The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, July 16, 1906, Image 4

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    Extra clerks provided so
fourth original markings.
| Repecial care and prompt at
tention given to moving of
; Brerytking New aad Up-to-Date. Fired
Thomas Ave, Opposite L. V, Station,
Rates $1.50 Por Dav. Save.
BR. A 6. REES, M.D.
100 Lake Bt. West Sayre,
8 to 11:00 a. m., 2 to 4:30, 7:00 to 8:00, |
3 Seis urinary, 2nd chronic diseases 8
Diseases of the Eye, ny Nose so.
Be Ber ge herd
arpcintmant Wheeloek Hloek,
Meavy and Light Draying snd Noving
Baggage called for and delivered in |
Sal art EEA ed Athens and Waverly,
all kinds of team work attended
promptly. Livery attached.
ROT N. Lehigh Ave. Valley Phone 308x |
Diseases of Women and of the Rectan,
Bt Toms of se
Vr Rendon
Remove dead horses and cattle at short
All orders will receive prompt
attention. Remove stock 8 miles dis-
Hides must be on carcasses; remove free
{of charge. [ am prepared to do the bus-
| ineas, have ambulance to haul the stock;
I buy hides, skins, tallow and bones,
RY Bartek cea. Call Bell telsphone
Carpenter and Builder.
Painter, Decorator and Paperhanger.
Residence: —130 Spruce St, Athens, Pa,
Plans and Estimates Furnished
] 95 Severson Sty Valley Phone 213y
H. H. Mercereau,
Notary Public
fipesial attention to Pension Papers,
Valley Phone 11 X,
| 13 Dowmant Stree,
Frees ad Domest Fras
Pure Ole Of for
Permanent Dentistry
A quarter of a century ago we
placed some gold fillings in the teeth
fo a well known gentleman at pres-
ent a resident of Sayre, These fill-
mgs today are just as bnght, firm
and useful as the day they were
made. We will tell you the name of
the party, if you wish to see hum
There are variations in dentai
workmanship, just as there are dif-
ferences in the various brands of
four. If you desire the highest de
1 gree of proficiency—the skill and
| knowledge that will make YOUR
fillings serviceable twenty five years
from today—come in or "phone for
an appointment, On the other hand,
\Y you take pleasure in having your
| teeth filled over and over again every
year or two, you should go elsewhere
—ave do not do that kind of work.
J.W. Murrelle,D.D.S.,
106 Centre St, ATHENS, PA,
Valley ' Phone 97 D.
Office Maney & Page Block,
Rooms formerly occapled by the
late John R. Murray,
Office hours: —9 to 10 a. m.; 6:30
to8 p,m Atother times during
day at Valley Record office.
Contractor and Builder
Plans and Retimates Furnished,
£210 Miller Bt Sayre. Pa
J. C. Flood is again at work at
Wm. Billings has moved his res-
idence to Pittsburg.
i ————
HD “Sevison and family were
in Smithficld yesterday.
George N. Tidd and wife return-
ed to Marion, Ind, Jast evening
Mrs. Mack Keppler of Monroe
ton is the guest of Bruce Merrill ja
and family.
Fraok Cole of Muncie, Indiana,
visited his sister, Mrs. C. W. Tidd,
over Sunday.
Charles Carpenter and Robert
Shores have gone to New York to
spend a week.
Miss Mabel Northrup weat to
Monroeton this morning where she
will visit Mrs J. Nichols.
The Misses Nellie VanWoert and
Clara Stevens went to Binghamton
on the excursion yesterday.
W. H. Shaw and wife went to
West LeRoy today where they will
spend ten day's with friends.
Prof. W. H. Benedict of of Elmira
spent Suaday with his family at the
home of Mrs. Corbin in Athens,
Brewster Ruggles of Towanda
is spending a few days at the home
of his uncle, George A Lamkin,
James Vann and wife took a
drive over to Ghent yesterday and
they took the brown hen with
them. ae
Miss Mary J. Vanness has been
visiting Charles and Horton Van-
ness in Athens and returned to
Standing Stone.
Miss Edith Parker of Bayonne,
N J. who has been a guest at Rev.
W. E. Daw’s home a short time re-
turned home today.
George L. Fuller and wife and
grandson returned from a week's
visit among friends in Ghent and
Lake Wesauking last evening.
Grant Minier of Wilkes Barre
was in Athens today visiting old
friends and attending to some busi-
ness matters needing his attention.
Dr. Cowell and family, Hon. L.
T. Hoyt and the party that have
been making a ten day's voyage on
the “Maid of Athens,” returned
Saturday evening.
William Griswold and wife of
New York and Miss Burnett of|s
Towanda have been visiting at the
home of J. F. Griswold and re-
turned home today.
Mrs J] C Flood returned home
from New York last evening where
she has been visiting her daughter,
Mrs. Elmer Gleason. Miss Helen
Gleason and Henry Flood returned
with her.
Wayne Shaw and Miss Ettie
Shaw of Harvey's lake are visiting
at F. H. Sherman's, They are
children of Ashley Shaw who was
formerly in the grocery business
in Athens,
There was a very lively warfare
Saturday night down on the river
front of Center street. Some of
the old sinners have returned to
town and there is something doing
There will be a total eclipse of
the moon early in the morning of
August 4, commencing at 4:12 and
lasting long enough for everybody
to see it. Some of our early birds
will have a chance at the show.
Dr. E B. Joachim started for
Nova Scotia and New Foundland
yesterday where he will remain
about two weeks looking after
business connected with a large
lumber company of which he is
; at Vogieritls 3t x
Evonle, sgad fifty-eight;
Michael Evonic, aged
his som,
twenty-three, *
were burned to death. The firsl named
two were overcome In their beds Te
buth bad fled. but rushed hack to save
a second story window,
{esa is about $4,000
The pecuniary
Fatal Bell at Chicage.
CHICAGO, July 16 —Au unidentified |
boy was killed aud four others were |
seriously bummed by lightning while
tree on the Lake Shore drive. Bev-
~~ bulldings in Chicago were struck
by lightning and set on fire, the most
seriously damaged being the residence
of Archbishop James E. Quigley, which
sustained a loss of $10.00. The holt
of lightning is thought to have siruck
a cable of the teleplione company, as
pearly every telephone hell on the
north exchinnge Was rung.
Williams’ Kidney | Pills
Have you Jou Ki oui
Have you o ed your
tem and caused trouble TT Your Kid-
neys and Bladder? Have you oe Ri
the loins, side, back, groins and bilad-
der? Have youn flabby appearance of
the face, y oie ially under the eyes? Too
egsire to
Arua, pass urine? Wo so
Willlams' Kidaney Pills will me
Sample Free,
° mail 50c.
Williama Mg. Ca, Eon
0. Bold by GC. M.
Beautiful Lake Keuka
beautifal lake io
Its shores are lined with countless cozy
cottages. Those who are unable to se-
cure cottages, find excellent accommo-
[dations at the several hotels at
Gi Flags, euks aud ibsons. If
203 caloy fis :
greater at
Jabise. no other place offers
traction, the lake having been
annually stocked for several years with
of trout, black bass,
Caicos ae dally op
is reached via E
application to J. H. Webster, Div. Pass.
Agt, Elmira, N. Y. sidiy-8-1
A Charming Vacation ip.
A most charming vacation tri
been prepared by the Erie Rail Lp a
very small expense to Haratoga Springs
and Lake George on Saturday, July 14th.
Ticketa will be good for ten days, giving
ample-time to visit Saratoga and the
moat beautiful of all American lakes,
Lake George, as well as the historic
Lake Champlain. Elegant new vestl-
baled coaches will be used for this this wip
and run through to Saratoga. Bare
round tri A Waverly only $5.00. go
informat! reganding trains, etc, call
on or oss any Ticket Agent or
J. H. Webster, Division Passenger Agent,
Elmira, N. Y, 48-sjl4
New York and the Seashore, Fif-
teen Days
That's the time given on the Erie ex-
cursion, July 19th. A splendid time and
the real place to your vacation.
One fare plas one dollar for the round
trip, tickets good going and returning
on all trains. All Cheong trains carry
Slegant, wide vestiboled coaches and
lman cars. All other information
furnished by any Erie Agent or J. H.
Webster, Division Passenger As El-
mira, N, Y.
Pacific Coast and Colorado Ex- |
The Lehigh Valley Railroad announces
ial fares during the season to the
eat from Sayre as follows:
Colorado $41.80 round trip; tickets to
be sold July 11th to 18th. Good to re-
turn until August 24th,
0 Washington (state), and Brit-
ish Columbia, $79.25 round trip. Tickets
to be sold June 17th, inclusive, Limited
to return within 80 aayu
Ban Francisco and Angeles $80.25
round trip. Tickets to be sold June 24
to July 8th, inclusive. Limited to re-
tura Sept. 16th.
tion with reference to stop over privil-
eges, side trips, sto.
$1.35 to North Fair Haven and
The Lehigh Valley Railroad will sell
tickets Sanday, J oy 1st and gyert San-
day thereafter until Sept. ti Tickets
going and retarniog on all sag, on
te of imue gals, Bee Le alley
Ticket Agents for furlher part BY
$6.90 to Chautauqua, N. Y. and
return, account Leh Valley exour-
Sorina esl Tomar bed
y ’ n
a8 including date of sale.
not be on the Black Dia-
iy Express. For further particulars
see Lehigh Valley ticket agents, 35
Beginning Next Week
Monday, July 16
Dotted Swiss, very fine. Good
value at 26¢; special price
18¢ per yard.
The Window will bo decorated §
by a special trimmer from
Elmira, Watch for it.
One Lot—Women's Shoes $2.48. Patrician and LaFrance. §
One Lot Women's Shoes $1.93. Regular $2.50 value.
One Lot—Men’s Shoes $2.78. Walk Over, $4.00 grade.
i Ons Lot—Men's Shoes $1.19. Regular $1.50 value.
fi One Lt—Men's Shoes 98c. $1.50 value.
One Tot—~Army 3 Shoes 4225 Value ing
Er fi er nd
—_— br EEE =z a-
Waterproof Tents
Cor. Desmond and Chemung Sts,
In the Great 4-Act Comedy Drama
Specialties Galore
See the Marvelous “Renos”
Prices, se 10c; Adults 20c
Ladies’ Muslin
Nap and Skirts
at Greatly Reduced Prices.
New Assortment of
Val. Laces at 3c and 5c a Yard
We have just added a fine line of Postal
Cards, views of Waverly, Sayre and gen-
eral views, including points of interest all
over the Eastern and Southern states.
Regularly, 2 for 5c; Saturday, 3 for Sc.
Nickel- Plated Stewing Pan With Cover.
“Worth 20c; for Saturday only, 10c.
Gregg's Racket Store,
Cor. Broad St. and Park Ave. Waverly. 3
Murphy & Blish
Make Suits to Order
fit, Siyloand Mormons urmioed