The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, September 11, 1906, Image 4

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chandise throughout
the store.
top, m. AS other times during
day at Valley Record office.
: ’| 8. REES, MN. D.
100 Lake 88. West Sayre,
11:00 a m., 3 to 4:30, 7:00 to 8:00,
, i. MURRAY, M.D.
; 1-5; 7-8; Sundays by
Office, Wheelock Block,
Bagrags called for nd delivered fo
SESE Finda 2 loam work attended bs
ily. Livery attached.
N. Lehigh Ave. Valley Phons 308x
Fought Vor Their Back Pay.
WILKESBARRE, Pa.. Sept. 11.—At
a meeting of the doncillation board
bere President Dettry of the Seventh
district won his ense for the men at
the Cranberry colliery of A. Pardee &
Co, after a three year struggle. Ie se
cured for them back pay from April 1,
Shaw In Nerth Carolina.
GREENSBORO, N. C, Sept 11-
Secretary Shaw spoke to an immense
gathering of Republicans at Winston
Salem and at Salisbury. At Winston
Salem he arraigned the Democratic
party, declaring it had no platform aud
stood for nothing
Closing Stock Quotations.
Money al 12 per cent
Prime mercantile paper, 687 per cenl
Exchanges, fla 405.34; balances, 36,0006
113% N. YY. Central
Closing prices
Amal. Copper 144%
110, Norf & Wesl.. 8
10% FPean. R R..... 10%
1% Heading
Wy Rock Island... 8
Chess. & Ohlo “iY Ht Paul. ATH
Chl. & Northw, 1164; Southern Pac, 1%
D.&H > 71s Southern Ry =
Erie iy South. Ry. pf... 8%
Gen. Electric 14% Sugar . . 138%
IL Central 17% Texas Pacific... B%
Lackawanna 3 Union Pacific... 193%
Louls & Nash 16% 1. B Steel
Manhattan 147 U. B. Steel ptf
Int.-Met. .. », West
Missouri Pac... &
on call firm
BH &0
Brooklyn RL. T
Union.... 81
New York Markets,
FLOUR~Dull and lower to sell: Minne-
sotn patents, MIGUEL ®; winter riraights,
Biota, winter extras, 80235
patents, FLTGA IN
WHEAT -On account of big northwest
receipts, favorable weather, liberal world's
shipmints and easy cables wheat declin-
ed to new low levels, December, 19 50-1Y
T9080. May, Pg
CORN -Optlon market was also lower
on good wenther and crop news
large receipts, December, Wile
BUTTER « Creamery, extras, M4503c.;
Arta, ZENG. seconds, ello. west.
ern. Imitation creame®y, firsts, 8G
eastern, dalry, choice, 24c.; firsts, oy. ;
renovated dairy extras =X
irate, Inby packing stock, No
CHEESE Stale, full cream, best, large
and small, 19% falr to good, large, 12
10 small, 11%WUiZe ; half skims, best,
large. $c, small, PGI; part skims,
prime, $l % 5
BEGGS Fresh gathered, extra, per doz-
an, Bc nearby fresh gathered, firsts to
extra Arets 2c; western, salécind,
i 4 fresh gathered, fOrits,
AGE Se.; weconds, 1390 Kentucky,
fresh gathered, fair 10 18510;
western, dirtes, No. 1, 13 Nao. 2, 150 isc,
MILK «~The price of milk Is 51.4 per
forty guart can
vii (3 Dy
HAY Quist: shipping, S475c.. good to
choles, Se afl
BTRAW-- Quist: Jong rye, 0070.
HEANB-Qunt; Marrow E2754 28. me
SLi, pea, NE, red kidney,
WOOL Steady, domestic fleece, BHM
HOPS « Steady: slate, common to
chotce, 196, 1N4Nc.; 194 and olde. nom
inal; Pacific const, 198, 13§15c.. 184, 12.
aids, nominal
POTATOES-Firm: Jersey, prime per
parrel, §1L.7542; do, culls, per barrel, Be. ©
$1. bulk stock r bushel, HQC
{IVE POULTRY — Firm, fowls, 4@
18%c . old roosters, joc. © spring chick-
ens 1415 ; Qucke, 11H
choles, 1# ; 90, falr to good, lc; of
roosters, , brollers,
do., western, 14§16c.
city coun-
nearby, lsigife ;
five Stock Markets.
CATTLE -Heceipts fale, market steady
. prime, 5 OHSS;
Mrs. Hermann Oelrichs Will Contest
Settlement of Husband's Estate,
NEW YORK, Bept. 11.-The will of
Hermann Oelrichs, the New York mil
lionnire, who died at sea last week, has
been filed In the surrogante's court. It
cuts off his wife and youug son and
leaves the entire estate to his brother,
Charles M, Oelrichs, and his sister,
Mrs. William Jay.
The news caused a sensation in sock
ety circles, although there had been
rumors that the will would cut off the
wife, who was the elder daoghter of
the late Senator Falr of California. No
one had dreamed, however, that Mr.
QOelrichs would Ignore his son in the
distribution of the estate, as It was
supposed that he was satisfied with
the arrangement whereby his wife was
to take care of the Jad
Mrs. Oelrichs will contest the will.
This statement was made positively
by friends who know her attitude.
Mr. Oelrichs left an estate of at
least $10,000,000, and It is thought she
was done a great wrong when her hus-
band cut her off without a cent.
For years Mr. and Mrs Oelrichs
have rarely been together. She was at
Newport and lu this city while he was
Irreconciiable differ-
ences of tempernthent separated them,
Hartje's Detectives Indicted.
PITTEBURG, Sept. 11.- Herman G.
Staab and John Anderson, the two pri-
vate detectives who figured In the
Hartje divorce case and testified for
Augustus Hartje that they broke open
the trunk of Thomas Madine, the
coachman and one of the corespond-
ents Iu the case, and in that way pro-
cured some of the letters alleged to
have been written by Mrs. Hartje,
were indicted by the grand jury on the
charge of entering a building with im-
charge against them alleged that his
trunk was robbed, but denled that the
letters were ever In It
Twenty-seven Were Injured.
SANTA BARBARA, Cal, Sept. 11.—
The second section of a southbound
train on the Southern Pacific Coast
line from Ban Francisco was wrecked
at Sea CHM, a side track twenty miles
south of Santa Barbara, and twenty-
seven persons were injured, twp of
whom may die. The wreck occurred
at a point where the roadbed runs near
the Pacific ocenu on an embankment.
Some part of the locomotive broke and
dropped on the ties, causing the logo-
motive to leave the rails. The baggage
car and four coaches followed, snd all
toppled over and slid down the em-
Bad Habit
“80 you lost your position?” we ask
of our young friend who has desnanded
our sympathy,
Te the firm told me I wpuld have to
| gd
“What reason was given?” |
“1 smoked cigarettes.”
“Why, that seems hardly a suficient
Dr. E. M. Crawford and N.V.
slope wall,
opened and were as follows: Ash.
ton & Carmon, £3,250; A. J. Green,
$3,300; R. H. Drislane, $3,173; J.
town today.
prominent merchants, was
J.J. Hummell providing he furnish
a sufficient bond for the satisfactory
construction of the work,
President Weller stated that D.
over Sunday, returning last night.
the summer in North Dakota and
consents to have his sidewalk raised
as far as will be necessary in order
to have the channel cut at the in-
his father, after which he will re.
turn to his home in Philadelphia.
Lost—Saturday evening in Wa-
verly, a child's gold chain and
locket marked on the back “Ruth
1905” If the person finding it
will leave it at the Free Pres
office they will be suitably re-
Doctorand Mrs. Cowell, Charles
Kellogg, Edward Payne and Mr,
and Mrs. FB A Gillette went to
ithaca this morning and from there
they will po on. Dr. Cowell's
yacht to Syracuse to attend the
New York State fair.
The Athens quoit club played a
series of six games with the
Touhey quoit club at Sayre yester-
day, winning each game. Athens
scored 33 poiantsjeach game against
12, 19, 19, 22, 28 and 28 respect-
ively by tne Sayre team,
The annual party given in honor
of Miss Elizabeth Brink's birthday,
was held at her residence in Ulster
yesterday. Guests were present
from Waverly, Milan, Monroeton,
Sheshequin and Towanda. The
occasion was much enjoyed by all,
who wish for many returns of the
same, -
Athens fishermen are largely
represented on the river today,
Among them are Messrs. N. V,
Weller, Wm. Ingraham, E. M.
Crawford, John Heavener, Will
Schrier, Chas, Mills, Hugh Stim«
son, Harry Wolcott, C. F, Rogers,
Editor Curtiss, and Lehigh Cons
ductor Louis Woodward and son.
Speaking of Mrs, L.S, Kings-
bury who died in Sheshequin Sun
day. we are informed that she was
one of the best women in sickness
that ever lived. Valentine Greg
ory-says that he remembers when
he was very sick and the doctors
could not do anything to relieve
him, and she came and nursed him
and saved his life. She was kind
and cheerful and bright sunlight
wherever she went. Such a life
has been a real blessing in the
Athens—The Towner reunion
Saturday was at the grove on the
“John Grif” Towner place. In
early times this homestead was
celebrated for the musical celebris
ties that were entertained from
time to time there, John Grif
Towner was a singing teacher of
prominence that made his period-
ical visits all over the county and
his singing schools contained all of
the rudimentary advantages that
the modern conservatory of music
can boast of nowadays. One no-
table gathering took place in Rome
village about the year 1855 when
Prof. Wm. B. Bradbury, of New
York, conducted a convention that
brought the best singers from the
difierent parts of the county to-
gether, This was the beginning of
the musical career of the lamented
gospel singer, P. P, Bliss, who was
teaching school at the time in
Rome and boarding at Papa
Young's, where he afterward found
his wile. At that time John Grif
Towner stood at the head of the
streets to take care of the surface
water. The street commissioner
was instructed to have the work
to ut once.
On motion of Nevins the Bor-
ough secretary was authorized to
advertise for bids on coal to be
used in the borough buildings:
to have the cobble stones and
gravel removed from his lot on
East Cherry street, and the street
commissioner was instructed to
see that it was done. .
No other
I have just received over 400
samples of the latest fall designs in
icine materials. I will be
cased to call at house and show
samples and give estimates on all
kinds of upholstering, mattress
making and renovating. Satisfac-
tion and moderate prices guaran-
teed. I can furnish the best local
references. Valley ‘phone 310 x.
104-1w ~~ Wm, H. Dennis, Jr.
Exposure Brings on Rheumatism
Painful in its mildest form, quiekly
becoming an agony or torture
lected. When you feel the first pain
Notice to Taxpayers
I will be at 124 Desmond street even.
Taxes can bs pald any time daring the
day from 8a. m. till 6p. m.
J. L. Plumsted, Collector.
Sayre, Pa, Aug. 23, 1908.
$3 to Buffalo and Niagara Falls
and return. The Lehigh Valley Rail-
road will sell tickets Sept, 12th, at above
named low fare from Sayre limited for
return until Bept. 13th, inclasive. Tick-
ets will be good goiog and returning on
all trains, except the Black Diamond Ex-
prema, within prescribed limit, See Le.
igh Valley Ticket Agents for further
particulars. 106
Piles! Piles! Piles!
Of all kinds
- =
A quarter of a century ago we
placed some gold fillings in the teeth
fo a well known gentleman at pres-
These fill-
ings today are just as bright, firm
and useful as the day they were
made. We will tell you the name of
the party, if you wish to ‘see him
There are variations in dental
workmanship, just as there are dif-
feremees in the various brands of
flowy. If you desire the highest de-
gree of proficsency—ithe skill and
Anowledge that will make YOUR
fillings serviceable twenty-five years
from today—come in or ‘phone for
an appointment. On the other hand,
of you take pleasure in having your
teeth filled over and over again every
year or two, you should go elsewhere
—we¢ do not do that kind of work.
Administrator's Notice. _
Letters of administration on the es-
tate of John H. Mills, deceased, late of
Boro, of Bayre, Pa., having been granted
the undersigned, notice is hereby given
that all parsons indebted to ssid estate
are requested to make immediate pay-
ment, and all porsons having claims
against it mast present them daly an-
theaticated for settlement,
Bayre, Ang. 27,1908, Administrator.
We have a full line of
lace curtains, ranging in
price from 60c to $4.75
per pair.
We have alsoa full line
of shoes, and are giving
special bargains in chil-
dren's school shoes and
“You all know the “Len-
ox" shoes for children.
106 Centre St, ATHENS, PA,
Valley Phone 97 D,
Ofios:—Rooms ¢ and §, Elmer Bloek,
Lookharh Street, Sayre, Ps.
Wveryining Now and Up-to-Date Fieeb
Thomas Ave, Opposite L, V, Biatics,
Bales $1.50 i Sarre.
Valley Phone 1285. -