The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, August 04, 1906, Image 4

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    Jag a nor-
tage comes in buying now.
they come
and get your share.
down; follow the Red Signs.
nary values-we offer.
If you read it in our ad. it's so.
Social Relations
Visitor—S0 you are going to visit
your cousins In the country this sum-
mer, sh?
Little Elsle—Yes. mamma says they
are not stylish enough to visit us —
Chicage Dally News
\ Best of Everything
Lockhart St.
©. J. Kiron,
Barmaids in Burmah.
After a struggle lasting several |
years, the respectable portios of the
Englich community in Burmah has
succeeded lo securing the passage of
a law forbidding the e¢wployment of
womens as barmalds.
Closing Stock Quotations.
Money on all firmer at I per cent
| prime mercantile paper, S5M45% per
exchanges, FAI LIE balances, $13
total imports of dry goods at the por
New York for the week ending
Especial care and prompt at- vaiued at 3058
Clos ng priv
tention given to moving of Amal Copper
Puan, Household Goods, Bafes had”
| 3 RT
; Sugar
«= & On! Si,
N and U on Plrst | Lacka Wanna Lé) nion Paci
Ly fm A wwe
Chi . N thw as
D & z
2 & Nash 16% Ss Steel
| Hanrarae 10% UB Stel
Thomas Ave, Opposite L. V. Station,
Bates $1.50 Por Dav.
100% N YY. Central
01 Norf & West
19 Penn R R
TY Reading
S133 Rock Island
8st. Paul
Southern Pa
Southern Ry
South. Ry
ri ©
{| Metropolitan 113 West Union
| Missouri Pac wily
s | a —
- |
Sew York Markets.
Fou R-Dwull and barely steady; Min.
EAT ~Heavy selling of wheat on
100 Lake 5t. West Sayre.
8 0 11:00 a. m., 2 to 4:30, 7:00 to 8:00,
ralne in Argentina, lower
sor cnEh demand precipitat-
» 10 weal prices of the week
Kg S5-lec., December
L TIER Creamery, extras, per po ind,
Jil firsle, 13% Gn , seconds, 18)
eter mi tats mn Creamery, ¢Xiras,
city, country,
spelalty. phonea
resovated extras, Ls dik ( Mirsta 1749
part skims, prime, Thus
il K ~The price is 01.51 per forty quart
fhe roger siting of Gi Glass
se Ey TAL
Genito and chrunie diseases » | 2
| 1st eastern dairy hice JU we,
factury fArats, lic, packing
ate No 1, Mx
{ “i x FEE Rute, full eam, iarge and
3th ¥ falr (0 good, large, 11
LY small oh yu llc half skims, best
3 j
SPEOULTES, { hg 8 Freah gathered, extra, per doz.
je io nearby, fresh gathered, firsts to
Oryts, 198 2x
Dd uty the Bye, Ear, Noss an.
TAL LOW — Steady ; .;
aed LE
Oflos, Wh yi {AY Firm, shipping, Bg%c ; good to
chaolce, $11 06 .
STRAW Steady; long rye, 54%
A EB ——— ——————
HEANS Steady, marrow, L5G) me
dium, Bos] 83%. pea, LW, red kidney,
Ras Vy za i“
Wi Steady. domestic fleece, Bye
HOP 3 Fim state, common to choice,
Heavy and Light Draying and Moving. 1s os 194 and olds, nominal
aia al AT ES: Firm de Faey, prime
1% do ulls, do,
Joemes cated for snd delivered io IVE Frotiuri Quiet
Athens and Waverly, | fois. if ronstery
in Tf bom work. attended to
hickhags 15a 1 ducks
OT aren Ave ae Valley Phone 208x |
se uf
fowl casier;
Pavc | wpring
old, leglic., do,
| spring 114 3h
DRE . Pot
| cot do
i ba lars EL
| & o.. western, 17
© §.L TOWNER, B.D.
LTRY Steady, fowls,
fair to good, 1¥4« old
broilers, nearby 18g
U Xx
Live %tock Markets,
CATTLE por light; market steady
choice, R nat prime, B.W0U 0; veal
“HOGS Receipts |
rime heavies, SBGEN.
a: Er a ker, Ww
t; market active;
ca Dani ed
R. G. Dun & (o's Weekly Husiness
the seasouable
sale departments comercial
tivity Is well maintained. aud early
preparations are made for autwinn and
winter business Angust apened with
po Adverse developments io the trade
| situation, while crop progress durug
July was most favorable Trade re
ports are especlally gratifyiog from
the northwest amd other poluts that
{ Ar» dependent upon agricultural re
Ang 4 Aside
SCcarcely a
prosperity aud there is
discordant note in any of
Scarcity of labor is the
etiplaint, output of coke
curtailed, aud there is delay in
crops, while strikes
retard the rebuilding of San Francisco
It {8 mot offen that managers of a
are uneasy regard
because of too much
yet that is becoming the
Several problems are arising on
apparcatly unlimited
New FEopgland footwear markets are
western and southern jobbers
having returned, while eastern whole-
salers do not operate until about the
middle of August
Wheat declined this week to the
lowest point since exports fell off so
severely over two years ago, and the
return to attractive prices is expected
to produce a resumption of foreign
demand. This broader juterest by ex-
as geuerally encouraging crop news
from the northwest, where
spring wheat Is about out of danger
thrashed with unexpectedly favorable
results, - Western receipts of 7888005
bushels of wheat for the week com:
pare with 7.308534 last year
Conunercial fallures in the United
States are 180 against 210 last week,
192 the preceding week and 232 the cor
responding week lost year. Fallures
in Canada sumber 16, against 15 last
week, 22 the preceding week and 26
last year. Of failures this week in the
United States, 74 were In the east, 52
south, 38% west and 16 in the Pacific
states, and 55 report Habilities of $585)
or more Liabilities of commercial
fallures reported for July are $6919 -
Ol4, compared with $0. 145030 a year
Resourceful Woman.
You can't get ahead of a woman.
The stores which exhansted thelr sup
plies of long gloves are selling substi
tutes In the form of short gloves with
lace arms tacked on.
Chinese Coffins,
Chinese coffins are made of timber
eight to ten inches thick. It is cal
culated, therefore
Mrs. J. F, Russell spent today in
Mrs. C. F. Rider and daughter
Mildred are are visiting in Elmira.
Mary O'Brien went to Dushore
| this morning to visit with friends.
Joha Santmyre drove a party to
Sulphur Springs. today for a picnic
S. L. Ruger of Laceyville has
been visiting his father in East
Mrs. Thomas Park of Ulster
visiting her sister, Mrs,
Merrill, =
| Mrs. D. McClarty and child re-
turned this afternoon from a visit
lin Granville, N Y,
\ John ‘Ruger and son, S L
| Ruger, went to Laceyville today
| for a visit with relatives.
—— — ——
| Miss Apphia Andrews, who is
| undergoing treatment at the Pack-
ler hospital, is improving
Mrs. R. A. Nicol and Miss Willa
Murrelle went to Forksville this
morning for a short visit.
Mrs. Arthur Andrews of De-
troit, Michigan, is visiting at the
home of W. W. Andrews.
Dr. Burton Macafee with his
wife and child of Washington, D. visiting friends in Athens.
Jack Crowley of Ridgebury and
James C, Wilson of Milan were in
Athens on business this forenoon.
Murray Clark, Major W. H. H,
Gore and N. P. Chaffee will attend
the W. H. Shaw tuneral in Sheshe-
quin tomorrow afternoon.
Michael Doran started for
Schenectady this moming, where
he is to be employed by the
American n Bridge Company.
The union meeting service tos
morrow night will be held in the
Presbyterian church. Rev. Allen
will preach the sermon from the
text, Luke 10:31.
Rev. Dr. Simpson will have
charge of the funeral of the late
W. H. Shaw, which will be held in
the church at Sheshequin tomor-
row afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Fish Warden Perely Nichols of
Ulster arrested an Athens boy yes-
terday tor stunning young bull-
heads for bait. His hearing was
postponed until next Monday,
C. W. Hoffa came from Coney
Island last night afid missed the
train so that he spent the night at
the home of J. Booth, resuming his
journey to Dushore this morning,
For Sale—Two hanging lamps
and one parlor lamp and four hand
lamps, in good condition. For sale
cheap on account of changing for
electric lights. Enquire at Chafs
fee's shoe store, 752
$3. 50 to New York City
Popular Coach Excarsion vias Lehigh
Valley Railroad. Tickets will be sold
at Bayrs. Good only on special train
leaving above Pr at 10:00 p. m.on
August 11th; returning on special brain,
leave New York, West 23d street 9:26 p.
m., Cortland or Desbrosses streets 9.45
p.m, Jersey City 10:00, No baggage
will be checked on these tickets. Grand
apportunity to visit New York City and
Seashore resorts at a minimum cost,
Amusements at Coney Island this year
ter than ever; all in full operation.
Lehigh Valley Ticket Aferu, jor
further particulars.
$4.50 to Toronto, Ont, and Re-
turn, account Lehigh Valley Rallroad
excursion, August 9th, 1008. Account
above excursion the L.V. RR. i sll
tickota good going August " n-
al limit August 12th. Tickets good on
all trains STeOM the Black Diamond Ex-
press. Bee h Valley Ticket Agsais
for farther Sartcular. 73
$1.90 to Preeville, N. Y. and Re-,
tarn, via Lehigh Valley Railroad, ac-
count Central New York ¢ Btate Bpiritual-
ist Meeti July 21 to Aug 20th, 1908.
Tickets sold Jaly 21 to Aug. 19th, in-
claaive, good on all regular trains. For
further particulars see Lehigh Yalloy
Ticket Agents.
$1.25 to Sylvan Beach and Return
The Lehigh Valley Railroad will sell
tickets Sunday, July 1st and & Ban:
day uurettior anti Sept, th. a jekits
good returning on ns
on date of issue only. Bee Lehigh Tiok-
et Agents for further particulars. 46
$1.50 to Syracuse and Return
The Labi Valley Railroad will sell
at 7:00a.
Catholic—There will be mass
8 o'clock and 10:30 2a. m.
church tomorrow. Sunday school |
as usual
The regular services at Trinity |}
church by the rector, Rev. W. E
Daw. *
Presbyterian—There will be no
Baptist — Preaching service at
10:30 a. m, subject, “The Muni-
tions of War.”
Methodist— Preaching service at
10:30 a. m, subject, “Sacrifical
Faith as Against Nominal Faith"
Athens—The Daily Local News
of West Chester, Pa, prints a list
of the graduates of the West Ches-
ter State Normal Schaol, who have
secured positions, among whom
are: Sara T. Lawler of Athens,
Pa., who has secured a position in
the Patton, Pa, High School for
a term of nine months at $60 per
g $5.50 Nettletons now $4.38.
350 Walk-Overs now 2.78.
350 Patrician now 2.98.
$4.00 Walk-Overs- now $2.98.
4.00 Kdwin C. Buris now 2
3.00 LaFrance nw
EE ES) 7 =| GR
= Sel :
Permanent Dentistry
A quarter of a century ago we
placed some gold fillings in the teeth
fo a well known gentleman at pres-
ent a resident of Sayre. These fill-
ings today are just as bright, firm
and useful as the day they were
made. We will tell you the name of
the party, if you wish to see him
There are variations in dental
workmanship, just as there are dif-
ferences in the various brands of
West Chester, as principal of the
Orwell Township High School.
Atheuz—-Mrs. Dine Harris
died yesterday afternoon at 6
o'clock at her home in Athens
township, after an extended illness
with cancer, aged 66 years. Funeral
services will be held at the late
home of the deceased tomorrow
morning at 11 o'clock; interment
at Smithfield.
Fre Free
Mr. A. C, Trainor, Colchester, Conn,
writes that a free sample bottle of
Bloodine helped Ner- when she was all
ran down. Bloodine is a body builder
and system tonic of wonderfal merit,
and if you have not tried it, you should
todsy. The greatest system Tonle in
the world. Sick Kidusys are positively
cared by Bloodine, Sold by C, M.
Driggs, Sayre.
Piles! Piles! Piles!
Dr. Williams’ I Pile Ointment
will care Blind, Bleeding, Ulosrated and
Itching Pilea. It absorbs the tumors,
allaze 150 Hohk at onoe, acts as a
tice, gives nt relief. Dr. Wil-
iam's I Pile Ointment is prepared
for Piles and Itching of the private
ria. Every box is guarauteed. Sold
Wy druggists, by y mall, for 500 aud $1.00.
illiams wich Co. Prop's., Cleveland,
0. Forsale y C. Mu. Driggs, druggist.
$1.35 to North Fair Haven and
The Lehigh Valley Railroad will sell
tickets Sanday, duly 1st and every San-
day thereafter until Sept, 9th, ickets
good going and returning on all trins on
date of issue only. Ses Lehigh apa
Ticket Agents for furlber culars 4
$8.20 to Atlantic City and Re-
tarn, account Lebign Valley Railroad
excursions, A 17, 31,1908, The
Les ‘high Valley Railroad will sell tickets
on above dates to the Sea Shore, good
for 15 days with stop-over at Philadel-
phia In either or both directions within
limit. Tickets good om all trains ex-
cept the Black Diamond Etpreas. For
train service and complete information
nee Agents Lehigh Valley Railroad. 73
$3.00 to Buffalo and Niagara
Falls and retarn, account Lehigh Valley
Railroad excursion, Aogust Oth, 1808,
Account above excarsionthe L. V. R. R.
will sell tickets good going August 9th
with final limit August 10th. Tickets
on all trains execpt the Black
lars see Lehigh Ticke: Agents.
$1.00 to Harvey's Lake and Re
taro. The Lehigh Valley Railroad will
sell tickets Angast Gth. al tralo,
stopping at Pittston in both directions.
Leaves Sayre at 7:10 a ni retarning
leaves Harvey's Lake 6p. Tickets
£oul going and returning only on speo-
| train on date of issue, See Lehigh
Valley Ticket Agents for Mapes pe
D. E. McMahan
Dealer in
Dry Goods
Gent's Furnish-
ing Goods
gree of proficsency—the skill and
knowledge that will make YOUR
fillings serviceable twenty-five years
from today—come in or phone for
an appointment. On the other hand,
of you lake pleasure in having your
teeth filled over and over again every
year or two, you should go elsewhere
—awe do not do that kind of work.
JW. Murrelle,D. D.D.S.,
106 Centre St.,, ATHENS, PA.
Valley ' Phone 97 D. /
Bring Your Job Printing to
Murrelle’s Printing
“The Satisfactory Place.”
From four to eight skilled job | Vs
printers and a new, up-to-date | Yo
I are at your service.
say we have the
tion to please. We keep
Talmadge Building, Eimer Ave., Sayre,
Volley Phone 128x.
The Valley'Record |?
Office: —Rooms 4 and 5, Eimer Block,
Lockhart Street, Rayre, Pa,
T0ans Negotiated, Insurance
ten, liouses Renied, Rents Col-
lected, Taxes Paid. 5
walk laid in a first-class, durable
manner, call on Simeon Davis. Yon
will get Lhe benefit of years
tical experience. Hy og,
all kinds. Simeon Davis, Olive St.
Ear, Nose and Throat.
ued. Hewreiv toll x mid to)
Oi regidence,
(In effect May 13, 1906.)
Trelns Jaks Sayre ma follows:
(2: iE TE
aanls A ieniows. Baltimore aad
A. M. Baily for Towanda, ry
nock, Pitiston, Wilkes Raire, Glen Sum
A. . Warerly joa MJ Week daye
ful u, New EE Dashore,
ville, a Jlismaport,. awd
mit Spring, Mauch Chunchr, "Allentown,
, New York and Philadelphis.
iE A. M.) Dally for
8:00 ;
ville, Meshoppen and
OE M. Mu. (Waverly Nur) MJ) Dally
14; Si AE
New my New York, P
ah Dla
ji on, Ts EEREE
TE La vk Weak Sn
Io "ait i on oa
edenls, Batavia, Sas
Bias Fai sad Toren
B= Duty foe
1:58 =
Cy” i apr
burg, Ha heh
J ep saria Sens
P.M. Dally for Geneva dtr at
falo, Niagara Palls, Detroit gad Chis
3:40 ss
Auburn week days ouly:
Back Dinind
| Gemma ay Manchester.
, Sunday lan Abng he og
- Cortland,
burn asd North Pair Haven. 3
AM. Week REE
a: Cumasiots, Gro
er Sr irae