The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, July 13, 1906, Image 3

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    of Pot Roasts
the buyers have one
steak beef, —well,
money then to buy
it's easy
the boiling
d and rolled for 14¢
Roasts for ....
, Plates and Brisket for mmm .3¢
Fresh Dressdl Fowls
dressed spring Chickens 18¢
Lamb, Veal, Pork Loins, Export
~ Beef, Our Own Bologna, Our Own
a. Our Own Corned and
Pressed Beet, quality unapproach.
- No experimenting. No doubt of
result when you make bread
b¢ boxes genuine Cosmo Butter-
Soap and 3 bars Oak Leaf
* Morley’s Best pastry flour. $1.15
grley’s Graham and Meal are
} doz. fine table pickles ......25¢
‘Karner's Special Blend Coffee at
. A little payment and it’s deliv-
ered to you. A few casy payments
and it’s yours. The kind youn
Want at a price you can pay.
id The usual July-Thinning-out-
-ip-for-fall- business. Sale
is ready for you now. No narrow
widths, no freak styles, the best
line of shoe valufs in the city,
pair plainly marked.
JL Elsbree is reshingling his
Florence Howland returmed from
Boston yesterday.
Frank Cook was attending to
business in Ulster today.
Mrs. Oscar Hammond returned
to Dushore this morning,
Miss Mary G. Doran is spending
her vacation in New York.
Miss Fanny Howland of Smith.
field was in town yesterday.
The Stimson house pilot cabid is
receiving a new armour coating.
William. Yontz has been granted
an increase of pension to $17 per
The monument to General H. J.
Madill will be dedicated at Wysox,
August 29.
Men's, boys’ and children’s suits
one third off from regular prices at
H. Sattler’s 56-2
Howard Luckey is confined to
his home with a severe attack of
Mrs. Martha Palmer of Mansfield
has been spending a week with
Athens friends.
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Bailey are in
East Smithfield wvisiting at the
home of Seth Elsbree.
Albert Maurice has completed
his course at Princeton and is at
home for the summer.
James Birney has so far recover-
ed from his injuries that he attend
ed the races in Owego yesterday.
Mrs. W, H, Benedict and chil-
dren of Elmira are visiting Mrs,
Benedict's mother, Mrs. Dr. Corbin,
Charles Kline and wife of New
Jersey, are the guests of the latter's
mother, Mrs, Ellen Pitcher, East
Athens. a
Mrs. Margaret Ackley went to
Wysox this morning where she
will visit at the home of Daniel
The Misses Kelley, Donovan,
Moore and Mahaney went to To-
wanda today to take teachers’ ex-
Department Commander M. A.
Gherst will attend the Bradford
County Soldiers’ Encampment at
Ulster, September 3.
The moonlight picnic last evens
ing was a very enjoyable affair and
the young ladies are very enthusi
astic about it today.
Edwin F. Loomis will play a
mandolin solo at the entertainment
to be given at Elsbree opera house
for the benefit of Protection hose
company next week.
Some person stole the American
flag from the East Athens school
house night before last, and the
patriotic people who presented it
are very indignant and threaten all
sorts ol punishment to the guilty
offender if they catch him, The
flag was run down by the cord and
unfastened and the cord replaced
in its order, but the flag is gone.
It may be Just a joke, but the citis
zens in that vicinity look upon it
as a contemptible, mean trick.
Remember the
Special Sale
Beginning Next Week
Monday, July 16
Dotted Swiss, very fine. Good
~= value at 25¢; special price
Athens—At the Universalist pic-
nic yesterday George Cook was
standing in a boat in the race when
Fitzgerald drove up, and as he
stumbled to fall overboard, Miss
Ruth Moreland attempted to save
him, when she fell into the water
and - got a thorough drenching
Fitzgerald helped her out, and she
until she could get to a place where
she could procure dry clothing.
The picnic was a great success, this
being the only mishap.
Minneapolis Felice After Slayer of
Miss Ellison,
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn, July 12.-Em-
ployees of the National hotel found the
body of Miss Nellle Ellison, a milli
ner of Ellsworth, Wis, uearly burned
to a crisp in ber room. Mer bead had
been crushed by the blow of a hammer,
and ber body had Leen tied to a couch
saturated with wood alcohol. This had
then Dew set on fire.
The police suspect a man from Mil
wavkee of having been implicated In
the wurder, and a search is now be
ing made for him. They believe the
woman was attacked iu Ler sleep
Wis, and had come to the Twin Cities |
with about $6500. No such sum was
found in her roow at the hotel. M. J.
Wilson, who bad the room directly
that Miss Ellison had always borne a
good reputation. Her parents have ar
rived here.
Camp Opens at Niamtie, Conn.
CAMP COLE, Niantic, Conn, July
12 —-With all the commands of the First
brigade, Connecticut national guard,
which have been ordered here, under
canvas the brigade camp Is In full
swing. After the strenuous work of a
sbam fight in the valley from Gortens
Mills to the Boston schoolhouse road
the men were quite willing to sleep in
their hot tents
Yacht Mopen Wins Leng Race.
NEW YORK, July 11 —- The sloop
yacht Mopsa of the Harlem Yacht club
was last night declared the winner of
the 400 mile ocean race from New
Rochelle around Montauk to Northeast
Bud lightship, off Cape May, N. J., and
return to New York, for the challenge
cup offered” by the Brooklyn Yacht
club. The Mopsa crossed the finish line
W Gravesend bay at 7:22:40 last night,
making ber elapsed time over the course
103 hours 22 minutes 40 seconds, she
having started from New Rochelle at
10 o'clock on the weornlug of July 7.
Drake's Colors In Front Four Timew.
SALEM, N. H., July 17.John A.
Drake's colors were in frout in four of
the six races here. Drake won with
Robo, Runnels, Wes and Ireland. Ruu-
uels made his first appearance In a
race in nearly a year and won with
edi® lu the second event. He was turn-
ed out last fall, and it was expected
that he would never race agaln. Jockey
Garner rode all four of Drake's horses.
The last race of the day wae the best,
Jim Leonard beating Tanager, the fa-
vorite, by a beast In the last jump,
Travis Played tireat Geolr,
ENGLEWOOD, N. J. July 1%-The
Eaglewood Golf club's course was the
scene of eotne brilliant work when
Walter J. Travis of Garden City, a
double winuer of the national Inar
And Also 8 winner of the British ama.
tebe. champlonabip titln, wis star
5. Coming ln oT wh |
lvador and Guatemala Open Hoe |
tilities on Fronfiers,
WASHINGTON, July 1? —Hostilitles
between Sftvador and Guatemala have
broken out auew on the border be
tween these countries where peace was
supposed to have established
pending a settlement of the trouble
between the two countries
Leslie M. Combs, the American min
ister to Guatemala, who was ou his
wiuy to the United States to assist jo
settling the difficulties between Salva
dor and Guatemala has been ordered
barek to Guatemala City from Champer
by cable
malan capital to keep the United States
advised coucerning the trouble and to
protect American interests. Salvado-
been massed near the common bound
ary of the two ¢ountries for some time
and a serious clash was expected, but a
temporary arnuistice seemed to have
nounced that J. R. Pacus had been
named as a special envoy to Washing
ton for the purpose of making repre
sentations to the Awerican government
concerning Salvador's position. John
Jenklus, the American consul general
at Salvador, was to accowpany Mr.
Pacus to this country.
Salvador's alleged assistance of revo
lutfonists Tu Guatemala who were at-
tempting to overthrow Presidéut Ca
brera caused Guatewals to protest bit
and resulted in representations to Sal
terfercuce in the luternal affairs of
| Guatemala
Rub-a-Dub Fish.
A fish that drums Is found in the
waters of Mauritius harbor. When
caught and held in the hand, a vibra-
ton of the skin behind the gills is to
be seen and a delicate rub-a-dub, as of
a distant tenor drum, is heard
It Eats Up Rust.
6-5-4 will _ an old,
Stove, or Stove
Pipe, look like new, be-
cause it eats up rust,
When you get ready to
set up your Stoves, this
Fall, givethem alla coat
of 6-5-4; itisapplied like
paint, will not rub off
and shines itself. Italso
If Jour dealer hasn't it Bolioh Bros. have
Brarything New and Up-bo-Dade. ees
Thomas Ave, Opposite L. V, Station,
Retes $1.50 Por Dav. Saws.
DR. A. G. REES, M.D.
100 Lake 50. Wess Sayre,
8 $0 11:00 a. m., 2 to 4:30, 7:00 to 8:00,
Genito and chronic diseases a
specialty. phones.
A quarter of a century ago we |
placed some gold fillings in the teeth |
fo a well known gentleman at pres- |
ent a resident of Sayre. These fill-
ings today are just as bright, Sirm |
and useful as the day they were)
| made. We will tell you the name of |
|the party, if you wish to see heim |
| yourself.
variations in dentas |
workmanship, just as thermare dif - |
|feremces in the various brands o |
| Hour. If you desire the highest de-
| gree of proficiency—the skill and
| knowledge that will make YOUR
| fillings serviceable twenty-five years
| There are
an appointment. On the other hand,
of you take pleasure in having your
teeth filled over and over again every
year or two, you should go elsewhere
—qve do not do that kind of work,
JW. Murrell, D. DS..
106 Centre St., ATHENS, PA.
Valley ‘Phone 97 D. |
W. T. GAREY, |
Office Maney & Page Block,
Rooms formerly oooupled by the
late John R. Murray,
Office hours: —9 to 10 a. m.; 6:30
to8p, m. At other times during
day st Valley Record office,
A. H. MURRAY, M.D. :
Discases ud the a Nose an.
| Heavy and Light Draying and Moving
Baggage called for and delivered in
aay ba part Sexes Athens and Waverly,
kinds of team work attended to
ah Livery attached,
207 N. Lehigh Ave. Valley Phone 308x
H. H. Mercereau, |=
Notary Public
Speeial attention ¢» Pension Papers.
Valley Phone 11 X.
11 Desmond Stree,
H. L. TOWNER, M.D.|§
Diseases of Women and of
Hours-TWwiam,1003, 7808p, m,
Valley Telephone #72. 138 Lockhart 88
has the best House
od in Bradford
Remove dead horses and cattle at Shar}
| notice. All orders will receive
attention. Remove stock 8 miles 8
tant from Athens, Sayre and Waverly. |
Hides must be on carcasses; remove free |
of charge. 1am prepared to do the bus- | h
ineas, have ambulance to haul the stock;
rices. Call Bell rn
B, PA.
Political Announcements
The undersigned announces himself a
candidats for the Sduimicn of Jury | t
Commissioner, Sable 3 the rules of
Democratic party of county.
Towanda, Pa, March 30, 1008,
Cadre May 13, 1986.)
Trains leave Sayre as follows
Dally for Towanda, Tuak-
Rasnock, Wilkes Barre, Mauch
1% IE Chunk, Alleniowsn, Bethlehem New
{ladeiphle, Baltimore and Washington
JA. M. Dally for Towanda, Tuakban-
Ya nock, Pittston, Wilkes Baire, Glen Sum.
A og su. (waves WEP AN A. M) Daily for
Wilkes Barre, bi 7 Ssmmit
it Spring Mauch Chunch, Allentown,
ii Haven, Pean Haven Junction,
Vork and Philadelphia
A ™ wt iny Raveiy £3 A. MM) Week days
Chunk Allentown, Dethiehe
| santo is, Baltimore snd Wash
ouly, for Towanda, Mon
Wilkes ada, Glen Summit
roy leggy hh
3 Haven, Mauch Chunk Allentown,
Torn, New faves Din
yelusing, Lacey
New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore
By arr
tiston and Wilkes-Barre.
New York, Pal)
A aM. ta ce only, Jor Athdaa, Milan |
using, Lacey
hy aac,
P. M. (Waverly 13:33 P. a) BN
fis Fovania ston,
ies Diamond Rx
press, for Tuakhasnock,
Js Pitision, Wilkes Barre, Olen Sam:
auch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, New
York: Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washingtos
PM ASE. u) MM.) ~~ 5
M. Dal Bleck
alle, Willi nt, W
Tea anor: Poa lr Wilkes Barre
fol Do Ore is
are ot
Louis and points age,
AM. shine
olenia, Batavia, Buffalo. Cousects fo
Niagara Falls and Toronte
E MM. Dally for Lockwood, Van Rites
Spencer, Rhaes, A Ha
il Bl B= omartts or Asbars wee dar uly
A.M. Week days only, for Lock wood.
11:00 FE
Vas Riten Bpebeet 1 Ithaca,
bary EC . Oenevs, Roches
Batavia, Pulfalo and Niagara Pai
P.M. Dally for Geneva Rochester, Buf
3 405 falo, Napa Palla, Detroit and’ Chi
(Wat tne) lian viisis, tad, Oriber Ofibent
LS EM om for Ithace, Trumansburg,
‘'s Corners. Geneva, Nochester, Ra
oR Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, "and |
Comuects for Apburn week days ‘only
i M iy a Black Diamond Ripress
Rochester, Sulu, None
) Vin Detroit, Chicago, Bt. Louts and
iy lor ha, mamtere: Bors !
aa EADY, Hayv
Sunda ly, for
on LT irr Ret hy
i. Cont
Auplars Taam Ne rare pr
Contractor and bulder
210 Miller 8t " Sayre, Pa.
Ordinance, No. 04.
/ Authorizing tie ‘ou construction
public sewer beginning at the eb J
of the Susquehanna river about eight
hundred feet south of Sayre Watee Com=
pany’s pumping station, and
westerly over the lands of the
dated Real Estate Company
ide of the Lehigh Valley
nue; thence northwesterl
avenue to Cayags street;
ly on Cayuga street to i ao street,
in (ie Rarudgh oy Sayre, Penn's. ad i
t ordain the
Town Council of the or
and it is hereby ordained by tha
ity of the same: That believing ittobe
for the ral health and pablie welfare
of the citizens of said borough, that a
ph of public sewers be Moped and
e Say - betel) bx ln at he
oug oning at a tat
bank of th uebhanna ri
gight hundred foe feet south ih
ater pany’s Te,
S3toping ad ina
Estate a
Valley Rail
nue; theace northerly
to Hayden street;
Hayden street to
thenoe northerly on
to Lehigh avenue; thence north:
Sayre, State of Penns
ance with an Act of
br 4 of Penusyl
839, eatitl
Ts to construct
assess and collect the cost
the cost thereof be baid by by
Mion. by ay bject :
property sul to
boroagh. Said sowe sewer to
in on Re with the
fleations made b
moualy adopted by the
Council at a meeting held
ing, July 2, 1908.
Approved July 8, 1008
Ordinance nce No. gs.
An ordinance authorizing the increas
3 De jndebindnges of the Borough
yre, y the sum of tweaty
sand dollars,
Be it ordained by the
Town Counecll of the
Pa. and it is hereby oni
authorit of the same:
dred and fifty eo oan
lars each, ears interest at
four per cent per annum, interest
semi- annually, April lst and
1st, ib the ojo of Fhe § treasurer of
borough and pa bls thingy
date, with hy ght of sald
redeem or pay any one or any
them after ive years bo issued.
the proceeds derived from the
said bonds be used for the
redeeming or paying off five
dol of the present |
rough and so much of
| as may be necessary, shall be
the purpose of fon rusting the
line of a sewer for the
sald borough. That
the dollar of the adjusted
said boro 3M Javied sash Your
aan ata a held Monday Tr
President of