The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, May 23, 1906, Image 2

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Packard Pianos.
The Sweet Magic
Furniture and Undertaking.
& CO.
Capital $50,000.00
Surplus - $12,000.00
We solicit your Banking basi-
ness, and will pay you three per
cent. interest per annum for money
left on Certificate of Deposit or
Savings Account.
The department of savings is a
special feature of this Bank, and
all deposits, whether large or
small, draw the same rate of
The Valley Record
J. H. MURRELLRE, Publisher.
W. T. CAREY, Editor.
“Published every afternoon exoopt Sun-
ed at Murrelle's Printing Office, Sayre,
Subscription, $3.00 per year; 25 cents
per month.
Advertising rates reasonable, and made
known oa application.
Batered as second-class matter May
at the postoffice at Sayre, Pa,
0 00, 8 vias of Match J,
— 's Bt to print”
WEDNESDAY, MAY 23. 1908.
Closing Stock (Quotations
per. 408
ali Cas)
4 per oent, prime mer
; eXchanees 8 wl Xs halances
i . randise
ew Yor
N Y Centra
Norf & ‘West
Penn R KH
Hock Island
St Fau
Boul ler
so ty
Saat H pf
Texas Pauifl
: Ac
Missour! Pac
New York ¥Markets
FLOUR — Firm. but slow
tents, MWe W, winter @
4, winter extras, Ji ogt Ww
gh &
er and sympath;
tures of the early weak
ogc December 4%
Uv ER Creamery. extras jer
Ic | firsts, 18G1Sc | seconds sr
ern iry, choice, 18%9Q ae re
extras, is firsts, 15< factor rat
IRIS sacking stock, N (BLPECSR Lo
CHEESE - New, state fu reams. large
Dest, 0c , fair 10 good "tia an
We fair to good Vy Kt
, beat TRUM part sxims prime 1
@7c old. state, full cream Armee af
small. colored and white fancy BUI,
good to prime 12 310%
EGGS Fresh, gathered, extra p
.n, : eat thered
he rie
MILK ~The price io BI per & quart
TALLOW-Dull, city, Sg%
reigiiie. BW
Lier pat
i Gu lei
wit ! herald
per Ae
Ly fresh gs er’
sutry. 9
JAY Steady: shipping Lun
choice, %g wo
BTRAW Quiet | =
BEANS Quiet 1 w $l égi
dig, RB pea NE red kKidne;
PR oh 3 cat
IES Ver frm
good to
Ong rye
rr me
choice. per bushel GR
Raatarn, choles. per bushes
ir Lo goo r bushe
Me, 1 ye
ens. Leo, Qucks oh
. ebeloe, lo, do fair to
old roosters, 0 roasting
cholce, 18c do. fair te god
broilers, nearby, Bg Ea de
wer fowls }
spring «
Bre nds
old rousters
Live Stock Markets
CATTLE — Supply fair. market s
choice, Edge ® prime 8 IUfw
calves, BE Lomé ™
HOGS Supply
time hea ies, med!
market slow. primes wether
culls and commons. WGI W
narket slow
me Yorkers ar
ve tght
s FH Eye
lambs, WK
Having Our Own Way
Some of the greatest sorrows io life
Bave been the result of getting just
what we sought after so diligently
Ses a——
Poor Standby.
Luck is & good thing to trust to after
you've done everylhing else to iavite
Cencentration of Wealth the Great
Menace to Free Geverament
called Republicans “wachine” was the
subject of a scathing denunciation ln
the house of represeutatives at the
bands of Mr HKandall (Tex) who sald
ti:at the leaders of the house whe con
stitute and run the wacbine Lad deve
absolutely nothing except to make hyp
ocritical pretense as to some things
and to unblushingly advocate the stand
pat doctrine io other thiugs
Republican party bus descried the peo
ple s interests is apparent io {ts treat
went of every vital question before the
cougress sald Mr Randall He was
of the opinion that the coucsutrution of
wealth, so great in awount as te stag.
ger the cowmprebension of buman In-
| tellect. was a greafer meuace to free
| government than wll the armed Losts
lof Its enemies
| ‘“Ihese machine leaders have been
|and are deceiving the great mass of
voters whe put them In power The
rank sud file of the Republican party
wants justice, sad if caly they would
exninine the record of thelr representa.
tives the avengiug Land of an outraged
constituency would strike down these
stand pat statesmen aud Lave & Dew
deal as well as a square one”
Usndergreasd Chinese Culeny Discov
ered at Seattle.
SEATTLE, Wasi, May 23 —An un
derground Chinese celony, similar te
that which existed In San Francisco,
bas been discovered here by city off
cials. By burrowing under buildings.
sidewalks aud alleys the Chinese have
excavated passageways te roows Im
which gambling and opium smoking Is
carried on.
Many of the rooms are lighted by
slectrigity. Some of the passageways
extend for half a block or wore amd
are wany feet below suboeliars and
Gevermment Defeats Burlington Road
demurrer of the Burliugtou railway
denying the jurisdictiou of the govern
ment lo export freight rates was over
ruled lo tlhe Uulted States circuit court
bere by Judge Smith MoPhersou of
Red Oak. la The decision Is of great
lwjortsnce to shipping intervels and
of particular weight at present because
it teuds to destroy the cuvutention of
the railways that export rates need Lot
be wade public
Ship's Long Boat Picked Lp.
ship's long boat evidently recently
abandoned aud with life preservers and
oars floating alougside but without a
ship's name on it, was ploked up last
Friday ou the Georges bauk by the
fishing schooner Ralph Russell which
arrived here sosterday The boat was
bottow np and had pot been lu the
water long. according to those on the
Greeks Burs Balgarias Villages.
RALONIKA May 23 —A band of 100
(ireeks Lexan burning the Bulgarian
village of Startchina wear Mooastir
When six houses had been burned Tur
kish troops appeared on the scene and
killed seventeen of the Greeks The
retainder of the (Greeks fled the Turks
Cleanliness and Character,
Miss Mary Lawier, a COlncinsat]
school teacher, holds that cleanliness
fs the foumdatiomn of good seharacter
Every morning before recitations she
Bolds a “dress parade,” during which
such puplis as need KR are brought um-
der the influence of soap amd towels
Missiog buttous, unbrushed balr aad
dirty shoes also rome ia for careful
attention. The school authorities de-
clare that as a result of this policy
there has been 3 distinet gain In dis-
cipiine and seil-respect among he
Parents Help.
In a recent address thre Bishop of
Southwark sald that the
schools showed Detter results than the
Englist, because Scottish parents
took more interest In the chlidreg's
work than Euglish
The Human Brute
“Taln’ allus a sign a man's kind-
hearted ‘cause he likes a dog” sald
Uncle Eben “Mebbe he jen
some critter aroun’ dat he kin’ treat
back talk "Washington Star
Costly Dictionary.
Cn the preparation of a new dle.
tionary of the English language §400.-
000 has been spent in Philadelphia and
$250,000 more will be necessary before
It can be delivered entire. The work
has been going steadily om for 13
Edgar D Sebring is in Bath to-
day. oi
] F. Shoemaker is in Towanda
cs ——
D N Park went to Elmira this
Smith E. Lyons spent the day
at Elmira
C. M. Atwater of Elmira 1s in
town today.
Mrs. John Secord left for Velina
Springs today.
Seward Baldwin left on the Ene
this morning for Atlantic City.
E R Sherry, who has been ill
for the past week 1s convalescent
W E Turner was in Elmira and
"Horseheads yesterday afternoon
Mrs. Claude Debrain of New
York city, 1s wisiting her brother,
Edwin F Perkins.
Willie Litey of Elmur
iting his old schoolmate, Charles
| Woodin, this morning.
Was ViIS-
Seven candidates received the
second degrec at the meeting of
Manoca lodge, 1. O. O. F, last
Several Waverly pe ple went to
Elmira last night to wi'ness the
first performance of the Father
Matthew minstrels last night.
Miss Elizabeth Matthews ot El-
mira, who will sing at the Loomis
tonight is visiting her aunt, Mrs.
Elizabeth Bailey of South Waverly.
F. Corneby of Athens has pur-
chased a lot from L. DD. Atwater on
Clark street and is preparing to
build a house in which he will re~
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lewis of
Elmira, who have been wisiting
Arthur Dixon, Loder street, have
returned Miss Alice Dixon ac-
companied them
Waverly — Michael Conovan,
who hails from Dushore, acquired
a jag last night, and started to run
VanNostran's saloon. He started
in at the wrong place however, and
was thrown out. He was then ar
rested and locked up over might
This morning he admitted being
drunk, and said that so far as he
could remember the proceedings
he was rather “a bad actor.” He
was fined $5 which he cheerfully
paid and was allowed to go
Ed. Green, a hard lookiag cits
zen from Elmira, was also placed
in durance
town this morning.
Waverly—The contract for the
building of the new county clerk's
cflice at Owego was let yesterday
to Fred H. Johnston of Sayre.
The consideration is $11,723, and
the building is to be completed by
Nov. 1
Waverly —The members of the
Spaulding Hose company are to
have new uniforms. They are
very neat, and are brown, trimmed
with black braid. The contract
for making them has been let to
W. L. Betowski
Bristol steel rods at $3.50, auto-
matic reels at $4.50. The largest
and finest snelled hooks in exist-
ence, all styles and sizes in stock,
at Zausmer's jewelry store, Wa
verly. 12 4t
George W. Johnson, of Newark
Valley, was admitted to the hos-
pital this morning.
Mrs. William Miner, of Sayre,
and Mrs. Orse Carpenter of
Athens, underwent operations at
the hospital this forenoon.
vile and run out of
Two Women Seat to County Jail
for Four Months Each, While
Male Visitors Pay Five Dol-
lar Fines
Waverly—Chiefl Brooks and Of
ficers Gridley and Corcoran went
to 115 Providence street at about 2
o'clock this morning and arrested
two men and two women. The
woman who rents the house, and
whose name is Barton, was charged
with keeping a disorderly house,
and the other three with aiding
and abetting the same
The men put in a plea of guilty
and were each fined $5, which they
pad. The women eich put in a
plea of guilty and were brought
before the justice this morning and
cach given a sentence of 4 months
in the county jail.
The circumstance that made the
offense particularly aggravating
was the fact that the Barton woman
has four children living in the house
whose ages range from 4 to 13
The father of the children has
been located near VanEtten, and
Supervisor F. L.. Howard went
there this marning to see him and
have him take care of the children.
Ricketts’ Laborer Met with a
Serious Mishap Yesterday
Edward Garnty, a lumberman
employed near Ricketts, was
brought to the hospital last night
suffering from a compound fracture
of the bone in the lower third of
the left leg. Garrity was assisting
in felling a tree and when the tree
struck the ground it jarred another
one so much that the latter also
fell, striking Garrity with such
force as to crush him to the ground,
breaking his leg as above stated.
County Commissioner ‘M. J
McNulty was in Sayre this morn
ing to investigate the conditions at
the home of Reed Martin on
Thomas avenue. Mrs Martin is
in a serious condition, the result of
St Vitus dance, and some time
ago proceedings were instituted
against her husband, the neighbor-
hood alleging that he had failed to
give her proper care. His case
came up before Judge Fanning but
was withdrawn and an order of
relief was granted. This momiag
when Commissioner McNulty vis
ited the Martin home he found
conditions greatly improved. A
woman has been employed to care
for Mrs. Martin and the probabili-
ties are that unless she gets much
worse there will be no cause for
further assistance on the part of
the commissioners.
A tall man—one of the tallest in
Sayre—remarked to a Record rep
resentative the other day that he
would insist upon an ordinance
being passed prohibiting awnings
being less than seven fect from the
ground. The tall man had just
picked his hat from the dust, it
having been knocked from his head
by one of the low hung sun pro-
tectors. As a matter of fact there
are many awnings hung too low,
and a man of the average height
can not walk under them without
doubling up like a kangaroo
Wouldn't it be wise to look into
the matter and follow up the sug-
gestions of the tall man.
Piles! Piles! Piles!
, Willlams' Indian Pile Ointment
Largest stock of bicycle
Saddles from 50c up.
from 10c up. Coaster
FOR 1906.
Tires from $1 50 up.
Brakes from $4.00 up.
Broad Street.
Ladies Gauze
Men's hose,
BOGS \/ 20% My
(w0ans Negotiated, Insurance Writ
ten, Houses Rented, Rents Col-
lected, Taxes Paid.
flaancr granting
his ass < Gos assigns (hereinafter
to be inoorperated as The Peoples Gas Light
Heat and Power Company IY ERS Mains un
der the streets alleys and public grounds of the
Borough of Sayre, County of Bradford aud State
uf Pegusyivan:a
Section | Be i!
of the Borough
datned by Whe authority of the sam
; of sn ordinance cu An vrilinance
jog (ousent to Joseph K Rush his
sucLEFsUTY OF assigns hereigafler
ated as Thre Froples
XK Sevtion 4 of an or
vmsent to Joseph K Rush
Xiales sUCUrss
tdsined by the town oon
f Sayre and it is her
Assoc lates
wr n pot
tt Heat and Power
pder the street
iblic gr '
y uf Bradi of Fennsyl
{f March x
rd and State
vaula, approved the HAL da
which reads as fi ws
sect lon The said Joseph K. Rush his as
clates sacurssors of assigns shall within sixty
days from the date of the passage of this ord
pane Sle a written accordance of the pr
of tame with the Secretary
cil, aud shall at the same
Tiveasurer a erty
Treasurer for $3
section To his
with the s
Borougt {f Sayre
shall be returned to Lhe say
a fales, stuessor tT assigns after
I same y expense in
as advertising this franchise Le and
is hereby amended to read as follows
Section The sar! Joseph K. Rush his asso
Crates suoorssors t assigus shall within 13
1ays from the date of the passage of this ord
pance Sle a writteu acueplance « fv Provimor
of same with the Secretary of the Borough un
cil and shall at the same time Sle with the Bor
Treasurer a certified (heck, payable to the Bor
Treasurer for fun = lo case the provisions of
Section 7 of this Ordipsancs are pot fully cum
plied with the said certified check shall revert to
the Borough of Sayre without reserve otherwise
it shall be returned to the said Joseph K Rush
his associates successors or assigns after deduct
ing from same Lhe necessary expense involved
such as advertisiug this franchise
The foregoing ordisance was adopted Ly the
Sayre Borough Council at a meeting held Mon
lay evening, May 7 14
Fresident of Council
ved, sult
the same
the necrssar
Approved May 8 gb
WM CROSS Burgess
Cards For Sale.
The Valley Record has In stock the
For Rent
For Bale
Private Office
Please Do Rob Ask for Credld
Poal 0 Admittance
Farnished Rooms;
(Carpenter and Builder.
17 Pleasant St. Waverly N. Y.
Diseases of the ;
Ti od he Fre i OLS
Vests, 10, 15,
Pare Olive Oil for medical
Macaroni at 6, § and 10e per
No. s Elizabeth St. Waverly.
Advertise ia The Record
A good, heavy work team. Enquire at
No. 211 Clinton asenue, Waverly, 10-tf
Machinists Wanted — Melntosh, Bey-
mour & Co, Steam Engines, Anbar, N,
X. 300-e0d-Sw
Womsn towork by thed y Toeadays
and Fridays. E .quire at No 201 South
River street, 18-1
For Sale
A lot of yonng chickens jast hatched
| for sale, V. E Hills, 106 Hopkins street,
Sayre. 10-8
8 room bo .e, 305 Madison strest. All
very cheap.
Heavy and Light Draying and Moving
Baggage called for and delivered in
any part of Sayre, Athens and Waverly,
and all kinds of team work attended to
promptly. Livery attached.
207 N. Lehigh Ave. Valley Phone 208x
Maynard. Maynard & Schrier
Attorneys and Counselors.
M. P. A Block, Sayro, Pa.
nard Block, Athens, Pa.
Political Announcement
To the Republican Voters of Bradford
County :
la formally announcing my candidacy
for re-election to the office of Represent-
ative in the legislature from Bradford
county, I recognize the right of oy con-
stituents to know my attitude, both past
and future, ou those questions which are
of such vital importance to the country
at large.
I therefore desire to state, that if ee-
elected, 1 shall favor the following legis
lation, and will introdoce and work for
the enactment of these subjects, viz:
The amendment to the Constitution
whereby the basis of the representation
in the law-making body shall be citizen
ship and not an indiscriminate popala-
tion of foreigners centered in the large
cities to the prejudice and exclusion of
the agricultural distriots.
The revislon of the tax laws so that
all kinds of property and franchises
shall pay the same millage on the dollar
of valuation.
Ths limiting of all franchises to a
reasonable length ( time,
The granting (ou trolley roads of all
rivileges enjoyed Ly steam railroads,
nclading the right of eminent domain
and the right to carry freight,
The retention of all license fees and
personal property tax by the county.
The increase of the state aid In the
township road law from 15% to 50%,
The granting to the people at large
important questions, such ns the grant-
ing of franchises, municipal ownership
of public service corporations and wat-
ters of a local character,
The repeal of the iniquitous sheriff's
| foe bill.
The final disposition of petty misde-
| meanors before a justice of the peace
|and a jury of six, whereby a large por-
tion of the expense of waintaining the
| criminal courts will be eliminated.
The enactment of I=gislation providing |
| for equality of ratescharged by traus- |
| portation companies, both freight and
| passenger, and a maximum passenger |
| rate of two cents per mile,
| improvements Inquire at premises.10-8¢
Second “band deli very wagon, cheap.
| Inquire Express Office, Athens, 9-8¢
House and lot on Lewis street. Write
| for particalars to P. H. Ginsburg, Rob-
| inson Baildiog, Blmira, N. Y. im
—— =
W. Howard
The Dr. Judson
stre=t, Athens, Pa.
pe to
Allea, Farmers 2
| Pa
Eight room house on Hospital place;
suitable for tleman. uire H. R,
e gen Inq
| For rent, office rooms In the Wheelock
| Block. 2084
| Two offices for rent in the
| Page block.
| A pair of st wan left at James
| Smith's aboe hot in Athens for re-
pairs. They have n repaired and the
| owner can get them by calling at Chaf-
fee's shoe store, Athens, and paying the
| bill for repairs f
Maney &
Political Announcements
ysell as a candi
for Jury Commissioner on the Re-
publican ticket, subject to the rules
| governing the Republican primaries to
| be held June 18th next. 8. A. BLISH.
| Bayre, Pa, May 15, 1906.
ff enmereen
| To Bradford County Repu
| 1 herewith present my
i didate for Representative
sylvania Legislature, sub,
{lican rules. [stand fort
lof laws giving a straight,
cent fare on all railroad lines. That
trolley roads shall have the vested right
to trausport freights. A revision of our
tax laws to the end that corporations
shall contribute to relief of local taxa-
tion and be compelled to bear their just
share of the burden of tax. The same
to be used for free schools or sach other
purpose as our people may desire, All
laws to be drawn plain, clear and dis-
tinct so there shall be no doubt as to
jatention and purpose,
Bdmund M, Tutoa,
14-td Bentley Creek, Pa.
To the Voters of Bradford County :
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
for Representative subject to Republi-
can rules. 1 have always stood for clean
politics, a fair ballot and an honest
count, and [| believe in “a square deal
for all.” If elected 1 will vote and work
for such laws as will further these ends,
1 favor the passage of laws making pas-
senger rates two cents a mile, also for
wore liberal appropriations for schools
to the end that local taxation for that
purpose may be reducedjto the lowest
possible limit and for such additional
ald for road building and maintenance
as the best interests of the people de-
mand. 1 particularly favor the enact-
ment of laws that will equalize taxation
aud compel corporations to bear thelr
prope share of the burden, the grant-
og of freight privileges to trolley com-
panies, and a libel law that is just and
equitable, Pledging myself to the Int-
ereata of the people, tfully solicit
their support at the SugiBé rimaries.
GILES M. Boons.
Canton, Pa, May 10, 1908,
The undersigned announces himself a
candidate for the nomination of Jury
Commissioner, subject to the rules of
Democratic party of Bradford county.
: Towanda, Pa, March 30, 1008.
To the Republican voters of Bradford
County :
1 . announce myself a candidate
for Representative, subject to bli
can rules. [am in favor of reform
lation, to the end that
tions shall bear their just share of tax-
ation. 1 favor the enactment of a law
permitting trolley lines to carry i
also law to enforce the provisions of the
Constitution relating to railroads and
other carrying companies (see Art. XVII
of Constitution). [am
tue $ cant fares on raliroads.
George Moscrip,
I hereby announce myself a candidate
issioner, sub to the
Republican rules. CHARLES BCOTT,
Liberty Corners, Monroe Twp. 4sjunlés
| Increased aporopristion to public
| schoolsrspecially township high schools,
{even to the extent of the state bearing
| the entire expense of maintaining the |
public school system,
The enactment of the Anti-Trust bill
| introduced by me at the last regular |
| session, prohibiting the combination of |
| capital for the purpose of controlling
| the prices of commodities by monopolies,
The repeal of the present muzzier Jaw
| by the enactment of a just and equitable
libel law,
1 respectfally solicit the support of all
TOters whe ib itceol the enactment
on pledge myself, if
lu use avery effort on my part
to secure the enactment of the same.
Atha Pa, ~L% movr.
If elected 1 will work for and vote for
the enactment of laws al trolley
freight, esta a two
on steam roads,