The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, August 21, 1906, Image 3

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    NEY & PAGE.
Your choice at ten cents each
of any of the following:
18 quart tin pails.
10 quart tin dish pans.
Periection cake spoons.
Perfection graters (four sides.)
. Bowl strainers.
Hunter flour sifters.
Wire soap savers.
Wire soap racks.
Wire sink strainers.
Desmond 8¢., Sayre. 322 8, Main St,, Athens.
you don't rade will. ua we both lose money. “wn
sewini macunes BARGAIN
ok be secdred from house to house canvassers, or from aay store
employes them, as their salaries and commissions will add
fifty to one hundred dollars to the cost of the piano, and not
cent fo its actual value. See how much betler Piano we can
you for $200 up than you can buy from any canvasser for one
dollars more. We have no canvassers and no commissions
save our customers these unnecessary expenses.
; our pianos and prices when some commission agent
fo put a piano in your house on trial.
Drop Head Si , 60 Drop Head Domestic,
; Head, in 3 hop Head Dom Home
. . $35 Other makes as low as 20, 25, $30
of the above on
ny | » small weekly or monthly payments, or dis-
of 10% for cash in full. No interest charged on contracts,
will pay you to call and look at Pianos, Organs or Machines.
Main Street, Valley "Phone 90c. Athens, Pa.
Masy who have beea on
tions are returning home.
Owing to the heavy traffic on
the Lehigh on Sunday train 1 was
made into four sections of ten cars
The many friends of Stephen
Jackson, expert tonsorial artist,
who has been located at Rochester
during the last five years, will find
him in charge of the Utopian bar
ber shop, 233 Desmond street.
The Christian Endeavor society
of the West Sayre church will hold
Milton Hageabuch, formesly of
Lehighton, a flagman on what is
known as the Jersey freight, was
Letter Referring to the Gift Fell
Into Wife's Hands and Man
in the Case Left Town
A well known West Sayre man
is missing from his home, and
efforts of his family to trace him
farther than Elmira have thus far
proved unavailing. The reasons
for his being absent have just come
to light and the story is one that
will be read with interest.
It appears that for some time the
man, who has long since passed
the. meridian of life, has been en-
amored of a fair young damsel who
also resides in West Sayre. The
girl is said to be only eighteen and
unusually good looking,
The man, who is married, and
has a grown up daughter, is said
to have recently received a letter
from the girl, in which she ac
knowledges receiving a sum of
money and also refers to a dia~
mond ring, costing $40, which he
had purchased for her, Unfortu-
nately for the man the letter in
some umaccountable manner fell
into his wife's hands, and then the
tur flew. A diamond ring pure
chased by a man for a woman
other than his wife is particularly
conducive to exciting the green
eyed monster to activity, and this
case was no exception to the rule.
The letter also named a date for
a meeting and contained little
nothings that did not tend to soothe
the injured feelings of the wife,
Upon learning that the telltale
letter had fallen into the hands of
his better half and also fearing the
wrath of the girl's father, the man
in the case quictly gathered up his
personal effects, and like the Arab,
stole away in the night. He went
to Elmira, at least he was traced
that far by members of the family ;
but a diligent inquiry failed to elicit
any further information as to where
he had gone. The letters which
he had sent to the girl \1 question
have been placed in the hinds of a
well known lawyer, but as the
principal in the affair is missing it
is difficult to determine just what
the lawyer can do.
The story has created no end of
talk among those who are ac-
quaioted with the facts and the
scandalmongers and gossips have
been busy night and day since the
affair came to their notice.
Yesterday afternoon two men
went to a well known livery stable
to secure a rig. It is alleged that
both were in an intoxicated condi-
tion, one of them being “more so"
than the other. The proprietor of
the stable was away, and in his
absence his wife attends to the
business of letting rigs. When she
saw the condition of the men she
refused to let them have a rig.
Then she alleges that the men bes
came abusive to her 11-year-old
daughter, and when she told them
to leave the premises they refused.
She picked up a hose which was
handy and one of the men was
given a drenching. © Then hé left.
The body of the stranger who
was run over in front of the depot
at Mauch Chunk last week has
been identified as that of Valentine
Sobasco of South Bethlehem. The
body was interred in Lehighton
cemetery, and was identified by
The grand jury failed to indict
Jacob Solomon, the Desmond
street clothier, charged by A,
Atkin with having taken a gold
watch from the latter's vest pocket
Lehigh Valley station at Geneva
Sunday morning has been identi
fied as John Beanis, a farm laborer,
8d |
—_— i
Aubura Divisioni Near Smithboro
Was Tied Up for a Time
The severe electric storm which
passed north of this section during
the early part of last night hit the
Lehigh rather hard, especially on
the Auburn branch near Smith-
boro. At that place a creck wash-
ed a large quantity of gravel onto
the tracks. In one place the
tracks were covered for a distance
of nearly fifty feet, and at another
point the road bed was covered for
a considerable distance. Passenger
trains were run over the D. L. &
W. to Waverly, and it was not un-
til early this morning that the
tracks were cleared. :
The village of Smithboro was
also hit hard. A small creek which
runs to the north of the town over-
flowed its banks, washing away
two barns and several outbuildings.
Many gardens were destroyed,
wagon roads were badly damaged
and the entire town felt the effects
of the severe storm. The storm
raged for nearly two hours and it
is regarded as the worst storm of
the present season.
Later advices from Smithboro
say that the damage wrought by
the storm at that place is extensive
A creck which runs at right angles
through the center of the town
caused all the trouble. Over the
creck in the business part of the
town is a concrete bridge and the
space underneath was not large
enough to allow the immemse vols
ume of water to go through. The
water backed up into the town and
soon the water in the main street
was several feet deep. A haystack
came down from the hillside and
when it reached the bridge was
diverted, finally landing directly in
front of the postoffice. The post-
office was submerged and there
were several feet of water on the
floor. Private residences also suf:
fered badly, as did pigs, fowls and
small livestock.
Old inhabitants say that the
storm was the worst ever experis
enced in that section. A huge
black cloud resembling a water-
spout hung over the hill to the
north, and for over an hour it
poured forth torrents,
Owego is also said to have suf
fered extensively from the storm,
and on Hiawatha Island two barns
were struck by lightning and
burned, Ll
Delmar Higgins 3f the Park ho-
tel is in Elmira on business today.
Miss Clara Stevens of Cayuta
street has returred from NewYork.
Ward Hunsinger went to Phila-
delphia this morning for a short
visit. =
Frank Hancock and wife weat to
New York this morning for a ten
days’ visit. =
Miss Gordon, daughter of Pro
thonotary Gordon, is visiting
friends in Sayre.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Vogel and
Mr. and Mrs. George Heverly went
to Dushore today to attend the
funeral of a relative,
Mary and Agnes Carroll of Du-
shore and Stella Lavis of Scranton
are guests of Mr. and Mrs. James
Walsh of Lincoln street.
For sale—A small building, suit.
able for a shop or an office. Ceiled
and in good condition, Eaquire of
Paul E. Maynard, M, P, A. block,
Sayre, ,S4tf
Lewis Mayhood, formerly a clerk
in the special officers’ office of the
Lehigh Valley, has again assumed
the duties of the position, begin-
ning work yesterday.
Only a small portion of the
severe storm struck Sayre. The
little rain that fell, however, settled
- Hi!
Caboose and Express Car Dashed
Down Grade, Resulting in a
Costly Wreck
There was another lively runa
away at Weatherly early Saturday
morning. A caboose and express
car broke away from a Lehigh
Valley freight train which was
standing on a siding at Weatherly,
and dashing down the grade for
wrecker at Penn Haven Junction,
Cs \ TN
se i a
JJ Jae)
26 SK
EN as
205 Desmond St,
wrecks that has occurred on that
division of the Lehigh in some
time, A fire that ensued completed
the work of destruction. The ex-
press car was piled high with valu-
able packages and the engine and
steam wrecker were badly dam-
aged The wrecked engine was
removed to the Weatherly shops
The Partello Stock Co. opened
the last week at Oak Grove Park
last night with Mark Swan's clever
little play entitled “The Ranch-
man's Daughter.” The play cer-
tainly pleased a large audience
present, Miss Kennedy, Mr. Le
land and Mr, Sigman made hits in
very good parts. The rest of the
company were well cast and help
ed the general result. Paul &
Reynolda made a hit in their spec-
ialty and Mr, Taylor scored ina
bag punching act. The play will
be repeated this evening and to-
morrow evening the rural drama
entitled “The Minister's Sweet-
heart” will be presented. By spec-
ial request the company will give
one pesformance Friday evening of
the “College Girl.” Many missed
this clever play on account of ex-
cursions, etc. Aad Friday the cir
cus can be seen in the afternoon
and the “College Girl” at the Park
in the evening,
The heat of the past few days
has been very oppressive, Eyery-
body is complaining.
Have You Something You Wish
to Sell ?
If 80, send an advertisement to The
Thrice-a-Week World to be inserted in
the “Reader's Exchange” columns. The
rate is cheap and the result is good. If
you have a farm for sale, or a patent, or
& business to dispose of, or auy of 1,000
things that might be sold or exchanged
at a profit, pat the offer before the read-
ers of the Thrice-a-Week World, Twen-
ty-eight words $1. Write for particu-
lars, The World, New York,
————— tt ———
Exposure Brings on Rheumatism
Painful In its mildest form, quickly
becoming an agony or torture if neg-
leoted. When Lou feel the first ne
in the muscles, the firatslight stiffness
in the joints take Bloodine. It acts im-
mediately on the Blood and Nerves, and
will Pusitively svi Rheumatism, how-
ever severe. Sold by C, M. Driggs, Sayre.
Home Coming of Wm. J. Bryan
The Lehigh Valley Railroad will sell
tickets at special rate of 7.75 from Sayre
to New York and return, Aognst 20th:
limited for return until September 3nd.
Tickets will bs good going and return-
ing ou all trains except the Black Dia
mond Express within prescribed limit.
Bee Leh Valley Ticket Agents for
farther particalars. 88
Big Scenic Production in Play
Form of
“The Best New England Story
Ever Written."
“It is as sweetly natural as the
breath of the fields.”
— Philadelphia Record.
“The Village Gossips wondered who
he was, what he was, what he
came for, and how long
he intended to stay."
“One great big laugh from begin.
ning to end, and the sweetest
love story ever told."
a 8) SHY A280
Valley Phone 191 a,
Re -
actual cost, on fraternal
tween 18 and 60 years.
Call on
0ax GRrovE PARK
Partello Gompany
Four Act Comedy Drama
This Evening
The Specialties Are
Leading Features
PRICES, 10,20, 30c
Just Think Of It
We have the reputation
of sending the LARGEST
firm in the valley. Awful,
isn't it?
A number of our all-weil-
pleased customers have ex-
plained it this way: “We
gave you a small job that]
required immediate atten-
tion and you attended to
that so promptly, and did
your work so well that we
decided to havea lot of oth-
er work attended to at the
same time." ¢
We please others, and we
know that we can please
you if you'll give us a
Try us on anything in
Plumbing, Heating, Gas-
Fitting and Tinwork.
Bold "Phones. Elmer Ave.
Is now ready to furnish
Pure Reservoir Ice to
Sayre patrons.
Both Phones, Waverly.
Plans asd Estimates Furnished
535 Stevenson Sb, Valley Phone 1l%y
Meets every Kriday evening at
Howard Elmer Hose house, Maple
street, West Sayre. All invited.
Evervbody welcome
Political Announcements
i Sede 3
Have a Home to Fall Back On.
treated you. Lot of comfort in that—
to say notbing of loan values of real
Let us show you how to acquire a home
ments. Advice free,
Sayre Rendering
Remove dead horses and cattle at
notica, All orders will recelve
attention. Remove stock 8
Hides must be on carcasses;
of chargs, I am prepared to do
inesa, have ambulance to haul
also buy hides, skins, tallow
pay market prices. ‘Call Bell
No, 833, SAYRR, PA.
The Cayuta Land Company
they have some very desirable bullding
lots for sale on cheap and easy terms,
and that they have placed the
for selling them in the hands of Andrew
Evarts of this place. All those wishing
to provide themselves with homes or to
invest in lotsa for speculative
will do well to consult with Mr, Evarts
before purchasing elsewhere, This
of land is nearly surrounded by |
trial plants, wit
all the advantages of a modern Indas-
trial town. Terms to suit purchasers.
Steps are already being taken to supply
all the land comprising this plot with a
full supply of the beat water the
affords. ANDREW EVARTS, 108 H j-
tal place, Bayre, Pa. Phone 244e
Contractor and Bullder
Plans and Estimates Furnibhes]
£10 Millar St Rayre, Pa
foreign and Domestic Fruits,
Pare Olive Oil to? medical p
Magaroni at 5, 8 and 100 per
No s Elizabeth St., Waverly
The Record, has the best House
Lease ever ted In Bradford
also Vest Pockot and Deak Soon
Books; and a variety of Legal
for Justices and Constables,
Pool and Billiards in the Rear,
184 Lockhart Street, Sayre, Pa.