The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, September 01, 1906, Image 4

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    : cool fall nights call to mind the colder ones to come which call
re covering for the bed and which is necessary to the refreshing and
feep which everyone should enjov. We cpen the season with a
of cotton and wool blankets, ranging in prices to Hl the wants na
lamps L Tangs
These long, dark ans adon coming
to will be niuch brighter if you will let us supply
you with your lamp needs. We can furnish you °
with Gas, Electric or Oil Lamps iu an endless
variety. Gas Drop Lights at $2.48 up. Electric
Drop lights at $2.48 up. Oil Lamps complete at
25¢, 4), 57c, 75¢, 89c. Large Table Lamps at
$1.47 up to $9.98.
ig Why Pay 010360
For a Sewing Machine when
the Demorest can be bought *
for from $22 to $30?
Five reasons why you should not:
Iat—Because it is A Standard Sewing Machina
2nd —Because it ia The wing Machine.
3rd—Because it meets All Demande
“4th—Because it is Up to Date in construction and
5th —Hecause the Price is Within the Reach of ALL
A written ten year guarantee with each machine.
Curtain Section
Irish Point
Curtain Net, per yard :
Curtain Edging and Insertion, yd.
Couch Covers -
Kops Portieres- a
1 Table Spreads
Feather Pillows
Bed Spreads
Grace Paya of Trinket were visits | made
ing J. D. Fice yesterday. [Miss Cure has many friends jn
a bo
Mrs, Mary Newman and Miss theos Who will wish Nes hap.
piness and prosperity. “Mr. Brown ;
Flossy Madison went to Laceyville is a senior in Brown University,
this morning to visit triends.
Providence, R. I, oe
there are no more wars neither
that college.
np romons of warpin ous pl
Mrs. Goodrich Manahan went to
Dushore this morning to visit her Presbpterisn—Norsing subject,
“A Call to Service” Evening,
mother, Mrs. F. B. Harding,
a a theme, “Some Thoughts for Labor
U. G. Frisbié and family went to Day." Special invitation to men.
New Albany today to ‘attend the el
Joan: tuday Methodist—Morning subject will
reunion of the Frisbie family.
— ~~ |be“Personal Agreement With God
Charles Luckey returned to the{and Man” Evening, “Coatless
Soldiers’ Orphans Industrial School | Religion.”
at Scotlanda, Pa : this morning. Universalist — Morning subject
Miss Clara Curtiss has returned | ill be “Eat, Drink and Be Merry.”
to Athens and will resume her du- Evening theme, “Life and Its Res
ties as teacher in the high school. | 0Urces-”
,. tai | Episcopal services as usual to-
John VanDemark and wife went | morrow with Holy Communion at
to North Fair Haven this morning
i ; 7:304 m. and 10:303. m,
where they will remain a few days.| gp yoseph's Catholic Church—
Mr. and Mrs. E, C. Bressler went
There will be two masses, onc at 8
to Lock Haven this morning to
a m aed one at 10:302 m.
spend a short time with -relativer. ©
Baptist Church—Services morn
“i ing and evening by the pastor.
Mrs AA. Leiber and Miss Nora | Morning subject, “ This do in
Leiber have gone to visit at the|p..mbrance of Me” Evening,
home of Dr. Bradford at Ricketts. |.. The Unseen Though Visite]
After Wednesday of next week | meeting” Ee
the library will be open every after-| J5 Next Sunday's World
noon and evening except Tuesdays.| The first installment of a
C. S. Holcomb of the Moaroe- | Duiasons by BF Benson,
c e Moaoroe-
“Door & This will be fifth
ton Enterprise, with his wife, were the Sanday was il be 3 new a
i fally written
in ig on a business trip last oe peelany for ty
preys aud Bs, with fancy red or blue boi-
200 pairs of this number lo select from.
Cotton Blankets, in while, tan or grey,
borders, at 59¢, 60¢c, 75¢.
Blankets, extra heavy, while, gfey or fan,
80c. 100, 112 125, 1.50, $1.50.
Blankets, white, grey or tan, at 1.25, 1.75,
‘All Wool Blankets :
, 114, 124, in the best of colors, at 3.75,
50, 6.00, 6.50, 7.00, $7.50.
full size and good quality cotton, extra heavy
to $1.10.
Finer qualities in the Maish Laminated Cotton
| Comfortables, at 1.37, 1.48, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25,
260,269, 239, 300, 360, $398. These
orrered with fine silkoline, mercerized satesn,
| twilled serge.
Children's Crib Comfortables at 98c.
rareforithe mone
‘gseén’in‘a long time.
It s'tertainly fine.
— said of our®
geay. enameled ware
22. 10
25c. 11
12 quart 60c.
‘Greggs Racket Store,
“.New Line of
2 Amoskeag, Teazle Downs
and Daisy Cloth
41 ust Opened Best Quality
Rm iies
Store Closed
All Day Monday
Labor Day = .-
tn 101 sn 58
Fem ago we
placed some gold fillings ix the teeth | |
fo a well known gentleman at pres-|
Good servants are becoming so diffi-
cult to obtain that we really cannot
Maney & Page Block,
® hours: —0 $010 a. m.; 8:30
00 5. m., 1 bo 4:30, 7:00 bo 8:00,
of the
and the Pitting
at. Office, Wheelock Block,
gl ps ep
of Sayre, Athens and Wa
] pads of Ses work sisnded
} attached.
: Lehigh
blame the American lady who disin-
herited her son because he married
ber mald.—Punch
Closing Stock Quointions.
Money on call strong at § 10 10 per
cent. prime mercantile paper. sUsly per
cent, exchanges, 555.23 36_ balances, §1§-
io tosing prices:
Amal Copper.
Atchison........ 15%
B&O ins
Hrookiyn R. T.. 4%
Ches. & Ohio... 861%
Chl. & Northw. 116
D.&H...onnnx0- «2
Gen. Electric. .
lil Central
1s N.Y. Central. 10%
Naorf. & West... ©
Penn. RL. R
Reading ........18
Rock Isiand ...
St Paul.........
Southern Pas.
Southern Ry....
South. Ry. pf.
Bogar .... ‘
Téxas Pacific.
Union Pacifie...
U. 8. Steel......
U. B. Bteel pf... 108%
West. Union...
Louis & Nash. 186%
Manhailsw...... 147
Int Met. ...... 8
Missouri Pac... ®
New York Markets.
BUTTER pm extras, GUN
firsts, $e. . gC; eastern,
dairy. © ae oagDe Orsts, ‘Agne. ;
renovated, extras, Ile; factory, firsts,
King stock, Ne 1, lsc
MCiEEs E-State, full creami I
small. best, 1
IN@1Pec.. smal
best, | re, i
REGGE Fresh ane extr
" 24c.; nearby, © Bathe BY a to
xt firs
"|i th unchanged: Min.
Foro 1B ria Rion: winter sual ugha,
winter extras, 1 6{3.5
Pinas BagL
WHEAT — Opening barely steady on
Xraentine. ship a ring ar
rgent shipments ¢
tember, ¢.; December, Hier Tres
CORN jon market was Stesdy on
covering an with the weet; September
W—Steady; city, B4e.; country,
; Shipping, S§me.; good 0
ilong IY8, os 0;
red rvs ain
a ic fleece,
common fo "otc,
Coy Nine to as
half skims
dium, $1.50; pea.
HOPS—-Qulet; ata
1%6, 1iGlic: 194 nominal: Pa-
cific coast, 1505, 13g 904, 12c. ¢-olda,
LIV E POULTRY -Firrd and la geod de-
mand fowls, 13%@lec.; Ja roosters,
© Spring chickens, 13815. ducks,
“brisseo POULTRY A Firm and =n
Gemind; fowl cholfp, 18%¢.;
Fair 10 good, 1 ire vy, 166
, Western, Nite
Live Sldek Markets.
CATTLE-8upply Haht; fee Meaty
choice, B mae: ows veal
HOGS — Heoreipta light: marke active
and higher: prime hea 0:
Alums and heavy Yorrern: dagen. i he
Jorkers, $0GEN; roughs, BOs
SUERP AND LAMBS Sussly it hi
market steady; oy weathers,
culis and common, E0Q1W: re
Sa. | Mo.) To. !We! Th! Fr. ! Sa.
seiosjen sejesio®
2/3 45 6] (| 8
HOI 1415
Nineteen Soldiers and Three Civilians
to Sufler Death For Revolt.
ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 1.—A dis
patoh from Helsingfors, where a court
martial has been trying the men ao
cused of participation io the revelt at
Sveaborg, says that the court has sen
tenced _bineleen soldiers sud threy
civilians to be shot and has condemned
others of the accused te varying terms
of Lprisoninent,
At Warsaw the police, assisted by
troops, last night organized a general
battue, with-strong patrols, and search-
ersby. Hundreds of persons were ar
In the robbery ef a bill collector In
Rliska street a passerby was killed,
and the police arrested nineteen revo-
Many prominent Jewish anarchists
bave left this city, emigrating to the
United States.
Prince Bhakoffskol, a cousin of the
secretary of the outlawed parliament,
who, with M. Polivanoff, was convers-
ing with Premier Stolypin at the mo-
ment of the bomb explosion In the lat
ter's apartment Aug. 25 died at mid-
night last night of his wounds,
Camp mut Pert Benjamin Harrison
Stirred Up by Bad Meat Rations.
INDIANAPOLIS, Bept. 1.—~The Unit
od Btates troops {no camp at Fort Benja-
min _Harrisou made it plain that they
would pot accept as ration tdinted
were Indications of rebellion against
the rations.
* The beef bad been taken to the camp
in a refrigerator car and had. ct.uged
color after being expos. d- 4v the alr for
peveral hours.
The protests of ihe soldiers caused a
board of inspection to be appointed
which reported that the beef was taint.
od in spots, but recommended that the
untainted spots be used. Geueral Car
ter, however, ordered all the beef de
stroyed and 8 new ration issted,
Kiageton, N, Yo . Visited by Nasked
Gang of Safe Blowers,
KINGSTON, N. Y., Sept. L~Taking
their cue from the successful operdtions
of the automobile burglars of Long 1s
i |land, & gang of crackswes in this vi-
ciuity bas commenced business. That
the gangs are different ls proved by
the fact that while one worked here
the other was similarly occupied on
Long Island.
Barly lo the morning three men and
8 woman, all masked, entéred the
postotiice at Highland. They blew open
the safe, secured $000 In money and
$800 in stamps and escaped in AD au:
tomobile wheu resldents, who liad Deen
aroused, cime on the scene.
“True Education.
The first, Inst and
7 Jiving ©
The Jesuit Fathers will give a
ten days’ retreat at St. Joseph's
church, commencing Sunday, Sep-
tember 8.
vale, Pa, has been visiting relatives | 2
in this vicinity and returned home
this morning
“Miss Sarah T, Lawler went to
Patton, Pa., this morning where she
has a position as teacher ‘in the | to=
public schools.
Robert Eugene Francke the in
fant son of Mr. and Mrs. E, O.
Francke, died last evening, aged
one month and 12 days.
Jesse Hitchcock and family went
to Stony Point today to attend the
Hitchcock family reunion. Their
son Pearl will return with them.
The suit against Fish Warden
Perley Nichols for violating” the |and
fish laws is receiving the attention
of Justice Johnson's court today.
Rev. W. A. Kelley and wife re-
‘and services will be re-
simed at the Universalist church],
Charles Kingsley and wife, who
have been visiting his parents here,
went to Binghamton this morning,
where they will remain a few days
before retuming to Troy.
The Athens township road trus-
tees met in Athens today to look
over the books for the purpose of
finding out what proportion of the
road taxes has been paid and how
much remains unpaid,
E. E. Beatdilee and ‘daughter of
Cleveland, Ohio, Miss Louise
Beardsiee of Waverly, and Bertha
Hapnaker of Ithacs, are the guests
of Mr. and Mrs, M. C. Wilson,
Frederick street, for the day.
Monday being Labor day and a
in the Bunday World. Order the Bunday
World in advance from your newsdealer.
Very Low Rates
Colonist tickets ares now on sale via
Erie Rallroed to tha Pacific Coast and
pointa These rates are
uy k w; Ae will be in effect un-
" h_Al people Sieteing to get
Agents, or J. H. Webster, DI et
goals, or J. absier, Div.
Bimira, N. Y. oa i08
“Wiligme' E\iney Pilg
flevo you averyorked. Jour nervous
aid caneed trouble wi with your Kid-
mersiad Baidert | Hs you in
the loins, side, back, A ge blad-
? Too
de patie
Corda, OF Boia by CF 1 Dries,
Excursio ns
78c to Binghamton and return,
Monday, Sept. 3, Labor Day, via Erle
leaving Waverly 88 7:57 and 10:36 5, m.
and retara on train leaving Blaghamton
at 7:16 p.m,
ii to eight To: N Y. aud —
ts Templar. Tickets on
wie Bopt VE 4{ good to return
$1.25 Shohola Glen or Port Jervis
return Sunday, 95
$2.25 to Rochestsr and return La-
bof Day, Sept, 3. Good to return oa
the face, especially
= went desire to
oh Beis bai
= One thivagh fo Jamiesiown
New ‘Patterns ‘in’ plain,
grey o- grey
Beautiful ‘goods’ at very
ent a vesident of Sayre. These fill-
ings today are just as bright, firm
and useful as the day they were
made. We will tell you the name of
the party, if you wisk to see kim
There are variations in dental
workmanship, just as there ure dyf-
ferences in the vavious brands of
four. If you desire the Fighest de-
skill and
dnowledge that will make YOUR
fillings serviceable twenty-five years
from today—come in or phone for)
an appoiniment. On the other hand,
of you take pleasure in having your
teeth filled over and over again roery
year or two, you should go elsewhere
—awe¢ do not do that kind of work.
J.W. Murrelle,D.D.S.,
106 Centre St.,, ATHENS, PA,
Valley 'Phone 97 D.
Offiger—Booms 4 and 5, Eimer Rlook,
Lonkhart Siresh, Baym Pa.
TEL erg rm
A Th