The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, September 12, 1906, Image 3

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Reduced Prices
On Hose |
14c kind 12c per foot.
12c kind 10c per foot.
10c kind 8c per foot.
8c kind 6c per foot.
All new stock and guar-
anted for the season.
Buy your hose now and
save money.
) 8%, Sayre. 322 8, Main St, Athens.
' yous don’t trade with us we both lose money. “eu
= »
Head Domestic,
A Head New Home
as low as 20, 25,
weekly or monthly payments, or dis-
interest charged on contracts.
Pay you fo call and look at Pianos, Organs or Machines.
228 Main Street, Valley 'Phone 90c. Athens, Pa.
tomud, -
Grove park,
H. Sattler’s.
welcome these days.
on Saturday evening,
the appearance of a frost.
Grove park.
at H. Sattler’s store.
Sold Rags to a Junk Dealer and
Among Them Was $87.37
Through the efforts of Guy Hol-
lon, Towanda's well known com
stable, Mrs. Byron Bennett of
Overton, recovered a sum of mona-
ey yesterday which had parted
from her possession in a most un-
usual manner, The other day a
junk dealer went to Mrs. Bennett's
home at Overton and bought a
quantity of rags. After the deal
was made the dealer took the rags
to New Albany for shipment. Af-
ter he had departed Mrs, Bennett
discovered that $87.37, which she
bad in the house was missing
Then she began to do some think
ing. She knew that the money
was in the house before the junk
dealer came, and also that it was
not there after ‘he had departed.
She did not acuse him of stealing
the money, but she conncted its
disappearance with the rags which
she had sold. So strong was her
belief that the money had in some
manner got mixed up with the
rags she decided to tell her trou
bles to Mr. Hollon. Accordingly
she went to Towanda and made
him acquainted with the circum-
stances. After hearing her story
Mr. Hollon decided that the money
was among the rags, and he im
mediately set out to intercept the
car in which they had been ship-
He learned that the car went
north over the Lehigh and that it
would pass through the Sayre
yards, Accordingly yesterday af
terday afternoon he came to Sayre
oa train No. 1, and immediately
went to Superintendent Kinney,
from whom he secured an order to
have the car stopped here, Early
last evening the car arrived in
Sayre. Mr, Hollon showed his
order to John R Drugan, the yard
master, and the two proceeded to
make an investigation of its con
teats, The car contained a con-
siderable quantity of junk, and at
first it looked like a hopeless task.
After carefully searching for some
time they came upon an old file,
around which was wrapped an old
newspaper. The paper was re-
moved and underneath was the
missing money, The bills had been
placed over them to conceal their
Mr. Hollon took possession of
the money and will return it to
Mrs. Bennett today. The finding
of the money was without doubt
due to the prompt action of Mr.
Hollon, and Mrs. Bennett is de-
serving of praise for being sensible
enough to place the matter in the
hands of a man skilled in work of
this character.
Attorney Paul E. Maynard and
G. S. Parker went to Smithboro
this morning at 3 o'clock. They
launched a boat in the Susquehanna
at that place and will float down
the stream until they reach Sayre.
When they lef Sayre both men
were laden with fishing tackle, from
which it is inferred that they have
mercinary designs on the finny
tribe, which abounds in the placid
waters of the Susquehanna, It is
said that a dray will meet the boat
when it lands at Sayre this cvening.
In the meantime the fish warden
has been notified.
The hail storm which struck
Sayre yesterday afternoon did not
do as much damage as was at first
feared. The storm was not general
in its character, and therefore but
little territory was affected. There
was no hail at Atheas and but little
at Waverly, The storm, however,
is said to have passed down the
Chemung valley and did consider-
able damage to late tobacco,
The Record acknowledges the
receipt of an invitation to attend
Rail Feil on Left Leg and Ampu-
tation May Be Necessary
Fred Dutton, a Lehigh Valley
section hand, who resides at Van
Etten, met with a serious injury
near that place this morning which
may cost him his left leg. Shortly
after the men went to work this
morning it was found necessary to
cut a nail in two, In order to per
form this operation the rail is first
cut with a chisel at the desired
point. Then several men at each
end lift the rail in the air and then
it is allowed to fall on another rail.
Dutton was assisting in the work
and when the rail fell it struck his
left leg below the knee, mutilating
the member in a frightful manner
and breaking the bones to splinters,
He was sent to this place on a
switch engine and upon. arriving
here at once removed to the hos
pital. The physicians at the hospital
will try and save the injured leg,
but the chances are rather doubtful.
E. D. Adamy was in Powell yes-
terdap on business, '
Attorney C. C. Yocum is in To-
wanda today on legal business,
Claude Thompson of New York
is the guest of his uncles, A. J. and
Hermon Bolich.
Howard Lull returned this mormn-
ing to State college, where he will
pursue his studies,
John D. Reeser, Jr., of Dushore,
stopped over in Sayre last night on
his way to Elmira.
Mrs. A. J. Grant went to Syras
cuse this morning where she will
visit friends for a time.
Mrs. Ward Crans and Mrs. Clar~
ence Walker went to Owego this
morning to visit friends.
Edwin Nevin Sterner of Reading
is the guest of his sister, Mrs.
Wm. Shellberger of Lincoln street.
Miss Aana Donahue of Dushore
retuned home yesterday after a
few days visit with Miss Anna
Mrs. Ike Samuels left this morn-
ing for New York city where she
will spend a few days as the guest
of friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. James Faulds left
this moming for Wilkes-Barre
where they will attend the wed-
ding of their niece, Miss McCaa.
L. M. Rice of the department
store, who has been in New York
city for several days purchasing
goods, is expected home this even-
Mrs. J. M. Yerger of Rochester,
who has been the guest of her
brother, Martin Kelley, 326 West
Lockhart street, for several days,
has returned home.
H. M., Mcintosh, who has been
working in the division engineer's
office of the Lehigh Valley during
the summer vacation, has returned
to Lehigh University,
Residents on the oulskirts of
Sayre complain of tramps stealiug
garden produce, Potatoes and
green corn are particularly relished
by the hoboes.
There was another big crowd at
the park last night. Mitchell's All
Star Players are making a big hit,
and is considered to be one of the
best repertoire companies seen in
this section in years.
Mrs. Emma R. Tillman, mother
superintendent of the local W, C,
T. U, has been presented A beautis
ful banner, the gift of the W. C. T.
U. convention of Bradford county,
Jas 2 light token of the esteem in
which she is held by the members
ofthe organization. The giftis
Editor Valley Recond :
It seems a pity not to allay the
needless anxiety occasioned by the
presence of the “Leper car” in
with this truly loathsome disease,
happily endemic in our day, we
ourselves, and a greater pity for
the poor unfortunate who caused
this widespread alarm. Nor are
the researches of modern science
necessary to acquaint us with its
nature. The Mosaic law concern-
ing it was given ‘‘ to teach when it
is unclean and when it is ‘clean:
this is the law of leprosy.” Lev.
xiv: §7. It is noteworthy that the
law was given centuries before the
germ theory was formulated, or
fumigation as preventative of con-
tagion was even dreamed of, and
yet so perfect was the law that it
provided against any possible in-
fection as ¥ffectually as scientific
methods today.
Most of the medieval superstis
tions concerning it, relics of the
days when it raged as an epidemic
through Europe, have passed
away, Itis no longer considered
contagious by the experts who
have made this subject their spe-
cialty. Itiseven now declared to
be a curable disease. True, it is
an infectious one, but the infection
can only be communicated when it
is in what is known as the “period-
ically eruptive stage” in advanced
cases or according to the law, Lev.
xiii: 14, “When raw flesh appear-
eth in him, he sha!! be unclean.”
Even in this stage, unless the in-
fection is received into a cut or
sore of a persor whose * general
health is at the time impaired, one
need have no fear. Any skepti-
cism on this point is convincingly
silenced by the reports of the
Leper Colony on the St. Lawrence,
where none of the nurses caring
lor the worst cases have ever con-
tracted the disease, owing to the
simple precaution of wearing rub-
ber gloves when handling a patient,
and the proper sterilization or
fumigation of all articles contam
inated by the sores.
None of the physicians quoted
by the press who examined this
particular leper, pronounced it an
unclean case, notwithstanding the
terrified rumors to the contrary,
but better were ten thousand pre-
cautions, than the risk of a single
case of any preventable disease, be
it leprosy, smallpox, diphtheria or
typhoid, Certainly the notorius
car should be fumigated, if only to
show the railroad's interest in the
public's welfare. Common cents
will purchase what little sulphur is
needed, and a few coals of fire will
complete the good work. Let
some of the fearful pass the hat,
nor forget that silence is also
The big scenic production billed
by Mitchell's All Star Players will
be presented tonight at Oak Grove
park and will not be repeated dur
ing their engagement here. The
house will undoubtedly be crowded
tonight. Secure seats early and
avoid the rush.
James Clohessy, chief of the fire
department at Waverly, stated this
morning that he would bring fiv®
companies to Sayre on the day of
the firemen's parade, The Boy's
band will accompany them, and it
is probable that the Nichols band
will also be engaged.
70c to Towanda and Return
The Lehigh Valley Railroad will is-
sue tickets to Towanda and return from
Sayre at above named low fare, account
Bradford County Fair, Sept. 35-38. Tick-
eta will be sold Sept. 25, 20, 27 and 38th;
limited for return until Sept. 20th, in-
clusive, and will be good going and re-
turning on all trains except the Black
Dismoud Expreas, within presoribed
limit. Half rate tickets will be issued
for children. See Lehigh Valley Ticket
agents for farther particulars. 1s
Are You Looking For An
Investment ?
We bave a ioe proposition. Inquire
A. H. Sawtelle, Sayre, Pa.
N/a \C
BN 06 oe IR ’
on the mar-
ket at eith-
$11 or $12
Ww /\
205 Desmond St,
Valley Phone 191 a.
tween 18 and 60 years.
sickness and accident,
Call on
Oak Grove Park
A Metropolitan Attraction with
an Established High Art
A Strong Company of Players
Presenting only the Strong-
est Modorn Plays.
Each Production Complete in
Every Detail.
This Evening
“Devil's Island”
Will Be Presentad.
This is an excel-
lent time of year to
have a heating sys-
tem installed and
ready for the hard
winter which the
S\ [weather man says
We would be plea-
sed to offer sugges-
| tions or give esti-
{mates on steam, hot
'watar or hot air sys-
tems. Woe sell the
satisfactory “Win-
“chester steam and
bot water heaters,
A" the American Rad-
iator Co's radiators
and boilers and the
justly famous
“Cheerful Home"
furnace, making a
fine line for you to
Yours choose from,
Plumbing, Hating and Tinning.
Gas Fixtures, Burners and
——————— i — ———
Plans and Estimates Furnished |
£35 Stevenson 84, Valley Phone 213y
Subscribe for The Record,
Meets every Friday evening at |
Howard Elmer Hose house, Maple |
street, West Sayre. All invited. |
Everybody welcome, |
Palater, Decorator and Paperhanger.
Firet-olass work dom prompély sé rea-
Residence: —130 Spruce 84, Athens, Py.
You Don’t Know When
the alarming ery of “Fire!” may stare
tls you in your own home—fast asleep,
possibly, Answer frankly, please, Is it
| We write fire insurance to cover not om-
ly hnildings but their contents as well
Why LN Jou name on our books ?
E3 Sarkel oes, Call Bell
0, 888, BAYRE, PA.
The Cayuta Land Company
fing bon Sagiven de irable building
ey have some oa
lota for sale on cheap and easy
and that they have placed the agency
for selling them la the hands of Andrew
Evarts of this place. All those
to provide themselves with homes or to
invest (n lots for speculative purposes
will do well to consult with MP, Rvarts
before purchasing elsewhere, This plot
of land is nearly anrrounded by
trial plants, with beautiful and
all the advantages of a modern indus-
trisl town. Terma to suit purchasers,
all the land comprising this plot witha
full supply of the beat water the
affords. ANDREW EVARTS, 10S H
tal place, Rayre, Pa. Phone 34de.
Contractor and Builder
Plans and Estimates Furnished
210 Milinr ot Sava. Pa
Foreign and Domestic Fruits.
Pure Olive Oll for medical
Macaroni at 5, 8 and 100 per
No sg Elizabeth 5t,, Waverly
The Record, has the best House
Lease ever printed In Bradford
Et Ei
= 0
for Justices and Constablea,
Pool and Billiards in the Rear.
184 Loskhart fkreet, fgrs, Pu