~ GRAF ure and Undertaking. Cor. e Vdlley Record the totter 1 fa Pa Congress of March 8 ~ ‘All the news that's fit to print” THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. 1908, E Free Free ~ Mr A C, Trainor, Colchester, Conn., that a fré® sample bottle of c hel her when she was all = down, loodine is a body builder 2 system tonic of wonderful merit, if you have not tried it, you shoald . The geeateal syst acho in the world. Sick Kido ? Jasicively isared M1 Hocyios Sid by C, . Driggs, Say) to Owego and Return TheLehigh Valley Railroad will issue tickets to Owego and retarn from Sayre ak hove nxdmed low fare, Aveouut Tioga . County Fair, Sept. 11th-14th. Tickets will be sold Sept. 11, 12, 13 and 14th; limited for returns until Sept. 15th, in- elusive, and will ba good going and re- g on all trains, within prescribed Bee Lehigh Valley Ticket Agents for further particalars. 102 ———— i —————— Notice to Contractors Notice is bereby given that the un- 5 will receive bids for the con- struction of a hose house on Mile Hill, Athens. All bids must be received on or before the 10th day of September the right to reject any orall bids. D. W. Tripp, chairman of building com- mittee, Welles avenuos, Athens, Pa. 90 Cheap Rates West The Erie Railroad Is again offering wery low rates to the Pacific Coast and other western points. Inqalre of Erie Ticket Agents or write J. H. ‘Webster, Div. Pasa. Agt., Elmira, N. Y. #9-0ct30 $1 00 to Wilkes-Barre and Re- tare. The Lehigh Valley Railroad will sell tickets September 2d and 16th; good and retarning oa special train on of issue. Special train leaves st 7:10 a. m.; returoing leaves fkes-Barre 6 p. m. Hall tickets for children. For farther par- tieulars see Lehigh Valley Ticket -3 0 I Week-End Outings and Sandays from June the Lehigh Val- tick i | I Colonist tickets are now on sale via Erie Rallroed to the Pacific Coast and western points. These rates are , and will be in eflect an- ¢ All le desiring to get Eto tha far west shoud take take advantage these rates. Call on Brie Ticket . H. Webster, Div. Pass. Agt., W-oct30 & CO. of Broad St. aad Park Ave. Waverly. 1 REMARKABLE REMEDY Turner's Inflammacine Ef- | fecting Cures That Are Little Short - of | Miraculous . Turner's Inflanimacine, the new remedy that has | been introduced in this val- ley within the last few ‘months by E. LeRoy Burg | Dorf, seems to have gained a strong hold on fhe popular favor as evidenced by the | testimonials that follow. The remedy has been used by some of the employes of The Record, and gave good re- sults. Inflammacine is a certain cure for piles, and Mr. Burg Dorf will be pleased to refer sufferers from piles to persons who have been cured by Inflam- macine after years of doc- toring in the usual way. Mrs. George Luther, 143 the local agent and will make a canvass of Sayre every two months. Mrs, Eliza Hoagland, 302 Des- mond street, Sayre, is agent for Bradford county. The remedy can be obtained from either of these ladies at any time. It is made by the E. B. Turner Company, Bergen, N. Y. Read these testimonials : Sayre, Pa., Sept. 6, 1900 Mr. E. B. Turner, . Bergen, N.Y Dear Sir.—J am 78 years old and I have ha the hay fever for the last 35 or 40 years, every year. I have tned many doctors and remedies and found only temporary relief. Your agent left a box of Turner's Inflammacine on trial at my house and the first application had the most soothing effect. From the sec- ond or third application it retarded the sneezing and discharge from 'my nose and eyes completely. After one week's treatment it did me more fod thaa any remedy I ever tried. now realize that I am perfectly free from hay fever. If I could not get another box of it, I would not take ten times tha cost of the box for it. I would cheerfully recommend it to all sufferers with hay fever. J. H Post, 114 Plummer St, Sayre, Pa, I commence d using Inflammacine { for goitre and in less than a month I could see a great change in my neck. I will gladly recommend Inflamma- cine to all that are afllicted with goitra. Mrs. E. A Boggs, 469 Cayuta Ave, Waverly, N.Y. So. Waverly, Sept. 4, 1906 Mr. EB. Turner. Abou: 23 years ago, after giring birth to my oldest girl, I had a Milk Leg, was sick at that time for about 6 months. Then after 11 years ulcers broke out on both limbs and I have suffered from them ever since with- out finding any re nedy to heal them. Your agent left a box of Turner's Inflammacine at my house on trial. I used it, found immedia'e relief, and bought up what of the remedy I could get of my neighbors. I have now used three boxes which have completely healed the ulcers and sores which I have been unable to heal for 19 years. “I can cheerfully recommend your remedy to all wom- en who are suffering from milk leg, and will be glad to answer any cor- respondence from anyone in regard to my miraculous cure Mrs. Maggie Billing, 139 Pitney St., So. Waverly, Pa. LOONIS OPERA HOUSE Week Commencing MONDAY, SEPT 17TH. The Greatest Stock Company in Existence. GASPARD BROS. In a repertoire of new melodramatic productions and new vaude- ville features. Great A Great Cast. Great John Tozer in ia Syracuse today. “Fabio Romani" tonight at Oak Grove park, _ J. J. Higgins is home from Sa- lina, N. Y. E. W. Eaton and wife have re- turned from Slaterville. Paul Betowski returned to Col- umbia University today. Mrs. H. Ingham is visiting at Herrick and Towanda, Pa. A A Ap——— Miss Nellic Mack has gone to Buffalo for a few days’ visit. “Fabio Romani” tonight at Oak Grove park. F. L. Howard went to Owego teday to attend the Tioga County fair. W. F. Humphrey Sof Towanda was in Waverly for a short time yesterday. George Genung and H. E. Barden are attending the fair at Owego today, Hope Legion No. 45, N.P.L,, initiated a large number of caadi- dates last evening. Miss Fanny Freedman is visits ing her brother J. Freedman at Meshoppen today. Call at Lockerby's barber shop or fish bait, Also get a shave and hair cut for 25c. 8g-.25t “Fabio Romani" tonight at Oak Grove park. S. E Ellis has returned from New York. Mrs. Ellis did not return with him, but will remain in the Metropolis uatil Saturday, The G. A R. had a full meeting last evening and Captain Barnum gave a very full account of his visit to Minneapolis and a full re port on the proceedings at the Na+ tional G. A R encampment. A boy fell on the sidewalk on West Broad street last night and injured his leg very severely, It was thought at fist that the leg was broken, but when exymined it was found to be badly wrenched. Remember you can get a quart of old Bourbon whiskey at Dunn's bottling works for 50z,the same as you pay a dollar for elsewhere, and a quart of Ohio and California wines for 25c. Both phones Erie street, Waverly. 6t Dr, Leon S Betowski leaves to day for a trip to Niagara Falls and through Canana as an invited guest of the Military surgeons. The party include some of the most famous surgeons, not only in the United States but also in foreign countries. Simon Zausmer has returned from New York city where he at- tended the convention of the Hearst Independence league as one of the delegates from Tioga coun- ty. Mr Ziusmer states that the convention was very enthusiastic, and he has supreme confidence in the success of the ticket this fall, STILL TIVELY Waverly—That the interest in the Odd Fellows fair continues un- abated was demonstrated last night by the increase in the size of the crowd over that of the two pre- ceding nights. Everything was lively, and everybody present seemed to be having a good time. All the attractions were well pats ronized, and the management ex pects to introduce some new feat- ures this evening, LAYING BRICK Waverly—The lower end of Fulton street that has been closed so long because ol the paving op- erations which have been delayed because of the inability of the con- tractor to get the necessary brick, will soon be open for travel, A quantity of brick were borrowed from a contractor at Binghamton, and now the work is being pushed TUBE ETIBSHE Village Trustees Met and Framed New Ordinances Must Not Scatter Advertising Matter Waverly—The village trustees met last night and framed a num ber of new ordinances, and amoag other things laid eut new fire lim- its within which no building shall be erected, emlarged or removed that has a wooden ‘roof or whose outside walls are other than stone, brick, iron, or concrete, not less than 8 inches thick, and subject to approval of the board. The pro- posed new limits run from Broad street north on the middle line of Johnson street for a distance of 500 feet, then easterly on a line parallel with Broad street to a point 400 feet cast of Spaulding street, then southerly on a line parallel with Spaulding street to the state line, then west along the state line to the center line of Johnson street extended, then north to the place of beginning. The penalty for violating tne provisions of this or- dinance is $25. Another proposed ordinance provides that no person, firm or corporation shall place or cause to be placed any advertising matter in any street, yard, alley or vehicle or upon any porch in the village under penaly of a fine. This ordi nance is to prevent promiscuous scattering and littering the streets with advertising matter. GAUGHT AT STATE LINE Waverly—This moming Del Rogers obtained an attachment he was about to remove his goods from the state for the purpose of defrauding his creditors, It seems that Rogers was a creditor of Rourick’s and this morning he dis- covered that Rourick was loading his goods, and that he was about to take them out of the state. The attachment was given to Constable W. H. Lockerby, and he stopped the goods just before they were taken over the line, SPRINCER FAMILY REUNION The members of the Springer family held a most pleasant reun- ion at Peul's Grove yesterday. There were between sixty and sev enty of the family present, and ar~ rangements were made to hold an annual reunion hereafter. Shortly after three o'clock a surprise came to those assembled when Charles A. Springer, the well known Le high employe, and Miss Mary Whitmarsh were united in marriage by the Rev. J. F. Warmer. The newly wedded couple will reside in LOCAL MENTION The largest and best selection of clothing in the valley now on sale at H. Sattler’s store. 104 6 Joha Mulcaney, a Lehigh Valley track walker, was struck and in- stantly killed by the Auburn-Ithaca train near King Ferry on Wednes- day-night. He was forty-five years of age and is survived by a wife and three children. ssn SEPIENBER COURT CLOSED The September term of court yesterday. Since the first of the week Judge Charles Terry has presided on account of the illness of Judge Fanning. The latter is confined to his room but is report ed to be better. His early recov- ery is hoped for by a host of friends, NARROW ESCAPE M. M, Geiger, a Lehigh Valley brakeman, fell between the caboose of his train and the station plat- form at Mauch Chunk yesterday and was seriously injured. His es cape from being ground to death was miraculous. He escaped with injuries to his head and side, Our “Cafe” Blend Coffee is a leader 3 cans Hire's Gold Cream . . 2y¢ 3 cans Premium Milk . . , . 25¢ 1 1b Lowney's Chocolate . . . 306 3 pkgs NulLife. . . . Banner Oats, pkg . . , . | 20¢c Shredded Wheat Biscuit . . 9%c 6 Ibs Oat Flake 25c| 3oc | Large Sour Pickles, dozen . . 10c! I qt. Midget Sweet Picldes . . 20c/ ——— 8 Ibs Lump Laundry Starch 6 Ibs Split Peas BOTH 'PHONES. The New York World. A delightful: romance —#he au- thor's latest success. North American, Phila. gennity and maintains his in- terest te the very end. Weber's B 133 Lockhart St. ; Ril ECE 7 OED HILL & BEIBACH CAFE Best of Everything Lockhart St. Sayre. H. TUTTLE, NM. Db. Specialist Practice ited so dlsssecsel the Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat. (lasses aceurately fitted. Hours10 to12 a.m. 2906, 7 te 8 p.m. Office and 3 South ElmerjAve. Valley 'phene DR. F. J. GREEN Osteopathic Physician, ace Will UO 34 Site Norwood Hotel, hogy Asute and ehromie rd hha y Coasualtation emamination free, Graduated under the founder of the pro- feasion, Dr. A. T. Btill, KirksviMe, Me. Read The Record. A.E.BAKER Carpenter and Builder. 17 Pleasant 8. Waverly, N. Y. CEMENT SIDEWALKS bm pou mat call the want a cement side- a first-class, d on Simeon Davis, Yon moe. Mean wl of . . + « « Special, 4 pounds for soc 4 qts Beans + «27C 4 pkgs Royal Corn Starch . . 25¢ 3 pkgs Melrose Cosn Starch . 20c + py 5 3» 3 cans Com . 3 cans Peas 2 cans Devon Peas : 28C a eg 25¢ car Roast Beef 5 Ibs Silver Leaf Lard Baltimore American. Far and away the best work of Mary E. Wilkins-Freeman. Pittsburg Dispatch. This really great novel of man interest, charming love deepest mystery. ook Store is never pfonom- ical, never stays shagp. never giv- es satisfaction. As a household Vautod ay experiegond man for gro- oFTY de man, thus, Btevpson Bt. ayes. + Mods Wanted to do. L at Fred M oak Leave orders - ley phone 101y. ste Avenue. Waverly, pher. N.Y, with to rent ” Caldwell avenue, 0. Hoot, Weeeny Tt ns un gelt rooms for reat, No. 819 ye oping or: t RT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of @, Pa, at the close of business Bept.: RESOURCES and DISCOBDIS «oe een eee $340,178 62 rafts secured sud unsecured .... hos 4 Bonds to secure circulation. ... $0,000 ® lamson U S Bends ces. 1090 , securities, etc 117,390 o ing house, furniture and Gxtures 2500 ® , Af% wm re ——— 2,500 86 0 32 47090 03 5» 1,7% oo from approved reserve agents. . ... ks and ofber cash items of other National Banks. ...... onal paper currency, miskels, d cents .. iho » rh Aw —— viens B19630 wens semans: S07 OO mption fund with P.5. Treasurer {§ per cent. of circulation). we. ove nme 2.500 00 LIABILITIES shear we can tee that Wiss shear will give better sitsfaction| than any other. Call and sce them. We have all kinds and sizes, ERT (§ TRS [SLED ISTE I ONE COMPLETE LINE OF CUTLERY AT BOLICH BROS. HARDWARE C. J. Kircuin, SAYRE'S LEADING DRAYNAN. Ropecial cars and prompt ab tention gives to moviog of of vis, Olive 8¢., Planes, Hoasehold Goods. f ital stock paid im ividual deposits subject 10 CHECK. iron snmns vue 175.448 4S and certificates of dep't 190,219 3$ fers checks outstandily ¥r 91 Wags $agd.o87 17 y STATE or PRxwsvLvania, County of Brad ord, ss I, RF. Page, cashier of the above-named tank, do Solemniy weg: that Daa is true to the of my know . R. F. Pace, Cashier. Sabacribed snd sworn before me this 6h day f Sept, 1908. Fars RB. Powsas, Notary Pablic. | Ceorrest—Attest” W. Bisuor, E WHEsloCK, O L. MavsaLy, A.J.GREEN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans asd Betimator Furnished 53 Stevenson f6. Valley Phone ity }pirecton. There is no nook nor cor- ner where The Valley Rec- ord does not circulate