The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, June 08, 1906, Image 4

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the season for which they
ice deductions, which,
were designed.
for §16 66
» 13 33
" 8 00
On a choice of
liberal offer
9x12 Smith's *“ “
50 Reom Size Rugs is not
little prices, confined to
Our Former Price
“ “" -“
Dobson's *
Karina '"
Stinson Velvets
“" “
7x9 Roxbury Tapestry
9x12 " he
8-3x10-6 .“ "
9x12 Hartford
6x9 Kashmir
7x9 “
9x10-6 ’“
9x12 “
9x15 Sago Jute
Offices Maney & Page Block,
Rooms formerly occupied by the
late John R. Murray,
Offion hours: 9 to 10 a. m.; 6:30
to8 p,m At other times during
day at Valley Record office,
C.). Kitchin,
Especial care and prompt at.
tention given to moving of
Planos, Household Goods, Bafes
Attorneys and Counselors
at Law.
Valley Phone 180-A. Bayre,
At the Lowest Possible Prices.
Ovders can be left at West Sayre Drug
Store, both phones; or at the Erie street
Jards ad Sayre. Both Phones.
Best of Everything
Lockhart St.
Piles! Piles! Piles!
Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment
will care Blind, Bleeding, Ulcerated and
Itching Piles It absorbs the tumors,
allays the itching at once, acts as a
poultice, gives instant relief. Dr. Wil-
liam's Indian Pile Ointment is prepared
for Piles and Itching of the private
parts. Every box is guarauteed. Sold
by druggists, by mail, for 50c and $1.00.
Williama M(g. Co oS, Cleveland,
0. Formale by C. M. Driggs, druggist,
$6 75 to New York and Return
Accoant of Lehigh Valley railroad ex-
cursion, June 156th, 1996, Tickets will
be sold for all trains except the Black
Diamond Express on June 15, good re-
turning on all trains except the Black
Diamond Express until Jane 28th inclu
sive, Half tickets will be sold for chil-
dren. For further particulars see tick
etagentsa LL. VR R 25
$3 to Buffalo and Niagara Falls
snd return, account Lehigh Valley rail-
road excursion, June 14th, 1908, Tick-
ets will be wold for all trains except he
Black Diamond Express June 14th,
retarniog on all trains exeept the B =
agents Lehigh Valley railroad for for-
ther particulars. 25
$4.50 to Toronto, Ont., and Re-
turn, account Lehigh Valley railroad ex
cursion June 14th, 1906. Tickets will be
sold for all trains except the Black Dia-
mood Express Juae 14th, retarning
ou all trains except the Black Diamond
Express June 17th inclusive. Por fur-
ther particulars see Lehigh Valley tick:
~t agents. 25
$310 to Auburn ond Return,
account Old Home Week, Auburn, N. Y.,
June 24-20 1908. Tickets will be sold
ou all trains except the Black Diamond
Express June 24 tw 29, good retarning
until June 30th inclusive. For farther
particularasee L. V. ticket agents, 25
$4.50 to Toronto, Ont, and Re- |
1906. Tickets will be
sold on all trains except the Black Dia-
mond Etpress July 4th, good retarning
on all trains except the Black Diamond
Express to July 7th inclusive. For fur
ther particalars mee L. V. ticket agents
$6 90 to Chautauqua, N. Y. and |
r+tarn, aceount Iehigh Valley exeur
sions Jaly 6 and 27. Tickets will be sold
July 8 and 27, good returning within 30
days, including date of sale. Tickets |
will not be acee ped on the Black Dia-
mond Express. For further partic alars |
see Lebigh Valley ticket agents, 25 |
N.Y.,and retara, account Lehigh Val- |
ley excarsion, July 4th, 1908. Tickets |
will be sold for all trains except the
Biack Diamond Express Jaly 4th. good |
returning on all trains exeept the Black
Diamond Express Joly 5th inels anive. |
Sew tickets agents Lehigh Valley rail-
road for farther particulars 5
$15.45 Sayre to Boston, Mass,
‘and retarn via the Lehigh Valley Rail-
| road, Juue 7th to 11th, account The First
ape of Christ Sojemist Hee Lehigh
ticulars. 54a
50 Sale Price $29 50
50 “ .“ 26 5
50 " " 20 5
20 i 20 5
00 " 20
7 50 13
00 18
50 2
00 16 5
37 9
87 14 |
37 13
37 12 5
87 14
67 5
O95 rr
-d i
22 8 5
O- Q !
25 11
Athens—The Commencement
exercises of the graduating class
at Athens high
were witnessed by a crowded house
graduates it 1s
school last evening
and were of a very high
As there were 23
impossible for us to speak of them
separately as they deserve, and so
will say that all were very
meritorious. Superintendent Rog-
ers has given full evidence that his
qualifications as an instructor and
disaplinarian are fully up to the
requirements of the times, and that
his systematic course of study
brings out the best possible capa
bilities of the students. He is em-
inently practical and this quality
seems to have been infused into the
minds of the students. The able
corps of teachers, too, deserve the
commendation of our people.
D. W, Tripp was elected a rgp-
resentative of the Department of
Pennsylvania to attend the Nation-
al Encampment of the Grand Ar-
my in Minneapolis next August.
This is a distinguishable honor, for
the office is eagerly sought for by
comrades all over the state of
White Shirt Waists
We are showing a fine line
of Ladies’ White Shirt Waists
with Short or Long Sleeves,
just the thing for warm
We invite your inspection
and await your approval.
L ©, 0. F. Block,
Cor. Pine and Mala Sts. Athens
W. L. Stetler was in Wyalusieg
| F. K. Harris was in Laquin yes-
| C.S Maurice returned from the
| Hot Spring today,
| Hoa. LT Hoyt returned from
Harrisburg last evening.
in Ulster for W. Myers.
Mrs. F.
Towanda on business today.
| A.R. Morey has launched his
I. Fuller.
Mrs. John Newman spent the
day at the home of her father, E
0. Soper, in Milan.
stenographer and typewriter in the
Keystone Guard office.
Little Misses Evelyn and Lillian
Hall went to Mountain Lake today
to visit their grandfather, J. W.
Miss Katharine Diffzabaugh has
been visiting her brother, Tom
Diffenbaugh, and returned to Over-
ton today.
D. W. Tripp and wife went to
Sheshequin this morning to spend
the day at the home of Frank
Miss Ethel Gray, music teacher
in Athens high school, will return
to Troy tomorrow to spend her
vacation at home.
Mrs. Edgar Layman and Harold
Schoonover went to Wyalusing
this morning to visit a relative,
Mrs. Chamberlain.
Miss Katharine Moore who ™
been teaching in the high school |
at Dallas, Texas, is home to spend
her summer vacation.
Mrs. Herbert Landon of Herrick |
and Miss Emma J. Fee of Camp.
town, former Athens teachers, were |
The Asa Hammond Athletics |
and high school baseball team had |
another game this afternoon and it |
was a lively one. The high school
boys won the score in the game
Wednesday 10 to 6, and today
there was a big tussel to reverse
the tally.
Athens—The Department of
Pennsylvania Grand Army en-
campment held at Altoona this
week closes the official term of
Commander Andrew Wilt, and he
has made a record of distinguished
excellence. His visitations to
posts all over the state have put
him in close touch with all of the
comrades, and have resulted in
keeping up the numerical strength
of the order notwithstanding the
large losses by death. A commit-
tee will be appointed by the in-
coming department commander to
procure a testimonial for him
which will be presented at a meet
ing of his post in a short time, and
C. T. Hull is to make the presen-
tation. No doubt an open meet-
ing will be held at the time, to
which the public will be invited.
The Encampment was one of
the most harmonious ever held,
there was no strife for office, all of
them having been elected by ac-
clamation. The new officers are
Milton A. Gherst of Reading,
Commander; Major Geo. W. Mer-
rick of Wellsboro, S. V. C, and
Joseph E. Clark of Washington, J
V.C. Rev. Dr. John W. Sayc:s
of Philadelphia was elected Chap-
lain for the thirty-fifth year; Chas.
A Snydam of Philadelphia was
appointed Assistant Adjutant Gen-
eral and Lewis W. Moore, of Post
1, Philadelphia, is the new Assist-
ant Quartermaster General.
There was considerable strife
over fixing the place of next years’
Easton each invited the association
to these cities, Easton was chosen
by a large majority.
Fancy Cabbage
Egg Plant
New Potatoes
Onions, Pie Plant
Market Department
Very fancy home dressed fowls,
home dressed veals, Weppner's
Cherry brand hams, bacon and
“Lily White" lard, etc.
6 lbs finest plate beef . . . . . 25
6 lbs finest brisket beef . . . . 25
2lbsroundsteak . ,... 328
Sirdolasteak . . . . ....H4
Porterhouse steak . . . . . . 16
Finest veal stewing pieces . 8, 10
Finest quality veal chops 124, 14
Boned and rolled rib roasts . | 14
Boned and rolled rump roasts . 10
First quality kettle roasts . . 8, 10
Hamburg steak, ground fresh
while you wait . . 10
Finest chipped beef cut to order
~ Grocery Section
| Bread flour, White Star . . $1 23
{Unequaled for bread at aay price)
| Pastry flour «115
Pastry flour . . . .
Cyclone flour. . . . .. .1
| 3 cans fine peas . .
3 cans very fancy corn .
Best lard . .
3 Ibs compound lard .
| Best dairy butter «iss
Tubs, rolls and pails
5 Ib sack fine sugar
| 25 lbs fine sugar
3 Ibs Rio coffee . .
; Ib very finest Japan tea .
1 Ib very finest Oolong tea
1 Ib best 40c tea
Karner's special blend coffee
6 lbs fine broken rice
1 bbl White Star flour .
Mill shipment of Force . . .
Blue Flame
Instantly—no waiting. Turn up
the wick, light a match and put on
the kettle. When through, give it
a quick turn and it's out. That's
pant of the good features of the
ew Perfection Wick Blue Flame
Oil Stoves. A trial given if inter-
ested in a modern range for hot
A ee LU WN
v NN
ZO &
v QO
There is
No Herd Law
Against Flies
You must fence against them or
suffer the damage. We have a
complete stock of doors, windows,
wire cloth, etc. Priced right,
A fine assortment of the best
values in the valley, $1 25 to $300
in white, tan, gun metal, patent
colt, kid, etc.
Hammocks .
Only the big, roomy, well made
ones, comfortable, handsome and
Not the stiff, straight-up-the
back kind. but the fit-the-back va~
ricty, real old fashioned hour-after-
hour comfort. Elegance and com~
fort are not always found in the
same chairs. This combination
we have in this new shipment.
All kinds of furniture for the
5 SIE 8 a (CRE
4 {i Sizes 1to 8
Political Announcements
announce myself as a candi-
date for Commissioner on the Re-
publican oe subject to the rules
governing the eputtioan primaries to
be held June 16th next. 8. A. BLISH,
Bayre, Pa, May 15, 1908.
“The undersigned announces himself a
candidate for the nomination of Jary
Commissioner, subject to the rules of
Democratic party of an county.
Towanda, Pa. March § 0, 1908,
To Bradford County Republicans:
I herewith present wy name as a can-
didate for Representative in the Pean- |
sylvania Laginiatite subject to Repub-
lican rales. 1 stand for the enactment
of laws giving a straight, uniform two
cent fare on all railroad lines. That
trolley roads shall bave the vestad right |
to transport freighta. A revision of our
tax laws to the end that corporations
shall contribate to relief of local taxa-
tion and be compelled to bear their just
share of the burden of tax. The same |
to be used for Tse scien ia 07 wich otkies
rpose as our ple may re
rea be a clear and a4
tinot so there shall be no doubt as to
intention and purpose,
Edmund M. Tuton,
14-td Bentley Creek, Pa. |
To the Voters of Bradford Coanty :
1 hereby announce myself a candidate |
io Re Fh tos subject to Republi-
es. [have always stood for clean |
we} a fair ballot and an honest
count, and I believe in “a square deal |
for all” If elected 1 will vote rE work |
for such lawns as will further these ends. |
[ favor the passage of laws making pas- |
senger rates two cents a mile, also =
more liberal appropriations for schools |
to the end that local taxation for that
purposes may be reduced to the lowest
possible limit. and for such additional
ald for road building and maintenance {
as the best interests of the people de-
mand. 1 pastisntarly favor the enact-
ment of laws that will equalize taxation
and compel corporations to bear their
roper share of the burden, the grant-
fe of freight privileges to trolley com-
panies, and a libel law that Is just and
equitable, Plegira myself to the int-
ereats of the people, | respectfully solicit
their support at the coming pllaisien.
Canton, Pa, May 10, 1608.
1 hereb announce myself a , candidate
for Jul Jommissioner, sub to the
Republican rales, CHARLES BCOTT,
Liberty Corners, Monroe Twp. &-sjunié®
To the Republican voters of Bradford
County :
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for fo Repreaupative: subject to Republi-
1 am In favor of reform legis-
Se to the end that corpora
tions shall bear their just share of tax-
ation. 1 favor the enactment of a law
permitting trolley lines to carry freight;
also law to enforce the provisions of the
I here
les (see Art. XVII
am alsoln favor of
two cant farve on railroads.
288 George Moscrip.
To the Republican Voters of Bradford
I here
other carrying com
announce myself as a candi-
resentative to the Pennsyi-
vania Legislature from Bradford county,
subject to the rules of the Republican
If Tiected 1 will work for and vote for
the enactment of laws allowing trolley
roads to carry freight, establishing a two
cents a mile fare on steam roads, com-
pelling corporations to bear their proper
share of taxation, providing for the en-
tire expense of the public schools from
the state funds, and for such other
measures as may be demanded by the
people of this county.
Dr. C, L. Stevens,
March 10, 1908. 2d Ward, Athens.
Widths A to E i
A quarter of a century ago we
placed some gold fillings in the teeth
of a well known gentleman at pres-
These fill-
ings today are just as bright, firm
ent a resident of Sayre,
made. We will tell you the name of
the party, if you wisk to see him
There are variations in dental
workmanship, just as there are dif-
ferences in the various brands of
four. If you desire the highest de-
gree of profciency—the skill and
| knowledge that will make YOUR
| fillings serviceable twenty five years
from today—come in or 'phone for
On the other hand,
if you take pleasure in having your
year or two, you should go elsewhere
—awe do not do that kind of work,
JW. Murrele, D.DS.
106 Centre St., ATHENS, PA,
Valley ' Phone 97 D.
Come to the West Sayre Hose
and hear political questions dis-
cussed from your standpoint by
Prof. George Kirkpatrick, a so-
cialist speaker from Ohio.
Admission Free. Ladies Invited.
Heavy and Light Draying and Moving
Baggage called br ire
any part of Sayre, A a
promptly. Livery attached.
207 N. Lehigh Ave. Valley Phone 208x
Maynard, Maynard & Schrier
Attorneys and Counselors.
M. PA Block, Sayre, Pa. May-
nard Block, Athens, Ps.
H. H. Mercereau,
Notary Public
fipesisl sttention to Penalon Papers.
Valley Phone 11 X,
13 Lesmond Street, Bayre,
not promise suits before at
ures were taken. In some
ed to disappoint several—to
Now that every measure is
least a month after meas-
instances we were com
those we wish to apologize.
in work, we can promise
The men who voluntaril
favorite suitings and we will
immediately turn them out
& Blish,
Fd pA