The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, August 09, 1906, Image 4

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    We have enjoyed a profit on lines se
8 and odd lots; but to clean the d
making is our hobby.
illinery Values
Were Never Bigger
When you get 2 hat such as we sell for $4 00
, for $200 it's big value. $2.00 ones
$1.00, and all others, including a few chil-
| drea's, all marked at one half.
2:d Ficor Left Aisle only.
Children’s Seamless
Ribbed Waists
Ҥ Usually sold for one fourth to one half more,
| ages 2 to 10 years, 15¢c
Misses’ Wash Suits and
~ The lines and sizes are broken, the assort-
~§ ment is complete, but not all sizes of all kinds,
-yel any at about an average of one third off.
Street Floor Right
9+d Floor Center Aisle
Black Silk Eaton Jackets
Black tafetta lined, Persian bands and of the
“game material, three fourth sleeves. The $8 37
sort $6.00, the $9.37 kind $7 00
‘White Wash Suits and
~ Separate Skirts
$2.10 “ $1.69
representing 10 styles.
Oage fourth off.
At surprisingly low pricas, Nt a styl) here
if bat 19068. O.tput from leading skirc and suit
, and none reserved. Our entire stock
| turned over lo you for your selection at one
urih off.
= Women’s Silk Suits
Col wings —brown, blue and black. From
‘«omparison we can truthfully say one third off
of either.
Jelly Glasses
There must be a price
Look int it if you are in want
this store is equal to one half of the many
gs made. Ope third off
2nd Floor Right Aisle
His Eve: dag In.
2 Jymes was a member of six se-
societies A friend tried to per
cia him to Join another one
Sunday evenings at home." —Cleveland
Best of Everything ‘= ————
. Lockhart St.
El PASO, Tex, Aug. 8 -Word was
{received bere that a cloudburst and
flood at Durango, Mexico, caused the
deaths of three persons. Water was
six feet deep tn the streets of the town
{and many houses were damaged. At
| Alameda 8 heavy rush of water dam-
BRAYNAN. | prime mercantile paper, B3365% per cent;
ga changed E94 85.16, balances, §10004.609
Closing prices
Especial care and prompt at. |, "5500
fention given to moving ”.
a sn A———
Closing Stock Quotations.
Money un call steady at 3% per cant;
102 N.Y. Central
u% Nori & West
19% Fenn R R
ss Reading
yy Rock Island
| aged the parks the military barracks
| being flooded.
{ Brooklyn R. T
Clies & Ohio a%, St. Paul
Chl. & Northw 343, Southern Pac
D&H = Southern Ry
Erie . 49 South. Ry. pf
Gen. Electric 167 Bugar -
HL Central 17%
Lackawanna Le
Louis, & Nash, 1444 U
Manhattan 165 U
Metropolitan 115% West Union,
Missouri Pac Si
New York Markets.
FLOUR- Steady, but quiet; Minnesota
«| patents, M2544 50, winter straights, B&Q
EM. winter extras, ZE4GIE. winter pat-
ents, SAMGLD
WHEAT -Steadiness in wheat was due
ito better Liverpool cables, Hight receipts,
| heavy rains southwest and better cxpart
ontinent, sariy prices
showed an advance of Lo; September,
@% 3c. December, 52%g%¢
HUTTER- Creamery, extras, IMJ. ;
firsts DUNC | seconds, 19% 1c | west.
orn, imitation creamery, extras, (3c. ; east
ern, dairy, cholce Ic. renovated, extras,
Hiss , Arse, 17%Glec.; factory, firsts,
sacking stock, No 1, 168l6Me
« ukbEsE State, full cream, large and
small, best, 11%c ; fair to good, large, 11Q
134 small, fosalic . half skims, best,
iy j%c. . part akims, prime, 754%.
SUGGS Fresh gathered, extra, per dox-
an, =X nearby, fresh gathered, firsts to
extra firsts, 1%y 2x. western, fresh gath-
ered axtrd firsts, 15%e ; fArsts, ISG GC
} eR The price Is 51.71 per forty quart
SFALLOW- Steady; city, bo.
| IHAY Steady; shipping, 8g
{ “na aly: long rye, BGao
BEANS -fteady, marrow, D543; me-
pea. $1.60, red kidney, HU3%W0
prime, per
ls, per barrel
Texas Pacific
Union Pacific
3 Steel
8 Steel pf. 16%
. iY
demand from the
§ 10 11:00 a. m., 2 to 4:30, 7:00 to 8:00.
and chronic diseases s
good Ww
| Vig lw
pach: Jie
~~ Steady: domestic fleece,
Firm state, common to
, 194 and olds, Bal
198, 114isc ; 194, Lic;
be Be _
POTATOES Firm. Jerse
% Heavy and Light Draving ane and Movi
i — ne ad | iret NGLE, Jersey ©
called for and dateored tn | TV por LTRY Boilie Je
y part of Sayre, Athens and Waverly, | 3c. old roostios. WGwee . RE Enjoi
id all kinds of team work attended a Ties :
r Li DRESSED POULTRY — Steady. fowls,
{e choloe, lie fair to mood 0: old
roosters, 5c broilers, 15930. ;
jaa western, ig 18
Live Stock Mazkiets.
C ATTLE Supply Might; market ny
5 nav. prime. HB NGLS:
ne veal
“HOG Ee ! te Mahi, markes slow:
Be PFald In Fall
CHICAGO, Aug. 9 Theodore Stens-
land, vice president of the suspended
Milwaukee Avenue bank and son of
the missing president of that lastito-
tion, has come to the rescue of the
oa, 0) depositors
It is the general belief of those who
are endeavoring to straighten out the
affairs of the bank that there Is an ex-
cellent chance for all to receive almost
dollar for dollar when a Hual seftle
went i= made
Vice President Stensland announced
that he would with fall authority turn
over to Recelver Fetzer all the real
estate and personal property of Paul
0. BStensiand, his father The som
places a valuation of $UM,000 on this
Paul O. Stensland, president, and
Heury W. Herlug, cashier, are still at
large. While a thousand depositors
shouted their protests SHx 00) was re
moved from the vaults of the falled
institution to that of the National
Bauk of the Republic, where It will Le
held for safe keepiug until next Tues
day, when, it is sald, distribotion to
the depositors will be begun,
There bas been discovered in Presi
dent Stenslaud’s safety deposit vault
box a series of meworanda detalling
how the bunk was looted
The amount thus taken from the sav-
ings of 22000 poor families, as set
down In Steusland’s handwriting, Is
FLOU3. 000, The mouey went to sup-
port Steusland’s real estate specula-
tions, his cooperative building and
business aud bis tine household io [rv-
ing Park
According to the police, some of ft
also went jatterly for luxuries for a
certalu woman or women friends of
Steusland’'s. It was lutimated that
when the bank president fled he was
accompanied by a divorced woman,
who still is with him.
Overdose of Chioral Proves Fatal te
Chiengo Bridegroom.
CHICAGO, Aug. 9.—While preparing
for his wedding Dr. Samuel B. Craw-
ford. thirty-two years old, dled sud-
denly at the home of his prospective
bride, Mrs, Rose Sykes. Dr, Crawford
had been living at the Sykes’ home for
several years.
Mrs. Sykes was in ber room donning
ber wedding garments when she beard
« moau from Dr. Crawford's room,
Hurryiog to the room she found bim
lying on the Boor scarcely able to
speak. A physician was immediately
summoned, but Dr. Crawford died
within a few minutes. On a dresser
in the room a sual! vial containing
chioral solution was foul
At first it was believed that this might
have been used Ly Dr. Urawford in
ending his life, bat later It was Jearned
that be had been iI and was using the
"LN Davis of Towanda is visit-
ing friends bere.
Mrs. E B Joachim returned
from Montrose today.
Guy Hollon of Towanda was in
Atheas on business today,
Dana Fice was in Wilawaana
and Trinket today on business.
N. P. L. excursion to Elmira
Wednesday, Aug. 15, via via Erie. 72
Miss Louise Crain went to
Powell this morning to spend the
Miss Louise Byerly of Sunbury
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry
M. H. Wilson is painting the
woodwork on the high school
Mrs Orse Carpenter has gone to
New Albany to visit her uncle,
Arthur White.
Mrs A. Tree has been the guest
of her aunt, Mrs. Frank Potter, and
N.P. L excursion to to Eldridge
park Wednesday, August 15, via
Erie. Full particulars later. 72
Clayton Maryott and and Miss
Jennie Shay of Towanda were
visitors at the Campbell house last
Moses Walter of Monroeton
visited at the home of Mrs, Irene
Albro last evening, returning home
this morning.
Two special trains trains mor morning and
afternoon, Wedaesday, August 15,
to Eldridge park, N.P. L excur-
sion, via Erie. 72
Paul Dicker and son, Minor
Decker, and wife, went to Herrick-
ville this morning to attend the
funeral of Ira Fosburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tuttle went
to Herrick this morning to attend
the funeral of Ira Fosburg, who
was killed by by lightning recently,
The suit a against Springer for
stunning fish bait is up before
son of Towanda is attorney for the
fish warden and Maynard & Schrier
is counsel for the defense.
Lady Griffin Rebekah lodge will
hold a basket picnic all day Satur-
day at Oxk Grove park. The
grounds will be free to Od Fel.
lows and Rebekahs and a large at~
tendance is desired.
Athens—The final arrangements
for the Bradford County Soldiers
and Sailors’ Encampment were
made yesterday, and it is designed
to make the occasion one of rare
enjoyment to all who attend. * The
officers of the encampment will be
on the grounds at McCarty's grove,
Ulster, Thursday morning, Septem-
ber 4, so that everybody will be
cared for as soon as they arrive,
There will be no tents or free
tainable at the hotels aad private
houses at a very reasonable rate
Department Commander M. A,
Gherst of Reading, accompanied
by his Adjutant General Charles
A. Suydam of Philadelphia, will be
present Wednesday, Sept. 5 and
will speak to the boys. Good
music will be furnished each day.
The annual meeting of the Ath.
ens Women's Christian Temperance
Union will be held in the Metho-
dist church Friday, August 10, be
ginning at 10 o'clock. There will
be a forenoon, also afternoon sess
sion beginning at 2 o'clock, to
which the public are invited From
12till 2 is the lunch hour and
social time. All members are urged
to come and bring their lunch and
a friend with them. The afternoon
session will be given to reports and
an impromptu program. Come and
find out what is being done and
help along the cause by contribut~
ing to the support, It is real home
The Late W. H. Shaw Often
the late W. H. Shaw, a few days
old Indian path through the nar-
it all of the way at the present time
resided at this ead of the narrows,
where the H. J. Baldwin residence
now is, an! when a boy he had
often traveled this path from his
home in Sheshequin to his aunt's.
The path was nearly in the locas
tion where the present road now is,
but at the “turn o' rocks” it was
about thirty feet higher, reaching
above the huge boulders that now
form the east side of the road, and
the path is still well defined In
the course of his remarks he said,
| “Eighty-one years ago last April,
soon after I was born, my mother
took me on the pommell of the
saddle and rode with me on horse-
back up through this bridle “path
to the Northrup home to show his
aunt the new baby." There were
many interesting incidents that he
mentioned about the carly settlers,
their characteristics and their mode
of life which would be worth pres
serving. There was no class of the
pioneers of carly times more justly
celebrated for their sterling patriot-
ism and courage than those who
inhabited the Sheshequia valley.
Athens—The be board of health in
their meeting on Tuesday evening
authorized the officers to notify the
grocerymen to place receptacle
cans in front of their places of busi-
ness for the deposit of garbage.
This has become necessary to re~
lieve the stench and the unhealthy
condition caused by throwing de
caying matter in the street.
Old Home Week at Ithaca
The Lehigh Valley Railroad will sell
tickets at low fares August 32d to 29th,
inclusive. Fare from Sayre $1 50. Tiek-
ota good golng sad returning on all
trains exoept tive Black Diamond Ex-
press, limited for return uatil A
30th. Sees Lehigh Valley Ticket Appina
for farther particalars.
6s5c to VanEtten and Return
The Lehigh Valley Rallroad will make
special rates and sell tickets to Van
Etien August 25th, account Soldiers and
Sailors picnic. Tickets good golog Ar-
gat 5th; returning until August 26th
lusive, on all tralas excep’. the Black
Diamond Express. See Lehigh Valley
Ticket Ag+ats for farther foalars.77
$3.50 to New York City
and return. Popular Coach Excursion via
LehighValley R. R. Tickets will be sold
at Bayre. Good only on special train
leaving above station at 10:00 p.m. on
August 11th; returning Aug. 12th, tealn
leaves New York, West 23d street 9:35
m., Portland or tbrotses tively 9.456
p.m, Jer 0 hy e
will be Ss on thors these -
opportanity to visit New York City and
re resorts at a mipimam aut,
Amusements at Coney Island this
or thal gar; all in full ope to
ob - lor
alley Tick Agen
$8.20 to Atlantic City and Re-
turn, secount Lau h Val Railroad
excursions, A 17, 81, , The
Lehigh Valley oh "will sell tickets
38 Above dates So the os fe Shore, good
for 16 dasa wi at Philadel-
his in e Ther or pop ae re within
mit, on ell trains ox-
cept tbe means Black For
train service and com nformation
see Agents Lehigh V i, Railroad. 78
Subscribe for The Record.
D. E. McMahan
Dealer in
Dry Goods
Gent's Fornish-
ing Goods
LO. OF Wieck,
$5.50 Nettletons now $4.38.
3 50 Walk-O vers now 2.78.
350 Patrician now 298.
$400 Walk-Overs now
40) Edwin C. Barts now
A guarter of a century ago we
placed some gold fillings in the teeth
fo a well known gentleman at pres-
ent a resident of Sayre, These fill-
ings today are just as bright, firm
and useful as the day they were
made, We will tell you the name of
the party, of you wisk to see kim
There are variations in dental
workmanship, just as there are dif-
ferences in the various brands of
flor. If you desire the highest de
gree of proficency—the skill and
knowledge that will make YOUR
fillings serviceable twenty five years
from today—come in or phone for
an’ appointment, On the other hand,
of you take pleasure in having your
teeth filled over and over again every
year or two, you should ge elsewhere
—awe do not do that kind of work.
J.W. Murrelle,D.D.S.,
106 Centre St, ATHENS, PA,
Valley "Phone 97 D.
Bring Your Job Printing to
Murrelle's rg
“The Satisfactory Place.”
From foun b eight skilled job
printers and a new, up-
equipment are at your service,
Talmadge Buliding, Eimer he. Sore)
Valley Phose 128x.
The Valley Record
Ofiies:—Rooms 4 and §, Elmer Blook,
Lockhart Street, Sayre. Pu.
os opt, Laman Ws
lected, Taxes Pa
When want a cement side-
walk laid in a durable
manner, call on Simeon Davis. You
will get Lhe benefit of years of
tical Mason
Practice limited to diseases of the
Ear, Nose and Throat. Glasses
fittad. ‘Hours 10 to 11 a.
8 p.m. Offios and
Elmer Ave. Vana Miuidanch ‘phone 156x.
(In effect May 13, 1906.)
Trains leave Sayre us follows:
A Batt for Towanda, Tunk«
o, Baltimore and Washingtas.
‘A. M. Dally for
rh why Jemma. Tuakhan-
mit Spri Mauch Chunch
New York and Philadeiphia.
averly §
al warty
ee Sa i
P.M. erie , MM.) Wosk deve
lS i
3: A
RI E= Dutly Joe
lle Beha
Van Kites
ve, Hays Bormers
Bardi (Warkian visas
P.M, —_—.—s a
re Caemarh
Connects for Aubern week
P.M. Lully Mack Disuitad
dena, Louettal. Saf
ee he Erm
arr re BL
ALN. Senday de Seen, an
Subd ie
3:00 =