The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, September 06, 1906, Image 2

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and Undertaking, Cor.
v A AC. Trainor, Colchester, Conn.,
v sample bottle of
whea she was all
is a body builder
have not tried it, you sh
greatest system
Sick Kiduoys are ol
piiic in
& CO.
of Brand SL. and Park Ave Waverly.
Here's anther’ § from Tuesday's
issue of the Daily Times (else
where referred to as the d. t.):
A proposition was made yesterday
which seems a very plausible one, that
the old sewer committee be discharged,
aod thapked for their work. and a com-
mittee consisting of the Burgess, two
members of the council, the h at-
torney, and engineer, and one eitizea
who has had practical experience ln the
line of constructing such work, be se-
to perfect specifications for sewer
Kystem, when completed have the same
yt before the council and acted
Tpon slid passed in the usual form and
have te matter completed before it was
given e contractors for bids,
This php would be working ou lines
of business and there would not be any
use for dodging around to save a friend
or two or let the gontract to someone
who had after bids were opened, taba-
Iated the different bids and cut out a
portion of the 3rticles called for in
specifications in order to secure the bid
and afterwards add the same articles as
The d. t. really displays some
cleverness in attempting to dodge
responsibility for the foregoing
suggestion by stating that a “propo~
sition was made,” but the d. tv. has
worked the same game so often
Sun- | that the evasion in this instance is
apparent to even the most casual
reader. The fact of the matter is
that the d. t. is disgruntled with the
sewer committee in particular and
the town council in general. Was
there ever a time when the d.t. was
not at loggerheads wth the town
council ? The d.t. ought to set up
in the town council business all by
itself; then it could pass ordinances,
grant franchises, print specifications
and Jay sewers just as its own
sweet will should dictate. It might
glen build a little opera bouffe
town hall as a side issue.
The d. t. article is a gratuitous
the town council. These gentle
men were elected by the people to
transact the public's business, and
if they should proceed in an illegal
manner, at any time, they can be
brought to book. The members of
the sewer committee are well
known to our townspeople as men
of ability and integrity, and to their
credit be it said that they have res
mained silent in the face of nag-
ging, churlish criticism that in
will receive bids for the con-
3 of a hose house on Mile Hill,
All bids must be received on
t to reject any orall bids, D.
chalrman of building com-
Welles avenue, Atsu,
$1.20 to Newark Valley acd Re-
Valley Railroad will
wark Valley and re-
at above named low fare, account
0 Tioga
A — 4, Gsod 6; limited for
ber th, inclusive,
Diamond Ex-
The Erle Railroad Is again offering
» Joy rit rates to the Pacific Coast and
western points. In quire of Brie
or write J. H Webster,
3 Pans Agt. Elmira, N. Y. 99-0et30
The Valley Railroad will sell
et du Ist and o
as Sayre would be resented with a
good old-fashioned horsewhip.
Rumors are again current to the
effsct that another mob is being
organized to descend upon the
Italians in this place this evening,
It has been generally conceded
that there would be no further
demonstrations on the part of those
who desire to sec the foreigners
driven out of this section. Today,
however, the report has gone out,
and is common talk on the streets,
that a mob is organizing which
will do business tonight. The local
police force, with the half hundred
deputies already sworn in by Sher-
iff G:iffia, will be on hand to take
care of violators of the law,
Ward Assessors, Gay, Hulett,
Brougham and Lewis went to To
wanda today to return the list of
voters registered in their respective
wards. Yesterday was the last day
for registration and it is the duty of
the assessors to make their returns
on the following day.
————— fs
CharlesVanders and Lewis Dun-
fee of Athens, Willoughby Lock-
wood of Smithboro, Miss Jeannette
Amold and Miss Della Ackley of
Towanda, Miss Etta Webb of East
Athens, were discharged today.
A.W. Hickok of Rush was ad-
Given a Fine Testimonial by
Members of Watkins Post
Last evening a special meeting
of Watkins Post, G A R., Towan-
da, was held and the testimonial
from the Department of Pennsyl
vania to Past Commander J. An-
drew Wilt was presented. Charles
A. Suydam of Philadelphia, assist-
ant adjutant general of the depart-
ment, was present and gave an
account of the splendid work that
Comrad+ Wilt had performed dur-
ing his official year, and stated that
nition of those services Past De
partment Commander C. T. Hull
made the presentation, and in the
name of the 24000 comrades of
the department delivered the testi-
timonial, It consists of a chest of
128 pieces solid silver knives, forks
and spoons. Camrade Wilt re
sponded ia a feeling manner, and
was followed by addresses by Hon.
E. M. Tuton, chief of staff: Col
E J Ayres, and Assistant Adju-
tant General Suydam. George W.
Kilmer had charge of the musical
part of the program and some
stirring old army songs were ren-
dered. It was a splendid meeting
Refreshments were served.
EJ Connelly has returned from
a trip to Buffalo and Rochester,
The Rev.M. B. Wood of Hiram,
Ohio, is in Sayre for a short time.
Miss Ruth Woodworth will leave
tomorrow for Rochester, where she
will attend school,
Alanzo House and wife and
Mrs. Martha Davenport are visiting
relatives at Ulster.
Miss Carrie Sigler of Milan is
visiting at the home of George
Ferguson on Lewis street.
Mrs. Clara B. Harrington has
returned from a two moaths' visit
at Port Jervis and New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Zellar
are entertaining a youagster which
arrived at their home yesterday.
It's a boy.
Mrs. Frank Newell of this place,
has gone to Ithaca to assist in the
care of Mr. and Mrs. Munson,
of Yates street.
John R, Kasper, who has been
in the hospital for several days,
suff:ring from inflammation of the
eyes, is slowly peoving:
_ _— SS BP-»P-.
Mrs. L. C Kitchen, Mrs. Fréd
Smith, Miss Florence Fletcher and
Miss Lulu LaRock attended the
encampment at Ulster yesterday.
B. H. Bail, general freight agent
of the Philadelphia & Reading,
who has been the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. E, H. Eason, has returned
George Eason, who has been
the guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. H, Eason for a brief time,
returned to Philadelphia this
Rev. J. F. Warner and wife, who
have been spending a month at
New York, New Haven and other
eastern points, returned last night
Mr. Warner will conduct the usual
services at the Methodist church
Sunday next.
Mrs D ] Sisson and daughter
Ruby, Mrs, John Daly, Mrs. Chas
McCloskey, Mrs. Robert Leadrum,
and Mrs, Al. Graham went to New
Albany this moraing to attend the
convention of the W.C.T.U. which
is being held in that place,
Arthur Woodworth, who has
been home for the past two weeks
from Chicago, where he attended
the University of Chicago and re-
After 11 o'clock noon call the main
office at Sayre, Valley ‘phone 138X.
Sidney Drake of Nichols was in
Waverly yesterday.
week in New York,
Murray Fairchild of Buffalo,
was in town yesterday,
F. I. Howard Esq, weat to
Columbus, O, this morning.
Mrs, C. L. Mills is seriously ill
at her home on Chemuag street.
Mrs. Hiram Wood of Elmira,
was visiting relatives in Waverly
Miss Edaa Eisenhart returned
home yesterday after a few days’
visit at Scranton,
Fred Pike of the postoffice is
taking his vacation, and left for
New York city today.
Call at Lockerby's barber shop
or fish bait. Also get a shave
and hair cut for 25c. 8g-12t
Mrs. Charles H. Turney left this
morning for a two weeks’ visit with
relatives in Otsego county.
Mrs. C. H, Clark of Newark, N,
J., is visiting her pareats, Mr, and
Mrs. J. B. Glazier, Pleasant street.
Mrs H. G. Merrill has returned
to Wilkesbarre after visiting in
Waverly for the past three weeks.
Chief of Police Brooks and
Officers Gridley and Corcoran are
in Owego today attendiag court as
Miss Mary E Furey of Dalton,
returned home today after visiting
friends in Waverly for the past
two weeks
The Rev. Bruce Corbin of Con-
stantia, is visiting at the home of
J. L. Woodburn, and will lead the
prayer meeting at the M. E. church
this evening.
Miss Sylvene Nye of Rutland,
Pa, who has been the guest of
Miss Monica Nasadowski leaves
today for Paterson, N. J., where
she will teach school.
H. G. French has been appoint
ed representative of the Waverly
lodge P, O.S. of A. to attend the
state convention at Corning. He
will be accompanied to the con-
vention by district deputy J. W.
Waverly—The case of Genung
against Parmalee was heard by
Judge Hoagland yesterday morn
ing. The case arose out of an al-
leged unlawful sale of goods by
Sheriff Parmalee on a judgment
against the plaintiff's husband.
The plaintiff claimed that she
owned the property that was sold,
but failed to sustain her contention
on the trial, and at the conclusion
of her testimony a non suit was
Waverly—The village officials
have decided to enforce the ors
dinasce requiring all owners of
dogs to purchase tags and place
them on the dogs. The law has
become practically a dead letter,
and because of its past nonenforce-
meat a period of a few days will
be given dog owners in which to
purchase the tags after which time
all dogs caught running at large
without the tag will be summanly
disposed ol.
Waverly—The delegates of the
Independence League from nine
towns of Tioga county will meet at
the Ahwaga House at Owego tos
morrow evening at 8 o'clock, for
the purpose of electing delegates to
across the roof, which were left
open for ventilation. Most of the
booths have been placed therein,
and the structure is such that no
inconvenience will be experienced
if it should happen to rain.
Waverly—Two drunks fell into
the hands of the police yesterday
afternoon. One named Jud Peters
was allowed to go on a suspended
sentence, The other, John Stem-
berg, has been up before Judge
Hoagland a great many times, and
as there seemed to be no extenuat-
ing circumstances connected with
his offense he was given jo days
in the county jail, and was taken to
Owego today by Chief Brooks.
“Wasn't she great?” “Yes, and
weren't: they all great, tonight?”
These and similar remarks were
heard as the big crowd wended its
way from the park last night. In-
deed, she was great; little Miss
Edith Macdonald took the part of
“Little Lord Fauntleroy” so beau-
tifully and was so ably supported
by the other members of the Salis~
bury-Murray Stock Company that
everybody went home delighted
Marcus & Rosa as usual were “it.”
The play will be repeated tonight.
The Howard Elmer hose coms
pany will hold a very important
meeting tomorrow (Friday) even-
ing, and all members who desire to
have uniforms on the day of the
valley firemen's convention should
make it a point to be present.
There will be a special meeting
of Wilbur Hook and Ladder Co
this evening at 7:30 o'clock in their
parlors, and every member is re-
quested to be present as this is a
very important meeting. James E,
Lyon, Sec'y.
Want ads inserted by persons
not having 2 ledger account with
The Record must be paid for when
ordered printed. We positively
cannot charge want ads indiscrim-
inately—the expense of bookkeep-
ing and collecting is entirely out
of proportion to the amount involv-
ed in the transaction.
24th Semi-Annual Tour
A Bird's Eye View of the World
Today. Stirring Scenes of His-
tonic Interest of Yesterday.
if it Happened Lyman H. Howe Has It.
America—Intarcol Boat Races
Norway —Ski Jumping.
India—Elep Bis is ot Work in Teak
Algen—Tunse Ping
Ttaly—Ern tion of ha,
(irsece— Olympic Games.
England — Henley Regatta. =
Sweden — Harvesting Ice.
RET Beats or
Every woman
needs a good
shear. A cheap
shear or scissors
i8 naver aconom-
ical, never stays
- sharp. never giv-
es satisfaction. As a household
shear we can guarantee that Wiss
shear will give better satisfaction
than any other. Call and see them
We have all kinds and sizes.
oT HE Ld | 7 od
A very desirable property
in Waverly, one block from
trolley Nine room house,
{ acre lot, plenty of fruit.
Work shop, hen house and
park. This property will
be sold at a sacrifice if
bought before Sept. 1, 1906.
Reynolds Real Estate Agency.
117 Packer Ave, Sayre, Pa.
If you are thinking of buying a
bird of any kind, call and see the
Hartz Mountain Canaries and Par-
rots just received, and get prices
before you send away and get one
you can't see before you buy. All
canaries guaranteed singers or will
be exchanged at any time. Have
some bargains in cages.
423 Keystone Ave., Sayre, Pa
C. J. Kiron
Especial care and prompt at-
tention given to moving of
Pianos, Household Goods, Bafos | nem, wew 3
When you want a cement side-
walk laid in a first-class, durable
manner, call on Simeon Davis. You
will get Lhe benefit of years of prac-
tical experience. Mason work of
all kinds. Simeon Davis, Olive St,
Osteopathic Physician,
Sonn ot Be 1303
m. Acute and o ) o 00 Pt oe
Consultation and examination free,
Graduated under the founder of the pro-
feasion, Dr. A. T. Btill, Kirksville. Mo.
H. H. Mercereau,
Notary Preble
Bpesia! athention to Pension Papera.
Valley Phone 11 X
12 Damm rAd Rtvest,
N. Yume, N dD.
Eight-months-old French
forsale. Eaquire No. 516
rtion of the Old
a ao ot in Bayre, i, +
M Thompson, 209 Spring SE,
Two good heating stoves and
Inquire st 803 North Main street,
Saveral hoases and lots for male In dé
wna locations In town. Tony
ern, Bn Athens, £90
-~ Wanted.
Wanted an experioneed man for
cery delivery man. Bend written
cation to The Record. 1
Young man wanted about 18 yearsof
=g= at Unger & Ellis’, elothiers, Waver-
iy, N. Y. ' 1026
Rooms for light housakeepi
Misses Gerould Location Pox
West Bayre or on Mile Hill, ne near |
car line, 1
elderly woman foi
widower on farm, home
A girl tor general housework.
quire 503 Lincoln street,
Girls to learn dressmaking. A a
Room No. 1, Packer aveane, Fhe
Block, Sayre, Pa.
Men to learn the paint business,
ply immediately, A. H. Thomas Jats
Co,, Waverly.
An outside man. Enquire at Fuk
Bayre, Pa, Avg. 23, 1908
My wife, Belle Danton, having
bed and board, | hereby notify all
sons against extending credit or ¢
ing her on my account, as 1 will nof
any bills of her contracting,
For Rent
Rooms first floor over Unger &t |
store, Waverly.
suitable for tleman. Ing
e gen ale
Housekeeping rooms for ren
West Lockhart street. Inquire ¢
For rent, office rooms in tha
TUS Sicey tor rept in the
Calta 13, 16.)
Trains lesve Sagre aa follows:
aay for }
Baltimore and W.
A. M. Daily for Towanda,
nock, Pittston, Wilkes Baire, Glen
mit Mapch Chunch Allen
. New York and Philadelphia.
AM, uy: to Athens, lai . M.) Weak 4
u, New iow Albaay Dushore, Sa
AM, Fa tr 4 A.M) Dal]
[os Peon ge Ta,
Few York,
10:00 Qh santas ur. for Athena, U
ville, Meshoppem and ‘
PM Si Trathiemed ag P. D
a a SE
Hit re
lameport, Wys}
P. M. (Waverly
’ Na? 4
rocton, New Albany, Dushers.
A.M. Daily for Oenevi rh
£5 Tole Tort, Dish, Cale,
ae. TI} Sut Givi. Redhasar ©
sy a
Spencer. Tikaca.
HE hy sree Phy dy er eo Fe
A.M. Week days Snir
11 Van Rites,
11:00 fms bury. Haris C ET ch
LAE Dally de
M. Dally for
fale, Niagars Falls, Detroit
Barden Cwuikioe) Filo,
i A Lock weed, Van M8
x. Zar or ha
7 — —
potaem, enews Kochester, -
6:38 ee ard Marty
AD, Mo) Wetk
IM iL Dull Black Disnoud oe
or Geneve. hochester, Buse
ot ye
Bud) ce