The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, August 28, 1906, Image 4

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    from the hospital yesterday, a EE A Rr
dence of L. H. Vought on account
Wilson Murphy of Rome was in of the min. There were 45 press |:3
| Athens today visiting friends. ent and all had a pleasant time. |
After dinner songs and instrumen- | 38
Ee yi refuted 191 tal music were the order. During
the year there have been two
Miss Georgia Haverly of Throop, | deaths, Mrs. Lucy Amold and
Pa, is visiting Miss Julia Haverly, | Llewellyn Horton, and one mar-
W. J. Young, Esq, of Towanda,
riage, Miss Amy Forbes, to Burton
was in Athens today on business,
Depew. Those from out of town
were Rev. Geo. A. Lent of Roches
Frank Cole, who has been visit-
ing his home in Muncie, lad, to-
ter, N. Y.: Mr, and Mrs. P, C|} I/O ¢!
Forbes and Mr. and Mrs. B. R $ D\ J&@
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Andrews
McCabe and family of North
Rome; Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Ar
returned to Detroit yesterday after-
nold and family and Mr, and Mrs.
Bernard Arnold of Bumpville, and
Harry Voorhis and Ralph Gris~
wold are camping at Thurston's
J. F. Hill of ‘Binghamton. M.V.
Moore is president and Mrs, Mattie
Captain D. W. Gore of Buffalo
Corbin, secretary.
is visiting his brother, Major W.
Athens—Miss Louise E. Murray
E B. Carer and family drove to
We Are Continuing Our One Half Off Sale
* On Odd Lots of Merchandise, and what Remnants remain are being pushed out at nearly nothing
prices. We seant the space for incoming Fall Goods, many of which are already here. No trouble
fo see the difference in bargain groing if you will wake store comparisons when doing your shop-
ping today This 1s your store and its facilities for doing business are not exceeded by any ome,
Nor is is disposition to please ontclassed. I's the thrifty people's Mecca for shopping; thal's why
The Big Store is here. “Sa “=a “wu “-a -t “a
Millinery One Half Off Parasols at Half Price
Each day reduces our stock of Ready to Wear Our big stock is reduced to g styles. To clean
Hats Some wmsually good numbers | out quick at less than cost to manufacture,
under price and include Misses anid
A dollar does double duty on every sale,
all are
€ ildren’s
1 OF
Our Entire Line of
Misses and Women's
Wash Suits
In White and Colors at Sharp Reductions
Almost all style creations are here and all
colorings shown A rare chance offers to get |
your daughter's outfit for carly fall school days,
or yourself now, at from one fonrth to one half
Ware for the money I've
seen in a long time.
X's certainly fine.
Irs Hard fo Buy
Fruit Jars
: At Greater Savings Tham These -
Mason Pints, 50c doz Mason Quarts §7c doz
Mason Half Gallon 79c doz
- E Z. Pints, Glass Top, Lightning Pattern,
E, Z Onarts, Glass Top, Lightning Patter
dealer said of our new
gray enameled ware.
n, 8g has completed a normal course in
mast i
oc. duo usical theory and technique (at
Jelly Tumblers, regular
Monday, 1c each
Special for § of.
High Shelf and Closet.
ing of §; 10 87
Some featuses
aS VAMEL INE at Less:
of construction
size at ge,
Street Floor,
This Will Interest Those Who F
17 pallerns,
ern in cack, of Organdies,
Swiss, all 25 to 29c values ;
to Fold and Winter Wo. grables. 6
worth more.
See tablefull on the
good enough to be
pes, Mull and
year. Buy one now be-
¢ Gargham Oc,
# Maney & Page Block,
¥ = formerly occupied by the
s John R. Murray,
Ofios hours: —# $010 a. m.; 6:30
Insurance Writ
tad, Rants Col-
Jeoted, Taxes Paid.
A. 6. REES, M.D.
100 Lake St. West Sayre.
# to 11:00 a. m., 2 to 4:50, 7:00 to 8:00.
Genito snd chronic diseases »
specialty. phones.
ten, Houses
20c. Amoskeag
isainy te Be Opened Se pti. 1.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 25 Mr. Miya:
of all
pations after Sept. 1. It is to be a free
port, and no import or export duty
will be levied in articles of commerce
imported or exported from Dalny.
From the same date ships of all pa.
tions will be permitted to ply and en-
gage in traffic between Dalny, or Tal
ren, us the town is now called, and all
ports of Japan that are open to foreign
Fake Baron tioes Free,
AAMBURG, Aug. 28.~Ewald Kon
rad. alius Baron Cantos von Dobrowski
Donnersmarck, who was alleged to
have deserted his American wife at
Paris, taking with him $8000 worth of
jewels and some money belonging to
ber and who was arrested here Aug. 23
on the charge of robbery, was lis
charged here, the court holding that he
was not culpable under German lew.
Closing Steck Quotations.
Money on call strong at Ril per
cent: prime mercantile Duper, & per cent;
exchanges, 516.831.0541, balances, | R58]
Closing prices
Amal. Copper.
B&O. .......
Brooklyn R. T..
9% N.Y Central 18
Wy Norf. & West... ©
LUM Penn R R....140%
” Reading ........185%
i Rock Island .... =
Chea. & Ohio A St. Paul. 194%
Chi & Nerthw, 212 Southern Pac... A
D&H ans 31
Erie oe .
Gen Electric... 18
Il. Central 17
Lackawanna. 53
Louis. & Nash. 140%
Manhattan ..... 160%
Int Met. ........ B8
Missouri Pac... 1%
Southern Ry... ¥%
South. Ry. pf. 109%
Sugar . .......MW%
Texas Pacific... M%
Union Pacifico. 18%
U. 8 Bicel ....,. 8%
U. 8. Bteel pf. 180%
West. Uniea. .. BNW
New York Markets,
BUTTER Creamery, «XIiras,
firsts, 21% JC. Bec onds, Ih Dl,
ern. imitation creamery, fitsta,
castern, choice, 3% ; Arsis,
Lc. renov ated exXiras Zo My fao-
dulry #4
: Baggage called for aod delivered ln |
IACI Athens a
_ 207 N. Lehigh Ave. Valley Phone 208x |
J i I I
Garpenter and Builder.
"Diseases of Women snd of
A firsts, 1Teg1se . peaking sock, No.
i Lg
i Ld ite ¥SE State, full Stein, Jazgs, soad,
| Lege ; small, 13 ; fair to
i large. | Wl? small, 1240
Sali, haying: sma La Sa agi aid
rt skims, prime, $gti%
i PEGoS Fresh gathered, extra, per dos-
He nearby, fresh gathered. firsts to
| extra firsts, Pe , western, freed goths
ered, firsts, By e., seconds
Kentucky, treat Eabered. ec a] Tad
MILK- The price of milk is Ha per
t art can
: | "rio "R— Dull agd barely steady, Min-
BeActa fatents 54 9; winter straights,
293%; inte exiras, HEQGLE. winter
Lg. £2 sit
Pr ALLOW Heady city, 5%e;
AY- we shipping. #@7e.; good te
STRAW on jong rye. iain
3 j=l, Marrow,
HEANB-Qule or 08 oy
| Yu 0 [1 TINGLE pes. TL%
{ Wao Steady; domestic fleece, 8c.
i HOPS any state, common be,
| 1%, 11017c; 1904 and olds, nominal
POTATOES -Bteady; Jersey prime per
do, culls, do. S#w
POLLTRY ‘Stosdy. fowls, 138
spring chickens,
fair to
: old roo Biers. x.
1806e ; ducks, 11g
chalk HW © do,
higher, fowis
good 2 14c.; oWd roasters $c. , broilers
by, 9c; do. western, Hei
Live Stoek Markets.
CATTLE —- Supply fair; market slow;
chotos. Bo TSGS. prime, $3005; veal
Woman Makes Queer Testament Con-
cerning Pet.
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 28 —" wish
my niece to take care of my little dog
Daisy. if she be living at the time of
my death, and do what she thinks
best for her.
*1 think It would be better to have
ber put out of the way, ns | know she
will grieve for me, dear little thing,
but I want ber taken care of If she Is
let to live”
So deep was the attachment of Mrs
Auna B Creighton, who dled at 3179
Jefferson street, for a dog that bad
been her pet for fifteen years, that
ahie wrote the above words concerning it
in her will, which has been admitted
to probate. The estate is valued at
£5.000 and is bequeathed absolutely to
her niece, Mra Anna J. Hall, with
whom she resided.
The dog is a fifteen-year-old fox ter
rier. It is very large aud heavy, weigh-
ing at least fifty pounds
Mrs. Hall says she will always pro-
vide a good bome for Daisy, which Is
pot likely to lve much longer. The dog
gives evidence in variops ways that
she misses Lier mistress
An Unprecedented Rainfall.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 25-The un
precedented rainfall throughout the east
and south is Interesting the meteorolo-
gists of the United States, but thus far
they have not found s satisfactory
answer to their scientific Inquiries as
to the causes. The average rainfall for
August in the vicinity of Washington
heretofore has been less than four iach.
es, but thus far this month more thas
twelve inches bave fallen. Professor
Edward B. Garriott, one of the official
forecasters of the weather bureau, said
today that “the rainy season bas basu
a reversal of the general distribution
of barometric pressure. This distribu.
tion.” he sald, “has been unusual and
Three Spanish Ships Bronght $103.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 25. — Three
Spanish ships captured by Admiral
Dewey in Manila bay May 1, 1508
were sold by the pavy department for
$103. These ships were advertised at
several Asiatic ports, the total cost of
advertising being $28, and the navy
department ls quite well satisfied that
the bids were sufficient to cover the
expense of advertising. The three
ships are the Albay, Manileno and
Mindanao. They have been stripped
of everything movable and are simply
old hulks, practically useless for aay
purpose of the navy.
Gir] Is Baved by a Dog.
Marysville O—The watch dog of
William Henderson saved the life of
his 12-year-old daughter, Lettie Hen-
derson. The child was attacked by an
infuriated steer while playing In »
shed. The animal bad knocked the
girl down with its horns and would
have killed her, but the dog jumped at
ky (0 fa eg fair; market active and
Alba this morning, where they will
remain all week,
Mrs. Robert Wright of Wilming-
ton, Del, is visiting her mother,
Mrs. J. H, - Snell, of East Athens.
Mrs. W.. H. Shaw and Howard
Cole went to Troy today, where
Mrs. Shaw will remain for a short
N. W. Lane went to - Burlington
this moming to attend the Lane
family reunion. Mrs. Lane went
A new concrete sidewalk is be-
ing built in front of the Catholic
church and parochial home on
Main street.
H. H. Horton and wife, who
have been visiting Mrs, Horton's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Nutt,
returned to Staten Island last even-
ing. Ee: .
Mrs. A. B. Crayton and daugh-
ter went to Trout Run this morn
ing where they will be the guests
of the former's parents for two
John Mann and his two grand-
children, Lena and Clyde Bedford,
went to Wyalusing today, where
they will visit at the home of Wm.
The Lincoln party will hold a
meeting tomorrow evening atG A,
R. hall, and as there is business of
importance, a full attendance is
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas J. Palmer
of Washington, D. C,, who have
been guests of the family of O. L.
Haverly, returned to the capital
The annual reunion of the sur-
vivors of the Sixth Peansylvania
Reserves will be held at East
Smithfield on Friday, September
14, 1906. Plans are being made
for an enjoyable time.
The reception to Hon, Lewis
Emery, Jr., candidate for governor,
at the residence of Hon. O. D.
Kinney, Tuesday next is for every-
body who desires to come. Mr.
Emery will speak in Elsbree opera
house the same evening and will
be accompanied by Hon. W. T.
Creasy, candidate for secretary of
internal affairs, and Hon. Mr. Mapes
of Philadelphia,
Athens—Mrs, Martha Nichols
died at her home, 223 South street,
at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon
aged 82, Her maiden name was
Martha Smith and she was born at
Nichols. Her husband, Hon.C. F.
Nichols, died in Athens in May,
1902. She resided at Mountain
Lake and Towanda, and came to
Athens about 20 years ago. Two
children survive, Albert E of Titus-
ville and Mrs. L. H. Woodworth of
Athens; also a sister, Mrs, Hicks
of Hicks, N.Y. The funeral will
be held trom her late residence to-
morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock,
homes once or twice a week. Val-
ley ‘phone, 199c 735 South Main
street, Athens.
Athens--Tawience L. Campbell,
Campbell, Jr, cut his foot on a
piece of glass last 4th of July, and
blood poisoning set in and he con-
tinued to grow worse until he died
in great agony yesterday. The
funeral will take place tomorrow at
9 a, m,, from the residence of Wm
Everhart, 605 Church street, Rev,
Dr. Simpson officiating. Interment
at Tioga Point cemetery.
B. F. Vandermark and daughter
Clara ot Edgwood, Tex, is visiting
the former's sister, Mrs, O. E.
$1 00 to Wilkes- Barre and Re-
turn. The Lehigh Valley Railroad will
sell tickets at above named low fares
from Sayre, noconnt Luzerne County
Fair, on Tharsday, August 30th. Tieck-
ets will be good going and returnin
only on special train on date of TS
for children. See Lehigh Valley Ticket
Agents for further particulars, 9
rr — A ————
Notice to Taxpayers
1 will b= at 124 Desmond street even-
ings from Sept. 13 to 15 to receive taxes,
Taxes can ba paid any time during the
day from 8a m. till § p. m.
J. L. Plamated, Collector.
Sayre, Pa, Aug. ¥ 1,1 1906 91
$6.60 to Toronto, Ont. and
Return. The Lehigh Valley Railroad
will make aspecial rate of one fare for
the round trip to Toronto, account Can-
adian National Exhibition, August 27 to
September 10, Tickets to be sold Au-
fut 4 27th to September Sth inclusive;
ted for return to Saptember 11th,
inclusive, and will be good going and re*
turning on all trains except the Black
Diamond EY ross, within th» prescribed
limit, See igh Valley Ticket Agta
for further Labigh Val id 81
Come and be convinced
of the bargains at
All 12ic ginghams re-
duced to 10c.
We are showing also
some excellent bargains
in table linens, lunch
cloth, center pieces and
tray cloth.
We have also some ex-
cellent bargains in mus-
lin underwear.
i O. 0. F. Block,
Cor. Pine and Main Sts., Athens
If you are thinking of buying a
bird of any kind, call and see the
Hartz Mountain Canaries and Par-
rots just received, and get prices
before you send away and get one
you can't see before you buy. Al
canaries guaranteed singers or will
be changed at any time. , Have
some bargains in cages. :
on Ae
quart 15c.
“ 18c.
12 quart 60c.
A quarier os a century ago we
placed some gold fillings in thé teeth
fo a well known gentleman al pres-
ent a vesident of Sayrd. These fill-
ings today are just as bright, firm
and useful as the day they were
made. We will tell you the name of
the party, of you wish to see kim
There are variations in dental
workmanship, just as there are dif-
ferences sn the various brands of
Bowr. If you desire the faghest de-
gree of proficiency—the skill and
knowledge that will make YOUR
fillings serviceable twenty-five years
from today——come in or "phone for
an appointment, On the other hand,
ff you take pleasure sn having your
teeth filled over and over again every
year or two, you should go elsewhere
—awe do not do that kind of work.
JW. Murrelle,D.D.S.,
106 Centre St, ATHENS, PA,
Valley 'Phone 97 D.
Office: —Rooms 4; and §, Elmer Block,
Loekhart Street, Sayre. Pa.
Nveryihing Ney and Upto-Dpte, Fleeh
Thomas Ave, Opposite L. V, Station,
Rates $1. 50 Par Dav. Saws.