“ALL THE NEWS THAT'S FIT TO PRINT © ¢ Paid on Time Deposits. DIRECTORS RF Wibu:, ] N Weaver W. A. Wibur, 1.9%. Blabhop, J. BR Wheelock WW T Oaninew OL. Haverty, Sewwrd Baldwic, ¥. T. Page, BF Pepe, Covhier D. CLAREY COAL CO. Lehigh Valley Coal HARD AND SOFT WOOD Best Quality & Proaupt Delivery Guarantrad Bradived Street 1 v~! Phone, 155d Often st Raymnad an ang i's Bore, Bayre & Heth yw @ ELMER A. WILBER, Who!esaler of Wines, Beer and Ales. orm SPECIALTIES LEMGH CLUB WHISKEY, DOTTER- WEIGH BEER AND ALES, NOR- WICH BREWING CO'S. ALES. 109 Packer Avenue, BAYRE, PA. BOTH PHONES, es Regting, Hstates Managed Collecting E. E. Reynolds, Sayre and Waverly. domes INSURANCE Property Bought, Sold and — Bxehanged — lavestments Loans Negotiated 117 Packer Ave., Valley Phone 230X, Sayre, Pa. J. W. BISHOP, The constant repetition of delivering good coal has iven us our reputation. e handle Lehigh Valley and Sullivan Coal, Hard and Soft Wood and Steam Coal. 103 Lehigh Ave., Lockhart Building. Both Phones. A.J.GREEN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and Bstimates Furnished 535 Stevenson 8%. Valley Phone 21%y OSBORN’S LIVERY —————— rsp eg Heavy and Light D Light Draying and Moving Baggage called for aud. tered lo A Athens a o ili Ro oF a rh attended to attached. Livery Se N. Lehigh Ave. Valley Phone 208x a H. H. Mercereau, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Spestal attention to Pension Papers, 4" J . Valley Phone 11 X, 13 Desmond Rivest, Sayre, THERE is nothing better to build up a constitu‘ion that is run down than STEGMAIERS’ PORTER It will aid appeti'e and di- gestion. Produce natur- al restful sleep. Itis a preventative as wellas a ‘remedy for all overwrought “conditions of the mind or 30 Called Dictator of Russia Interviewed Last Night MUNA A REVOLUTIONARY CENTER. “Te Talk of Amucasty When Ofcials Are Murdered Dally Is Sheer Noa sensei Army Is Sot Disleyal”™ Bays iasars Hight Hand. ST PETERSBURG, July 7 Trepoll, of the palace. was luterviewwed las! night regarding the on Hussia The train on which the respondent went to Peterhof was full f troops rined | Trepofl's Louse irined police. a el General imperial Peterbiof in cor comiuamiant at situat igi the Hitie fuwy sw with soidiers was guarded by precaulion Bes: erireinisis fscuers ue es ry as the geu san by the rey who wake of assassilal pepurtunity the allegations that ctater aud that the were tie] icperal the revolutieuaries al harping on his pote in Or der to discredit the ministry and to try to prove that the miuisters werv weak lings possessing Bo authority. It was he =aid, a fable spread Dy enemies of the country ths cucinies who are Blling the wars of the peasants with Hes “The land question sald, “is yusstion of questious Personally [ consider the government's land proposals yuite ceptable. Pos sibly further wight be made after reasveable discussion by parliament [ consider It lmpoisible to introduce the principle of expropria tiom. [If that is admitted me tenure, even by peasants is safe Talking of the geueral position of affairs, General Trejo deplored the lack of energy dispiaved ia combating the revolutionary movement It wal easy to deduce from his remarks that he considered that FPretuier Georewny kins piace was on ministerial bench iu the lower Lousy of parlia ment and that he should be there daily evar watchful aod ever ready to reply to his poligdenl opponents. Ile also ex pressed his respect for Minister of the Interior Stolypiu's saying ‘You yourself have seen how he has faced the storm lu parliament” but seeined to regard hii as out of touch with the present political trend Gen eral Trepoff gave the impression that be reevgnized the uecessity and ad visability of the departure of the ex isting government although. he said as far as he pew NM. Uoremykio and his coliesgues Lad po immediate luten tion of resigning Discussing parliament. General Tre poff said that at present it was sjruply belag utliizsed as a revolutionary cen ter Look at the mmwuulty allowed M. Alladin and persons of Lis stawp.” sald the general The labor group is givem practically a free baud “It seems to we the Lest solution is a ministry from the Center party as being the strongest party. | admit that the appointment of such a ministry would be a great! rish, Lut the risk would be justified by the urgeucy of pasifying the country Everything reasonable should be done to resture order and secure stability by pacific means If alli these are exhausted then some other rueAsures ma) have to be devised “1 cannot deny that the revolutioa- aries have won mesrly all the men of talent. The larger oumber of the pa pers of Bt Petersburg are in the hands of Jews and wost of the members of the staffs are Jews while the reporters generally are revolutionary agitators Theu see to what extent the Jows are represented In parliament and say what will prevent an upheaval, pring pally the work eof Jews through thelr eunniag provecatiom of Christinns and a skilifully contrived posing as lnno eent victims of a bloodthirsty tyranny? I iudorse every word of the official re rt regarding Bialystok. When Prince rusoff spoke the other day In parlia ment regarding organized locitement to pogroms at headquarters Lhe lied that is all. His calumnles are the out some of disappointed ambition When be came to make coucrete aharges he could only cite two cases of officials whe bad betrayed the trust the gov erament had reposed In them “It must not be forgotten that of ficials lu the provinces have Leen Ary en to a state of desperation by fre quent murders and other orimos, of whose lostigators they ware perfootly aware However one reprobates then can one wonder that reprisals should sometimes he made Fo talk of grant ing complete amnesty now, when the papers are fall of lists of marderad of fictals and when no one ln authority is safe from the bomb the kuife and the pistol Is sheer nonscnse “Hegurding the death penalty out of which much political capital Is Leing made, | persoually do not attach much importance to it. It could, in wy opin fon, be quickly and enslly disposed of’ Turuing to the queation of disaffec tion in the army, General Trepoff de clared positively his conviction that the overwhelming proportion of the troops are implicitly loyal and never will ageinet jheir sovereigu He asserted that the revolutionary propaganda In the army is far less than has been al bed The revolutionaries, he sald must be by common sense and above all. with cnergy. and Again energy “The great power of the revolution aries” General firepoflf declared, “lies In their contro! of the Political passions are such that the moat prudent of men have lost their heads and are raving Ike lunatics over Utoplan schemes which can enly result in bleod “awl ral i= Lhe EATY secret of their Bim: at hated wm aint no tention ng the first Asked coucerniug Le was virtusily d ministers Lands frepoll said Wats Were sdine * General Trepoflf tue culicessions the courage turn Opposed sound press SAYRE, PA, i PRISON FOR MARTJE harged With t anaspliracy to Blacken His Own Wife's t haracter PITTSRURG | Conspiracy (0 iI with the character of his wife Augustus Hart) is cen | fronted with prison bars. Along with {the wall paper milliioniare In Lis pn ett diffi uit sot friend Jolin IL. Welsh us, 7 of the Farrar Welst Hardware % and Clifford Hos thie negro han {first pamed as corespondent The ar | rest of the three met Las by District Atte John S ihe district oruey that the three Warrants out as long ago as April nut servesd ip deference to of Judge Frazier sitting suit It is that the wished te give the accusad ail the rope possible before the arrest was made The next thriiifin his case of { thrills ie te be furnished the shape of the arrest of a I weuian be charged with forg liug the burning love jetters produced lu {court last Mond and purporting te have Leen written by Mrs Hartje ww [Thomas Madine the w.iite cvachman {The name of the suspectad young woman will probably be brought out today, and Ler arrest may foliow the ciose of the session The lawyers for Mrs Hartle will endeavor to prove the leltors are apd will thes opely 8cvuse the youug Wolald It is sald that she Las heen offcred an opportunity te ciear Lorseif at jenst Is part. by disclosing who bired her to write the jetters apd that she Las ac copted it. It is asserted that the cic cumstances under the alleged forgeries were committed will ln them «elves foriu a most starting atid dre watic chapter {u the Jdiverow drama The entrance of Heoe into the vorce at its lmoepltion was with general borrer and unbwlief It Is significant that, despite his voltiog affidavit concerning his alleged relations with Hartje, he Las uot eed placed on witness stand by Mr Hartle's attor A perjurer. under a rew $3000, an & declared. to con undrentned of fall ied amd plead gul prison sentence Chars faly 7 Glacken are 8 bus resident as pany cos well uf Habib wunced fuey att Las au Welw iS. but were the request evileut fans es peoied who will i¥ forgeries which dt net and re Case Mrs the confessed rd of ted, It crite Y Au is In ug the Iwgiu a jess promise of anormant gegro, ten mit a ng sun wait and dazz Lie abando only chance lo ity (onfessed to Shooting Mer Lover POTTSVILLE Pa. July 7 ~Euima Stephany, a pineteen year-old girl |! viafessed te the Killing of her heart, Jawes brizioll, whos found on the street em the the Fourth of July The amazed aud doubt her story ays she shot Frizzell ace! 18 own revolver She i= iwalsdag & further luvestigntion tory is discredited by the zit fret cated two uult young wen nn the shooting, but cleared them iu her confession in Ixxly was eeruing of police ure The girl with ail Her The lentally Uow n police mpl pro William Hoeh Missing From Liner NEW YORK. July 7 When the Hamburg America steamship Peoneylvania arrived her dock Ia Heboken vue of her second cabin pas sengers, William Hoch, who owned a saloon Im Newark N J wis missing and It was jearnad that uothing had beets seen of Lim ou the ship stuce Tuesday night here is a wyetery about the man's disappearance. as noth ing was found in his stateroom to a liyate that he tted suicide Hue it ie omn Ba rett’'s Reception at Begota. BOGOTA July 1 Ibe greatest celebratiom la the history of the American legntion at Bogota was vitmessed at Minister Barrett's recep tion here. nearly HO persons being preseut, inciudiug all high Colombian covernment officials and diplomatic corps. All congratulated Minleter Bar rett ou the progress nade ward resumption of friendly relations between Colombin and the United States ( glo: Lia being to Chins te Pay 383.800 Indemnity. PEKING. July Mr Caruegie, the British charge d'affaires here, bas final ily settled the British glaimes growling ut of the antifareign riot at Nauchang proviece of Kisapsl iu February of this year Chiua pays $2000 inden nity for the killing of the child of H ( Kingham. a British missionary, and $8 “0 for the British wission propert destroyed and agrees to punish the gullty persons Garduer Met With Fonl Play. KINGSTON, N.Y July 7 The body f the man fousd Hosting in the Hud son river mear Esopus sald to be that of James W Gardner Among his effeets was a request to notify Ww H Garduer of Troy. N. Y. lu case of iecident. Phrsiclans who have oxan ined the body are Inclined to the Lalief that the minn met with fol play befor being thrown overboard from a passing Loat in Kalser at Trondhjem Tonight, CHRISTIANIA Norway, July 7 Emperor William left Bergen Irondh jem the Hamburg o'clock thie mern King Haakon vill board the Hamburg to welcome iis majesty at Troudhjem this evening, aud subsequently the king and queen will receive the amperer at the palace where a gala dinner will be given to night, for on at § lng eighty guests being presemt Te (lean Lp Gutrayeh GUAYAQUIL Ee , July 7. ~The government has rad Hecretary Hoot's offer to send Governor Magoen aud Health Officer Gorgas from Papa ma to Guayaquil for the purpose eof conferring with the local authorities regarding the improvement of the sani tary conditions of this city. wmdo Weather Probabilities, Partly cloudy, eest winda. f i i i i SATURDAY EVENING, IN SECRET. Attorney General Scores French Lick Dens CONDEMNS TARTS HOTEL ASINOS Lawsuits For Prep- erties Show ( haracier of Lesaves, but Otherwise They Are Huge Jokes Possession of PAOLI attoracy Tod July geuersi here jeisenally cenductiug tion ou belall of Charles Miller jludiana, whe the litign the state against the ick Bprings company and We Baden Hotel cum to soer'hing the Thomas Taggart French Lick Bprings Hotel cor Mr Ta hat ul a el i= West any. toek ex ception sintenment f the pany Egurt gad were part of the utider RDO hotel properties 1 Here third § ivase to Arties aud that suits were peuding to cancel thes leases Lecause the hole learned that ga: Juctes] at the cain Alt: al Mi IThere are sete pec about these two pending dnpanies Lad Gling was Lweinl cou i. ruey (iene er said features =uits 10 can ar THOMAS TAGGART Why of the peas and tried as where vel the leases in justice oclock at secrecy and to the circuit fully were they brought court at 7 with great pen led they HlUEnOwW "Ss night then tially enurt covered up aud IlLey wore brought to meet exactly such a contingency as this aud to be dragged and used as un ‘defense when necded leases were made March 14 the suits were brought April 11. the hearing was al night, = most Hes procedure and the u the finding of the | justige to cirewit court was made June 13 and all was done so Quietly that few seetiied to know that such aetiom bad been ustituted But the state 3 under obHgatiens to the hotel companions (or those oficial records becanse a Weir cowplaints the hotel! companies se! up ownership to the properties and base their petition ya the ground that the people operat jug the casinos have Leen using them for gambling purposes Here we have the admission of gambling Im all oth er respects the suits for possession are jokes, as | ebaracterized them In court Save Hite oil he ne ual fro “al the GAMBLING AT FRENCH LICK Hearst's Chicage American Relter- safes (harges Against Tagsart CHICAGO. July 7 William R Hearst's (hicago American says that Thomas Taggart's signed statement that Le bas no! telerated gambling in any form at the Freach Lick Springs hotel is looked upeu lu Chicago as a joke “The club at French Lick Springs” sald W H Cu Hearst's juvestigs tor. “that was raided by county offi cinls three dave age is net only on the hotel premises tis built directly between the two mineral springs ‘Plu to’ and ‘Proserpime,’ which the premises valuabie 2s a hote! eshte The clubhouse (8 not more than MW feet from the hotel! Itself Taggart standing upon the veranda of the heoto! saw his guests streaming across the canseway to the roulette aad faro rooms dally on May 1 June 1, 2 and 4 Perscunidy | saw him watching them they came and wept, and | beard men disc losses within his hearing ver but made ne iss thelr Taft to Open Fight at Geeenabhore WASHINGTON July 7 &« Taft is at Oyster Bay. He will deliver 1 specah at the Republican state h ontiog at Greensboro, NN ( on Mon lay which is uxpeeted to de of cou sideralile political Importance and it is probable that he will dis with th president the topics to Le vith in that specch which will pn the opeulng gun of the cangrussivaal cam paign of 1806 retary ries dealt hably be Hallroad Found Guilty of Rehating CHICAGO, July 7 After delibernt ing for several hours the thi Chicago and Alto ev rendered a verdict of gullty (nn the first elglit wants of the edi it Ils is ogni verdict of guilt of the charge of rebating 1s sald thiat he wauld uot impose Blane n til the not for trial had been disposed of jury In 1 allroad rebate « fme to a Tndge Lao vi i new Mes. Thaw Salles For New York LONDON, July 7 Mex, Willam Thaw. mother of Hurry Thaw, who Is now In the Tombs York charged with the murder nfond White, satled for home the Hamburg American line steamer Kalsarin Anguste Victoria, Announee ment of Mrs. Thaw's return was made hy the Earl and Countess of Yarweuth, Kendall New of Sta from Dover on JULY 7, 1906 PANSY STAKES Frank Lerd Favorite, Wary NEW YORK. july 7 Frank lord with Milier up and backed down from IB to 5 ts Pansy the t The favorite start and ops lengths, which finish dowry mot icam Silver a head was offered for 18289 an asulered selling plice the mary $8 and Miler riddle three winners All the entries of liarold Rrown were onlvered refused by the stewards tra Henry Harris WES Sls their case referred to the The #iitry of Bun douvran and trained by the al ram away five miles i [nesiay, is espe Aries Premium, firet; Led All the + 4 ta 5 oe rex] the on i. 5 ijt sviliing =ix furlongs iat Sheepshead Ray took the lead of ted gap of he maintained G Lady, who was p fro Stal to 9 te 2 tank se the stride, beating Mex When Frank [+ be was run uj advance of $1 50 The wept slakes irf the t&%o the ay ed nd up i id wy iu ast ™ to uver bis stabie bid the horse sale “ust thie ers ense of ended au ub who is owned ive and wlhib the ast race refused Nun First Race F [Od Faithful, second. Balicen third Second Race —Tiptoe first Monet, second. Bobemian third Itird Race Frank | Lads ad, Mexicau Silver third Fol Race Yamaguaristy frst; Tom ‘ogan. second. Fail On third Fi fel Race FF: first. Roy fal Hrevze secon! ies t. third Sixth Race -Ouatas Gret. Sir Carre | thers, second. Far West, thind Jim key cial} iret ord, first; Gold rth ¥ untaiubieu | BASEBALL SCORES. Games Viayed Yesterday In the Na- tional and American Leagues. NATIONAL LEAOUR At New York Boston & ¢é140 1-) New York } ss a ¢ 8 ¢ 1-1 Hits ltoston § ork Brrors Hatteries - Dor Wel man TABLE OF Chicas New § 1aburg Pil abute, ‘a it Louis molimat Qrookiym Boston rk AMERIU/ At Bupton Hits - New Yori New York oo 18 oro amd Thomas Becopd game Naw ork Thomas and Mi Juire Olaae and Armlruster | At Philadelphia | Waa! ng Philade n Hite A meh br ropes TL Barve: on Fa kenburg Piaak aii Peweis TABLE OF PERCE won inde pt Phiedeiph and Kier CEL . {ugion. | ge NTAGES V L Naw York leveiand Philadelphia t - [retroit St Loe Washington Boston Sigmend at Latenia. CINCINNATLL Tuly 7 —-8igmund an outsider in the Leotting, wou the free Laoudicap steeplechase over the club house course ut lLatoula Fred Prole meyer was second and Bigunal Light third In the second event Lady Say from: the stable of Wililam CGeret | foll at the far turn breaking Ler neck Jockey OUbwt, wbou had the mount, was slightly injured Oaly two fa- veritos won or Broadcloth Get Dartmenth Stakes. SALEM. N HH luly 7 -At Rocking pain park faverites captured the firet four events aud a strong second choice took she last one The Dartmouth stake= for $1,000 waa the feature race Broadcloth, owned by the Chicago turf mon J A Drake four lengths with Aviston a couple leagths abesd of Incantation for the place woul by Porm Players’ Day at Windsor WINDSOR, Oot, July 7 Foriu play re had a good day «t Windsor, five of fret hollows winning Ozele an sutslder in the second rave after show ing improvement amd early epred and finishing In secoad position, was dis guailed for fouling the even money faverite. 8t Claire Wolff Hroke Wehbd's Record LONDON, July Wolff the well known sw swam frerm Do ug the clghteen aud thirty five d for the same ate Captalu Webb vered It in eight hours Jal Hiner vor to Rawmegnte, cover in six hours the vos ourse. made hy ti n ISTS who oo and a half milos ites min Lreaking Nryan to Toar Hkine LONDON | \ : A Fir has dectded not to leave London on Monday as he had but will remain til) hiarsdny pally to hear Mr Hal nvitation, deliver Linvut in the which Mr f the He will Abas AN ntended pring iane at the iatter’s « speech rete house of « Bryan will Rhine Switzerland and Italy Ko to Wiest Park tuday sador and Mrs Hedd Ue RTiuy miions. after wtart ou his tom with Earl Grey to Fish In Newfoundland JOINS N\ | Tuly Overnor ge fof Canndu here His Ni (#roy arrive siny tel tun political of n for n withont Tauly 20 visit is significance, belng parely «light nature and to salmon gshing. Elaborate preparations are be Img made for his entertainment, this bedmg the first time a governor general of Canada ever sulered Newfoundland. seeing enjoy WANTS RECIPROCITY | Premier f Now Zealand Asked Pre:ident Fo: Treaty. “NOT EASY [0 GET IN THIS COUNTRY" Sir Joseph Ward With Hooses elt After Was Esldently Not Certain of Ohtainiag Wished Luncheon For Trade { ancessions OYSTER Sir Tosept Zealaud (hyster BAY. MN ¥ uiy 7 -When Ward new premier of Ne frou the ag engagement be Ir heart In of a New stepped traiu at Bay President the thing America was the r procity le and the Sir Joseph hours went Kew) witl Hooseveit said nearest! Lis developiuent sentient frat Weel I nited States returned to the Baving fulfil be remarked ~ Heoipr an easy thiug bring about country © Sir Joseph station two je) his SLERKY wity is not in this fates to adliering to rules he has ald down for weeif in his Journey around the world declined 1B discuss the exchange of deus between Bitaself and President Hossevelt “My hearty belaf in statesman of strength he =aid vour president Lreadth Las been most emphatically confirm as a and courage pleasantly and ead From his fr at Oyster Bay ing the the president that subject are ng the New ake in ber turn ink statement on arriving that he intended discuss of reciprocity with ater oemments on interesting an indicat businesslike plan be prop ses Zealand Lie =ald t ready to 1 universal 10 per cent reduction tary to the United States 10 re for a ke concession aud is pre 10 fiaks uct treaty binding ut action nu the part of the New ted par She pow grunts rsd He and the United possibility pared ith val ent this vould thus Ir we w jt i 4 isrent iain lw Rind to do so to this Is ton broad a wition 1 he tes he this reduc fiom On spn .f . h ns tion In Zealand wool i un the United Sintes hased through Eugland Iie Hy gute from the pur the an uany other no Cot IVs shor era chinses Ir ufactur: eh arc of ings and iu w L there is petition What America tain grades of pine lum! tknon and tured goods top desks fron a frown $Nmiam) nnally There Now Zen lumber We nant {roi is Cer ined manufac our roll buy of Amer loom an wl t is of buy all of We to many Kin We vou would be same opposition nd to re