The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, August 07, 1906, Image 2

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& CO.
All the news that's fit to print”
Much-Traveled Vio o
! Barasate, the world renowned vio
‘Maist, has taken his instrument all
over the world. It has been the com-
seo of the 40 years of his manhood
. "Sarasate my son, wed thy violin, bul
never & woman,” is sald to have been
the advice which was given him with
* Bis first prize at the Paris Coanserva
Soins, and Sarasate has been frue to It
: Chirp of the Cricket
. The chirplog of crickets on a hot
Sommer might falls into a rhythmic
“Beat. and this beat is a very accurat
thermometer. In the latitude of Bos
108, according to Onting, the crickets
chirp about 50 times 4 minute when
the temperature Is at 50 degrees. They
2 four chirps a minute for every de
above that.
3 Motor Boats in Venice,
s Motor boats of all sorts are becom-
" fng more and more numerous on the
Venetian canals, threatening to dis-
| place the old-time gondola The gon.
" dollers are much disturbed. In s dis.
pute between two of them and two
electric launch men lately the latter
- were stabbed, one fatally
Eiperl Bowman.
: There are a few men in England whe
still practice archery. Sir Ralph Gal
wey i= sald to be the most expert, and
f1 Is further sald that it Is no uneom
mon thing for him to shoot an arrow s
guarter of a mile and bit his target
Example of Thrift
_ "By George, but [I've got a jewel of
8 girl. | proposed by wire and told
Ber to answer at my expense.” “Well”
“And the frugal little thing waited un-
‘til six p. m. and got night rates —
Louisville Courier-Journal
i Big Job of Cleaning.
* The Vatican was thoroughly
cleaned lately and a quantity of re
. painting done. The work employed
$700 people for six months Merely
" ip cleaning wall papers, 1,000 loaves of
bread were used dally. =]
: Fader to Son.
Warren Belcher, for 63 years post.
master at Winthrop. Mass, has re
to be succeeded by his son,
David Belcher. In time of service be
~ was the oldest postmaster in the Unit
ed States.
- Oldest Game.
With the exception of chesa, dios
throwing Is sald to be the oldest game
still in existence. The ancient Tew
fons indulged In games of dice, and
sh not only risked their fortunes
“but their liberty on a single tara. To
there were over 100 different
‘kinds of games of dice in England
A Leeds (England) police constable
Who soma time ago sent a picture to the
‘Royal academy, ‘Which was acoepted,
But Afterward crowded out, has tempt.
od fortune again, and another work
from his brush —a landscape—has been
accepted for the forthcoming exhibi.
Perfume Cones.
“wu Deletrain, of Geneva, has com-
bined certain materials, put together
the form of a small solid cone,
when dissolved in petrol of ben
Attorneys Make Argumente—No Deal.
sion Tntil Fall
PITTSBURG, Aug. 7.—The bezin
nlog of the end of the famous and sen
Hartje divorce was begun
before Judge Frazer
Mr. and Mrs Augustus Hartle en
dured the final ordeal when their law-
yers made arguments, both libelant
and respondent getting a hot scoring,
the conclusion being a rapid fire speech
by John Marron for the libelant
Reference to the children of the cou
ple seeiued to move Mr. Hartje and
his wife very much. During Mr. Mar
grew ghastly pale at Mr. Marron's as
sertions. Mr Harte was greatly af-
fected by the stateinent of Mr. Marron
that be had wot kissed his children for
& year
Attorney W. B Rodgers made the
first address for Mr Harte [He made
& sharp attack upon the character of
Mrs. Hartje He spoke fer a little
mere than an hour He referred first
to the separation of Mr. apd Mra
Hartje. saying that the real reason
for her desertion was to be found In
the love letters alleged to have been
writteu by her to the coachnau core
spoudent, Tom Madine
Mrs. Hartje, overwrought by the
wecks of excitement, gave way to her
feelings as her attorney, Marcus W.
Acheson, Jr, was making his plea
Attorney Acheson Inclined to the pa-
thetic side of the cuse In Lis argument
aud Mrs. Hartje cried silently
It was the most murked display eof
emotion alie bas given since the trial
It is expected the argutnents will be
completed today or tomerrow. Judge
Frazer will leave the city for 8 vaca
tion, and the court's decision is net
expected until fall
New Yerk Yacht Club's Hun te Yew.
port a Saceess.
NEWPORT, R I. Ang 7A fairly
strong soUthwester turned the run of
the New York Yacht club fleet from
New Londen to this port frow & threat
ened fallure to a gratifying success
with a picturesque down the wind fin
Ishi at Brentou's reef lightshilp
For hours the feet flapped round
Race rock, four miles from the start,
scarcely able to stem the tide. But
finally a faint hreeze sprang up and
wafted thew slowly along the Rhode
Island shore until just to the west:
ward of Polut Judith, when thee cute
a flerce puff from the southwest that
snapped off the Yankee's topmast and
sent the rest of the fleet down to thelr
From that time on there was no com
plalut and during the last seven wlles
from Point Judith to the Anish, spin
nakegrs were far our to port apd all
light malls were pulling. As on Satur
day, F. F. Brewster's white schooner
Elmius had the place of honor at” the
bead of the feet, but Ler margin was
oot quite sufficient uver J Hoger Max
well's Queen, and the latter won by
teu seconds, with the Coruna some dis
tance astern. W. Gould Brokaw's yawl
Sybarita beat William E. Iselin's Emer-
ald boat for bout *
Sunday Rest in Ttaly.
The question of Sunday rest is be
ing agitated to a large extent in Italy
and a commission was named some
time ago which recommended that as
far as” possibile an uninterrupted rest
of from 22 to 16 hours should be In-
sured to all the working classes and
that in case of public services, the
men who worked on Sundays should
have one day off in the week by turns,
domestic servants being entitled to a
half-holiday per week. The law does
not apply to fishermen
Big One Story.
Senator Clay, of Georgls, was once
showing a constituent the sights of
the national capital when the Wash
ington monument was reached
“What do you think of It?” careless
ly asked the senator, as the constitu
ent stood gazing in awe at the stately
“Senator,” responded the Georgian
gravely, “that’s the darnedest highest
one-story buliding I've ever seen.”
She Didn’ t Know,
“Don’t you think,” asked Mrs. 014.
cestie, "that the new minister wus
somewhat recondite last Sunday? i
didn't know what it was at the time”
replied her hostess as she toyed with
her diamond studded fan, “but | do re-
member that bis face looked kind ot
red and his eyes was sort of glasdy,
Still, we oughtn’t to be too hard on the
poor man. He might of taken it for the
‘ia grippe.’ “—Chicago Record Herald.
Hounds Eat Each Other,
New Albany, Ind —Four blood-
hounds, the property of Sheriff Ray-
mond Morris, which were neglected by
a farm hand In whose charge they had
been placed on the C. Kraft farm,
north of New Albany, developed can
uibalistic tendencies and two of them
were devoured and a third killed
The hounds, which had been In train-
ing, were confined in an outbuilding,
and it Is believed the three stronger
brutes when starved to a point of des
peration fell on the weaker one and
ate it, and when attacked again with
hunger another battle ensued, leaving
only two all The final struggle be-
o resulted in the death
left st Gregg's Racket Store, Waverly.
After 11 o'clock noon call the main
office at Sayre, Valley ‘phone 128X,
N. P. L. excursion to Elmira
Wednesday, Aug 15, via Erie,
Justice Bensley of Barton was
in Waverly today.
William Shipman and wife spent |
Sunday in Elmira
Miss Gertrude Lang of Towan-
da is visiting Miss Lillian Barnum
of the south side
N. P. L. excursion to Eldndge
park Wednesday, August 15, via
Eric. Full particulars later. 72 |
E.C Tracy and D O Decker
are enjoying a ten days trip down
the Susquchanna. They expect to
go as far as Harrisburg.
Two special trains morning and
afternoon, Wedne<day, August 13,
to Eldndge park, N, P. L.. excur~
sion, via Erie. 72
Carrie, the four months’ old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hiley
Taylor of South Waverly died last
night of cholera infantum, Funer-
al tomorrow 2
The brick pavement is being
laid today for the approach to the
Spalding street bridge. Ground
has been broken on South Fulton
street and a large force of men are
busy at the excavation.
Kirk Brown will appear Satur
day, Aug. 11,in “The Christian"
at Loomis opera house, This isa
play that appeals to all, and is ex
tremely well handled by Mr Brown
Waverly —G. Tracy Rogers ol
Binghamton, presidont of the new,
Elmira-Waverly line appeared be-
fore the board of trustees last even
ing in regard-to the franchise asks
ed for by that company to extend
their lines on West Broad street
He said that the distance asked
for was about 400 feet the company
having acquired the remainder by
purchase, and that if the franchise
was granted it was expected to
have the road running between
Waverly and Chemung before
winter, Mr, Lang asked for a map
of the locality where tha franchise
was desired, Mr. Rogers stated
that he did not have one and that
the members of the board were
tamiliar enough with the locality
not to need one. Mr. Lang said
he wculd require one in order to
vote intelligently and on motion of
Mr. Farley action was deferred uns
til Friday evening at 7:30.
Waverly—Mrs, Wealthy Ann
Corey died at the home of her half
sister, Mrs, Joseph Morgan on
Elm street, yesterday afternoon of
exhaustion, aged 79 years. Her
home is at Painted Post and she
was visiting Mrs. Morgan. She is
survived by two sons, Dr. H. M,
Corey of Chicago and Leon Corey
of Painted Post, with whom she
The funeral will be held from
the home on Elm street Thursday
moming at 10 o'clock. The inter
ment will be at the Forest Home
$3.50 to New York City
and return. Popular Coach Excursion via
LehighValley R. R. Tickets will be sold
atSayre, (Good only on special train
leaving above station at 10:00 p.m. on
Avgust 11th; returning Ang. 12th, train
leaves New York, West 33d street 9:35 Sp
m., Cortland or Jesbrosses streets 9.
p.m, Jersey Lity 10:00. No b
will be checked on these tickets. Grand
opportunity to visit New York City and
feashore resorts at a minimum cost.
Amusements at Coney Island this year
than ever; all in full operation.
further particulars,
$1.50 to Syracuse and Return
Be Given by Hon Byram L.
Waverly—Broad street is to be
extended ealt to the old Ellistown
with the Milltown road, bringing
the people of that place in closer
touch with Waverly than they now
are with Sayre.
After a debate in which Trustee
Lang and Attorney Hawkes came
sharply together the resolution
which was offered by W. C. Farley
village, was unanimously carried
by the board of trustees last evens
ing. Mr, Winters was present and
explained his plans to the trustees
and signified his willingness to in-
demnify the village from expense
in acquiring the land of Frank
Blaziaski, either by purchase or by
condemnation proceedings. He
also stated that he would give the
land belonging to him which was
necessary for the street, He said
that he had taken stock in a firm
which employed skilled workmen
in the manufacture of tools and
was negotiating for the location of
the plant here ; that he would give
the land for the plant. Mr, Lang
contended that his statement which
indemnified the village should be
embodied in the resolution Mr.
Winters quickly 2greed to this and
was heartily applauded. Mr. Blas
zinski was present and strenuously
objected to the street being opened,
claiming that it was his intention to
erecta store on the land to be tak-
Pay Off Bonds and Part of the
Paving Contract
Waverly—At last night's meet-
ing of the board of trustees there
was just a quorum present and con-
siderable delay in starting was
caused by trouble with the electric
lights. A large number of Specs
tators sat sweltering throughout
the session. A resolution was
adopted requiring that all sidewalks
on Elizabeth street must be of
stone or concrete and approved by
the board
The bond for the steam roller of
$1,000 with $45 interest which is
due was ordered paid, also the vil-
lage hall bond of $1,000, with in-
terest and commission. Jas. Smith
was defective, The matter was re~
ferred to President Lawrence with
power to act.
Floyd Curran and S. C. Hall ap-
peared before the board complain~
ing of the condition of the Wayer-
ly street roadway on Walker's hill.
The matter was referred to the
street committee,
The expenditures of the even-
ing including the bonds and
$2,200 paid to J, J. Higgins on the
pavement _contract amounted to
about £5,000.
The board adjourned till Friday
night at 7:30 o'clock.
Waverly—The hearing of Wal-
ter Bishop for violation of the ex-
cise law, wuich was to have come
before Justice Hoagland this morn-
ing, was postponed one week, the
bonds remaining the same. Altors
ner J.J. O'Conner, attorney for the
Briggs Brewing Company, aps
peared for Mr, Bishop and asked
for an adjournment, stating that he
day. Attorney D. W. Allen also
appeared for the defense. The re:
$3.50 to New York City
and retare. Popular Coach Excursion
via Lehigh Valley R. R. Tickets will be
sold st Bayre Good only oa lal
train leaving above station at 10:00 p. m.
on Augast 11th; returning Aug. 13th,
train leaves New York, West 25d street
9:35 p. m., Cortland or Deshrosses streets
%:45 p, m,, Jersey City 10:00. No bag-
will be checked on thes= tickets,
rand unity to visit New York
and Seashore Resorts at a minimum
cost. Awusements at Coney Island this
year greater than ever; all in full opbra-
tion. Bee Lebigh Valley Ticket Aguats
for farther particulars,
$4.50 to Toronto, Ont, ad Re-
turn, account Lehigh Valley Railroad
excursion, August Sth, 1008, Aceount
above excursion the L. V.R. R. will sell
tickcls good going August 8th, with fin-
al limit August 12th. Tickets good on
all trains except the Black Diamond Ex-
press. See Lehigh Valley Tickst Agents
for further Particulars,
$1.90 to Freeville, N. Y. and Re-
tarn, via Leh Valley Railroad, ae-
count Central Now York® State Spiritual.
ist Meeti July 22 to Aug 20th, 1806,
Tickets sold Jaly 21 to ry 19th, in-
elusive, good on all regular trains. For
farther particulars see Lehigh Valley
Ticket Agents, bl
William's Carbolic Salve With
Arnica and Witch Hazel
The best Salve in the world for Cuta,
Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tet-
ter, Chapped Hands and all skin erup-
tions. It is guaranteed to give satisfac-
tion, or money refund. Price 2c by
druggists. Williams Mfg. Co, Prop's.
Cleveland, 0. Sold by C. M. Driggs,
Week-Ead Outings
On Satarday and Sandays from June
30th to September 30th, the Y Lehigh Val-
ley Rallroad will sell excursion tickets
locally in New York state at low fares,
which will provide over Sunday outings
at a minimam cost for ad fares,
This arrangement applies generally to
Ee Seb ire
et ta for i ple.
tioulars. 0-ut
Special Rates For Old Home
Week at Spencer. The Lehigh Valley
Rallroad will sell tickets at low fares
Augast 13th to 18th inclusive. Fare
from Sayre 80c. Tickets good going sud and
returning on all trains except the
Diamond Express, limited for retura ao
til Augast 19.h, inclagive, Deflnits in-
for oation can ba obtained ol Ticket
Agents 77
Personally Conducted G. A. R.
The Erie Rallroad will have a person-
slly conducted train to Minnsapolis
August 11th, account of G. A. R. Na-
tional Encampment, made up of day
coaches, tourist and standard sleepers,
train running through without change.
For rates and other information, inquire
of any Erie Ticket Ageat, or write J. H.
Webster, Division Agent, Eimira. 063-19
A Sars Tax
Riven ows 18 FAIL
facie ot iv Mesa
#1 Bends | Nails
whed Feud progasd
1 ol rial, be be paid far
Free BF pont dragaiat dees nd
Bare thew oud yoni ender te tha
UNITED MECICAL CO. wo 74, Lancasrea, pl
whew reiie
Soild in Sayre by the West Sayre
Pharmacel Co.
7 Nights, 3 Matinees
Matinees— Tuesday, Thursday and
Supported By —
And an Excellent Company Pre-
Saturday Eve—''The Christian"
Other Plays to Be Presented:
“Othello,” “A Gentleman of France,"
“Camille,” “Ths Eternal City,"
“David Garrick,” “The
Cherry Pickers
Prices—Matinees, 1 20c.
Evenings, 10, 20 and 30c.
Ladies Tickets issued for Saturday
Evening at 15¢ Limited to 300.
Advance sale Thursday at West Un-
lon Telegraph Office.
Read The Record
Painter, Decorator and Paperhanger.
First-class work {live Fruipuiy a4 yeu.
Residence: —1%0 Spruce 8t., Athens, Pa.
H. H. Mercereau,
_ Notary Public
a yy
Loomis, Scturday
Evening, Aug. 11.
cheap kind
Tubs 75, 85¢c
good for the
line, the
best that
Cor. Broad St. and
$3.00 to Buffalo and Niagara
Falls and return, account Lehigh Valley
Railroad excursion, August 9th, 1008.
Account above excaraion the L. V.R R.
will sell tickets good going August 9th
with final limit August 10th. Tickets
rood on all trains except the Black
Diamond Express. For further partica.
[Arn soe Lehigh Ticke’ Ageata. 73
National Encampment G. A. R.,
Oa account of the above event, the
Erie Railroad will ran a personally con-
dacjed jealm, composed of day cosches,
tourist and standard Pallman sleeping
cars, Write J. HI. Webster, Division
Passenger Agent, Rimirs, N. Y., for par-
ticulars. 3-19
75¢ to Elmira and Return
The Lehigh Valley Rallroad will sell
tickets August 12th, Special train stop-
ping at Eldridge Park in both direc-
tions, Leaves Sayreat 8:05am; re-
turning leaves Elmira at 6:00 p.m. Tick-
ets ROM fo iog and returning only on
as i of issue. Bee Le-
Valley Ticket agents for Panther
$8.20 to Atlantic City and Re-
tarn, account Lehigh Valley Rallroad
excursions, A 317,91, 1008. The
Lehigh Valley Iroad will sell tickets
on above dates to tha Bea Shore, good
for 16 days with stop-over at Philadel-
Mia in either or both directions within
fimit. Tickets good on all trains ex-
cept the Black Diamond Express. For
train service and completes information
sce Agents Lehigh Valley Railroad. 73
——— A ————
$7.75 to New York and retarn au
29th, good b days.
10 day excursion to Saratoga od
Lake George, $5.00 from Waverly via
Erie R. R. July “14th and Aug 158. 48
75¢c to Binghamton and return,
Sunday, Aug. I2, and each alternate
Sunday thereafter. Tickets good leav-
ing Waverly at 7:62 and 10:36 a.m. 25
Holders of (3. A. R. Excursion Tickets
to Minneapolis will be granted a ten
day stop over at Chicago on return trip
if desired. 87
Jamestown or Chautauqua passengers
lease note that the Erie Rallroad Co.
# now running a vestibule cosoh daily
on their train one through to Jamestown
without change of cars. 70
For further particalany apply to Erie
Ticket Agent, J. W. Clark,
Foreign and Domestic Fruits.
Pare Olive Oil for medical purposes.
Macaroni at 6, 8 and 100 per pound.
No « Rlizabeth 5' Waverly
Maynard, Maynard & Schrier
Park "Ave., Waverly.
A competent cook at
_— Record office. od
At once four good men a
stand cement walk Simon © }
Davis, 408 Olive street. ve
Wanted —A lady to canvass and takes’
orders. Address G. T. L., care The Rae-
ord, Sayre, stating experience, 73-8
Washiogs and ironings to do at home.
Call at 116} North River St, Sayre. 738% 4 2
2 A good cack. JAPPYY 3% the Outipbill =
. Lost
Black silk parasol, gold head within.
itial E engraved thereon. Suitable re-
yi for return to 334 Chemung
For Sale.
My home 540 Clark street, W
N. Y Ten room house S Mg Wr
modern improvements, yotstauGn
Och. 1st. ason for Sone
town, A.J. Reason,
Becond-band piano In
Inquire at 208 Ww. rw
Fall blooded Cocker
Address M. E. Baldwin,
R.F. D. No, 3.
Half of double houses to rent &
and wife, Inquire of 8. 0, Declre
W. Cooper Bt, Athena. 4
Yavenir. Ten rooms, all
rovements. A.J. 7 Lester,