SEAT ROCKERS. Furniture and Undertaking. THE NATIONAL BANK OF SAYRE. Capital $50,000.00 Sarplus - $12,000.00 We solicit your Banking basi- ness, and will pay you three per cent. interest per annum lor money left on Certificate of Deposit or Saviags Acovunt The department of savings is » special featare of this Bank, and all deposits, whether large or small, draw the same rate of interest. KB. B. SAWTELLE, Cashier. 3. B. MURRELLE, Publisher. W. T. CAREY, Editor, Published every afternoon except Sun- day at Maurrelle's Printing Office, Sayre, Subscription, $3.00 per year; 15 cents Advertising rates reasonable, and made known on application. as second-class matter May Entered J 40s, as at Sayre, Pa, a Act of Congress of March §, “All the news that's fit to print’ MONDAY, JULY 2, 1908, BOY WILL RULE ISLAND. MM. E Shearer of Indianapolis. Age! 28, Appointed Guvernor cf Mia way iu the Pacific Ocean. Indianapolis. Ind Lieut Maurice E. Shearer, of this city, Is soon i governor of one of the island pomses sons o) the United States |! Is cot & large possession. and not densely popuinted, but it le rather imporiant as it contains the United States mid way cable station between Honolulu and the Philippines The place is known as Midway island Shearer who is is a second lieutenant corpse, having worked Le 26 years old in the marine ils way u nly p to MAURICE E SHEAKEPR (Young Lieutenant Appointed Luvernar of Midway that position since 1yul, when he en- listed as a private. He wus a Stort ridge high school pupil when war declared between bis Spam, and although he graduate from the ach uit became a member of Lallery A © city After his service with Maurice Shearer went there served as manager tracting company T Lie had seized on him 1} an day bis father received a letter t effect that Maurice had enlist. d private in the marine r in the hope of working mission. In the examination which he obtained ni mu second lieutenas! A large class and he high In an examination a ly taken at the end of a postgraduate Course at Aanapo A few days ag report at Washington informed that he of Midway island He was pl charge of a detall consisting of 2° rines and several officer Fraucisco for Honolulu hizx detail he will He will then go five days’ #a!l from take possession sane) & aa oumntr was read ool Le the battery to Oho ’ ior 8 «vo rt nartial wWever i 0 he as a ps. at Buffalc “ throug! iv » be stood fourth im stood equally he was ordered there an Was NAS have Large i In ma ft San Le and where a » Midway Hono wir ni LO Aa, Neckties on Reels A Was Seventeen $2 It diary i8 ho u fay’ always happ EVETY It is pow shining, and 4 mamma Of Lagdor Erica hair UW CUurss |1¥ & and ! year presented t that an she ha uly nt : IGE up Led to have a ye fer ny I to gis teenth birt ing ix essons t 4 ® 3 K of way I ‘think | (scihetimes ous=in i h ied . vxcepl wit away, be r t tr 3 my J Lie Bat agit er up al al ap ac ixury of te her This m and mi w Of « Ve, vi JUTE hes guiog “now: how perhaps, Mm ILArry ear.y Le questi) AT eucugh as never read The World Kethwick Strange, eves should not dreamer th Nourse He is ju And now sent ers this afternmx my new whi ground all Isu't 1t al shining’ 0p m day is over plait, thick trange [aoif go! wan! | | But lark him stabie bon ties on reels. the way tape ls sold but lustead of having w weke Jhe whole roll a length of te 18 shipped Off for each customer (The advantage Of the reel is that a ee wit Ot the sire collar worn by thé buyer. different lengthy’ had tw be kept In stock, but now thin necks or fat ones, small or larpe. may each be Stted ac curately by cutting a plece off the Just strong Dol! as ag 'o keep a dally happen » = iry things 1 at it on? 1days some IK | TE + from 0-48 June irthday diary | t the sun is | 4 17 just four and| wecurding to what keep haif-past ten | turne AEC Lady and ty everybody at least Mis Cartwright that | aa youug for ip an my skirts 4. hat | ought to oie out aud wait with r tu man 3 ua ar fauchier (especially whet t help grow ine yf home il il KE il fun yet An me nforn a ra Al S ¢ a wolnan sain= the =