The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, June 19, 1906, Image 1

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ea] were taken was bslescribably sick
ening When the correspandent arrived |
* a Horrors of Tews Massacre | there the grussplot outside the Lospital | House Corsmtttes Meets Hie Kean, Enihaper, Captiired at! John MP
was covered with mutilated and wan i*tison’s Summons |
: Revealed by Correspondent, glad corpses. arrsugwl in two long | Views on Beef Inspection. Pistol's Point. t .dden at End. p
—— rows, Awaiting burial The woolen {
There is as much difference, in | poy) WILL RESIST (ZAK'S ORDER | Th, fo the ste to toe door ver | copy ypyjpy cLatst ELIMINATED | 4 Ww = ein)
Be tir o al = tere is 1 which the bodiex wer ariel. wan A WRETCH DESPERATE FOR WONEY] FRIENDS LOAD oR WIS RECOVERY) |. nr
esto a |
between white and yellow SUGAL. | Hebrews to Number of 290 Murdered | pavement of the roadway was spatter | All Roosevelt Ssguestions to Me Fm. Little Boy ‘ 3 3 {and summer needs of all sorte sre
’ ranaacie usiness of Sate ast |
We sell nothing but the celebrated and Muillated, Some Beyoud Ree- ed with it bodied In Amended Hill-House Imprisoned Six Days Is Vacant | 1n demand Wa have heen work ng
Before Death—lived buture Life of
: ognition — Wasnton Hutchery [hie dead and wounded were still ar Adjour Gut of Rt <t § | . fhard in the interes
Found Inharmed Was
Words (annet Describe. ying the late BH. KE Lester Threatened With Heath. Beckers Sinise | for several weeks past and have
cite. We also sell Bituminous aad | o pprppsBURG, Jue 19 The 1 WASHINGTON June 1 The honse] p ; tenece~ded in securing many special
three days Only the ver | PHILADELPHIA, June 1%--Fred-| CINCINNATI J ‘ot 3 pect
Loyalsock coal and all kinds of | leaders of the douma Lave decided in Sen Ung ly cont at agricul thorized | die Mut | C1 i ‘| ML bargain lots in fashionable and
woundel were taken the seveu sear old sou of iy
autouched 1g the street
© iu Lil u
He Lad passed resid g ad . LH mey [waving prices A few of the
an cravity of the national crisis : five ” of asl y Visi thie t
bl the § 4 were frightfully bru i ot a bie : hed ai 3 : i Aventis, who was kidoaped last
{Got to enferiain any message from the |
: i bemlies had alread ee] 11s i HE i ub ploviaiol u of tie =e was discovered | :
Our specialty “ prompt CIVICE | 11, one for the proregatiou of the dou - a : tira t v the x i ¢
3 tad Heeq no. rencri at ri lots are mentioned below. Others
burial but tl Po tal att x i 4 i wife tiel sud iu oa iat ho ‘ - i 11 0rar 3 Fig .
snd the lowest market price, fma This decision will Le presented to i ) . : y ’ a st) : ent BR velit - . thie : + : ; : : News fr sis hie we : in different ines will be announced
the dou in the form of a resolution aL , : : (1 - : tted to 1 : ; : slcders favoral from LUme © Lme as they arrive.
fi Lt lo awd that mat ire t if vial estate dealer bol . : . ’
aud unquestionably will be a pied % . eu y Speaker i { r A s 3 :? : : : 8 ie i Meanw ie our advice is watch
J. Ww. BISHOP 1 IL | reniained iu the © ts of Blaly pea ; irged ith being his kidosper. | _, | a3 ars rig Globe Wareh ads” if t
tual gsuanluity Hedis i [is = # ‘ y . I i iohe £3il
¥ with virtua ALLY va where it was stil unsafe for the Kel ewinenl] Kean was tured after a chase U) : 1s¢ ads II you wan
of the leaders was taken in anticipa- |
| dust before the death of the governor it)a best for least mone
. Cruss detachments to venture Heewen Bale, € rk and i ft : ye
103 Lehigh Ave, Lockhart Bldg. tion of the possibility of an imperial : u : ah 8B Cou se le ‘ Le goveruo
: At the Dis t hospital there were mmitice was arrived at at the } halls Bale fired several shots after
message Axing a tie [or closure | x
i r fart fan Ng Ke tanLon etifs tha Beals . ii i { ei that |} shie
Both Phones. A rt an 24 - six dead persons and eight or ten , ¢ : : 8 | { IX mag 5 > al {1 busi His pr .
I Yas uf Ref NEcHiey [0 wet Vu he iw vunded These were all Christians fa 3 : thete. The Lill autho Fo Mrs J Wilsoa of 434 Horton | ec Telar ot also test ne dy pecid
report of the parliaiuentary coluinis These bodies were hot mangle] r Ing % sLinuaj & FOL = § | street. whose ! se backs ay directly
lai : Fact : . : 3 : > jen] to ! wul condition, explaiunic
WOOD woOOn wOoOD Bion. bes 1 uy Deputy Tac wpkia, tilated as was the case with the Jews 3 a het r ast Laut #3] against the North Sixty second street b ng
new taking evidence at Bialystok, and that h ind recently goue over much A No 40, all silk ribbon, 18 ches
twee President Housevelt and th | Special Pe
whose hands, arms and legs were Hivyiy ise, belougs We credit of notifying
to require the punishment of the per business with Lim at 10c the yard We offer on W
sometimes chopped off frow were wan | 9° #4 Salient to wu a aly 4 the police of the boy's pressuce iu the ' A y : . \ .
NATIONAL wots ‘gelity: of We gasuticrs Without touness M HeieLc) i the awouu tila ble ir | he se : Ce & hus ne 2 ue of PON or Lu! nesday Nos. 40, 60 and 80, all silk
to t i 3 Nol | Livsique rovernor Pattisg altered | Tama .
reference fo the repert of the minister | “pp TL 0 Lil pot entirely | is we suggested | wil Ihe boy looked weil, but was dirty ” sd E verasy k ol jos * el I'affeta Ribbons in all colors for one
BANK of te intaeiop trungull. A recrudescence of the truu | | H 5 ' wel ied unkempt When the police entered day only, Wednesday, 10c.
t edabuti . int b : : : ‘3 rE : 8 weakeued condition, the strain of the
A resolution bas beeu adopted by |, impossible. The strects are | 48d later urged ! teside i the Louse they found the boy layiug on 4
t on “ut - W ' . % nat ’ jreiifioal campaign baviug so woru on
OF SAYRE 160 Jehor o gy Dustin Rot filled with Cossacks and lufantry Lhe urt reviey Pw 4 the Boor with Lis bead ou Gis school Lit that trig . tt ith wi iy : al *
* QuUun: r i s we colt a te : jit: that a . he 80 a ake
presentation to e ima reafliricing Serlous disorders bave broken out bg utaiimed in the ea i &< books. which Le had with bim the day : wa S ial for the W
the reselutiou adopted! at the laber toh weets the suggestion o 'o in November aud December lu the Lope pec ook
: among the sallors at Cronstadt Two pies | he was taken from scliool He seanied :
eho to ‘eri - i of regain heaitd After the election . 20
CAPITAL aud peasant Jd pousition b In ck brigades of artillery and a tegient of lent to the police to bave been “doped a “. ye ha oe ¢ Sh ’ 1.000 yards of India Line .
i 3 Rg 1§ = = ie " # io Soveuibwe WHS 87 i 3 J
ue Finland declating that . ye infantry have been dispatched from Iliese cLhatges made, We president With Keau he was put iu a patrol |, Tort I d that be wasi, Spe inl 121¢ n
SURPLUS ’ . Would Gat BeBor We second pertiep o here to the fortress indicated his entire satisfaction with wagon aud burried to the city hall for 2% Rr
’ When Le returned from a sojouru of y
the foreign 'oan recently raised ou the LL the weasure which was report
ground that the louu is payalie by a several weeks Le south he was o
the cowmittee as a substitute for Wel Driven by the commission of a 2 ed:
GENERAL BANKING goveriinent which the repressufatives BAILED THROUGH STORM, Beveridge sien tment . ? oa weak, and Lis part of the lnauguration irtings
paratively small offense !c the helnous
of the nation Lave repudiated and that Dr. Thomas and Lives hand Safely
3 : n i elfvinianie 1S (HT Tien tit with ars
en ' There Is to be no date on the label] crime of child stealing. Kean occuples N : Ta his W : n" :
THREE PERCENT INTEREST |(Be goverment is using [t exclusively From Alrehip at New Berlin f the packing of meat food products | 4 cell in the owutral police station wity | 2 Bites covering in Le Beautiful 34 in. double fold Dress
nat! » ; Ut e Die=ident als ie Coil ravicy x stand tl ie might Ix re . J = :
to resist woe will of the natiou. It Ia | “pw RERLIN, N.Y. June 19.—Dr | IB this the president yiokis to the com- | lite , imprisonment staring bim Iu the] TV" : olf Vro Goods (greys of course.) 19¢.
Paid on Time Deposits. expected tliat President Muromtzeff Juliau P. Thotas aud Charles Levee | Wiittee. lle language which gives in | rae Replete with dramatic locident tected from the stortuy January wath 1 W. 3 9H
~ Pa 4 hot I : Jak , , Reg tic laclilents ie rot | ewel ona 34 in. Wool Skirtings, 29¢.
will refuse to Present this reclutios he Freoch aerouaut. who made au as | SPectors the right to outer the packing | from” its inception, the climax of the a : '
Lau 0 mR rou i pi chim of t 3 r :
A message frei a néwspaper corre vusion fro New York at © 40 in the phints at all times is an plified by the stnluction was seusational to a degree 8 > ~ : tfides that has o4 in Lireys, light and medium,
J DIRECTORS. spondent at Bialystok says evening, lauded safely hear South | Words “whether the same be iu opera he kKiduaier Was taken at Um point roar t curation of auy worth 75c Sale price 59¢c.
RP. Wider, J. N. Weaver, “1 persouslly counted 2% Jewish | oe ; tion or not » 3: : thio gover
ew Berlin at & o'clock in the morn f a pistol ouly after jad Lee 5412 Wool Skirtn }
W. A. Wiibar, J. W. Bishop, corpses, a great number of which were . g b J ot ba 1 a closed cart ‘ a. Wool Skirting, six patterns,
1 . as tuken to
ng. having been im fight 18 hours 15 It is stuted that not ail of the presi | hred upon aud wt b lized thu wal )
J. . Wheelock. W T.Goodnow. |ugrriniy mutilated Ouly six Chris ie yl E ) £ Statin ak cash Tl be ares ind pon aud whea he ee ted that : a ¥e 4 wv nicht and |all new shadow plaids, the advance
mit Th fm thle a
O.L.Mewerty, Seward Baldwin, F.T.Page. |, ;y were killed snd eight worinded "Dr Thotnas sent this telegram to his | the Wishes af the committee are con pe cy . tt "rt Den en yb row which be | 7168 of the Fall season, worth $1.
oln 0 i ss Teas f tilt 5 % » 1
R. J. Page, Cashier “The outrage was provoked “The po wifs plied with The discussion made it | he gth oY 1's 5 tiered ’ fe short | Special 7 5¢
tha! Le need ou
Hee participated In It, and the troops AL «d 1 oy 1 ou a
Lauded safely here Levee aud wy | Palo there was no oblection to elimi F the 4 f the kid 1 . pp
a ade fel 1 3 So : ; A z rome the day o « kidnaping until : al ¢ } ' 4
D CLAREY COAL C0 actively supported the Flaters The lo seif apd balloon ail right WI returs mating the court w provisiou, as the arrest! vesterday afternoon Kean : : . ) : : . *
® e [cal autberities bad a bowbh threwu at |, 4 ce over West Shore rall | *uggested by the lant; also that] p.¢ kept the child oor Tic 3 ro 0 air pecid
‘ . Wu three wacaut " ' i
the Corpus (hiristi procession and then |, 1 Ay we started to land we cawe | Bis wishes that ol HI merviee coll | houses tu West Fliladelphia a B
} >
i Teil | fear of mab violence
aocused the Jews of delng It uiission will
down in a severe electrical storm, and furuis an uipedy be is married aud bh ‘ d : ' od ) '
. Lehigh Valley Coal “The mil'tary authorities new have |. ’ ob v : complied with Ther opposition to Reus 18 Siri A5ef tas 4 wits andl, i “Tut I traus J8 in Cream Mohair, makes a
we thought we would Lave trouble a= ohil - " A — . L
HARD AND SOFT WOOD [sempiste control Tue govarsor gener | hy ‘wind was blowiog hard Our bas | PICIIE the date of wantacture on the | ered, “Sith fo ies at 48 Merton Br c Jute Suunessibeautifol suismer sult, 35¢.
al has left the city. Persons who tried | Loi ought in a tall tree, but we man | /4bel and to tnsert'ug the words “tu ceutly besa in nancial trouble yen warn Mi Lis bed 44 1n. White Sicilian, will wash
te leave Bialystok were killed at the uged to get Ler down without damage | the Judgiuent of the secretary of agri Koss i» sald to be the agent for the Several times 1 wo far re and look like new, worth 65c. Spec-
Best Quality & Prompt Delivery raliroad station. and others who suc At times we were 8000 fee! from the culture thus waking the secretary tailding whare the boy was found al {0c
o teed Ig reaching the open feids 3a earth and 1 Lelleve we covered about | he Ausl suthority regarding the meus
side the town were run down by dra
covered that ‘ ‘ rance at
K ¢ 1 the exe tive « = avd for at
Ba Te c oun for sevoural days past Las Leen altost au) time, Lut the weather con
r h 7) O wiles Th : : seen tv carry breid and milk into the | {
—— goons hore seeman to be ne hope o The seronsuts suffered no lacenven There was sowe criticlsin by wer |W by neighbors. This arn
phe tats wud hit wesesat woe ter IOUT Batistes
aroused UR 1 bade the taklog o y ris Q
Bradived Street Yard Phone, 135d jteppiag the attacks. The number of [,,,cq they declared. eveu though they | Vrs of the comu ittee us to the method | 100 "but Kean suid be was taming] C407 thet lag of hoy! ks su that le
. ~ i bh p sot ¢ = f closed fe tis hot
Offiee 3% Raymond & Haupt's 8tore, Sayre ~ictims is ia dwsed through a severe wlectrical [10 be employwd In handling the mens | 0 0 007 Ll that Ge had lu the] Was wept oly HEE
bp $4 . - ¢ Dla
“While ha BY ool for immediate as storm ure, as no Kepublican wembers who Bouse Jehu M Pattiso «iri ln Clermont A table full f 12 iC ang
P ; resented s LO ‘ell ott lune 13 INIT, reta tifully p
sistance is being written we Lear about Enough supplies of ga clothing and | resented n ty views nor any Deu Tue prisoner was conveed to the] 2°70 0, on Ju ued illy printed mate,
voll ! 1 ’ > oral meuthers of the counties are Lig Lone there during Lis eatire life week, llc. =~
ILBER . wend S¢ Yelleye food. were wlken along wo keep Dp | ui Ay 1 raft "| oity hall for sxamiuation and arraign For the lust fifteen Years he has been
. } « { 3 pp i o o last f i cars h as Leg
’ I'he embargo om news from Hialy Thomas and Lessee comfortable fer at ave anviliug to do with redraflting ett. The Aotectives sav '
they Lave 3
» ’ th “tit » president of the Usiou Central Life
stok was lifted, and for the frst time | j.,0 twenty four Lours They imte i* substitute evidence that Kean is demeuted and] |. , :
i ’ : { wv . fon m ‘ : : 4 lusura coll t i Yells tic
Wholesaler of SuErswposdvam were allowed to tele |. 4 1, sail until it became nbsolutels The : “ irhed |iacq ately stoic the aliid iu the belief that his oo A be hie Ton " bio Just Another Word
re Kee ¥ . pou the mt incege if 1 leath « Fader Iu nu re v1
Wines, Beer and Ales. graph directly from the sacked City a uecessary to cote to carth again g ) hy 49 va) n ie dea » parents were wealthy aud would pay i
pleture of the scene of ruin and desola The last seen of the balleon uatil the | Hepresentative Huofus HB Lester of 8 large ransom for Lis retur:
u ' I Know y
tion left In the wake of the mob. Fu- | | udiug was at ~ 48 oclock at wight | ‘Frais Before the auuounceuient the " ance of the Sabbath His position on know how very wD
[he ind, so far as can be lparned, Ia Ww A
OUR SPECIALTIES uerals are ln progress almost the whole | frarry W. Wood, principal of Public £ Iturwl appropriation bill was " : this subject wax well Kuown when he hite goods are this year.
} rut th mn practically nnharned remoctat a below a few up-to-date fab
LEMGH CLUB WHISKEY, DOTTER. time. aud the atinospbere is so super School No 1 at Little Falls, N J bad oe : 10 the committe 1B onde Not simoe the ubduction of Charlie $908 :the Deidocra RoriNe Lion for goy back be ts “ ics 39
charged that a slight evumt may suf that tie meat inspection amendment ernor oue year ago and it was because | DACK IUMDbeErs among them.
ust alighted from a Lackawanna rail Ross has the community heen .
WEICH BEER AND ALES, NOR- foe to precipitate a renewal of street |... 4 (raiu at that place wheu Le saw ight be further amvuded . a add eel 80] of this that the Autisaloon league French Organdie, very sheer, 15¢.
Wrought up by {Le commission of a tim its support. He was a life | 48 in. Persian Lawn, 20.
WICH BREWING ws ALES B2ujiag. The streets are Literally pack + balloon heveriuy overhead about 2u criminal act Tte newuspn gave +b byort !
. . 1 - i ii ‘ < ¢ pers 0 Wr Z nm lw of th th wl} Dis
ed with horse. foot and artillery to put |r ot from the ground Mr Weod mays RIGHT IN THE HOUSE der 10 ald the police In tracing the kid our mew! e Me list Ej 48 in. Persian Law n, 25¢.
down any further rioting that Dr Thomas was leauiug over the A copa! church and was a& trustee as well 48 in. Persi I 3
P . i » om t { | ' : 1 ersian Lawn, « 5¢.
209 Packer Avenue, SAYRE, PA Be SOrrible detadly save buen svat | 52 Dr. Thomas Was lensing over Del, |, oe commune Shy or] PAPO Wore compeitad to pubiab toi] 13 n “SPirgns of The Obs Wenlyos a
leading storie for th \ r ; 48 in. French L 30¢, 35
POTH "PHONES, out by a correspoudent, who says othiiunicate with some che oh laud (hicago ( aaned Beef ro wh D ried i $ iron oF miversity Be Ho ¢ awn, ’ bc, 40¢,
— T “Werds fall to describe the awful Mr Wood shouted to him aud asked LONDON, June 1¢ -Clicage meat] : 3 4 gue x Audrew Lintner Harris, Republican} "0 “1%
letters which the kidnaper wrote to \ he no De { 20¢, 2
Renting, Hutates Managed Collectin facts. The faces of the dead at the | Liv whut was wanted aud be says | (vr ' . f several question ra as oe ” > my leuteuant goverwor uuder the coust! Ww eno De Ameri jue, 20¢, 25¢, 280,
~ |bospitals bave lost all human sem that Dr Thomas in reply requested | '0 hv house uf mous. Mr. Hicks I bis Aetoanis "ote Bot at Ro or tution becoles goverho luring the ie
E E. Re olds blance, and the corpses simply are | nip, to telephone Dr. Thomas Cowan | Bench Couservati-e sun of the former | Sean 3 Noe 2a > t rest of the term for which Pattisea Dotted Mulls, 121¢, 1c, 20c, 25¢.
. ynolds, a toi
! \ th . manded the police cla
crushed masses of flesh and bone, soak. | of New York und tell hit that the bal han elior of the axchoquer, asked War 8 Hctitions tale abou! the Alsarpesr Was elected Le Imported and domestic ‘makes dic
i - { | r ¢ | Secret Haldaus wbat iantity of
ing In bloed. Tt is lmpossible to cen: | jgonists were getting along all right TalRry 308 Ret qua y ance of his son In order that the detec Weather Probabilities. rect from the mills to you, saving
For male In Athens, ceive of such Destiality Mr Wood promised to do so, aud the} bicug Sar red : eat was supp leg le tives might be withdrawn Showers, northeast winds the jobbers’ profit for you.
REAL ESTATE “The corpse of Teacher Apsteia 1ay | balloon soem after vanished in the | [B® troops lu South Africa during the Kean told the police that he abduet - =
Sayre and Waverly. |, tne grass with the bands tied In | darkness late war and wkat proportion of eu Stab DOs ha) he shane
A tho t tari) t
Fire, Life and I NCE the (soe and eyes had beeu hammered The ascent was made in the Nirvana, | 10ric deaths ough' nore properiy to ~ a ln ay te secute 1he Jue PINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, Gl
ire Li RA gages Bun ave been dracried as due fo pro | Be Lad embemied from Ch 0 drenouse
INS rd and ee ea NN ie File SMP. Mt waine | ie ¥ (he secretary r o | Cooke ln addition be sald he Is In Closing Stock Quotations. ’
a a "ny pi i Hy AT ) { p r ing y t t
Property Bought, Sold and him thus and thea murdered the rest - — that rather more tua half the canued| 34! ith D0 means of providing for Money an call rm a ad per Tela Block E
—Rushanged— of hit Hwy ‘of sever. Wien the $50,000 000 Lean From France meat supplied to he British troops in| Bi family Fe sald be never intended | } roan tie pag ih ; adge Block, Elmer Ave.
’ £ 1 Vy bal ce 0
to harm the boy and declared Brchanges. 141.5514 aiances ¥
lavestments Loass Negotiated corpse arrived at the Deepital It was PHILADELPHIA, June 19 In con- | South Africa duritg the late war came x : ; hel Cioatng prices VALLEY "PHONE.
also marked with bayonet thrusts frming he aunouancement of the con frou the United States. He could not statements he made lu bis letters to] Amal Copper 108%, X Y Centra)
; bi Mr Muth that the child Atchisor wy Noro West
117 Packer Ave., “Beside the body of Apstein lay the summation of the negotiations with} gay bow u.uch of thie ome from Li i tha e was belhg \ \ hw,
B &O 115% Penn
1 + bh { » » it a . nt . -
Valley Phone 230x, Sayre, Pa. [corpse of a child of teu years whose Kulu, Loeb & Co oceveriug the placing ago The war office know 1 dosed with whisky were untrue Brociisn RT. 70 Reo
o 4 , : ng -
log bad bees chopped off with an ax by them: with French bLaoks of the ARYy cases of enteric fever wl uid It bas developed since Kean's arrest ; oY Reckitt Permanent Dentistry
YP svivan! ) wit . that he hud stolen $20 00m fron @ 1 & O! %\, Bt Pau Lo J
Here also were the dead from the | 350000000 Pennsylvania com any 83% | be class ae ptomalue polwonin Bertier rx iy NE ho by . oy ;
» i pe los of | t ’ vat is 1 este le » ) < when he w il ) WwW. . 3 south i Lo
Try The R d Schlachter home. where soldiers came | Po° cout Freuch frauc loam of lie In reply to a question based on the] BAECS Dank 1 FO py was 1 Bouthern Ry 8 | mre -
fy 1he Xecon and plundered the house apd killed the | Surantesd Ly the Peunsylvaula Hall § discovery in the dlnng room of the | POOKkkeeper in 184 ® adaitted Ihe] pyr 3 South Ry pt
wife, sen and a aetgnvodls daughter | F044 company, Prosident Cassatt ald | bounce of commons of a box marke | heft B Electite. 104 Suga: 2 A quarter of a century ago we
lust night that the proceeds of the] “Armour's (St lous, Chicago aud \ cate 1M Texas \
and seriously wounded Schiaschter and | ° ; 4 JOA i tid Surf Men Save Itallam Crew 1 or. - ” al 0c. 14ek placed some gold fillings in the teeth
L B. DENISON, N. D. bis two daughters French loan, together with the aiiounts | Kansas City) Chickens,” Mr. Jacoby.] NEW YORK, June 10—The Italien] as t ra | & 5
» Lie ot oll 1 i ) Olli 1 . ' ' . a oa ro i well on -
“1 am told that soldiers entered the | 128% Will be avuilal frown otlier ref chairuuu of the Kitchen committee, as steamer Vincenzo Boumnpo which a! : ’ a u Enon gentleman at pres
Office. Rooms 3 and apartments of the Lapidus brothers, | “OUFCes Of the compuny. will meet the | yurad the Bouse tuat no fuwd of any | ytranded threo miles east of Fire (sland : ” hs ent a resident of Sayre. These fille
4 which were crowded with people who | 47 ments for the 33.000 Afty-ton steel] kind used iu (2Y Bouse of commons :
legisiatiou for a more stringent obsery ’
we 4 " lighthouse owing to A dense fog during - tes toda ie Just
Talmadge Building, Elmer Ave. bad fed from the streets for safety ars and 313 locomotives which are | comes from Chicago. Mr, Jacoby added] ,, L remains Immevable 10s Toda ¢ just as bright, JSirm
being bullt at a cost of $42 (00.000 " the night on the York Markets ’
Valley Phone at office and and ordered the Christians to separate | ~©'0E DULL ATA CO Sin that Was Making an [nvestigation | yqpd har where sie struck. The wing} lu ‘ Se ple ind uscful as the day they were
. re r——— as to how the box came bu the PLL » Had } ’ tut ; , ’
residence. thamasived from {he Jews. -A Chris Plerce In Fatal Smash. (oh . a Pret | ang heavy sea rolled the vessel consid : 5 hy made, We will tell you the name of
tian studest named Dikar protested WERTHEIM. Gerwsny, June 19 : erably, and the captain of the stemmer eur f the party. tf h to see him
‘ ny sCTIURLY ——————— y i R : +4 ' 1 EAL cady 1 nt AC pariy, JN US
sa Tt riled ou Te Pet. Thee al) Porcy P. Plerce of Buffalo, the only (Captain Garst's Punishment decided to leave the hip with ulsl
> ou
tee wo ‘ . iB i //
- American who competed in the recent WASHINGTON June 19 Secretary | CPew Ihe Lreechys huey was put in e STWAIWC i youre
Bowe of the corpres were marked Hetkomer automobile contest collided | of the Navy Bounparte has use by the Poiot of Wouds Ife saving TAN amt: K 4 lieve are variations in dentai
with fire. These bad been brought
while riding io am sutomoblle wear his review of the cane of Capt i ( \ SN J ‘ n na . . . aril 5 : . 2
A G00D [LINKER fromm & burned tanuery and showed Handheln . th a wag coutnin Garst, UU 8 N_ who wae tric to assist, aud the crew ware brought]. 1 werkmanshup, rust as there are df -
t A 8 oll ol [TTS I ‘ i yd od 3
bullet and bivouet marks ‘ / 2
crew, which has been standing ready
two persons, killing oue of thew, Car | martial vo charges growing out of the | $0fely ashore ! : \ cronces an the varous brands of
“In one corner of the yard was a de 1
: ter Walter, and injuriug the other | Ktounding of the battles tt y ‘ } Tour f You A r/i -
will lose half its zest with- mented Jewess trying 10 cover the body | oi plorce who — ined Not ru ar B Captain Cars Auitrican Commission at Liverpool. Jo Four. If you dessre the highest de
a b or efforts : VERPOOL, Juue 18 The mm ER | rye f cre ne y——_th A
out a glass of good ALE of her husband Kut her efforts were | | Custrey. another American, Is} maudiug office Captain: Garst LIVERVOO i 1 os i ; No) 8 Pr y-—the skill and
t 1 i pol ownersh Co <ston of the N can , fa) rtd! OUR
such as Stegmaiers' in yal, as the pulpy flesh » mply staying at a hotel Lore pending the set | sentenced by the court to suspension | v } ! ! \ Why Te. drno:ole ge that will make Vi
: ) oozed from beneath its inadeguate cov tlement by the Jocal court of the ques. | for one year with half pay and tional Civ Federwtion of the United
Ca rvs ’ 1 7 - Ls Pa :
" QUutes which | brie ursu + it : : WHNTS Seri cable fiventy five years
eriog tion of the amount of bail Nr. Pierce f five nutnbers Mr Honapnrte " ts bec pursuing Hs Lo: - Jr y
SUS UEHANNA The Corfwspondent. Who 3dupts the | uu furniet pending trial Kited the sentence by reducing the per | Yestgations bere displayed keen Ju] CHEESE New tate to ae | from taday—come in or ‘Phone for
bitterest tone toward the government ————— wl of suspenmion to one half veour Loren ” hy Sip : oY s ot Seating t frie ; moappantmen On the other hand,
holds that the pogrom undoubtedly Banker Fenced lu Uncle Sam's Land with the problems using the poor ‘ 3 bored r z 2 ’ , }
ALE was provoked and attributes the re HELENA. Mont, Juse 10 Christo Fiatiron Marderer Sentenced aud especially with the manufacturing |. H en then : : $ fant presario having Jour
" y " lng ate vl he output} A : [ . J
sponsibility to Police Lientenant She pher Koehler wealthy hawker of CAMBRIDGE Mass Jub 9 of 1 : 1 be laa etial iy u th put led over and over again aery
rematicll asd says the distinctive char Hastings, Neb wis fined £27 and] Lawrence Cvless of Lowell, was sen of refuse destroyers. After jnspectiug A tre 4: : ol " he /d ls here
It possesses a Savor distinct- acteristic of the outbreak, in which it aettenced to 3all Tor twelve hours by | tenced to life nprisonment by Judge all the municipal dwellings here th é rs » wr bist « WE SAONEE JO else
ly its own. It is brillant, differs from the excesses at Odessa. | Judge Hunt in the United States dis. | Shorian in the Middieses supe ‘omission proceeded 10 Manchiesty : ' ah x. ow do nol y that kind of work.
Kishine® Gomme] and Klev, aside from trict court :
pale in color, with cream full bestiality, is the comparatively small
ou nu charge of Negally olrt, erin al side for murders 4 x | .
Hnlser Not to Meat Nicholas a . ———
” — fencing government lands Koehler | second degrees Cvless wax a ) {
and rich, Try a case today amount of actual robbery committed showed that two sections of land were | Killing his wife by striking her ov LR es Ag FOO is
s . “HOT s ' winds an inspire ny dis A de ' } .
Put up in pints or half pi The correspondent declares that not fenced (on when he bonght a 14.000 acre | the bend with flatirou at the ‘ | : ! ' , J W Murrelle D D S
ap I pints only the soldiers, but their officers also mach lu the sweet grass country, and | lo Lowell « fan 4 by ng that | vy it W a EW ‘ heath ’ . . . . ’ . ee
participated aad thut he himself was | on this sccount the court was lenient ——— tit emiperor of Ruasia this year after “ v .
8 witness as late as Saturday to the i mi————— Big Fourth at Oyster Hay, the coucltusion of the former's Norway Live Stock Markets 100 Centre St, ATHENS, PA,
shooting down of a Jewish girl from Lengworths at Ascot Races. OYSTER BAY, N.Y. June 19 An} trie L ATTEE J a rir £04 4M - | alley "Phone D
the wisdow of a hotel by Lienteuant LONDON, June 10- Mr. and Mrs | the arrangements for the big celebra Senate Pasacs n (nunl BIN ralves " oy 3 “ . 97
Miller of the Viadimir regiment ‘The | Nicholas Longworth attended the races | tion to be held here on luly 4, ut which WASHINGTON HOGH i ' i Pah 50 TRARY or
governor of thu province of Grodno, | at Ascot today with Mr. and Mee | President Roosevelt will deflver an ad other day devoted largely to the Inke Peavy and light Yorkers, & wou 8 pigs The
Whe happened to be passing at the mo- | Reid, traveling down there by motor | dress, have been completed, and It is and Ohio river bill the senite passed Rear TAN” FAMDS — Supply fair. | 10088 ted in
ment, ordered an investigation. car, They were the sty of King | expeated to eclipse anything that Las » InThel slow nid Jowert. BaP dapMt: also Vout and Desk
that measures with ouly eleven votes ¥
The Jaward at tuichacu,, over cocurred in this village, 10 the negative, REG: Cis and commen, #4: lambs, Books, oh ariey of Legal
COLOGNE, ane 19
June 10 After an
Record, has the best House
over Bradford