desmond St., Sayre. 322 8. Main St., Athens.
ry reilly i
BERR. Riis
: as lowas 20, 25,
the above an small or monthl ts, or dis-
107 ol "He rt Sap rn
. 14 will pay you to call and look at Pianos, Organs or Machines.
4238 Main Street, Valley 'Phone 90c. Athens, Pa.
St — . “Fabio Romani” tonight at Oak
The Man Who ||Grove park
See the new arrivals in shoes at
H. Sattler’s, 104 6
“Fabio Romani” tonight at Oak
Grove park.
Joe Piolett, who was operated
upon yesterday for appendicitis, is
recovering nicely.
The Milltown W. C, T. U. will
picnic at the Fulton-Fordham farm
tomorrow afternoon. All members
are requested to be present.
The city of Syracuse has pro~
hibited the throwing of confetti at
carnivals held in that city. Sayre,
however, is to have a carnival next
week, and the stuff will probably
“Gets There”
: In the mae who has hiood
pre gy
Briggs’ Wine of Cod Liver OO
ioned way.
Leo Granger, a 12-year-old boy,
who lives with his parents on Fred
erick street, fell on the concrete
sidewalk on First street last night
and sustained a painful injury to
his elbow. It was at first thought
that the arm had been broken. Dr,
H. I. Towner was called, but
~ | found no brokea boaes,
Paul E. Maynard and G. S
Parker, who floated down the Sus-
quehanna from Smithboro to this
place yesterday, caught 11°’ fine
black bass. Thisis merely their
the d. t. Resorts to Indecent
‘Personal Abuse, in Order to
Justify its Extortionate Charge
for Publishing the Trolley
The Daily Times, (elsewhere re-
ferred to as the d.t.), the paper
that “prints today’s news today,”
uses three-fourths of a columa of
space Tuesday in a weak, evasive
and dyspeptic attempt to reply to
an article that appeared in The
Record last Thursday.
Caretul reading fails to discover
anything new beyond a lame ef
fort to justify the d. t's. extortion
ate charge for publishing the trol-
ley ordinance, The d. t makes a
great bluff by claiming to do bor-
ough work at so low a rate that a
microscope would be required to
find the price. In the same breath
it says that the borough had noth-
ing to do with the trolley ordin-
ance, Nevertheless the borough
council paid the bill, and it was re-
marked at the council meeting that
the “official printer” had a strong
attack of stage fright while the
borough fathers were considering
the matter. The d. t. cannot pos-
sibly dodge the fact that it held up
the traction people—and it did the
jobtoaturn. “When you catch
a farmer, take fis crop,” goes an
old saying; in this instance the
word “farmer” should be amended
to read “trolley company.”
The d. t. gets off a lot of balders
dash about printing the sewer
specifications. One particularly
flagrant misstatement is the asser-
tion that the sewer committee
made a mistake and spent $30.22
foolishly. The sewer committee
did not make that mistake. The
d t knows who made it, but will
not say whom, for that disclosure
would knock the props from un-
der some of the opposition to the
sewer system —an opposition that
seems to have its stronghold in the
office of its mouthpiece.
“Settle down to the facts,” and
the facts are titat the d. t. lost the
job of printing the sewer specifica~
tions by asking a larger price than
other bidders. After the job had
been awarded The Record, the d.
t. put up a great whine, and it was
known thea that a growl would be
forthcoming, Tradition followed
its usual course, and a big crop of
sour grapes was placed on the
market. The supply is not yet
exhausted. "oy
The sewer committee and a large
majority of the borough council
are satisfied with the printing of
the specifications by The Record.
An angel from heaven could not
satisfy the d. t
In the concluding paragraphs of
the d. t. article the ius who
guides the destinies of that sheet
forsakes the questions he had been
endeavoring to discuss, abandons
all pretense of decency and launches
forth a tirade of personal abuse and
villification against the publisher of
The Record—a tirade so malevos
lent that its like has never been
known in this region, not even in
the thick of a bitter political cam~
paign, But this has nothing to do
with the sewer controversy, The
d. t acknowledges itself beaten by
resorting to defamatory personal
Ordinarily the publisher
of The Record would ignore such
an attack in contemptuous silence,
but lest silence om our part be
erroneously taken as lending the
color of truth to the statements of
the d. t, we notice the matter,
The d. t, goes back into ancient
history by referring to a libelous
publication that was made in the
Weekly Times some fourteen years
ago and attempting to saddle the
blame therefor upon the publisher
of The Record, who, at that time
was employed as a printer’ in the
Weekly Times office. The pub-
lisher of the Weekly Times
t-|word forit. Noone has seen the
he alone was responsible
for . whatever appeared in its col-
umas, A scapegoat must be found
upon whom the blame could be
placed, The printer would do.
It is evident that a newspaper is
in desperate straits when it resorts
to low personal jbuse of a contem-
porary. The people of Sayre are
not all of , stripe, and the
d. t has made I mistake in assum-
ing that they all think as it dof
Suth a course invariably acts as a
boomerang. This last article of
the d.t. will come home to roost,
as have many others that have
gone before. The d.t. has succeed-
ed admirably in showing jtself up
in its true colors. No who
crosses it can avoid defilement.
Might as well kick a skunk and
hope to escape the consequences,
On occasions the d. t. endeavors
to simulate the lion's voice, but we
hear instead the mumbling bray
familiar to the ears of Sayre people
these twenty years, Nothing else’
could be expected from that
source, for twenty years of bray-
ing cannot be effaced by one lone-
some roar. An atrabilious attack
that has endured for two decades
cannot be dispersed by one treat-
Poor old d. t., delirium tremens,
Daily Times! Certain it is that
long have you brayed; equally
certain that your voice will ne'er
be stilled,
Give a Performance of Excel-
lence at the Oak Grove Park
Theatre Last Night
One of the most interesting and
delightful performances witnessed
this season at Oak Grove theatre
was presented last night by Mitch.
ell's All Star Players, “Dewil’s
Island” is an exceptionally strong
melodrama of absorbing interest.
The scenic effects were very elab-
orate, and the work of the entire
cast could not be improved upon.
It is safe to say that this compaay
is giving the theatregoers the best
plays, and the best work ever given
at the park. There could be no
improvement made in the company
as each member seems to be just
right in their respective roles,
Every production is gioen with
care as to scenic and electrical
effects, and crowded houses greet
them at every performance.
Prior to the eruption of Mt, Ve-
suvius in 1690 a great plague
spread over Italy and many were
buried almost instantly, This fact
alone gave man a chance to satisfy
his revenge by charging symptoms
of the plague against their enemies,
The story of “Fabio Romani” deals
with this, and Signor Ferrari causes
Fabio to be buried alive. Mitch-
ell's All Star Players will present
this wonderful play at Oak Grove
theatre this evening with special
scenic and electric effects. The
entire cast of the company will be
seen. Don't forget the big matinee
of the “Two Orphans" on Saturday
at 2:30 p.m. This play is being
repeated especially for the school
children, so that they may be able
to witness one of the most charm-
ing performances of the season.
The small admission of ten cents
to any part of the house will be
charged: Come early and secure
the choice seats.
The present hot weather does
not cause the most of us to think
much about Christmas, but the
local merchants, with their ‘eye
LL 4
Thieving to Secure Funds With
Which to Get Out of Town
been employed as a switchmaan in
several weeks, was given fifteen
before Justice Carey on a charge
boarding at the Osborne house on
Lehigh avenue. Tuesday night he
signified his intention of jumping
his job with the Lehigh. This
came to the ears of his landlady
and she caused his pay to be at-
tached for board. As Johnson did
not have enough money to liquis
date his board bill and the costs of
the attachment proceedings he was
up against a hard proposition.
Yesterday, however, he fell in with
William Shaw, another Lehigh
employe, who had also quit the
company’s employ, and the two
conceived the idea of turning four
lanterns, belonging to the com-
pany, into cash, and thereby secure
esough to get to Buffalo, where
they had jobs. Officials of the
company, however, got next to the
plan and immediately started an
iovestigation. Officer Shaffer and
Yardmaster Dawson went to Shaw's
boarding house on North Elmer
avenue and placed Shaw and John-
son under arrest. Two of the lan
terns were found in a bag, while
the other two had been left at Tay-
lor’s secondhand store, where it is
alleged Johnson had tried to sell
them. This morning warrants were
issued for both men charging them
with larceny. Johnson was arraign-
ed first, but as the evidence was
not forthcoming he was discharged
with the admonition to get out of
town as quickly as his feet could
carry him,
Shaw was also discharged this
afternoon on account of lack of
Tuesday's edition of the daily
times ( more easily régognized as
the d. t) makes the assertion in a
half column or more of vitupera~
tive screed that it is not neces-
sary for the d. t. to make a house
to house canvass in order to secure
patronage. The d. t's, statement
carries with it the insinuation that
The Record solicits business. The
Record candidly admits the infer-
ence. In times gone by it has
solicited business; it may do so
again. It has done so, however,
in a strictly legitimate manner, and
a large and growing clientage will
testify that The Record has al-
ways given value received. The
Record, however, has not yet
reached the point where it is nec-
essary to import out-of town “tals
ent” to prescribe for a rapidly de-
clining subscription list. The Recs
ord has yet to see the necessity of
resorting to a yclept ‘“conm-
test” in order to secure readers.
A newspaper that publishes “twice
as much news as its contempo-
raries put together” is indeed in
desperate straits when it is coms
pelled to resort to methods which
savor of the cheap repertoire show
to convince the public that it
should dig down and subscribe—
at bargain counter rates.
A paper which has been in exs
istence for twenty years has usus
ally acquirgd a reputation where it
is not necessary to solicit the pub-
lic to patronize a scheme which
was launched for the express purs
pose of fattening the promoter's
“Fabio Romani” tonight at Oak
constantly on business, are now en- |
gaged in buying their stocks for |
the holiday trade, and it is safe to
say that in no town of its size will
the display be more attractive.
While you are kicking about
the excessive heat, just
that you are saving a heap of coal.
Grove park,
Are You looking For An
Investment ?
We have a fine prop ition. Inquire
. of or ines
A. H. Sawtelle, Sayre, Pa.
+ SSH, : +10
The Best
$11 or $12
205 Desmond St,
Valley Phone 191 a. 3
actual cost, on fraternal
tween 18 and 60 years.
sickness and accident, payin
Call on
Bell and Va
Sheriff Griffin transacted busi-|
ness in Sayre yesterday afternoon. |
Mr. and Mrs. G. S Parker weat |
to Elmira today to purchase Christ
mas goods,
Miss Agnes Miller of Millerton |
is the guest at the home of A. L.|
Frank, North Elmer avenue.
Miss Elizabeth Hazzard of East- |
on is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. |
Wm. Seigfried of Desmond street,
Harry Child retumed to Troy, |
N.Y. yesterday, where he is a stu- |
dent in the Rennsellear polytechnic |
F. N. Drake and wife who have
been enjoying a ten days visit with
friends in various points in New|
York state, have returned home.
Carl Wanamaker of Lincoln
street, has gone to Milawaukee as |
as a a delegate from the Boof L,
F. of this place. He will be absent
several weeks,
— —
F. P. Murphy of the firm of
Murphy & Blish, returned this
morning from New York city,
where he has been purchasing a
fine line of clothing, gents furnish-
ings, etc, for the fall and winter
Oak Grove Park
A Metropolitan Attraction with
an Established High Art
Rap 1tation . |
A Strong Company of Players
Presenting only the Strong-
est Modern Plays.
Each Production Complete in
Every Detail.
This Evening
“Fabio Romani”
Will Be Presented.
PHP LPPPVHVE 000000000
PRICES, 10, 20, 30¢
street, West Sayre, All invited.
Everybody welcome,
Pelater, Decorator and Paperhanger
Pirebolaas work done promptly at
sonable prices,
Residence: —130 Spruce 84, Athens, Pa.
g dividend each five years.
lley Phone,
You Don't Know When
the alarming ery of “Fire!” may stare
tle you in your own home fast asleep, :
possibly. Answer frankly, please, Is i
Rood couimon sense to be uninsured ?
We write fire insurance to cover not on-
ly buildings but their contents as well,
Why isn't your name on our books ?
yre Relicecing.
Remove dead horses and cattle at shoe’
notice. All orders will receive
attention. Remove stock 8
tant from Athens, Sayre and Wa
Hides aust Ie wu pared : the
Am pre; to do
Inean, have ambulance to haul the
also buy hides, skins, tallow and
Call Bell
Ro! 633, BARR P
The Cayuta Land Company
bf Sayre, Pa, desires to announce that
they have some very desirable building *
lots for sale on cheap and
and that they have placed the
to provide thi a Ives bis homes or to
invest in lota lor speculative parposes
will do well to consult with Mr. Rvarts
be fore purchasing elsewhere, This plot
of laud is nearly sarrounded by induoe-
trial plaots, with bLeantiful scenery and
all the advantages of a modern Indus
trizl town, Terms to snit purchasers,
Steps are already being taken to supply
itl the land comprising this plot with a
full supply of the beat water the vall
affords. ANDREW EVYARTS, 108 Hos
tal place, Saves, Pa. Phone 3de
Contractor and Bwider
Pians end Betimntes Furalehed
OTN MI. a arn I%y
foreign and Domestic Frults.
Pure Olive Oil for medical purposes,
Macaroni at 5, 8 and 100 per pound,
No g Elizabeth St, Waverly
The Record, has the best House
Loans ever printed In Bradford county;
Also Vest ot and Desk Reenl
Books; and a variety of Legal
Pool and Billiards in the Rear.
Lockhart birest Sayre, Pa.