The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, July 26, 1906, Image 3

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    MAN EY
y 216 Desmond B8t., Sayre.
322 8. Main St, Athens. |
| The Man Who
| “Gets There”
Is tbe man who hag blood
pe ie Nott.
Driggs’ Wise of Cod Liver ON
: Makes blood —lotm of 16
Ne Se Tepes
© bloods
* TSc Per Bottle.
G. M. Driggs
Sih he J
all Valley
" Tiany’s Music Store,
“All the news that's it to print”
J. B. Kitchen went to Ithaca this
'N. P. L. excursion to Elmira
Wednesday, Aug. 15, via Erie. 4t
The Odd Fellows hold a meet.
in of her friends at her home
Samuel Hoffman was discharged
from the hospital today.
N. P. L_ excursion to Eldridge
park Wednesday, Aug. 15, via
Ene. Full particulars later. 66 4
The body of Mrs. John Michael,
who died at the hospital yesterday,
was shipped to Towanda this mora-
ing in charge of F. N. Drake. The
funeral will be held at that town.
"The financial result of the Union
Sunday school excursion to Itha-
ca last Saturday has been announc-
ed. There were 1,020 tickets sold
and the net profit to the churches
is $26.00,
Though it seems a little dull on
the surface of the political sea, yet
there has been comsiderable activity
manifested around this part of the
county within a few days. Politi
cians have been in Sayre and
Athens recently Ming a good
quiet ????tions.
There will be a special meeting
of the Sayre fire department Sun.
day, July 29, at 2:30 p.m, in the
R A. Packer hose rooms. All
members of the department are re-
quested to be present as there is
business of great importance to
transact. Ray LaMont. 66-4t
A large number of Sayre people
went to Ithaca today on the various
trains to witness the firemen's pa-
rade in that city today. Ithaca
made preparations for the enter<
tainmeat of nearly sixty com-
panies, and the conventiog prom-
ises to be one of the largest ever
The Towanda papers are all
sending-up a lament because Paw-
nee Bill's Wild West is drifting
about the country and has not
shown any intention of visiting
that hilly burg. Sayre has had
more shows this Summer than it
could handle conveniently, and
doesn't care a rap if Pawnee Bill
doesn't pitch his teat and turn his
war whoopers loose within its
Joseph H. Williams, master me~
chanic for the Lehigh at Coxton,
has resigned his position and will
comes from the New York, New
Haven' & Hartford. The retiring
Ale ids heed with Hie
Was Picking Coal on Railroad
Track and a String of Cars
Backed Over Him
An Italian mamed Cap, pro~
nounced Sap, who resides at 104
River street, was killed about five
o'clock this morning. He was
picking coal on the Lehigh tracks
opposite the Bradford house, and
a string of cars backed down om
him. He was evidently so busily
engaged in his, work and did not
see or hear the carr approaching.
He was rolled under the cars, and
his neck and back were broken.
Many other bones were fractured,
his toes crushed and some slight
cuts were found on his head. He
was comparatively young, and had
been married about seven months.
The remains were taken to P. J.
O'Shea’s undertaking rooms.
Belore an enthusiastic audienc :
the Bennett-Moulton Co. at the
park last evening. All the good
things that had been said of it
came true and it was an emphatic
success, All the members of the
company were happily cast and did
not fail to take advantage of the
roles given them. Mr. Tidmarsh,
Miss Parks, Mr. Bates, Mr. Al-
drich and Miss Francis are all
worthy of mention. Mr. Maskell
in the illustrated songs is becom
ing a favorite and already some of
them are being whistled on the
street. The rest of the specialties
presented during the evening were
of a pleasing quality. Tonight
“The Life Saver” will be repeated
and Miss Renolda is going to pre-
sent a novelty in the shape of
“fire. dance,” something seldom
seen here and never at the park.
Friday night the play will once
more be changed and “Outcasts of
Society” will be given. This is a
play that the women all ought
to see.
The L. S. to B. of L. F. installed
the following officers Tuesday
evening, June 10: President, Anna
Bull ; vice president, Agnes Walt;
past president, Mary Smith; secre-
tary, Zena Hartman; collector,
Minnie Santee; treasurer, Ruth
Repp; chaplain, Mary Tyson; dele-
gate, Anna Bull ; alternate, Mattie
Johnsons; guard, Kate Lines. After
installation, in behalf of the order,
Mrs. Repp, in a few well chosen
words, presented Mrs. Bull with a
gold pin. Then Mrs. Bull took
things in hand and it was vice
versa, she presenting Mrs. Repp
with a cold meat fork. Both ladies
were taken so completely by sur-
prise that it was most impossible
for them to find words to express
their thanks to the order. After
lodge the ladies went to Raymond's
and partook of ice cream.
There will be a meeting of the
Wilbur hook and ladder company
in the company's parlors at 7:30
o'clock this evening. Every officer
and member is camnestly requested
to be present as there is a large
amount of business to be transacted
and a decision must be made as to
whether the company will go to
Canton to participate in the five
county convention. Another mat.
ter of the greatest importance to
the welfare of the company must
also be settled at this meeting.
President and Secretary,
The Philathea cl. class of ‘the Bap
tist church gave a trolley ride last
vantage of the opportunity and the
car was loaded to its fullest capac
Waverly and
J. P. Foran of Elmira isin Sayre
Mrs. J. C. Wood went to Ithaca
James Farrell and wife are at
Ithaca today.
J. H. Brown of Canton, Pa, is in
Sayre today.
H. A. Kaufman went to Harris-
burg this afternoon.
Rev. J. L. Shanley went to To-,
wanda this afternoon. .
Charles Smith, expert chef at
at Wiltse's cafe, went to Towanda
Hon. Mial E. Lilley is in town
today shaking hands with his
J. F. Keating, proprietor of the
East Side hotel, Towanda, was
in Sayre today.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wolcott
and Mrs J. G. Wilcox went to
Ithaca this morning.
A B Shearet went down to the
Susquehanna yesterday and pulled
out 17 fine black bass.
A. L. Laws and E. E. Reynolds
went to Ulster today to try their
luck with the black bass.
Leslie McMillan of Susquehans
na is visiting his uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Allen, 102
North Wilbur avenue,
J A Decker, a well known To~
wanda clothier, was in town this
morning and made an appreciated
call at The Record office.
Mr. and Mrs. George Burgess
leave tonight for a ten days’ trip to
New Youk city, Bridgeport, Conn.,
and other points of interest.
A. Jetter of New York, who is
heavily interested in the creamery
business in this section, was in
Sayre on business yesterday.
Mrs. John Stratton went to To~
wanda today to attend the funeral
of Mrs. John Michael, who died at
the Packer hospital yesterday.
Miss Lilly Wheatley, who has
been visiting her cousin, Miss
Pearl Wheatley, returned to her
home at Forksville, Pa, today.
E V. B. Mason and son LeRoy
were called to Chautauqua county,
N. Y., by the serious illness of Mr.
Mason's brother, Gilson Mason,
and left this moming.
sn———— ——————
Miss Ella Hinman, who has lived
with Mr. and Mrs. C, E. Knapp of
Olive street for the last nine years,
was given a pleasant farewell party
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Detrick of Chemung street last
night. Miss Hinman leaves today
for Laceyville, where she will make
her future home in the family of
Mr. and Mrs Zell Vandervort. The
Vandervort family is highly ess
teemed in Laceyville and possesses
abundant means to educate and
provide for the young girl, whom
they will adopt. About 35 friends
of Miss Hinman attended last
evening's party and left many to-
kens of their friendship. The
evening was pleasantly spent with
games and music. Miss Hinman
gave an enjoyable recitation and
there were mnsical selections by
Misses Nettie Raymond, Anna
Ward, Clara Brainerd, and the
Merrill sisters, Dainty’ refresh.
ments were served. Miss Hinman
wore pink silk mull made with
cream allover lace, Her young
friends wish her a full measure of
happiness in her new home,
In accordance. with an order of
the court the Lehigh has mailed
checks covering the accumulated
dividends on its preferred stock.
The amount to be paid aggregates
about $120,000. The stack is now
held by several trust companies’
4 about 30 individuals,
for Establishment of Substan-
Employ Skilled Mechanics
referring to the carriage factory
; A fine = of cheap Go-Carts
reduced from $4 Dd $2.75
to $3.50 and $2.00.
A large line of moulding for
Picture Framing to select
from also.
which was made in The Record on
paper on Wednesday.
This other industry will be an
magnitude to rank among the best
of the various local manufactories
The parties behind the plan intend
to purchase a large plot of ground,
erect commodious and substantial
buildings and install a modern
equipment with which to carry on
their line of business. A number
of skilled mechanics will be em-
The Record is not privileged to
divulge any information concern-
ing this new industry at the pres-
cat time; but, keep your eye on
the columas of this paper and you
will learn all about it in i
This is no hot air scheme.
“Say, take out that ad for a book-
keeper you put in The Record
yesterday,” said the voice over the
telephone this morning
“Got one ?" asked the editor.
“Twenty-seven applications,” was
the reply.
There were thirty up to this
One of The Record representa~
tives went into a“local restaurant
yesterday in company with a news-
paper man from another town.
Accosting the last mentioned
pencil pusher, the restaurateur
said :
“I wish to compliment The Rec-
ord, in the presence of an editor
from-out of town, on the fact that
an advertisement in its columns
brings results. I inserted a small
ad in The Record yesterday for
help wanted and this morning had
a number of applicants from whom
a satisfactory selection was made.”
John F. Callahan, a Lehigh
brakemen at Coxton, met with a
serious accident yesterday. He
was assisting in making up a train
and was standing on the end of a
car, when a sudden jolt threw him
between the cars. His arm slid
between the bumpers and the bone
was crushed just below the shoul
der. The arm was terribly lacers
ated as was also the left hand.
The Athens W.C TU. will meet
at the home of Mrs. Bunham, 118
Ann street, tomorrow afternoon at
2:30, All members are requested
to be present as this day is set
apart for payment of dues. Meets
ing will be in charge of Mrs, Mc
Kinney, treasurer, Mrs. McKean,
the flower superintendent, requests
that all her helpers bring_or send
their feports by Reiday next,
St. Martha's guild of the Church
of the Redeemer will hold an ice
cream social this evening on the
lawn of the rectory. Hosmer's
band of Athens will give a concert
in the stand on the park, and some
tables will also be set in the park.
Ice cream and cake will be only 10
cents, and a general invitation is
extended to all to be present.
Exposure Brings on Rheumatism
Paioiul in its mildest form, qQuisaly
becomi AR agomy ar torture
Jesked, When feel
205 Desmond 8t. ValleygPhone 191 a.
bo NP? ANSE UL : A) mn a0 7..\) Js
A I ee ———ey
Is Your Life Insured? If Not, Why
Will give you a better policy than any other fraternal or old line
company at the exact 008 of SartTIog It. Examine its TERM
POLICY. Costs 570 to $1.85 per month. According to age,
E. F. MERCEREAU, Dist. Manager,
Office 112 Desmond St., Sayre.
Oak GrovE PARK
Bennett-Moulton }
PoP re P rrr er eed
§ A Home For You
on band or “made ta order” is nob oud
the question for you even if your income
is small so long as it's regular.
Four Act Melodrama,
This Evening Stop that! Our plan_will make the reat
i pay for the house. Want to know more?
FHIGPPPM0F0000 00000004 all hore
D J.
The Specialties Are FRED J. TAYLOR,
Leading Features
Just Think Of It Bristol and Union
Steel Rods,
Fish Lines,
Reels, Hooks,
Bait Pails,
Landing Nets,
‘And all kinds of
Tackle at
We have the Ee
of sending the LARGEST |
fiom in the valley. Awful, | |
isn't it?
A number of our all- well.)
pleased customers have ex- |
plained it this way: “We,
gave you a small job that |
required immediate atten |
tion and you attended to|
that so promptly, and did |
your work so well that we
decided to havea lot of oth-|
er work attended to at the|
same time.” l
We please others, and we
know that we can please
you if yon'll give us a
Try us on anything in
Plumbing, Heating, Gas-
Fitting and Tinwork.
—————— i v———————
Both ‘Phones. timer Ave. Osteopathic Physician,
Sees | Of Rimira, will be at the Norwood Sista,
Waverly, every Friday from 0 to
m. Acute and chronic cases
Consultation and examination
Graduated under the founder of a. pro-
feasion, Dr. A. T. Still, Kirksville, Mo,
Pool and Billiards in the Rear.
134 Lockhart Streat, Sayre, Pa.
Is now ready to furpish
Pure Reservoir Ice to
Sayre patrons,
Both Phones, Waverly.
Contractor and Builder
Plans and Estimates Furnished,
Office Maney & Page Block,
Rooms formerly ooecupled by the
late John R. Murray,
Office hours: 9 to 10 a. m.; 6:30
to8 p,m. Atother times during
day at Valley Record offion,
Meets every Friday evening at|
Howard Elmer Hose house, Maple |
street, West Sayre. All invited. |
Everybody welcome.
Political Apnowncemints
210 Miller 81. Same, Pa.