The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, July 30, 1906, Image 4

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    Summer Goods have been
ps of it.
er at your service.
Second Floor Left
Another Lot Peter Pan
This time plaited, made of lawn, and are decidedly
popular, judging from the number we sell each week.
Second Floor Centre
An Unususlty Liberal Ofter
“riably all white, though some have
v and all smart uptodate apparel
5 Second Floor Right
lavendar, Alice Refrigerators
Because none are re-
served, our entire line
k oil en Automobile
madg free at this price.
NOC nd Floor Right
of Hammecks, about
15 styles, and Refrig-
erators, showing five
styles and sizes, are on
sale, being left over
from the clearance
One Fourth Off
Third Floor
Very Special for Thursday|
and F riday
A full 8 oz box of Talcum Powder at 7c.
Street Floor Right
Special for Thursday, Fri-
day and Saturday
The choice of 13 Chiffoniers at one third off. No
two alike. Some ocak, birdseye maple, while enamel,
tuna, or natural mahogany. Prices ranging from
$587 to $2237. The original price marks remain
on each piece, which when purchased, will be figured
one third off
Third Floor
Total Amount of Actual Loss Was
$132 543.067,
N. Y. July
Clarence England Siain on Chatta-
nooga by French Ballet,
CHEFU, China, July 30.— Lieutenant ALBANY, 30. — State
L. J. Kiron,
Especial care and prompt at. |
tention given to moving of
Hates $1.50 Por Dy. Saws.
the United States cruiser Chatta- | sey has made public the results of Lis
noogd, was wounded pear here by a | tnvestigation as to the losses of fire In
ride bullet fired by a wember of the surance compiables in the San Francisco
of the French armored cruiser | disaster
All jolut stock fire and inland marines
| Insurance companies transacting bus
Chattanooga, with Lieutenant | ness In the state were called on for a
| sworn statenient as to thelr losses In
The New York state com-
just outside and the | panies, forty seven in number, show
French squadron, which was anchored | the gross amount of Insurance Involved
pear the Awetican squadron si was {as $41,110,068 the relusurnine
engaged In small ars practic | ees wered S10554.7100, the estimnted
The Chattanooga, after seve al bul { saly age 271271583 and the actual
amount of loss $24 138000
The gross amount of insumnce in-
volved by all companies was $222 X34
07, the reinsurunce $305.240.771, sal
vage $13 814.468 and actual loss $132.
In these
The company with the largest net
loss ia the Hartford Fire of Connecti
cut, acconling to the report. Ita Joss is
$4. 180.701
Lightning Struck (ampers’ Tent.
CONNEAUT LAKE, Pa, July 30.—
| Lightning struck the tent of a camplog
{party during an electric storm hers,
killed Edward Kinsey and severely
shocked Robert Martin and A. W. Rup
precht, members of an outing elub from
Wiimerding, Pa. The men were hold.
ing the tent pole in an effort to prevent
the tent being blown away when a bolt
WAS passing
to be
figures the cunts are not
but before this was accomplished Lien.
tenant England was struck in the back
nt the base of the spine, probably by a |
ricochet bullet, wbich left his body |
under the arm.
BR. A. 6. REES, M.D.
100 Lake Bt. West Sayre.
§ to 11:00 a. m., 2 to 4:30, 7:00 to 8:00,
: Genito urinary and chrunic diseases »
The crew of the Dupetit
later continued thelr practice from the
deck of the crniser, their fire belug
directed at targets in the waten dif-
fering from the American practice’ of
landing wen on a barren island at the
entrance of the harbor
TLe French squadron here consists
of nine ships and the American of
Deaf Mute Nun.
“A, Hi. HURRAY, N.D.
: | The fi deat te in this country
SPECIALTIES: | Se a elhings Mis Etta Mae
Jitscqact of | th Eye. Nar, Nosesn. Holman, wbo was recently received
Thrush sad the i of Glags- into the Dominican order at Hunts
tl Su
by | Polat, N.Y.
| Hoosavelts at Presbyterian Church.
OYSTER BAY, N.Y, July 30. Pres
ident Roosevelt and family attended
| service at the Presbyterian church and
{listened to a sermon by the Her,
HeSNY and Light Draying and Moving | ‘harles L. Thouipson, secretary of the
rr board of bome missions, The pres)
oalled tor and delivered In | | dent usually attends Christ Episcopal
Athens and Waverly, | s | church, but special services were held
work sttended iin his honor at the Presbyterian
| church
— A——————————
~ promiptly.
~ BOT N. Lehigh Ave. Valley Phone 2081 |
: Specialties
Batting Rally Beat Hoston.
ST. LOUIS, July 35. A batting rally
on the eighth inning, during which Tan.
nelilll was driven from the box before
| any outs were made, won yesterday's
game for the St. Louis Americans from
Beston. Score, 8 to §,
LA ————————
Wenther Probabilities.
shattered it in their hande. The men
{ were prostrated, but Martin and Rup-
| precht were soon revived. Kinsey,
however, was found to be badly burn-
| ed along the entire left side of the body,
{and his heart sevined te be affected.
| He was rushed to a hospital at Mead-
| ville ou a special train, but died before
renchiog there. The two others recely-
ed burns from which they will recover.
Marquis MeCrotkey Drowned.
NEWBUKRS, NY. July 30 Marquis
McCroskey, nged seventeen, a son of
L. W. T. McCroskey, an attorney, and
'a grandson of former Mayor John 8
McCroskey, was drowned In the Hud-
son river from a cance. He and =»
companion, Benpett Quinlan, were
coming down the river, and (n attempt-
Ing to make fas<t to a tow the canoe
upset. Mef'roskey drowned in an ef.
{ort to swim ashore. Quinlan clung to
the overturned canoe and was resciied
two hours Jater in a state of collapse
Doctor Gave Worthless Oheecks.
BOSTON, JIuly 80 Dr. Fred PF.
Moore, an assistant in the Pittsfield
General and Emergency hospital at
Pittsfield, Mass, wis arrested by Bos
ton police Inspectors on a charge of
passing \@everal worthless checks In
Pittsfield \ Moure bas been arrested
before om Ysimlar charges and bas
served two gears’ Imprisonment bere
Dr. Moore Bhat filty seven years
SS 2 - iF EF =
James G. Hines returned from
Harford Mills this morning,
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Perkins
went to Aubura this morning.
Mrs. Fred Essenwine went to
Towanda today to visit relatives.
Charles Kel Kellogg and Chales D
Park took an auto trip to I haca
yesterday. Ca
B. B. Mitchell and sisters and
Miss Jennie Robinson returned to
Troy today.
Mrs. A. B. Moody has gone to
Sugar Run to visit her mother, Mrs,
Harry Kent.
Mrs. John Berger and mother,
Mrs. Martin, of Sayre were in To-
wanda today,
D. D. Jayne went to Meshoppen
yesterday to see his father who was
recently Wjured.
E.R. Blish went to Milan this
morning and will help some of the
farmers with their haying.
There were 68 persons from
Athens who went on the excursion
to Wilkes Barre yesterday.
Miss Lena Weaver, after spend-
ing a week on a vacation in Wilkes-
Barre, returned home last evening,
Mrs. Burt Rowe and son Manley
left for Ulster today, where they
will visit her brother, J R. Eiffert
George L Vanscoten is is having
a new concrete sidewalk laid in
front of his Paine street residence.
Miss Belle Carl speat Sunday
with her sister, Mrs. W. L. Flem-
ing, returning to Towanda this
Jesse Childs, Abe Groat and sons
Frank and Lee went on an excur-
sion to Wilkes-Barre and Scranton
Master Harry Loomis returned
to his home at Milan today after a
week's visit with his cousin, Man-
ley Rowe.
Miss Edna Effeltine, who has
been the guest of her aunt, Mrs. R ,
Wetmore, returned to Herrickville
this morning.
Mr. and Mrs, Leon Golden and
daughter Louise spent Sunday at
N. V. Weller's, returning to She-
shequin last evening,
Mrs. J. F. Ackley returned from
a three weeks’ visit in Leraysville
this morning, where she visited at
the home of J. H. Baldwin.
Mrs. George Ww. Morse has
gone to Asbury Park, where she
will visit with her daughter, Mrs.
Perley Morse, several weeks.
Miss Lettic Kendall and Mrs.
Jacob Neiss are visiting Mrs,
James Kendall in Warren, Pa,
where they will remain about two
Clark Smith of Towanda came
to Athens Saturday evening to
visit his sister, Mrs, Geo, L. Fuller,
but was taken sick and returned
home this morning.
Mrs, Courtney Dibble of Sidney,
N.Y, Mrs. Harry Miller of Les-
tershire, and Mrs. Truman Cole of
Ulster, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. L. W. Kelley over Sunday.
Herman Griffith and wife have
been visiting the family of H. L.
McHeron at Harford, Pa, and
stopped over Sunday with Athens
friends, on their return to Pittston.
Charles L. Coon of New York
has been the guest of his sister,
Mrs. F. T. Warburton, a short
time, and returned home this morn-
ing. Robert Warburton accom-
panied him,
Mrs, L. W. Murray desires us to
say that she is writing the history
of Tioga Point and not of Bradford
county, as we mentioned a short
time ago. She is receiving many
letters in response to the notice
published, and feels very thankful
to the kind friends who ar: en
couraging her in the work. ft will
this morning they were unable to
reach their office through the
mirey slime that covered the pass- |
ageway. Their many customers
were halted at the foot of the stairs |{
by President Beaman and their |§
wants were telephoned up to the |S
telegram yesterday, from Mrs, H.
G. Welles of Parksburg, Pa,, stats
ing that her son Harry was dead
and that the body was shipped to
Athens in his care. Harry B.
Welles resided in Athens many
years and owned the Ward farm at
“the point.” His father, Henry S.
Welles, was a contractor and had
charge of many large jobs in this
country, among which was the
building of the Brooklyn water
works, and raising the sunken ves
sels in Charleston harbor after the
Civil war. The last known here of
Harry B. Welles was that he resid-
ed in Boston. No information is
yet obtained in regard to the funer-
The remains reached here this
afternoon on train i,
Charles Kellogg has sold his
South Main street residence to E
Z. Griggs of Duluth. Mr. Griggs
and his daughter are in Athens and
the bargain was consummated this
morning. They will take posses
sion next spring. Mr. Griggs is
one of the foremost citizens of
Duluth and his coming to Athens
to reside will add one more desir
able family to our town. Mr.
Kellog’s plans are not known but
it is hoped that he will not leave
Free Free
Mrs. A. C, Tralnor, Colchester, Conn.,
writes that a free sample bottle - of
Bloodine helped her when she was all
ran down. Bloodine isa body builder
and system tonic of wonderfal merit,
and if yon have not tried it, you shoald
today. The greatest system Tonic in
the world. Sick Kidneys are ers
cared by Bloodine. Sold 2 M,
Driggs, Bayre.
Williams' Kidney Pills
Have you neglected your Kideys?
Have you overworked your nervous
tem and caused trouble with your Kid-
neys and Bladder? Haye Zo ins in
the loins, side, back, blad-
gen} Have you a flab I
the face, especially under the eyes? Too
i went desire to urine? If so
wi cure
mah oe, Soahy
o. Bold by CC M."D a
Personally Conducted G. A. R.
The Erie Railroad will have a person.
ally conducted train to M lis
August 11th, account of G. A. R. Na
tional Encampment, made up of day
coaches, tourist and standard
train running th bh without cha
For rates and other information, inqu
of any Erie Ticket Agent, or wri to). I. H.
Webster, Division Agent, Elmira. 63-19
$1.90 to Freeville, N. Y. and Re-
tum, vis Lehigh Valley Raliroad, ac-
count Central New York State Spiritual.
ist Mogi, July 23° to Aug 20th, 1908,
Tickets July 21 to Aug. 19th, in-
clusive, good on all regular trains. For
further particulars see Lehigh Valley
Ticket Agents. 51
$1.25 to Sylvan Beach and Return
The Lehigh Valley Railroad will sell
tickets Sunday, July 1st and San:
Sept. oth. Tiokets
day thereafter unti
good going and returning on all trains
on date of issue only. See Lehigh Tick-
et Agents for further particulars. 46
$1.38 to North Fair Haven and
ley Railroad will sell
1st and every San-
Sept. 9th, ckets
on all trins on
The Le
tickets high July”
day thereafter Sur uati
oa Suing issue Na ro Bee
Ticket Agents for furlher
the excellent values for
little money at
We have dry goods
that will please you as
well as the prices.
We also have shoes
at the lowest prices and
of the latest cut.
8 35. 50 Nettletons now $4.38.
350 Walk-Overs now 2.78. -
350 Patrician now 298.
= f= = AE
$4.00 Walk-Overs now $2
4.00 Edwin C. Burts now 2.98;
300 LaFrance nw 248
Permanent Dentistry
A quarter of a century ago we
placed some gold fillings in the teeth
fo a well known gentleman at pres-
ent a resident of Sayre. These fill-
ings today are just as bright, firm
and wseful as the day they were
made. We will tell you the name of | ===
the party, if you wish to see ham
There are variations in dental
workmanship, just as there are dif-
ferences in the various brands of
flour. If you desire the highest de
gree of profiency—ithe skill and
knowledge that twill make YOUR
Allings serviceable twenty five years
from today—come in or phone for
an appointment. On the other hand,
if you take pleasure in having your
teeth filled over and over again every
year or two, you should go elsewhere
—we do not do that kind of work,
JW. Murrelle,D.D.S..
106 Centre St., ATHENS, PA,
Valley ' Phone 97 D.
Bring Your Job Printing to
Murrelle’s Printing
“The Satisfactory Place.”
From four to eight skilled job
printers and a new, up-to-date
say we have the
please. We keep
HO ps
tion to
our promises.
Talmadge Building, Eimer Ave., Sayre,
Yaliey Phose 128x.
The Valley Record
Office: —Rooms ¢ and §, Elmer Blook.
Lookhart Street, Bayve, Pa ’
eta 108 want a cement side
a laid in a first-class, 4 side
manner, call on Simeon Davis. You
will get the benefit of years of -
tical experience. work of
Jl kinds, Simeon Davis, Olive BL,
Specialist :
Practice limited “to diseases of the Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat, (ilasses accu
fitted. Hours 10 to 12 a.m. 2t0 5, 7 to
8 p.m. Office and n
a efect Mey 13, 1d.)
STS Snvs 27% &4 Fella
J2:30 be
ville, Halu, Vivian
A.M. sverly
Lin fs Tot. Ju
TA. M. Dally for Towanda, Tunkhas-
mock, Pittston, Wilkes Baire, Glen Sams-
Tmit Spring , Mauch Chunch
ork and Philadelphia,
A am en Week days
Few Aiba, ebm Seer
A for
i ra
M. Adyirimnidy HR M) Week hn
{158 Suara ee
30 imme
f= Soemcer, Tikacs.
P. . ipso Rochester, Buf
SD x
P. M. Dell
3:4) buen whine) Vilee LO
18 =p fo, Se Ithacs, rf
2:18 zz a. Duis, Clavius. Deteh amd
§ P.M. Dally Nigh 1D Black Diamond
RE a.
B:38 an
bebo: Auburs and North Fair Haven.
an. pide, Sorted” for Owegu, Fres-
TM. Dt for EEE
J pues, Ra ayia Boru.
ville, Maal at pan omen, to
EE a aay ty
$505 Sas Tam >