The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, July 21, 1906, Image 3

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    _ SATURDAY JULY 41 1008,
Men's shirt waists, some at cost,
others below, to close out, at H
Sattler's. - 62-2
Passenger traffic on the Lehigh
Valley is heavy. The various ex-
jcursions are well patronized and
all the regular trains are loaded
with passengers
Huckleberry pickers are becom
ing discouraged. The, berries are
becoming scarcer each day, and
the prospects foran sverage yield
are not encouraging.
I ————— .
Harvey Gray's dance in Eigh-
mey’s hall this evening will com.
mence promptly at 8:30 o'clock.
The Loomis opera house orchestra
will be in attendance and an ex-
cellent time is promised.
The street carnival company
evening, will open a week's en
gagement in Tuakhannock on the
week of July 23, playing for the
benefit of the band in that place.
Chief Walsh says that the ordis
nance requiring dog owners to
purchase tags for their animals is
being generally obeyed. Only one
and it ‘was called for by its master
after having been in custody but a
The conductors of trolleys have
a lot to put up with, especially
* from cranks and intoxicated men.
Sometimes it is a “wonder how
they keep their temper. The ins
variable rule of the company to be
polite to patrons is the cause of no
end of worry,
At noon yesterday the ‘ther
mometer registered o4 in the
shade and in the afternoog it climb-
ed up to 97 degrees, the warmest
day of the season. People swelt-
ered yesterday. There was no
was in general command. Show-
ers are promised for today with
fair weather for tomorrow.
Services will be held at the
Church of the Redeemer tomor~
row as follows: Early communion
8 a.m; moming prayer and ser-
mon 10:30 a. m; Sunday school
Z30p. m; evensong 7:30 p m;
At evensong there will be a spec.
Schools of the Valley Are in
Ithaca Today in Large Num-
The population of the three vals
ley towns is largely reduced today
and that of Ithaca correspondingly
increased The union Sunday
school excursion, with its low rate
to Ithaca and returns, called out an
enormous crowd, all of whom were
anxious to see the University city.
The heavy clouds overhead, with
the occasional light showers, did
not seem to appreciably diminish
the size of. the crowd. Many of
the female portion of the crowd
were dressed in white, and nearly
every one had a shoe box or basket
filled with various articles of food
intended to fortify the -carier
against hunger,
The excursion train pulled out
in two sections of ten cars each
The first was flled to its full
capacity and the second was
crowded by the. time it left E-ct
This is the second event of the
kind, the first being last year,when
the Sunday schools went to Elmira
and about half the people in the
valley: went to th& Queen City.
This year Ithaca was chosen, and
many jumped at the opportunity to
visit tr is considered one of the
most beautiful places in the coun-
One of the plays to be presented
next week by the Bennett-Moulton
Company is entitled “The Jealous
Wife,” a foursact comedy drama.
The groundwork of the play deals
with a portion of human nature
that all wives experience at one
time or another, namely, thinking
that the husband in the case is at-
tracted by a new and pretty face.
To belp things along. a murder is
committed, and the wife, thinking
herself thoroughly abused, with a
peculiar brand of feminine reason
ing concluded that a man who
could neglect his wife would be
capable of any crime, promptly
suspects her husband, and later
goaded om to desperation by the
villain, openly accuses him, the in-
nocent husband. Of course every-
thiag is smoothed out in the end
and a good deal of enjoyment is
derived from the comedy element,
from a man masquerading in an
other's clothes and identity to trot
ting around without either identity
or the clothes, forced to meet the
cold world without either clothes
or necktie, The country sheriff is
another living charactér that will
be much enjoyed by the audience.
There are startling and thrilling
situations and this play will be
found very instructive, entertaining
and a successful cure for the blues.
Fred Moore, who has been in the
employe of the Lehigh' Valley
Company since he was fifteen years
old, has resigned his position on
the freight platform and will en
gage in the junk business. He has
reated the blacksmith shop at the
corner of Thomas and Packer aves
nues *cast, and will pay cash for
rags, rubbér and old metals. He
also has a storage room in the
tent of his house, No. 155
Thomas avenue. Mr. Moore is well
acquainted with the junk business
and will no doubt succeed in his
new undertaking: | :
John West, Jr son of John
West, an employe of the Pittston
Lehigh Valley, yard force, was
drowned at that place yesterday
ping with several lads, Whea
ley telephone force is spending the
day at Hornell.
Heary Grumme and family jeft
this morning for a weeks outing
on Cayuga lake.
James West and family went to
Pittston this morning to attend the
funeral of a nephew.
C. E Moody aad family and ML
C. Moody and family went to
North Fair Haven this morning
where they will spend a week fish-
ing on the lake.
Miss Matt Shear, a former
stenographer in the office of Attor-
ney C. C. Yocum, is being enter-
tained by the Misses Ger® at their
camp of the Chemung river,
W. T. Goodnow went to Hazle-
ton this morning for a brief visit.
He was accompanied by Miss
Markle, who has been spending
several ‘ays with friends in this
Two young men went into the
Greek candy store last night, and
according to Mr. Procas, the pro-
prictor, after ordering soda water,
refused to pay forit. Mr. Procas
also says that the young men cre-
ated a disturbancé by insisting
upon playing a musical instrument
when they were told not to. It
appears that the music was not
particularly charming and as they
did not desist Officer Voegel was
sent for. He took the lads before
Justice Nelson. The latter fined
one of them five dollars, and the
other signed a paper not to disturb
the Greek store for a period of
two years. Both were then re
Some newspaper writers, notably
in the Binghamton Herald, are en
gaged in building or repairing an
extension of the Lehigh Valley
Railroad on paper, from Montrose
to Binghamton. The Herald of
Monday had a big article, telling
of a corps of surveyors now work-
ing on the said line, went much
into detail, including the statement
that a party of surveyors had been
is | making headquarters at the Tarbell
house, Montrose. But there has
been nary a surveyor there nor
elsewhere in these parts, so far as
can be learned. —Montrose Demo-
Chief Walsh and Special Officers
Rouscher and Stevens rounded up
a gang of tourists yesterday after-
noon, but as there was no charge
against the men they were given
their liberty, The men were
searched and all had money. There
was nothing in their pockets, how-
ever, to indicate that they were
prepared to do work of a criminal
nature, and they were told to get
out of town as fast as their legs
could carry them,
The funeral of Irvin Duebler,
whose death occurred at the hos-
pital yesterday morning after he
had made a heroic struggle for life
for nearly two weeks, will be held
from his late home Sunday after~
noon at four o'clock. The remains
will be taken to Mehoopany for
burial. Rogers & Miller have
charge of the arrangements,
A new rule has gone into effect
by which the shifters in the Packer |¥
ton yard go on duty at twelve
o'clock noon and work until twelve
o'clock midnight, instead of begin:
ning at six o'clock in the morning
When the “Marvelous” Possi-
when your Uncle Samuel's force of
mail handlers is compelled to work
tive matter pertaining to gold,
west. Every mail brings one or
more of these paper covered books,
the most marvelous mines that the
world has ever known. Even
skeptics cease to doubt after
having read oge of these catalogues
and unless some kind friend inter-
feres and gives him some good
advice he invests his hard earned
coin and receives therefor a certifi-
cate showing that he is a stock.
holder to the amount of shares for
which he has paid in “The Tom
with an equally appropriate name,
The owners of the mines adver~
tised need money to install machin-
ery and worl the mine, and in or~
der to get the money thev usually
“work” suckers way back cast wiic
think they see an opportunity ¢o
get rich quick
Experienced writers, who know
the mining business from alpha to
omega are employed; glowing
descriptions of the mines and the
wealth they contain are printed in
booklets and catalogues and these
are sent to prospective customers
in the cast. -Apgents are also em-
ployed to sell stock when the cata:
logues fail to do the business
These agents are ysually giyen a
few thousand shares in the “mine”
so that he can say to his victim,
“Why I have invested tothe extent
of fifty thousand shares in this
mine myself” When they hand
out this kind of bait the wily agent
usually lands a “sucker.” If, how-
ever, “suckers don't bite fast
enough, inspection of the mine is
invited, and the generous hearted
company will pay the legitimate
expenses of customers who will
make the inspection in good faith,
and promise if everything is as
represented, to invest a few hun.
dred or thousand, as they may
happen to have the same in their
jeans. After a man has visited the
mine at the expense of the com
pany he could hardly be expected
to say that the proposition is
doubtful. On the othes hand, the
fellows who engineer the job at the
mine will see that the visitor is
well taken care of, and that the
“riches” of the mine are fully
exposed to his view, °
Briefly, the loregoing is some of
the methods adopted by western
mining companies to sell “wildcat”
stock. After the “sucker” has
invested his money, however, and
several years pass by without: his
having received any dividends, he
begins to make inquirics and learns
to his sorrow that the stock is
worthless and that the compasy
has abandoned the mine because it
didn’t pay; or, perhaps, in some
cases he learns that the company
has no existence except in name,
and that his money has simply
gone to fatten a gang of swindlers
who never saw a gold mine, much
less to own one.
Nearly all gold mining schemes
of this character are good things to
let alone. If a mine is recking
with wealth there will be plenty of
capital forthcoming to work it out
At any rate the company that owns
one won't get down to a “five cents
a share" proposition.
If you have a little money to in-
vest, look around home, and you
will probably find some enterprise
which is sound and which will pay
you liberal returns,
Maynard, Maynard & Schrier
reduced from
$4 Da $2.75
. 205 Desmond St,
at the exact cost of
POLICY. Costs 576 to $1.85 per
0ax Grove Par
Summer Stock Co.
Feature Specialty, .
Assisted by R. C. Day.
This is an Electrical Novelty
Musical Act.
PRICES, 10,20, 30¢
RACER] | ali
Angell’s Store!
107 Thomas Avenue,
Fresh Print Butter
7 lbs Lump Starch
Fresh Eggs
Potatoes, peck
Canned Apples
25 lbs Granulated Sugar .
Large Sour Pickles, dozen . ,
Rou Beer, bottlee
Oak of id Acme Soap . .
13 bars Hustler Soap
3 @is Beans
Yeast Foam
7 boxes Sardines
3 cans Lye
Jelly Glasses, dos
Fruit Jars at Lowest Prices
We Gan Save You Money on Shoes |
Can Rubbers, do
Pulp Water Pails
Mop Sticks
Clothes. Fons. +n, 10¢
3 cans Bell Condensed Milk . | 25
Eagle Brand Condensed Milk . r5c
Dvimmed Hats for One Third Price
Full Line of Men's Wear at Lowest
Pr wes
Pool and Billiards in the Rear.
134 Lockhart Street, Sayre, Pa.
Political Announcements
Tho sndirsigned
ValleygPhone 191 a,
it. Examine its TERM
month. According to age.
We Write Insurstice
In some of the best ¥
world. Their Tel
government bonds and loss
is quickly adjusted, w! ‘w
house, business buildings, stock ¢
niture and other personal® pro
Reasonable rates. ‘Phone od
Bristol and Unfo
Steel Rods,
Fish Lines,
Reels, Hooks,"
Bait Pails, we
Landing Nets,
Tackle at
| "ostoopathic: Physician,
m. Acute and ohronio vases
| Graduated under the founder of the peo
Practice limited “to diseased of the ion
Ear, Nose and Throat. Glasses accurately
fitted. Hours 10 to 12 a.m, 2t0f 7 to
8 p.m, Office and residence, 311
Blmer Ave. Valley ‘phone 1
6. H. GOFF
Is now ready to furnish
Pure Reservoir Ice to
Sayre patrons.
Both Phonos, Waverly.
Contractor and Builder
Plans and Estimates Furnished.
Sayre, Pa.