The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, July 18, 1906, Image 4

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    There are phenomenal bargains;
opportunities to be had from
Store Values since our sale began.
Extra clerks provided so
. We ‘buy much of our merchandise through the Ro
e Syn-
I times dealing with mills,” eliminating the jobber's
Short Price.
I fourth original markings.
Come early and come every day.
L & BEIBACH Sayre Rendering
= Care WORKS
es of Everything go ¢ LLOYDT, PROP.
Lockhart St.
Remove dead horses and cattle at short
notice. All orders will receive prompt
attention. Remove stock 8 wl dis
taot from Athens, Sayre and Waverly.
Permanent Dentistry
| A quarter of a century ago we
placed some gold fillings in the teeth
| fo a well known gentleman at pres-
| ent a resident of Sayre. These fill-
| ings today are just as bright, firm
|and useful as the day they were
| made. We will tell you the name of
| the party, if you unsh lo see hum
| yourself.
There are variations in dental
workmanship, just as there are dif-
ferences in the various brands of
Aour. If you desire the highest de
gree of proficiency—the skdl and
~ Especial care and prompt at
fsotion given to moving of
Hides must be on carcasses; remove free | £nowledge that will make YOUR
of charge. I am prepared to do the bas-
iness, bave ambulance to haal the stock; |
pay market prices.
Call Beil telephone |
No, 833, BAYRE, PA.
Thomas Ave, Opposite L. V. Station,
Rates $1.50 Por Dav. Sarre.
BR. A. 6. REES, M.D.
100 Lake St. West Sayre.
Carpenter and Builder.
17 Pleasant St. Waverly. N. Y.|
fillings serviceable twenty five years
from today—come in or ‘phone for
an appointment. On the other hand,
JW. Murrell, D. D.S..
106 Centre St, ATHENS, PA.
Valley * Phone 97 D.
pene a A rey Nome un.
———— A ——
of Sayre, Athens and Waverly, |
Livery attached.
| Aautdence; -120 Spruce St, Athens, Pa,
15 Stevenson St, ey Phoue 212y
7 Office Maney & Page Block,
Rooms formerly occupied by the
ate John R. Murray,
Office hours: —9 to 10 a. m.; 6:30
to 8p, m. Atother times during
day at Valley Record office,
H. H. Mercereau,
Notary Public
Speetal attention to Pension Papers,
Foreiga and Domestic Fralts.
Contractor and Buildey
Plans and Estimates Farnished
210 Miller St Sayre Ps
Pure Olive Oil for médical por Burp te.
Macaroni at 5, § and 108 per
Mrs: WG Newman ix on the
sick list,
H. F. Maynard, Esq, was in To
wanda today.
—— A ———— oe ——— —
Miss Emma Bonney has re-
turnéd from Towanda
J. T. Stalford was tramsacting
business in Elmira today.
C S. Fitch, the Towanda confec
tioner, was in Athens last evening,
There was a party of twenty
went down to the Point today on a
Mrs. Guy Watkias and children
went to Towanda today to visit
friends. =
S. N Thatcher and wife of Bing-
hamton are visiting at John F
King: ley’ s
Mis CW. Van 2 Voorhis of New
York is a guest at the home of
Leslie Sairs.
Mrs AC McCaslin and grand-
daughter, A'berta Smi'h, visited in
Owego today.
The high school building is be-
ing renovated, repapered and re-
varnished inside.
Dr. C. Manville Pratt of Towan
da was transacting business in
Athens yesterday.
Miss Clara Drake is clerking in
the F. E Luckey store duiing the
absence of Mr. Rockwell
A C Amold came over from
Vawter yesterday and is the gues!
of friends here for a short time.
Miss Ruby Sexton, who has been
a guest at the home of E R Blish,
returned to Granville Centre today.
Tickets for the Sunday school
picnic excursion to Renwick park
are on sale at Lmkin’s shoe store
Mrs. w F Waters went to Bur-
ington today, where she will visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs I M.
Miss May Billings, who has been
visiting at the home of B. J. Over-
field, returned to Philadelphia this
The Lincoln party will hold an
important meeting this evening at
which every member is requested
to be present,
Q seen Esther Council, Royal
Arcanum, will be inspected by Dr
W. B Kelley of Towanda next
Monday evening.
S. H. Shultz returned to his
home in Binghamton yesterday
after a week's visit with Mr, and
Mrs James Watson.
Mrs Gorge Schracder went to
New Albany this morning, where
she will be the guest of her sister,
Mrs. George English.
Harry W. Grenell, with his wife
and children went to Mack this
morning, where they will spend a
week with his father.
The six jolly fishermen who
floated down the river from Smith-
boro yesterday caught 65 fish that
weighed over 6o pounds.
The mercy and help department
of the Epworth League will give
an ice cream social on the Metho-
dist church lawn this evening.
M. L Kilmer and wife and Stan-
ley Gore Kilmer of Buffalo are
visiting Mrs. Kilmer's parent,
Major and Mrs, W. H. H. Gore, of
Welles avenue
Misses Mary and Emma Benja-
visiting at the heme of their uncle,
D. T. Benjamin, left last night for
a visit at Durell.
The churches in this place arc
making arrangemsnts to care for
a delegation of fresh air children.
It is expected that they will aniv.
here in about two weeks
Week-End Outings
Uk a opiates 30h, Lhe Lali Vai
@ Al-
plem :
the railroad tracks Monday is get-
ting well and was able to stand on
the injured fcot last evening, He
and is being well cared for,
Athens — Miss Ela G Vail,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs George
day at Ulster by Rev. W. H. Saw~
tele. The bride is one of our
most talented and estimable young
ladies and the groom is a machinist
in the” Sayre shops started
off on a wedding journey to
Asbury Park, New York and Bal-
in Athens. The Record extends
Nebraskan Wil Visil and Speak In
New Jersey and Conancoticnt.
NEW YORK, July 15 Former City
Collector Hobert Davis of Jersey City,
the Democratic leader of Hudson coun-
ty. N. J. has reccivesl a letter from
William J. Bryan promising to visit
Jersey Lity
The letter was dated London and In
it Mr. Bryan says Le will be pleased
to run over to New Jersey before leav-
ing New York. but as he will speak at
must not be expected to speak long at
Jersey City.
Mr. Bryan further siys he has prom-
ised to go to New Haven and would
lke to visit both New Haven and New
Jersey on the day following the New
York reception if possible, but will stay
over another day if necessary,
“1 need not add,” he concludes, “that
I very well remember the loyalty of
Hudzon county.”
Two Women Charged With Murder,
SEATILE. Wash. July 18 --Esther
Mitchell and Mr=. Maud Creffeld were
formally charged with murder ia the
first degree Tor the killing of George
Mitchell, Esther's brother, The wom-
en were charged jointly,
Norwegian Moss,
Prof. Hansteen, of the agricultural
school at Aas, Norway, finds that a
greepish-white moss common io that
country can be converted lato delicious
and nutritious food by belug subjected
to a chemical process, compressed and
cooked. He says that uige ounces of
meas, costing two cents, will make a
good dinner for six persons—which is
evidence that his zeal outruns his dis-
cretion, inasmuch as an ounce and a
half of food is pot enough to make 8
substartial meal for a vormal man or
$6.90 to Chautauqua, N. Y. and
return, account Lehigh Valley excur-
sions July 6 and 17. Tickets will be sold
July 8 and 27, good returning within 30
days, including date of sale. Tickets
not be ted on the Black Dis-
mond Express. For further particulary
soe Lohigh Valley ticket agenta.
$1.35 to North Fair Haven and
The Lehigh Valley Railroad will sell
tickets Sanday, Joly 1st and every San-
day jharcatisr antil Sept, Oth, ickets
good going and returning on all trina on
date of issue only. Bee Lehigh Valley
Ticket Agenta for furlber particulars 46
Remember the
Special Sale
mn sme ff enn
Beginning Next Week
Monday, July 16
Dotted Swiss, very fine. Good
value at 250; special price
18¢ per yard.
The Window will ‘be decorated
by a special trimmer from
Elmira. Watch for it.
I. 0. O. F. Block,
Cor. Piss and Main Sts., Atheas
One Lot—Women's Shoes $2.48. Patrician and LaFrance.
One Lot— Women's Shoes $1.98. Regular $2.50 value.
One Lot— Men's Shoes $2.78. Walk Over, $4.00 grade.
One Lot—Men's Shoes $1.19. Regular $1.50 value.
One Liot—Men's Shoes 982. Regular $1.50 value.
One Lok ~ Army Shoes alia Value s $30.
=a ALE EHS) HIRE = ry 2 HSH
# * x
In the Great 4-Act Drama
Specialties Galore
In Their Clever Singing and Dancing Act.
Prices, Children, 10c; Adults 20c
Muslin Skirts and Night-
gowns, One Third Off
An Unusually Pretty Line of
Paper Napkins and
Lunch Sets
Jelly Glasses and Fruit Cans
of All Kinds
Brooms for 15 Cents
We have a line of Brooms not quite up to
par. Sell them while they last
- at 15¢c; were 25c.
Gregg's Racket Store,
Cor. Broad St. a Park Ave, Waverly.
Murphy & Blish
Make Suits to Order