The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, September 05, 1906, Image 3

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    12c kind 10c per foot.
10c kind 8c per foot.
Sc ind dc pes fost,
All new stock and guar-
‘Buy your hose now and
New Home
weakly or monthly payments, or dis-
Don't get a sore face and then
feel “sore” about it; go to the
Utopian barber shop, Mechanical
mage compressed air; try
a F519
For sale—A small building, suit.
able for a shop or an office. Ceiled
and in good condition. Enquire of
Paul E, Maynard, M. P. A. block,
Sayre. Se tf
Passenger traffic at the present
time on the Lehigh Valley is ex-
ceedingly heavy, caused by the
great number of people who are
returning from their summer
James Walsh, son of Chief
Walsh, who has been ill of typhoid
fever for the past three moaths,
was on the streets yesterday for
~ | the first time since he was taken
il. He is now recovering rapidly,
“| Fall is now struggling for the
underhold. Last night it was
decidedly cool and this moming
of murder in the
first The decision refusing
Johason another chance for his life
was handed down immediately
Lilley & Wilson, attorneys for the
condemned man, it is said, will ap-
the decision of Judge
Fanning and take the casé to the
supreme court. Aa appeal to the
supreme court of course will act as
a stay of execution.
Immediately after the opinion of
the court was handed down Dis
the prisoner be sentenced, Johnson
was brought into court a few min-
utes later, The long confisement
in jail has bleached his complexion,
and he does not look much as he
did when first arraigned on the|!
charge of murdering Maggie Joha-
son and little Annie Benjamin. |"
Recently he has undergone consid-
erable change. Persons visiting
the jail do not now get an oppor-
tunity to look him in the face. Oa
the approach of visitors he tums
his head and appears deeply en-
grossed in a newspaper or book
until the unwelcome guest departs.
In court yesterday Johnson kept
his eyes continually on the judge,
and when asked whether he had
anything to say why sentence of
death should not be pronounced he
declared in a loud, clear voice, “I
am innocent of this crime.”
Johanson has been tried twice for
the part he played in the mur-
der, and there are many who think
that no further effort should be
made to reverse a judgment which
is believed to be just. According
to his own confession, he is the
man who did the actual killing, and
just why there is any doubt as to
his guilt is difficult to understand.
The taxpayers have paid the ex~
pense of two trials and they should
not be burdened with a third. A
third trial would result the same
as the other two, as a jury could
not be found in Bradford county
that “would bring ina verdict of
acquittal, or lessen the degree of
The governor will fix the time
for the execution of the sentence
pronounced by Judge Fanning.
Black Diamond Legion N. P. L
will hold a public pay off on Fri-
day evening, which will be follow:
ed bya literary and musical pro-
gram of a high order. Refresh.
ments will also be served and
friends and members of the Legion
are requested to be present,
National secretary Henry Locks
wood will be present and will
address the meeting. Twelve divi-
dend checks will be distributed,
aggregating $2400.
The Coxtoa yards of the Lehigh
Valley are experiencing a freight
rush such as they have not known
for months. Every employe of the
yard is worked every available
minute to keep up with the volume
of business that is being handled
by the company. For several days
past the officials have been barely
able to keep up with the rush. All
the regular freight crews are al-
lowed Smiy sight hour hours layoff,
“A strong company presented
“Quincy Adams Sawyer” at the
1g Over the birth of a son,
Ae Helme of Pittston
is visiting her brother, J. H. Gillis,
Giff street. :
Leon Smith left this orig
fora short vacation which fle will
spend at the Toronto exposition.
M. H. Sawtelle and wife left this
morning for New: York where
they will spend a few days sight
George Horton of North Elmer
avenue returned today from a trip
to Niagara Falls nad the Toronto
Mr. and Mrs John (uborn of}
North Lehigh avenue, left this
moming for New York. They will
be gone seyeral days. ©
The Rev. Johas A. Copeland of
Rochester, who is traveling
through the state with Louis Em.
ery, the independent candidate for
governor is the guest of Mrs. Lew-
is Eighmey. ——.
Officer Lewis has in his posses
sion two bicycles which have
apparently been abandoned by their
owners. One of the wheels was
being ridden by a man, when Offi.
cer Lewis approached. The man
suddenly dismouated, left the
wheel, and has not been seen since,
Mr. Lewis thinks that the man
would rather abandon the whee!
than to pay a fine for riding on the
sidewalks. The owners of the
wheels can have them by galling at
police headquarters.
Football, the Tough; treacherous
game, associated with late fall and
carly winter, comfortable wraps
and overcoats, is again being pracs
ticed. In nearly every town rival
teams have resumed practice and
will be prepared to “furnish the
real article before the snow flies.
The game will supplant basebdl,
and as a boom for sprains and jolts
itis a great success. Incidentally
the undertaker always puts on his
glad smile when the football season
approaches, ”
Lautz Bros, & Co. have opened
a premium office at 222 So, Main
street, Atheas, and will remain un-
til Sept. 8th. Wrappers will be res
deemed from the 1st to the 7th.
Redeem your Acme and Master
Soap wrappers and Snow Boy
Washing Powder fronts,
Not open evenings, rs on
Ray Donlin, th the well known
engineer of South -Waverly, was
taken suddenly ill while on his
engine at Tunkhannock yesterday.
A physician was called and Mr,
Donlia was found to be suffering
from appendicitis. He was
brought to this place and removed
to the Packer hospital
The Salisbury-Murray Stock Co.
gave another pleasing entertain.
ment at the park last nighttoa
good audience, This evening they
will present “Little Lord Fauntles
roy”, and Marcus & Rosa will give
an entire change of program in
their specialty act.
Today is the last day for regis-
tration. You who have not regis-
tered cannot vote at the fall
But Little Business of Import-
Number of Bills Paid
rectors held their regu
ent With the exception of paying
to do..
Superintendant Stetler’s report
ler stated that the supplies for the
and that the teachers would be
left over from last year until the
new ones arrived.
‘ Joha Walt was appointed janitor
the high school building with a
salary of $39 per month.
Cousiderable congestion exists in
the fifth grade of the fourth ward
school, and steps will be taken to
relieve the condition,
A large number of bills were
paid and adjournment was taken,
April 23, 1906, was a day long
awaited by at [east one nation—the
Greek—and eagerly - looked for
ward to by many others, It was
the opening day of the Olympic
games at Athens. The theatre of
action was the vast and imposing
staium, built entirely of marble,
oc third of a mile ia circumterence
and with 24 miles of marble seats,
This imposing spectacle will be re
produced by Lyman H. Howe in
the ' oomis opera house, Saturday,
Septc oer 13, afternoon and even-
ing. The scenes open by showing
members of the royal family bow-
ing to the right and left in recog-
nition of the cheering hosts. All
Athens seems in a frenzy, Never
before in the history of athletics
has there been such a sight. 70,000
people were in the stadium, 6Go,000
more were on the hills overlooking
it, and 170,000 lined the route of
the great Marathon race. It is es
timated there were fully 300,000
Grecian spectators to it, and it is
safe to predict that over a million
spectators will see it throughout
by Lyman H. Howe.
The marriage of James Geary of
Scranton, and Miss Gertrude
Hamm of this place, occurred to
day at high noon at the Church of
the Epiphany, the Rev. Father
employed as a telegraph operator
at Scranton, while his bride is one
of Sayre's most highly respected
young women. A wedding recep
tion at the home of the bride's par-
eats, Mr. and Mrs Aaron Hamm,
on North Elmer avenue, followed
will go to Scranton to reside,
Yesterday the East Side Quoit
club went to Athens and defeated
the club at that place by 11 pounds.
The gaine was pitched in the rear
of Winter's restaurant. Tomorrow
a club, headed by Dell Higgins,
will pitch the East Side aggrega-
Exposure Brings on Rheumatism
Painful in its mildest form, quickly
becoming an gy or tortare
lected. wien uv feel the first pain
in the muscles, first slight stiffnens
in the joints take Bloodine, It acta -
il poifivaly sare Blood aod qd Nafves and
severe, oy Ca tla, ow.
———— a ——————
Notice to Taxpayers
I will be at 134 Desmond street even-
Ings from Sept. 11 to 16 to receive taxes.
Taxes can bs pald any time during the
day from 8a. m. till 6p. m.
J. L. Plamsted, Collector.
Bayre, Pa., Aug. 13, 1908 mn
Manhattan Co-Operative Real Estate
205 Desmond St,
Valley Phone}19] a,
tween 18 and 60 years.
Qall on -
Four Act Comedy Drama
This Evening
The Specialtics Are
Leading Features
PRICES, 10,20,30¢
lent time of year to
have a heating sys-
tem installed and
ready for the hard
winter which tke
weather man -says
#9 is coming.
We would be plea-
sed to offer sugges-
tions or give esti-
{mates on steam, hot
{water or hot air sys-
items. We sell the
satisfactory ‘“Win-
i. chester steam and
= hot water heaters,
4 5 the American Rad-
iator Co's radiators
and boilers and the | py,
justly famous
“Cheerful Home"
furnace, making a
fine line for you to
choose from.
Hesting and Tinning
ixtures, Burners and
Both "Phones. Hee Ave. |
1 Stevenson St. Vallay Phone 23y
Subscribe for The Record.
Meets every Friday evening at
Howard Elmer Hose Boe Maple
street, West Sayre. All invited
Everybody welcome,
Have a Home to Fall Back
No matter how adversely the fat A
treated you, Lot of Roniort in that-
to say nothing of loan valuss of
gropaety when the times pinch too k
t us show you how to acquires bi
on small but regular
ments, Advice free,
The Cayuta Land 1 Com
oe il Phu dairy to announce th
ota. for sale on on np and nar
and that they have placed the
for sell them ia the hands of
of this place. All those wis
to Br themselves with homes o
invest in lots for speculative pu
will do well $0 consult with Mr.
before purchasing elsewhera, Thia
of land is best)y surioduded
trial plarts, with beau scenery an
all the advantages of a modern |
tris town. Terms to suit yp
Steps are already being taken to su)
all the land comprising this plot
| full supply of the best water the va
iafforda. ANDREW EVAR 108
| tal Place, Bayes, Pa. Phone Mle
Contractor and Bull
| Plans ané Bstimstes
PIOMMer™t *
foreign and Domestic
Pare Olive Oil for medical |
Macaroni at 5, 8 and 10e per
No x Elizabeth St,, Wa
The Record, has the best
Lf ied 1a Brush
FAT he :
in Tostions LT oe