The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, August 29, 1906, Image 2

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the news that's it to print”
] SDAY. AUGUST 19. 190
Free Pree
AC. Trainor, Colchestar, Conn,
that a free sample bottle of
her when she was all
down. ine isa body bailder
i toaic of wonderfal merit,
SE Joa Rave not tried it, you shoald
The greatest system Touic in
Sick Kidnsys are pomitlv oy
Sg Sid by
ig Beach and Return
alley Railroad will sell
1st and every San-
vr un itil eps. ¥eh. ckets
. retarning oan all trains
. a and only, BSee Lehigh Tick-
for farther particulars. 46
neglected your Kideys?
You averworked CE xr vous sys-
ui caused trouble with your Kid-
Bladder? Have - Jun pains in
de, eek, ins and blad-
appearance of
opacial under the eyes? Too
desire pass urine? If so
5 Pills will cure you.
ple Free mail 50c. Sold by
oy = MEE: Ca, Props,
Wellad, O. Sold by C. M.
fo Buffalo or Niagara Falls
; The Lehigh Valley Rail-
“will sell tickets September 3d;
id for retarn to September 4th, in-
give. Tickets good going aad re-
ig on all trains exeept the Black
d Express, within preseribed
IE See Lehigh Valley Ticket Agents
ie farther particulars. 03
oid Home Week at Ithaca
The Lehigh Val Railroad will sell
: at low altar aan 224 to 20th,
asi ve. from Sayre $1.50. Tick-
good and retaraing on all
, except the Black Dismood Ex-
limited for return until August
806 Labigh Valley Ticket Agents
pr further particulars.
.20 to Newark Valley and Re-
. The Lehigh Valley Railroad will
tickets to Newark Lo and re-
g, at above named low fare, account
Tioga Agricultural Society
pr, Beptember 4-8. Tickets will be
d September 4, Sand 6; limited for
| until September 7th, inclusive,
: I be good golug sod retarniog on
[ train ce pt the Black Diamond Ex-
press, f theketa will be issued for
cr fae Lehigh Valley Ticket
Ageata for farther particulars. 90
Jala Toronto, Ont , and Re-
Lehigh Valley Railroad will
ber 3d; limited for
ra fo September 6th, inclosive.
good going and returning on all
in wacopt she iach Express, within
Hmit. See Lehigh Valley
hatin for further particulars. 9d
—— A ——
Week-Ead Outings
& CO.
President Riesce Says Chilean Towns
and Villages Will Rise Again
SANTIAGO, Chile, Aug. 20 Presi
dent Riesco has expressed the bLellief
that all the villages and towns of Chile
destvoyed by the recent earthquake
will be rebuilt on their old sites The
i Chilean people, the president sald. will
| always be grateful for the generosity
and self denial of the foreign colonies
iu Chile and particularly by the Ital
ians at the moment of the disaster
President Riesco sald the electric
light systems would soon be lo.opera
{ tion tn Valparaiso that the city would
i speedily establish the tramway service
{ and that the customs service would
He promised that
long the courts would resume
prisoners in the
except such as are
set to work on the improvement of the
port. Commerce Is pleking up. and
matters are beginning to move with
The president eulogizes the work of
the authorities in the procuring and
distribution of fool of which there is
an abundance. Distributions of pro
visions are wade daily, but every able
bodied man Is required to work, It is
believed that the number of wounded
in Valparaiso will not exceed 700, inost
of whom are being cared for by their
own people. It has heen decided to re
wove the sick in the Valparaiso hospi:
tals to Santiago. It is impossible to
In a few days the railroad service be-
systein soon will be re-established
All social functions in Valparaiso
will be suspended for six months as a
sign of mourning for the victims of the
Thousands of people are leaving Val
paraiso for fear of a recurrence of
Union Labor Hit by Deelslon.
RACINE, Wis. Ang 29 -Union Ia.
bor wns dealt a heavy blow by the de
cision of Circuit Court Jwslge Cliester A
Fowler of Fond du Lac in the boycott
sult for $20.u% damages brought by
Otto B Schulte 1 Racine baker,
against the trades labor council, Ben
jamin Dressen and otfers. The deci
ston holds illegal the contract exacted
from the boss bakers hy the union men
in an effort to enforce the closed shop
The trades and the individual
members are enjoined from using the
“unfair list.” The boycott ls declares
an actionable conspiracy to accomplish
a criminal or unlawful purpose
Schultz is allowed to recover damages
of $250
Wilson In Chicago Stockyards.
CHICAGO, Aug. 20. Secretary of
Agriculture James Wilson spent part |
of yesterday at the stockyard® inspect |
ing the packing plants, He was shown |
through the cattle and hog killing de
partments and spent considerable time |
in ach. He was especially Interested,
however. in the canunlug departments
of the various plants and studied them
closely. At the conclusion of his visit
to the stockyards he expressed him
self as greatly pleased with the excel
lent sanitary conditions he found.
Closing Stock Quotations.
Money on call firm at 5 per cent;
mercantile paper, § per cent;
$400 26 42, balances, $14.771.088
Closing prices
Amal Copper
Brooklyn R. T
Chess & Ohio
Chi. & Northw
Erie .
Gen. Electric
IN Central...
Louis & Nash
Int -Met
Missouri Pac
N. Y. Central
Norf & West
Penn R R
Rock Island.
St. Paul
Bouthern Pao
Southern Ry
South. Ry. pf
Texas Pacific.
Union Pacific
U. 5. Bteel
U. 8. Bieel pf.
West. Unlen.
oo ON
New York Markets.
BUTTER-Creamery, extras, 2%W§ilo ;
firsts, 21% 3c. seconds, 1950 0%c , west.
ern, imitation creamery, firsts, INFISC |
eastern, dairy. choice, Zhusc firsts, X
ec renovated, extras, HUXMC ; face
tory, firsts, 17%418c., packing steck, No
1 19%
CHEESE Sthte, large and
8nd bast, fair to geod large,
2X Ih uliee half skims,
IG lan a
st small, Aoi; part
best, large, #9
sRims rime. Sail
EGGS Fresh gathered, extra, per dos-
en, nearby, fresh gathered, firsts to
extra firsts, 22UZc , western, fresh gath-
ered. selected, NlpGlilc.; firsts, Wgyle. |
seconds, 18g , Kentucky, fresh gather
ed, seconds, 1T%glsk
MILK The price of milk ia N18 pe
forty Guart can
FLO! "R-About steady, but quiet; Min-
nesota patents, rere winter straights,
Bares, winter extras HEglLe, winter
patents, 31704415
full cream
WHEAT There was little change in
wheat. it ruled steady on light northwest
receipts and commission house support
September, T 13-16(70c,, December, 5i oul
CORN Option market was sasier on in.
creasing country acceptances and more fa-
v ry weather news, Boptember, & 15-M
T CS ALLow- Steady;
HAY Steady, shipping. gk
chalos, Wx n
STRAW-Yirm, long rye oe ry
BEANS-Quiet, marrow, 1% ms
dum. FLIIWULTE pea, B ahi red kK
bk pe demestic fleece, Bg
PB-—8teady. state, common to choice,
Huge; 1 and olds. nominal, Pa-
pers const, 1006, 13Q18c. ; 1804, 13c.; olds,
MPOTA TOES Steady; Jersey prime, per
‘culls, do., BFe.
MTV poli” = Quist, omie nC
ety, , souatry,
; good to
“The sun will set behind the dis
tant hills, and when Ho comes up
again I shall be miles away” ob
served the bill clerk.
“Is that meant to be poetry? In
guired the cashier. “ ‘Distant hills’
sounds poetic, but ‘comes up again’
falls a trifie fiat If you sald ‘arises
in its dawn of eastern splendor’ or
something like that, It would sort of
sustain the sentiment. You're a lit
tle weak on poetry, Johnny Your
expressions, as a rule, are not so
felicitous as they might be. I'd let
it aloge If | were you and stick to the
vernacular. | suppose you mean that
you'll be starting for Bullhead pond
tomorrow morning.”
“Bass lake” corrected the bill
clerk. “That's what. I'll be on my
way and you'll be here In this swel
tering old hole wishing you were
“I really do wish | could go with
you, Johnny,” said the cashler “Of
course, the office will be more toler
able In certain respects after you've
gone, but I'm not seifish and [ feel
that it would be well for you to have
me accompany you Were you ever
At a summer resort before® Or per
haps this isn't strictly what would
be called a summer resort?
“Perhaps it isn't,” said the bill
clerk “Perhaps the crystalline wa.
ters of the lake don't mirror one of
the finest summer hotels on the con
tinent and a water toboggan slide
Maybe there ain't a galaxy or two of
peclarines from the proudest and
palatialest homes in Chicago bunched
up there for the summer. Maybe
there's no such thing as a lovers’
lane in the neighborhood Oh, I guess
it's squalid around there and there
won't be anything doing when I ar
“1 fear me there will
feel sorry for you” sald the cashier,
pitylngly. “I know what fond visions
youre entertaining and I know what
yoa are going up against, as you
would say You're going to find a
veranda full of maidens pining for
male soclety who will shoot arch,
coquettish glances at you.
“Then the struggle
struggle between the young women,
of course. They sit around you on
camp stools, while you lie in a ham-
mock, fanning the mosquitoes away
from you. But there is one who holds
aloof from the throng. She Is simply
gowned In some soft white stuff and
wears & rose io her dusky coronal of
hair. You are slightly piqued by her
apparent indifference and, finding her
alone In a bosky dell in the course of
one of your morning rambles, you en
gage her in conversation. You ply
her with gay badinage. bat she seems
to object to that. You know 1 do
mysell very often, so perhaps It isn't
s0 much of a surprise to you But
she thinks that you ought to have a
more serious, earnest role in life than
that of a mere society butterfly
“She discovers qualities in you that
should make you great and famous
She confesses that she has not been
as Indifferent to you as she has
seemed and 15 minutes later, after
she has promised to be yours, you
find that she is the idolized and only
daughter of Billkins, the multiblilion-
aire. That's your pragramme, isn't
it, Johnny?
“Well, stranger things have hap
pened,” sald the bill clerk “if a
proposition like that was pushed at
me 1 don't say that I would pass |t
up—not without giving It a little
| thought. To be square with you |
don't belleve that there's any one of
the bevy down there that's due to
corner more than a few hundred thou
sand. If I was dead sure I could get
out & little lady with that sized bunch,
though, I think I'd send In my resis:
nation to the office.”
“Well, hold on to it for awhile”
advised the cashier. “You're going
down there to find that you had been
misinformed about the rates and that
the best they cam do for you for a
cot under the shingles is $3 per diem
and the genial landlord will act as
if he'd much rather you didn't accept
bis liberal offer. You'll wander out
on the veranda and you'll have a
poorer opinion of your §8 outing suit
almost immediately. The girls will
be there, but they wom't know that
That's why |
seem to think they own the earth and
are, moreover, disgustingly fresh and
absolutely idiotic. There will be a
schoolma'am, 30 years of age, stay-
ing there with her mamma and In
three days you'll consider yourself
privileged if you are allowed to take
the ladles boat riding and buy ice
cream for them in the village drug
“That settles it,” sald the bill clerk
*] won't go.”
“} was only joking, Johnny” pro
tested the cashier. “Maybe It won't
be so bad as all that”
“Maybe it won't, If you say so
sald the blll clerk. “Perhaps, as |
sald, there isn't a giddy whirl down
there. Possibly it's just what I'm fig:
uring on, same as last year—a tent
and camp stove and a rowboat and
fishpoles, with Billy Cooper, and no
blame girls around to scare the fish.
“Well, go and have a good time"
sald the cashier. “Sometimes I think
you aren't such 8 young chump as |
sometimes think you are.—Chicago
Dally News
To Clean Matting.
Dirty matting may be cleared with
salt and water, while alcohol removes
stains from IL
Early Christian Churches.
It is sald that a Christina church
exigted at Glastonbury as early as A.
D. 300. St Martin's, Canterbury, was
bullt about A. D. 487.
Taste in Literature.
Taste is (a literature what bon tom
4 40 Society. —~Mua. do Sisal. ;
FRANK KE WOOD, Representative
News and ‘sdvertising matter may be
left at Gregg’s Racket Store, Waverly,
After 11 o'clock noon call the main
office at Sayre, Valley ‘phone 125X.
“Fay Dunham of Perkins’ store
is visiting at Binghamton,
Mr. and Mrs. H E. Conant
spent yesterday at Nichols.
Misses Rachel and Lulu Crans
are visiting at Wilkes-Barre.
Miss Grace Hope of New York
city, is the guest of Miss Abigail
Morgan. : /
Miss May Keegan has returned
from Wilbesbarre where she spent
the past month.
Miss Grace Powers has returned
home after spending three weeks
at Bath Beach, N. J.
Miss Celia McCarthy has res
turned home after spending the
past month in New York.
Call at Lockerby's barber shop
for fish bait, Also get a shave
and hair cut for 25¢c. 8g-12t
Miss Nellie Greatsinger and
Ernest Hollister of Elmira were
the guests of Miss Anna Smeaton
Mrs, Louis Smith, a former resi-
dent of Waverly, who now resides
in St. Louis, Mo, is visiting friends
in this place.
Michael Gilloeby, who has been
the guest of James Mack for some
time past, returned to his home at
Scranton yesterday
Miss Florence Dearborn of
Hornell, who has been visiting her
cousins, the Misses Bernice and
Pauline Turney has returned home.
The mission in the parish of St.
John, which is being conducted all
this week by the redemption
fathers is very well attended and a
SUCCess in every way.
—— i ————
The Packer band weat to Owego
this morning to play at the fires
men's parade, which is being held
there today. They gave a short
concert at the corner of Fulton
and Broad streets before they left.
The paint which was stolen from
a box car at the Erie transfer
a few nights ago was found yester-
day lying in the weeds near the
freight house. It was intact and
further investigation showed that
nothing else was taken.
News has been received in Wav-
erly of the death of Mrs, Frances
Bolan at Boston. Mrs, Bolan's
maiden name was Driscoll and
she has a number of relataves in
this village and many friends who
remember her well, and who re-
gret her death very much.
Waverly—The Hearst Indes
pendence League delegates from
the various towns of the county
met at Owego for a conference last
evening and perfected their organs
ization. Another meeting will be
held next Friday evening at the
Ahwaga house at Owego at which
time delegates will be elected to
attend the state convention, It is
the intention of the present mem-
bers of the league to organize a
branch in every town in the
$1 00 to Wilkes-Barre and Re-
turn. The Lehigh Valley Railroad will
sell fickels at above named low fares
from Sayre, account Luzerne County
Fair, on Tharsda Augast 30th. Tick-
ota will be oes and retarpin
only on special traiu on date of issu
for children. See Lehigh Valley Tisket
Agents for further particalars,
—— Or P—
Notice to Taxpayers
1 will be at 124 Desmond street aven-
ings from Sept. 11 to 15 to receive taxes.
Taxes can bs pald any time during the
day from 8a - tilg p.m,
J. L. Plumstead, Collector.
Sayre, Pa., Aug. 13, 1908. 9
Surprise Sprung on the Thirtieth
Congressional Convention Yes-
terday :
Waverly—The thirticth congres-
sional convention was held at
Owego yesterday afternoon. Judge
Gladding of Norwich was chosen
chairman, the secretaries were ap~
pointed, and the permanent organ
ization was effected. A surprise
was then spruag by W. W. Newell
of Binghamton, who offered a res
olution that the convention adjourn
until October 1 and meet at the
Hotel Bennett on that date. This
was vigorously opposed by the
delegates from Tompkins county
but was carried by a vote of 18 to
The convention was called about
a month earlier than usual this
year and it is claimed that it was
done tor the purpose of clearing up
the congressional nomination, and
then leave the Tompkins county
delegates and the candidate free
to throw their influence to the
support of the Tompkins county
candidate for the! nomination for
supreme court judze. Many of
the delegates are opposed to giv
ing the whole thing to Tompkins
county, and whiic they signified
their intention of supporting John
W. Dwight of Dryden for con-
gressman, they intended to keep
things in a position where it would
not be possible for the northern
end of the district to capture all
the plums that are to be shaken
from the political tree this year.
It is generally considered that
fied if it pets the congressman,
and that the candidate for su-
preme judge should be chosen
from another part of the district,
R. F. Page has purchased the
jewelry business which has been
conducted by F. W. G. Bartlett on
Desmond street for several years.
Mr. Bartlett, however, will continue
in the store as manager and ops
tician and the same line of repair
work will be carried on as usual.
Notice to Contractors
Notice is hereby piven that the un-
dersigned will receive bids for the con-
struction of a hose house on Mile Hill,
Athens. All bids must be received on
or before the 10th day of September
1806. The building commitiee reserves
the right to reject any or all bids. D.
W. Tripp, chalrman of bailding ocom-
mittee, 402 Welles avenue, Athens,
Pa. 90
75¢ to Binghamton and retarn,
Monday, Sept. 3, Labor Day: Tick-
ets good going on teains 20 and 18, and
returniog on teaio 19, 96
$1.25 Shohola Glen or Port Jervis
and return Sunday, Sept. 9th. 95
$2.25 to Rochester and return La-
bor Day, Sept. 3. Good to return on
or before the 4th. 25
$1.00 to Portage and retarn Thurs-
day, Aug. 30th, account New York
Dragoons 89
$7.75 to New York and retarn As.
29th, good 6 days.
Jamestown or Chautauq a
lease note that the Erie Rai Co.
now running a vestibule rity daily
on their train one through to Jamestown
without change of cars. 70
For further calars apply to Erle
Ticket Agent. Bw. W. Clark.
If your dealer hasn't it, Bolich Broa, have
Is now ready to furnish
, Pure Reservoir Ice to
Bayre patrons,
Big Scenic Production in Play
Form of
{The Best New England Story
Ever Written.”
“It is as sw
— Philadelphia Record.
—AND —-
he was, what he was, what he
came for, aud how long
he intended to stay.”
ning to end, and the sveatest
love story ever told.”
ion Telegraph Office.
Every woman
needs a good
shear. A cheap
shear or scissors
i8 never econom-
ical, ne er stays
sharp, never giv-
es satisfaction. As a household
shear we can guarantee that Wiss
shear will give better satisfaction
than any other. Call and see them
We have all kinds and sizes.
INyou dant ee this Z..5. ~itisnt the Wiss
Especial care and prompt at
Large quantity of first-class In
stone in quantities to salt are
cheap if taken at once, Inquire d
vy s
Parsons, North Waverl
dress R. F. D, No. 2,
Several houses and lots for ma
Se lesa locations in town,
Schrier. Mavnard iavaand Block. Athens:
A girl for general house
quire 503 Lincoln street,
Girls to learn dressmaking.
Room No. 1, Packer .avenus,
Block, eR Pa.
"Men to learn the paint b
ply immediately. A H Thomas P
Co., Waverly.
"A competent girl for general
work.’ Inquire iuastimg tely of
W. Merriam, 304 Cheamng meee,
An outside man. Enquire at
At once four Wo mén who !
stand cement
Davis, 408 Olle str street.
For Rent
a fo Baa oud Inguire
oe for
For reat, office rooms In the
Two offices for rent in the
Page block.
cin ott ay a 3)
Tralas leave Sayre as follows:
i, Sar &
Lockhart St.
rience. Mason wor
Osteopathic Physician,
Acute and chronic cases
H. H. Mercereau,
Notary Public
fpesial attention to Pension Papers.
Valley Phone 11 X. x
Sued, IORI fo
A. our. or Aibess, Olater, Tor
ville, Tunkbaanock
AM ay ip A. a
Chang nk Alto Beh
1000 A.M. ha stn
bs a Si SE
Is Siemon”
ville, Tunkhannock, and
Li Ea
3: § M. Daily EL ts
Jf) tre
of§ apes M Soret” Gomer:
Varick and Oeneve.
rel. Bee, Cove
P.3. Dally
[ 8 for Geneva, Rochester,
by Pommeer, Tikacs, Freeman
Corners) Ganers ad