The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, July 19, 1906, Image 1

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    ~ The constant repetition
us our reputation.
We handle Lehigh Valley
and Sullivan Coal, Hard and
Soft Wood and Steam Coal.
= can bo loft nh Wash Drug
American Wife of Ex-Viceroy
Expires Suddenly,
: & :
Her Husband, Rew Holding Position
as Lerd Warden of the Clague
Perils, Gave Her High Place
In English Society.
LONDON, July 18 —Lady Cursen of
Kedieston, wife of the former viceroy
of India, who has been ill for somie
days, dled at 7:40 p. m. She vever
quite recovered from Ler serfous i
neds at Walmer castle, Kent, in 1904,
and the recent hot weather brought on
# pronounced attack of general debll-
Lady Curzon was Miss Mary Leiter
of Chicage, a daughter of Mr. L. Z
Leiter, a multimillionaire of that city,
and a sister of Mr. Joseph Leiter, who
startied the world with his wheat spec.
Mr. Curson and Miss Leiter were
married In Washington on April 23,
1805. The wedding was the diplomatic
social event of the sesson. Mrs Our
won before her marriage was estimated
to be worth at least $8.000000. She
was always said to be her fathers
favorite child. Mrs. Curzon was pre
sented to the gueen At the drawing
ted when her reign as vicersine ended.
Returning to England, Lord Cursen
£2 ofr
Saselde After Giviug Baby Carbelis.
HARTFORD, Coun., July 19.—Mrs,
Abraham Rabinowitz gave her two
year-old child a doses of carbolic acid
and then took & fatal drug berself. The
woman, who was twenty-eight years
hospital, and although the baby
u death is expected at any time.
troubles are sald to be re-
sponsible for the tragedy.
New York Bey Drowned at Catskill.
CATSKILL, N. Y., July 10—Nine
year-old Seymour Stone, son of Mrs.
Charles Stone of New York, was
drowned in Catskill creek. While on
a dock watching boys in swimming
Georgia Bar Associntion (onvenes at
Wars: Springs, Ga.
The twenty-third annual session of the
Georgia Bar association has opened
bere with an attendance of neatly 500
representatives from all parts of the
Iocinded in the attendance Is Wil
Ham Travers Jerome. district attorney
of New York city, who addressed the
association today; several members of
the supretne court of Georgis, United
States Senator Bacon and Congress
man Adamson.
T. A. Hammond of Atlanta, presi
Sent of the association, in his snuual
address declared that, while the ®li-
torial utterances of the newspapers on
the sulijeet of lynching are to be com-
meuded, the news headlines encourage
the disregard of law. “There Is no
such thing as the delays of the law,”
said Ba. “The sovereign powers,
which alone have the right fo make
laws, fx the place of trial, regulate
the term of court, prescribe the man
aor of trial and give certain rights to
the state aud the party properly ac
cused and legally brought before the
bar of justice.”
Judge Hamiwond declared that labor
has a right to organize. to walk out
of any place of Lusiness at any time,
provided these things be done in so
cordance with the law, but viclence or
force In urging certain views oa oth
ors is = pernicious disregard of law,
for which the perpetraiors should be
beld liable.
District Attorney Jerome sald re
garding the Thaw case In New York:
“The present movement in the Thaw
ease means that Thaw must do one of
two things—stand trial or go to the
sayium. In golug to the asylum un-
der the Sanding of = commission on the
guestion of his wental condition at the
present moment means that should be
then become sane he would have to
stand trial for killing Stanford White,
though he had not been confined.”
Cubans Gevermment Takes Absurd
Position Regurding Prisoners.
HAVANA, July 10.—-The Cuban gov-
eroment has received a report from
officials of the Isle of Pines relative ®o
the imprisonment at Nueva Gerona of
Mise Millie Brown, L. O. Glltnar, post
master of the town of Columbia, apd
William Augustine, all Americans, for
violation of an old military order pro
hibiting other than governmeut tele
graph lines.
The report states that the persons
named deliberately and defiantly maln-
tained their private telegraph line after
baviag been warned. The government
will not pardon the offenders or Inter
fere In the case, but in deference to the
feeling of Americans In the Isle of
Pines it has ordered that Miss Brown
be transferred from the common fall to
the mayor's home. The government be
lleves that revelutionary Americans
are responsible for the Incident, but
this the Islanders deny.
Miss Brown, Mr, Giltner and Mr. Au-
gustine constructed, as they allege, for
thelr own lnstruction and amusement
t telegraph line 1.800 feet long run-
ang from Glitner's store to thy resl-
dence of the others.
They were arrested for vielation of
the old military order prohibiting other
than government telegraph lines, tried
and ocademnped to pay s joint fine of
$009 or to be Imprisoned for a joint
term of 100 days. On thelr refusal to
pay the fine they were taken to the
common jail af Nueva Gerona to serve
thirty-three days each. The jall bas
80 accommodations for female prison-
Demonstration Pavors Revolt.
LONDON, July 10.-— In connection
with the meeting of the Boclalist and
Labor parliamentary committee bere
i demonstration was beld la Hyde
park last night to express sympathy
with the Russian revolution. The au-
dlence was extremely cosmopolitan,
ind among it were scattered hundreds
of police detectives, who thus were
porded an opportunity of securing
fescriptions of many supposed ene
mies of society. There was much dis
ippeintment at the monsppearance of
Peputy Jaures, the French Socialist,
ind Herr Bebel, the leader of the Bo-
sialists in the German parliameat, but
British labor leaders and M, Anikin
of the Russian parliament succeeded
a arousing much enthusiasm.
Prepariag te Reesive Earl Grey.
BT. JOHN'S, N. F., July 10—Gov-
ernor MaeGregor returned today from
Belle Tale strait, where be has been
arranging a starting point for the sur
vey party which Is to cut a lve inland
from Blanc Sablon along the disputed
boundary between Labrador and Can:
ada. The goverpor succesled in the
object of his visit and returns to ar
range for the reception of Earl Grey,
who Arrives next week.
Judge Gray Oaannot Accept.
BEDFORD, Pa. July 10.— When
asked whether bie would accept a place
on the Mutual Life administration tick.
et Judge George Gray, who is a guest
at the Bedford Springs hotel, said;
“This is the Arst I have heard of It
I am pot a policy holder iu the Mutual
Life aud cannot accept.”
Artillery Men on Long Marveh.
BARATOGA, N. Y., July 10 — The
Twelfth battalion, United States field
artillery, 200 wen and ss many horses,
ob route from Fort Ethan Allen, Bur
fiogtok, Vt, to Mount Gretna, Pa,
i ,
reached Saratoga Si Inst night.
President Oabrera Is Acoused
of Bad Faith
Guatemalans Indiguant Over Hegorts
From Salvador That They Contin-
ued Fighting After Sign.
ing a Truce.
SAN SALVADOR, July 10. — The
armistice between Salvador aud Hou
duras on one side and Guatemaln on
the other has been declared and a
treaty of peace is to be discussed In
neutral waters on board “the United
States crulser Marblehead.
On Tuestlay the Guatemalan forces
were defeated at Platanar and Meta
pan with spormous losses,
Notwithstanding President Cabrera's
Agreeinent with the president of Mexi-
©0 to cease fighting pending peace ne
gotiations two sharp engagements have
occurred In Balvador just across the
Guatemsian border. One was at Plata:
nar and the other at Metapan.
On Tuesday within two hours after
Cabrera bad agreed to suspend hostiill-
ties his troops attacked the Salvedorean
army at Platanar, only to be defeated
by the latter. The fighting at Metapan
occurred Monday afternoon. Both
Platanar and Metapau are objective
points In the march to Santa Apa, the
summer capital of Salvador.
The Guntemalans are much annoyed
by reports from Salvadorean points that
Guatemala continued fighting after It
had agreed to cease hostilities.
“Buch stories are absolutely without
foundation” aun official sald. “There
waa Do agresment to cease fighting un-
til the armistice went into effect yes-
terday, and the enemies of the govern.
ment are endeavoring to put It In a
false light. Negotiations for an armls-
tice bave been confused with the nctual
Agreement to stop war, and In justioe
to the government I hope it will be gen
erally understood that auy fighting done
previous was not in viclaton of any
péace compact.”
Balvador and Guatemala will decide
through their representatives to the
peace conference on board the United
States erulser Marbichead whether
Honduras is to be represented in the
conference. There are only two sides
to the controversy so far as the world
of diplomaey knows, that of Guatemala
and that of Balvador.
Honduras’ loterest in the war is sec
ondary in Its nature, but as an ally of
Salvador she his become Involved to
such a degree that the state department
bellaves the other two countries in the
soutroversy will decide to have Hom
duras represented on board the Marble
Grace Howe MeKinley Marvied.
DES MOINES, la. July 19. — Mise
Grace Howe McKinley, a niece of
President McKinley's, was married last
night at Fort Des Moines to Captain
Grayson Villard Heldt of the Eleventh
cavalry. The esremony was performed
at the home of Captain McKinley of
the Bleventh cavalry, Rev. John Heldt,
father of the bridegroom, officiating.
The bride was attended by Mrs. George
Fabyan of Chicago as matron of honor
and Mss Caroline Harter of Canton,
O., as maid of honor. The bridegroom
was attended by his brother, Captain
James Heidt of the Teuth Infantry.
Among the gifts was a wahogany chest
of silver from Mrs. Willlam MoKinley
Thrililag Rescues at Atlantic Oty,
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J, July 190.—
Thousands of persons witnessed a
thrilling rescue of four men from the
fishing schooner Loraine, which struck
the bar here while a high sea was run-
nisg. Waves rolled over the vessel,
tearing away the mainmast and Alling
the held with water. Captain Johnson
and three seamen lashed themselves to
the rigging. At this season there Is mo
life saving crew, but Captain Parker,
keeper of the station, got together a
volunteer crew and brought them safe
ly ashore
Americans Hust In Aute Wreek.
LISIBUX, France, July 10.—~While
an automobile in which were Mr. Still
man of New York, Mrs. Greenway,
two other women, a girl and the chauf-
four was belag driven at a high rate
of speed la the direction of Dives-sur
Mer it crashed into a heavy wagon.
Both vehigles were overturned and
smashed. Mr. Stillman and the driver
of the wagon were seriously injured
and Mrs Greenway and the chauffeur
slightly burt and the others shaken.
All were taken to the hospital bere,
How We Trapped Insahe Man.
CHICAGO, July 19.—After belug on
the Chicago asylum roof for eight hours
a patient nawed Daly was Induced to
come down by one of the asylum at
tendants who olimbed up to where Daly
was sitting and told bim that he was
insane too and that they had a good
chance to escape. Daly was pleased
with the scheme, came down to the
ground and was quickly locked up.
Crusade Against Boys Smoking.
LONDON, July 18.—-The coimnmittee of
the house of lords ou juvenile smoking
tas reported In favor of a penalty for
selling cigarettes to a child under six
{een years of age, Imposing a peualty
on & child fonnd In possession of ciga
reltes or smoking tobacco and author
izing the police, schoolmnsters and
park keepers 10 stop youths from smok-
Ing and to confiscate their tobacco.
Major MoNride In Diverce Court,
PARIB, July 19--Pleadlugs were
Venus Stakes, For Two-year-oids,
Feature at Brighton Beach Track.
NEW YORK, July 19—Japmies R.
Keene's Mentha, by Commando Mint-
cake, the favorite, at 2 to 1, won the
$7,000 Veuus stakes, for two year-olds,
five and a balf furlongs, at Brighton
Victoria B., an added starter, paying
4 to 1 for the place, was second. with
Yankee Qirl third. The time was
107 28. Radtke sent the Keene filly
to the front at the lifting of the bar
rier, followed by Irvine and Survell-
lance. Mentha still held her lead at
the bead of the stretch, while Irvine
and Survelllance dropped back beaten
In the stretch Victoria B. made a
bid and, closing very strong, forced
Radtke to ride out the Commando filly
to win by a length. Three favorites
won. Summaries: :
First Race.—Al Powell, first; Jauanty,
second; Anna L. Daly, third
Second Race —Hylas, frst:
Pepper, second; Ike, third
Third Race.—~Red Friar, first: Miss
Rillie, second; Lancastrian, third.
Fourth Race.—Mentha first; Vieto-
ria B., second; Yankee Girl, third.
Fifth Race— First Premium, first;
Tiptoe, second; Lady Anne, third
Bixth Race—Ocean Spray.
Hern, second; McKittredge, third
Uameas Played Yesterday In the Nae
tional and American Leagues.
At Chie '
New York J893330204014¢-
Chicago e Yor LE 00 0
Hits—New York, §; Chicaso, 3. Errors—
New York 3; Chicago, Batterigs. Ames,
Wiitse and breena ian; Taylor, Lundgren
At St Fouts
Jrogkiza ‘ets
t fouls .
~Brookiyn, 8, 8t ¥ Batteriea—
Btrickistt, Scanlon and Hergen; Hrown
and Murray
Philsdepbia 3
lp hiss uv 0 0
ia g J “rs
Hits hiladelphia, 19;
ro : taburg. L
teries— Roy, and
and P Y
Boslon 8 48880] 0
JT" Baaigs 3, C ada i
J; Cine nad Bayleries—Dor-
Tr. Dh avwn and ham; aser, Ew-
Be and Schiet
FES a aeey
Hite Cleveland. b! New ok w
rs_—Cleveland, Wg York, 3
1 > Berahacd, be Siarkiang
At Philadeiphia—
Phingus,, :
Hits nly
00 (N { ® 3
: ¢ ’ REL”
a, ) Paaaob ot eh
owell had 4 a Te and
te Lge SAT 138¢148
$deiphia ded 10
aay Ageattie 4 JE
800 n and Rickey: Bend.
BER pols oid 43
0 sckomid ; Dineen
Philadelphia |
Now Yotk .................
. ashingtom §
. Washington
and Sullivan;
¢ 21
Reyal Lady Got Somerset takes.
BALEM, N. H, July 19.—Royal Lady
defeated Alyth in the Somerset stakes
at Rockingham park by about three
quarters of a length, and the string of
vietories im stake races for John A.
Drake and Jockey Garner was aug
mented. In two following races Garner
alse was successful, making three
firsts for the day. Golden Pheasant
and Miss Jersey put up a terrific eon:
test In the second race, the former
winning by barely a nose.
Hunter Led Ninety-eight Golfers.
OHICAGO, July 18. -Robert E. Hun-
ter of Midlothian, with a score of 152,
Jed the ninety-eight contestants in the
initial round at medal play for the Glen
View cup over the Glen View golf
course. Waiter B. Egan, who bas al
ready captured two legs of the trophy
and needs only oue more to hold It as
his personal property. is tied at 171
with two other players for the Jast
two plaees in the qualifying round
HBoston Press Golfer Beaten.
AUBURNDALB, Moss, July 10.--
The annual champlonship tournament
of the New England Press Golf club
was completed on the Woodland links,
only four survivors remaining. The
wost notable feature of the play was
the defeat of Ralph Cracknell, the Bos.
ton Globe's golf editor and former
winner of the champlouship, by E T.
Manson of the Boston Hernld.
Snow Drift Took the Handicap.
CINQINNATI, July 19. Four favor
ites won at Latoula. Snow Drift won
the steeplechase haudicap, the attrac
tion of the day, by a length from
Enda. Frank Me. finished third. Cot
tontewn, the favorite, won easily in
the third event at a 1mlle from Alma
Dufour, Gus Heldorn, an outsider in
the betting, was third.
Peter Sterling Lowered Record,
BUFFALO, N. Y., July 19. — Peter
Sterling lowered the track record fer
A mile and a sixteenth at Fort Erie
from 1:40 te 1,06 38.
Habeas Corpus Writ Fails to
Free Lawyer Gibson.
Inguest Jury Hecommenderd That
Legal Adviser of llead Woman
Be Arvested—HMHe Is Said to
Have Swindled Her,
NEW YORK, July 18 “Lawyer Bur-
ton W. Gibson, after spending a night
In a cell in the Tombs. attempted to
g1in his release on a writ of habeas
Gibson was placed in custody on a
Comuitment Issued by Coroner Me
Donald at the close of the inquest into
the death of Mrs, Alice D. Kiunan,
whose lawyer Gibson bad been.
Gibson's lawyer, Luke D. Stapleton
of Brooklyn, will make the application
for a writ of habeas corpus on the
ground that the prisoner is not charged
with a crime, but that Le is werely
held on the word of the coroner. The
commitment, which is worded iu a
rather peculiar way, reads lu part as
follows: “Deliver to the wanlen of the
Tombs priscn the body of the sald Bur
ton W. Gibsou, who stands held Ly we
(Coroner Mclionall) on the finding of
R&R coroner's Jury for further examipa-
tion lao the case of the death of Alice
C. D. Klunau
Mr Stapleton saw Gibson in the
Tombs between 10 aud 11 o'clock, and
after he came out he said
“I found the prisoner very cheerful
He Is pot worrying about the case
His wife will not come over to see him
because she expects that Lhe will be re
leased at ouce. I shall wake ap appli-
cation for a writ of habeas corpus to
Justice Blanchard In the supreme court
early In the afternoon and will try to
bave It made returnable at once. | ex-
pect that the court will grant the writ
ou the ground that the lawyer Is not
held on any charge that warrants his
confinement and that be will be re
leased without ball, However, should
his friends succeed Im getting ball be
fore I ean get the writ | may not make
the application, because the purpose of
it is of course to get the man out of
the jail”
Later Gibson was brought Into the
supreme court and on motion of the
district attoruey was remanded to the
Tombs, as the court refused an appli
cation fer the reduction of the ball
frem $85,000 to §10,000
“Bg Hawley” Again In the Tolls.
BORBTON, July 18. William C. Wood-
ward, who is known to the police of the
United States as “Big Hawley and who
was recently discharged from state
prison after a unique petition to the
courts for his release, was arrested here
charged with robbery. With Frederick
J. Gallagher be was taken Into cus
tody om the charge of stealing cash
from a Tremont street restaurant
Hawley's recent release from the state
prison, where he had been confined for
green goods swindling, was effected
through a technicality in the method of
Hibernian Convention at Saratoga.
SARATOGA, N.Y. July 19. ~The na-
tional convention of the Ancient Order
of Hibernians in session here ia attend.
ed by 700 delegates, including 200 mem.
bers of the Ladies’ auxiliary. Rev
Terence Caraher of San Francisco,
whose chureh was destroyed Ly the
earthguake and fire, made an appeal
for financial ald for the 1,000 Hiber
plans who were impoverished by the
disaster. Action, it is understood, will
be taken by the convention to wake a
contribution from the general treasury
to relieve the distressed brethren
Yachts luvader and Loyal Winners.
GREENPORT, N. Y_, July 18 —Twen
ty-seveu yachts of the tricluly crulsing
fleet made the run from New London to
this port. The winners were the schoon
ers Invader aud Loyal, the sloops Ef
fort and Sue and the yaw! Lotowana
The Effort wade the fastest time -38
hours 7 minutes 32 seconds-sud won
the squadron price
Pell and Torrance Champions.
NEW YORK, July 19-7. R Pell
and Harry Torrance won the double
ohamplonship title of the New York
state lawp tennis tournament ou the
courts of the Staten Island Cricket and
Lawn Tennis clob
Sapreme Court Justice Dead.
BALTIMORE, Md, July 18 Judge
Thomas 8S. Baer of the supreme court
of Raltimore und professor of law In
the University of Maryland. Ils dead at
his homie In this city. He was sixty-
three years old,
' Mount Kina Tunes Up.
PALERMO, July 10.-The eruption
of Stromboli Suutiuusk. with ne —
ished force. Mount Eto; after a jon
Better Bargains
Globe Warehouse
Inventory is over and we inau-
gurate one of the greatest sales we
have ever attempted.
We oppose sensational merchan.
dising, but offer you goods at this
sale for 50c on the dollar and we
have the goods to deliver. We do
not claim we are selling all our
goods at 14 price, but some of it
we are and you will find every
word in this ad. true. Below we
quote some prices that we know
will interest you.
Wash Goods
Goods that have sold for 8c and
10¢ all standard makes, light and
dark grounds. Choice of many
paterna, fe. -
Printed Batistes, :
Dimities, Etc.
WR ser
12145 to 15¢ Fabrics in an endless
variety of patterns, dots, stripes,
figures and floral designs, about 50
patterns to select from. sal" e
French Shadow Organdle
In five beautiful patterns; have
been 371%¢ and 50c. Sale price
5 sizes, worth 15¢, sale price 10g
6 sizes, worth 18¢, sale price, 1216¢
4 sizes, worth 20¢, sale price, 15a
3 sizes, worth 25¢, sale price, 18¢
4 Imported, worth 35¢, sale price
60 and 62 Inch :
Table Damask
500 yards exceptionally heavy
silver bleached, Irish and German
makes, in ten of the very best pat-
terns. Regular 55¢ quality at 48e.
White Quilts
Full size and free from starch,
worth $1.19; sale price, 89%.
Piain Chambrays
z for P. P. Suits
All colors in the new soft finish,
121%¢ kinds for 10e.
30 Inch Imperial
Genuine Park Hill Chambray
makes a beautiful Peter Pan Suit,
cool and comfortable, six shades of
blue, also other colors. 15¢ grade,
sale price, 12L%¢.
8¢ Towelin
18-in wide, just the same old kind
and 1000 yards of it. Sale
price, Ge.
36 Inch Black Silk
$1.00 Chiffon Taffeta at ......7%
$1.25 grado guaranteed at . ...950
$1.35 grade guarnteed at ...$1.19
Persian Lawn
Very wide and a beautiful sheer
cloth, sale price is 1215e.
White Goods
Our own importation of English
mercerized white goods; also Per
sian lawns, French Batistes, ete,
| formerly sold for 25¢, 28¢ and 30e,
closing price, 18¢.