The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, June 26, 1906, Image 2

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Furalture and Undertaking.
Oapital $50,000.00
Surplus - $12,000.00
We solicit your Hanking busi-
ness, and wil) pay yon three per
cent. interest per annum for money
left on Certificate of Deposit or
Savings Account.
The department of savings is a
special featare of this Bank, and
all deposita, whether large or
small, draw the same rate of
& CO.
Youth, After Celebration, Retires in
Street— Tells Police He Has
Been Robbed.
ily hanging his coat
f a lamp post at
corner of Six‘v-nianth street and
Vinceunes avenue itting his hat om
top of the light td bdalauciog the
welght of his suspendiug his
Chicago. —Carefu
oa the
Cross arin
atl Oy
News and advertising matter may be
arm. John King =arly
lng, placed
agninst (he
bis shoes in
The snow was failing with great
steadiness but! John had been celebrat
J.B J. H. MURRELLE, Publisher.
W. T. CAREY, Editor.
Published every afternoon except San-
day ss Marrsie's Printing Office, Sayre,
Subcripion, $8.00 por rer 15 cents
IP ising rates resscuable, sod made
known on spplication.
Batered 3a secood class matter May
10,1 at at Sayre,
or oF To
“All the news that's fit to print"
TU ESDAY, Ju NE 24, 1908
The baggagemen along the line
of the Lehigh Valley are cautioned
to be on the lookout for a tall
woman, with muscles like iron and
a hand like a Wived man One zay
last week she was at a stationydown
the line watching the baggagemen
loading the trunks. The train was
about ready to start and one of the
station employes told her that she
had better get aboard if she intend.
ed to go on that train. “I'm
watching them put my trunk on
board,” she said. “If they smash
that trunk I'll smash the man’s face
who does it into jelly” The man
who was handling the trunk heard
the remark, and taking in the
womaa at a glance, he handled the
trunk exceedingly careful. After
she saw that her trunk was on
board the train all night she
grabbed the handles and stepped
onto the platform, glaring savagely
at the discomfited baggageman
F. H. Fitch has purchased the
Personius photograph gallery in
Waverly and has enlisted the serv-
ices of E. C Jourdan to canvass
the valley for the sale of coupons
Mr. Fitch is an expert photogra
pher, his plan of doing business 1s
all nghtand he undoubtedly will
do a profitable business. See hus
announcement elsewhere in this
Pacific Coast and Colorado Ex.
The Lehigh Valley Railroad announces
special farvs daring the season to the
West from Sayre as follows
Colorado $41.80 round trip
be sold Jaly 11th to 10th
turn anti August 24th
Oregon, Washington
ish Columbia, $79.25 round trip
to be sold Juae 17th, inclasive,
to return within 00 days
San Francisoo and Lom Angeles £80 25
round trip. Tickets to be sold June 24
to July 8th, inclusive Limited to re
turn Sept. 15th
tick~ts to
Groaxl to re
states. and Heit
tion with reference to stop o
ages, side trips, «te
vor privat
Week-End Outings
ing bis niceteenth birthday, and he
didnt care After a dreamnless sieep,
asting for some hours, he awoke, and
mpressiol that be had Deen
be Eugiewood po
the rest of
robbed, rushed «
lice slativn and disturbed
vallant puilcelnien
He is an espedially Ino
IDE yuulg man, and when he eltered
the station the desk sergeant diusbed
| have been rubbed, sald Joho, and
the sergeant asked him whers
Sixty-cinth street! and Vincennes
avenue, came the reply and with a
squad of police the sergeant dashed W
the scene
As the policemen neared the corner
they separated and surrounded the
lamp post. Stealthily they approached
ft, and at a wurd given Ly the sergeant
closed In There swinging gayly In
the breeze were (he lathe The
were eovered with snow and in the
fitful glare of the lamp the looked
ilke a second-hand othing
The sergeant after cullecting the
clothes locked at King must
have got cut the wrung side of bed,
he sald, and the auger of Lis fellow po
ilcemen faded away before Lis jovial
John them oonfessed that he had
been out for a good time with a Dud
ber of friends, and wust have thought
be wus at home when De attempted W
retire The manoer Ino which his ward-
robe was dlsposed of on the amp
post gave evidence of the greatest care
and sollcitude io its protection A
wet, SOggy #put In the suow In the
gutter showing the outiines of a hu-
man form gave powerfu! clreumsian-
tial evidence that Johu had retired
there for Lhe night
wel appear
Woman Prepared for Burial Awakes
from Trance and BScreaimns—
Wil Recover
La Crosse, Wis — [0 be pronounced
dead, prepared fur burial, and placed la
a io and realise thu! the funers) was
only a few hours away Les Leen the ox-
perience of Mrs W. B. Sherwood, 25
years old lu the early hours of the day
f the funeral Ife suddenly came Lack
to Mrs Sherwood She sat up lu Ler
cufin and screamed
lo an adjoluing rol (wo women
friends were keeping a death walch
They beard the woman who was sup
posed to Le dead try to scratuble out of
her coffin and scream One of the woln-
en. Mrs A Clark, went {into hysterics
The other womal, screaming, swoke
| the household Mrs Sherwood was
found sitting up in the coMo fully con
yus but too weak to nove Later
becatne delirious, but physicians ab-
nounced on the road 10 recovery
Mrs Sherwood, who is fe of a
merchant at Mahe Mion, was taken 1
with poeumonls more than a week ago,
{ apparently died
| scl she
lie |
the w
kank rapidly
The woman declares she con-
of all that was going oo around
ve a muscle
her but unable to me
30th to September 30th, the
ley Railroad will sll excursion tickets
locally in New York state at low fares,
whieh will provide over Sanday outings
at 3 minimum cost for railroad fares,
This arrangement applies geperally to
points in New York state cast of Geneva
Ask Lehigh ticket ageots for full par-
ticulars. $0-¢f
$3.10 to Auburn and Return,
account Old Home Week, Auburn, N, Y.,
June 34-20, 1908. Tickets wil! be sold
on all trains except the Black Diamood |
Express Jone 34
until Juoe 30th
Sand Well
A curious we!
sand, Instead of I'his sand
COs UDP in a ike a foun
tain The force which drives it to
the surface from a depth of 100 fee!
bas not yet been ered
in Can
ada produces
Hone stream
The Resemblance
“A wild goose has really some reason
0 be classed In ocoursge with the
“Ia what respect”™
“It is sure Ww die game. “—Baltimers
After 11 o'clock noon call the main
office at Sayre, Valley ‘phone 128X
W. E. Turoey was in Elmira
A B Baldwin
this morning
went to Elmira
Judge Fanming of Towanda was
in Waverly today
———— er
afternoon in Owego
Anna Tilden spent this
F.IL. Howard, Eq,
New York city last might
Vought of Trent, O is
visiting friends in Waverly
went to
A ——
G. Leal Genung
New York City this evening
will leave for
Mrs. Irwin Sweet of Yo der street
1s visiting friends at Haz'eton
F. A Gibbs of Litchfi=ld was in |
town on business yesterday after- |
The Odd Fellows of Waverly
will hold a fair dunng the week of |
September | |
Mrs. W. H Kelsey went to
Corning this marning to visit her
sister in-law, Mrs Qansey,
The Philathea class of the Baip- |
tist Sunday school will give an ice |
cream social tomorrow might
W. B. McPherson, who lived on |
Chemung street, has moved to
Bradford street, South Waverly
for Genesee, La, after visting his
family in Waverly for the past ten |
Swain will leave tomorrow
Mrs E H Northrop was called |
to Ithaca this morning by the |
death of her sister's husband, Guy |
Miss Elizabeth Denslow res |
turned from Wyoming seminary |
last evening, where she attended
— vo nee
hamton to attend the graduating
exercises at St Joseph's convent,
where his sister Lena graduated. |
—— i
Dr, W. H Baird was in Waverly |
this mormng and last evening
He expects to respme his practice
here as eye specialist this autumn
Joseph, the infint son of Thomas
Fast died
early last Monday morning The
remains were taken in charge by
W. C Farley
Senclly of Waverly
Sr ———
The Ladies’ Literary society of
came to Waverly this
their annual outing |
and picnic They wisited the hi
brary of Captain C. L. Albertson
Miss Martha C
( wego
morning on
LLum went to
today to attend the)
State convention of the S. of V.|
She will leave July sth for an ex-
tended trip through the west and
will visit California and Yellow. |
stone National park.
F A. Bell, G D Genung, Wm |
Simmers and ] W Clark attended |
the centennial anniversary of |
lodge F A M. at
present and
to the
Owego last night
state officers
35 Masons
sat down
bai q ict
Waverly-—Ray Mclwen, C. W.
Morgan, Lewis Howells, Wm. A
Persomus and H I= Gregory have
gone to Rochester to attend the
S. of V. convention of the departs
ment of the state of New York,
and which will convene nearly all
this week. A number of others,
including comrades Kronk, Legg,
Shearer, Fish, Perkins, Quick and
Harry Morgan will go tomorrow.
Wi A. Personius of the Waverly |
camp is a candidate for state com-
mander, and it is expected that|W
there will bz hard contest for that
Waverly—A young man came
over from Owego last Sunday and
accompanied by a Waverly young
lady started for a walk through the
green pastures and sylvan glades
They had proceed a short distance
when they came across a number
of very pretty kittens, and after
admiring them for a time the
young man, in a spyit of fun,
picked cne of them up and tossed
it against his companion. Almost
instantly the air was filled with an
overpowering stench, and that
small skunk simply saturated the
surrounding terntory, including
both young people. They returned
in great haste, gave all they met a
wide berth, and put in the rest of
the day bathing themselves most
industnously. It seems that a few
lessons nm natural history would
not be a bad thing for the youth of
Waverly—State Inspsctor of
in com-
pany with C O. Hoagland drove
ver the town highways yesterday
Chamberlain found much to
condition and in many places were
{almost as good as macadam, and
that they surpassed nearly every-
| thing that he had hitherto inspect-
— A ———
Waverly-— Some one turned in a
false alarm yesterday afternoon. It
was thought by many to be part of
the test made yesterday, but it was
The firemen got out their
“implements of deluge” and ran in
the direction of the box from which
the alarm came, but failed to find
any fire. Someone evidently
[turned it in to give the firemen ex-
Ww werleAn eiplove of the
Lehigh Valley hotel nimed Ben:
nett and a man named Mosley had
{a fight last night that drew a large
crowd and created much excite-
ment Mosley had been bothering
Bennett for some time and at
length bore on so har8 that he
gave Mosely a good trouncing,
which he nchly deserved.
Waverly —The funeral of Asaph
Larnard, who died last Saturday
night, took place at 10 o'clock
this morning from his late home
on Lincoln street. The Rev. G. A.
Briggs conducted the service and
the remains were buned at Forest
Home cemetery.
i not.
Want ads inserted by persons
not having a ledger account with
The Record must be paid for when
printed. We positively
cannot charge want ads indiscrim-
inately—the expense of bookkeep-
ling and collecting is entirely out
| of proportion to the amount involv
ed in the transaction,
Beautiful Lake Keuka
Keuka is justly entitled to the reputa-
tion it bears, that of being the most
beautiful lake in New York state.
Ita shores are lined with countless cozy
cure cottages, find excellent accommo-
dations at the several large hotels at
Grove Springs, Keoka and Gibsons. If
you enjoy fishing, no other place offers
greater attraction, the lake having been
annually stocked for several years with
of trout, black bass,
pike and pickerel from the State Fish
Hatchery, located bot five miles from
Hammondsport at the head of the lake.
The season is now open and excellent
catches are daily reported. Keuka Lake
ie reached vig Erie Railroad, whose
agents will gidily furnish information
regarding trains, rates, ete. A beautiful
illustrated booklet will be mailed on
Seaside, Lake, Mountain Resorts
When considering your vacation trip
remember that the Krie has excursion
tickets on male at reduced rates to all
attractive resorts. Our excellent train
service will increase the pleasure of
our trip. All desired information will
Eh Erie ticket agents, or J. H.
vision Agent, Elmira, N.
Read The Record,
Saddles from 50c up.
from 10c up. Coaster
FOR 1906.
Tires from $1 50 up.
Brakes from $4.00 up.
Broad Street.
Every boy wants a
a doll carriage.
Four siz=s, 25to S0c.
made of hard wood,
carts to sell at $2.00.
use on a farm.
$1.25 to Shahola Glen or Port Jer-
Vis and return Sunday, July ISth Bee
later dates for time of special train.
Erie Rallroad Co. will sell excur-
slon tickets to Klmira and return
Wednesday, July 4, at 50 cents for
round trip Good only on train 25 go
ing and retarning on train 24
75¢c to Binghamton and return,
Sunday, July Ist, and each alternate
Suopday thereafter. Tickets good leav-
ing Waverly at 7:52 aod 10:38 a. m. 2%
$6.75,t0 New York City and return
on Thursday July 19h. Tickets good on
all trains oa that day and to return in
15 days. 17-taw
$1.25 to Keuka Lake and retarn
Wednesday, July 4th. Good day of date
only. Twoday tickets, $1.75. taw
Sixth annual Eastern Star excursion
aud basket picnic to Eldridge Park,
Tuesday. July 17th. Round trip, adults
bie, children Ihe. Special train will
leave Waverly via the Erie at 0:15a.
turn. $42.65 to St Paul or Duluth,
Minn. and return. Good to Oct 3ist
for return trip.
principal points throagh the entire west |
on sale at greatly reduced rates. 13-taw
$3.00 to Niagara Falls and return.
“Daylight Special” will leave Waverly
at about 7:30 a. m., Wednesday, July |
4th is the date. Keep itin sight. 36
Ticket Agent, J. W, Clark.
Administrator's Notice
Letters of administration on the es-
tate of John VanBuskirk, deceased. late
of the Borough of Sayre, Bradford Coun-
signed, notes is hereby given that all
persons indebted to said estate are re-
quested to make immediate payment,
and all persons having claims against it
must present then duly autheaticated
for settlement. Filliam Ingersoll,
Sayre, Pa, May 21, '08 Administrator. |
Bw E. M. Denton, Attorney.
Executor's Notice
Letters testamentary on the es.
tate of James Merrill, docrased, late of
KBayvre borough, Bradford county, Pa,
having been granted the andersigned,
notice is hereby given that all persons
indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and all per-
sons haviog claims against it must pre-
seat them duly anthenticated for settle-
May 29, 1908, Executors
Lockhart Rtreet, Sayre. Pa
Political Announcements
The undersigned announces himself a
CADRE Tr of Jury
Commissioner, subject to the rules of
Democratic party of [Bradford county.
Tn Poy Marsh 5, 1900. .
cart and every girl
We have both
Each is
Of our wyoden carts
lead. It is
with buckboird bot-
has a
Just the thing for
P20 %
Authorizing a contract
into on the part of the Borough of South |
Waverly, County of Bradfond and State
of Peansylvania, with the Waverly Rlec-
tric Light and Power Company of the
Village of Waverly, County of Tioga and
Stats of New York, and authorizing and
empowering the Hargess to sign the
necessary contract on the part of the
Borough of South Wave rly.
Be it ordained by the Town Council
of the Borough of South Waverly, and it
is hereby ordained by the authority of
the same
Section 1. That the Borough of South
Waverly enter into a contract with the
Waverly Electric Light and Power Com-
pany for and daring the term of five
years from the first day of April, 1908,
for 8% Awp. or 1200 nominal candle
power arc lamps, at the price of $66 per
annum. Said lights to be kept lighted
every night until one o'clock a m., aud
32 incandescent lamps to be lighted
every night until one o'clock a. m., at
$20 per annam for each and every light.
Section 2. The Burgess of the Bor-
ough of South Waverly is hereby au.
thorized and empowered to sign the nec
essary contract with the sald Waverly
Electric Light and Power Company for
the period of five years, dating from
becomes effective,
The foregoing ordinance was daly
ass~d at a regular mesting of the Bor-
| D Connell of the Borough of South
| Waverly, Pa, June 5, 1508.
| Attest President of Council.
T. M. WALSH, Secretary.
Carpenter and Builder.
| 17 Pleasant St. Waverly, N. Y.
Painter, Decorator and Paperhanger.
First-class work done promptly at rea-
sonable pricea.
120 Spruce St., Athena, Pa,
|B New and Up-to-Date. Fired
Sa 30k UP 20 utes
| Thomas Ave, Opposite L. V. Station,
Attorneys and Counselors.
M. P. A. Block, Sayre, Ps. May- tical
Remove dead horses and cattle at short
notice. All orders will receive
attention. Remove stock 8 miles d
tant from Athens, Sayre and Waverly.
Hides must be on carcasses; remove free
of charge. | am prepared to do the bus-
ineas, have ambulance to haul the stock;
also buy hides, skins, tallow and booes,
pay market prices. Call Bell telephone
No. 633, SAYRE, PA.
Gold Signet Pin last night between
Pean'a. avenue on Hroad street, and
| Bradford street, South Waverly. Finder
| plrase leave at Alice Devlin's millloery
store. 10
A package containing baby Irish in-
sertion and ribbons, between Miss Rath-
bun's studio, Fulton street, and lower
Broad street, Waverly. Finder please
leave at Gregg's Racket Store,
Women to assist cook, steady Ponivion,
good wages. Apply at The
Waverly 416+
For Rent
Six room flat, corner Walnut and Main
streets, Athens. City water and gas,
Gas range furnished, Call 122 Maple
street, Athens 4148
{ Two small offices, one room with bath,
saitable for gentleman. Inquire H. R.
Talmadge. bp 2d
Seven room house on Lewis street.
Fred J. Taylor, 40-¢
For reat, office rooms in the Wheelock
Bloek. We
| oe c——
Two offices for rent In the Raney 8
| Page block. 114-
For Sale
First class business block in Sayre
borough. Terms reasonable. Inquire at
The Record office, Sayre, Pa 42-12
Several houses and lots for sale in de-
sirable locations in town. Terms to
|suit purchasers. Inquire of W. G.
| Scheie, Maynard Block, Athens. 391
Advertise in The Record
Attorneys and Counselors
at Law.
Valley Phone 180-A. Sayre.
Office Maney & Page Bloek,
Rooms formerly occupied by the
late John R. Murray,
Office hours: —9 to 10 a. m.; 6:30
to 8 p,m. Atother times during
day at Valley Record office.
any part of Sayre, Athens and Narant,
and all kinds of team work
| promptly. Livery attached.
| 207 N. Lehigh Ave. Valley Phone 308x
Contractor and Builder
Plans and Eetimates Furnished.
210 Miller St Rayra. Pa
When you want a cement side-
walk laid in a first-class, durable
manner, call on Simeon Davis. You
ill get the heustt of of ours of
0 ind, San De, divs,
aig noms