The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, July 13, 1906, Image 5

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20 Per Cont
Reduction on
10 Per Gent
Reduction on
318 Desmond St. Sayre,
322 8. Main St., Athens.
Drop Heads, $20, $25 and $30.
ER Are 2% Bold
Evel ee. (al, write or
TDs Music Store,
228 Main Street, Athens, Pg.
‘The Valley Record
#411 the sews that's fit (o priat”’
Straw hats at cost at H. Sattler's.
pe: _ Tomorrow is Lehigh Valley pay
canvass all
“The Midnight Call” at the park
ose sugar cookies at Wood's
y like mother used to make.
The Erie railroad company is to
a hasesome new station at
f Picros. Carnival company
ch exhibited in Sayre last year,
pear at Owego all next
t at Wood's bakery
] return for it two
: 55-2
Arthur Bailey, a shop employe,
sustained a laceration of the right
eyebrow and forehead while at
work this forenoon.
At 4 o'clock on Saturday after
noon the St. Martha's guild will
have a cake sale at the store of I.
A & C. R. Williams.
A Philadelphia firm will manu-
facture an airship which will be
placed on the market for $1,000
Get your order in before the rush,
The street camival will do busi-
ness again this evening as usual.
Last night another big crowd visit-
ed the grounds and the various
entertainments were liberally pat-
ronized. The serpentine girl attracts
considerable attention. She is a
freak of nature that excites more
than the usual amount of curiosity.
The Globe Warehouse is having
a special sale of white goods, but
when the goods arrived and were
unpacked it was found that the
present quarters of the store were
insufficient to make a proper dis.
play. Accordingly the front win-
dow of the Talmadge plumbing es-
tablishment was temporarily reated
for the purpose, and an elegant
line of goods is being displayed
John Dufiey, a a wayfarer, who
says that he has been pitching hay
for a farmer near Freeville, fell into
the clutches of the police, and
spent the night in the lockup.
When arraigned this morning on a
charge of drunkeness Duffey said
that he had $12 in his possession
when he arrived in Sayre, but that
the entire amount had been spent
for booze. He was shown the car
line and told not to leave it until
he passed out of the borough
limits, ‘He wandered toward
Charles J. Haines, the eight-year
old son of Mr, and Mrs, Dr. C. A.
Haines, sustained 3 compound
Judge Fanning Appointed M. H.
Sawtelle Guardian for Sayre's
Well Known Citizen at a
Hearing Held Yesterday---Lu-
nacy Proceedings to be With-
Yesterday at Towanda M. H.
Sawtelle was appointed the legal
guardian of Lewis Eighmey of
this place, the appointment being
made by the Hon. A C. Fanning.
The appointment was the result of
a hearing which took place yester-
day forenoon before the judge to
ascertain whether or not Mr.
Eighmey is competeat to adminis-
ter his own affairs. Several wit-
nesses were sworn and at the con
clusion of the taking of testimony
Mr. Eighmey was declared a weak
minded person and incompetent to
transact business and manage his
estate. Judge Fanning immediate-
ly appointed Mr. Sawtelle aid the
latter executed a bond for $10,000
for the faithful performance of his
The hearing yesterday was the
result of an agreement entered into
a short time ago between Hon. E
M. Dunham, attorney for the
petitioner, and I. N. Evans and C.
C. Yocum, representing the inter-
ests of Mr. Eighmey.
A little over a month ago, on the
petition of Dr. C. A. Haines, Judge
Fanning appointed Dr. H. S. Fish,
W. G Schrier and W. T. Carey, a
commission to inquire into Mr.
Eighmey's sanity. For the past
two years it has been conceded that
Mr. Eighmey was undergoing both
a physical and mental change, and
within the past three months had
been such as to lead many to be-
lieve that he was insane. When
the commission met, the Hon. E.
M. Dunham appeared for the petit-
tioner and Attornéys Evans and
Yocum represented Mr. Eighmey.
The commission held seven ses-
sions, at which a large amount of
testimony was adduced. The
greater portion of the medical
fraternity in the valley gave testi-
mony and a dozen or more laymen
were sworn. The case attracted
considerable attention, and for a
period of two weeks was almost
the exclusive topic of conversation
among the older residents of the
town. Mr. Eighméy was one of
Sayre's oldest citizens, had always
held the respect and esteem of
everyone, was counted the wealth-
iest man in Sayre, and when pro~
ceedings to inquire into his sanity
were commenced, intense interest
was naturally aroused. Attorneys
for Mr, Eighmey put up a bard
fight. They insisted that their
client might be suffering from loss
of memory, etc, but that it was no
more marked than it would be in
any man of his years, Mr. Eighmey
having reached the age of 73 years.
Mr. Eighmey was present at nearly
all the sessions of the commission
but the expression of his face did
not indicate any unusual interest in
the proceedings.
Ten days or more ago it was
agreed to go before Judge Fan.
ning with the understanding that if
the Judge would appoint a guar-
dian for Mr. Eighmey, the lunacy
proceedings were to be withdrawn,
The commission will therefore be
formally notified today by counsel
for the petitioner that the case has
been dropped, and consequently
the commission will be relieved of
rendering a decision.
For the past two weeks Mr.
Eighmey has been the guest of
friends in Tioga county, and during
this time he has suffered one or
.|two severe attacks of illness.
He returned to Sayre last night.
The outcome of the case will be
The Misses Elsa and Josephine
Jettles, who have been spending
several days in Towanda, have re-
turned to their home in Sayre.
Dr. G. C Holcomb, of Ulster,
and Dr. Joha Daly, of this place,
have formed a partnership for the
practice of medicine. Dr. Daly is
a well known young man who
graduated from Medico-Chirugical
in Philadelphia, class of "95. The
past year he has devoted to hos-
pital work at Marion, Ind. He and
his partner will be wished a suc.
cessful future,
The well known and popular
comedian, “Billy” Wild, will open
a week’ engagement in Sayre next
Monday evening, presenting one of
his most successful plays on the
opening night, entitled “A Runa-
way Tramp.” The play is in four
acts and never fails to please all
classes of show-goers. Aa unex
celled list of vaudeville features
will be presented between the acts,
including “Billy” in one of his in-
imitable monologues, and several
strong additions to the regular
company. Plays and specialties
will be changed nightly. Perform-
ances will be given under a splen-
didly equipped canvas pavilion
theatre 100x100 feet in size. Prices
are 10 and 20 cents. Ladies will
be admitted for 10 ceats the open-
ing night only. Mr. Wild will no
doubt be greeted by a large crowd
of his old friends and patrons, who
remember him most favorably from
his work as an ‘actor manager at
the park two seasons ago.
Yesterday forenoon when Les
high Valley train No. 8 pulled into
the local station a well known busi-
ness man rushed up to an acquaint-
ance in the waiting room and asked
to borrow a dollar. Now the well
known business man is accustomed
by the nature of his business to
bandle thousands of dollars every
day, but when he started for To
wanda yesterday, he discovered
that he had left all his money else-
where. So he was forced to bore
row a dollar from a friend, as many
often are. He secured the dollar,
however, and as he held it firmly
in his hand, he looked as pleased
as a boy with a new pair of boots.
A Wellsboro man 74 years old,
and a veteran of the Civil war,
whipped a fresh young English-
man on the Fourth of July until
the young upstart bellowed
“enough.” The young fellow ex-
pressed his hatred and contempt
for all things American and finally
wound up by saying that he could
“lick any damned Ameri—," but
he got no further. The old man,
who was standing near, took the
fresh fellow by the neck, and ham-
mered his physiognomy until he
said that he had “enough.”
James Webb, a Lehigh Valley
baggagemaster, was arrested at
Mauch Chunk yesterday by two of
the company’s detectives on a
charge of larceny. For a long time
there has been a complaint of
goods being lost in sit. The
thefts were traced to Mauch Chunk.
The specific charge is that Webb
on Sunday evening stole a case of
whiskey. He was held for a hear~
A fakir is traversing the sur-
rounding towns and is reaping a
neat harvest. He poses as a
photographer and his trick is to
have others pose while he makes a
Advertise for Bids
night. The session only lasted
business was transacted, the most
important of which being the mat-
ter of advertising bids for the new
trunk line sewer contracts. The
sewer committee was instructed to
advertise for bids at once. The
reduced from
$4 and $2.75
205 Desmond St,
the territory to be covered by the
system, so that the contractors
would have an opportunity of
knowing what kind of soil they
would be compelled to excavate.
When the Valley telephone laid
a conduit on Lockhart street the
workmen left considerable dirt
lying oa top of the ground and the
council insisted, that as the coms
pany failed to remove it, damages
should be assessed. At the time
it came up for discussion there was
some talk of presenting a claim for
20 to cover the cost incurred by
the street department in removing
the dirt. Last night some of the
members of the council thought
these figures rather high, and after
some discussion it was decided to
authorize the borough clerk to
effect a settlement, if possible, on
the basis of actual cost of carrying
the dirt away,
The clerk was authorized to pay
the D. Clarey Coal Company a bill
of £6 for coal furnished the bor
ough, and Register and Recorder
C P.Dewey $3 for filing the per-
mit to lay the sewer system.
Adjournment was then taken,
and the majority of the councilmen
wended their way toward the car-
nival ground in order to give their
children—or those who had chil-
dren—opportunity to ride on the
merry-go- fou.
It was given out in railroad
circles in Philadelphia and New
York yesterday that the passenger
traffic on the Lehigh Valley rail-
road has increased nearly forty
per cent during the last ten days,
and by the end of the month it
may exceed all July traffic for
years. The traffic on the Western
Divisions is said to be greater than
before, for traffic between Buffalo
and New York city has been very
heavy during the month. All ex
cursions so far this season have
been widely patronized and busi-
ness from the lpcal station has
been very large.
George S. Wilking of South
Lock Haven where he will hence-
forth make his residence. Mrs.
Wilkin's father lives in that town,
and as his health is not of the best
Mr. and Mrs. Wilking go there to
be near him. Mrs. Wilking has
been at Lock Haven for the last
few weeks. During their residence
in Sayre Mr. and Mrs. Wilking
have been greatly esteemed by our
townspeople. A host of friends in
this place, while regretting their
departure will wish that prosperity
and continued happiness will attend
them in their new abode.
The Odd Fellows of Sayre are
arranging for a picaic to be held in
the near future. At the regular
meeting held last night a committee
of arrangements was appointed
with B. L. Lewis as chairman. The
chairman of the committee will
try and induce the Rebekahs to
join with the Odd Fellows in mak-
ing the picnic a success. This is
the first attempt that the Sayre
lodge, I. O. O. F,, has made at
holding a picnic and the committee
ValleyjPhone 1912, 2
the exact cost of
it. Examine its TERM
4 packages Nu Life -
10 bs plain dairy butter, 1b
Good old potatoes, bushel -
Leggett's root besr extract -
10 Bars
Instantaneous tapioca, p'k'g
3 p'k’'gs Melrose macaroni
3 cans peas - -
3} qts beans - .
3 stalks celery - -
5 Ibs best latd
We Make a
sugar ex-luded)
Specialty of
Oak Grove Park
Summer Stock Co.
0000000 P0 PPP E NIP 0e
Feature Specialty,
We Write Insurance
world. Their policies are as good as
government bonds and every loss by fire
is quickly adjusted, whether it of
Pt ad sine pres peepee
Osteopathic Physician,
Of Elmira, will be at the Norwbed tel,
Waverly, every Friday from § to 3:30
m. Aoute and chromic cases
Consultation and examioation frees
Graduated under the founder of the pro-
feasion, De. A. T. Still, Kirksville, Mo.
Is now ready to furnish
Pure Reservoir Ice to
Sayre patrons.
Both Phones, ~~ Waverly.