R. Pay. of the thrifty people with us. Your own good judgment will determine dising. Millinery Offerings One Half to One Third Off Friday, May 13, we will again feature hats, same as we did last Saturday when 43 were sold in one day. They are the production of our work rooms, conducted by our New York trimmers. We save no expense to keep foremost this department. What you buy here is correct in style. One day To $100 to $500 hats will be sold fur 3 a3 to 5.00. ECOND FLOOR Ped Dame Fashion Says Ribbons Are Right We anticipated their pop ulanty and greatly increasd our stocks by obtaining di rect mill purchases, Dres. dens, Persians, gun metals and white are the prevailing wanted things at under pn- ces. We invite a close 1n- spection. 10c up to $2.00 NOTION SECTION —STREET FLOOR ~ (Curtain Section FURNITURE FEPAKTMENT Nottingham Curtains § 45t § 239 Insh Point Curtains 15890 to 1000 Arabian Curtains .- 1.39% 1000 Muslin Curtains 39 t 1.25 Bobbinet Curtains 119 to 239 Madras Curtains 97 to 147 Curtain Net 25¢, A7¢ and 57c¢ per yard Curtain Edging and Insertion, 5c. lc 15¢ per yd THIRD FLOOR Garment Department We don't want to carry over a wool garment As a result we continue our offer on unsold num- bers of various styles and materials, one third off SECOND FLOOR Carpet Department Japanese Mats, 27 in. x 22 in. They are our regular 75¢ porch or room mat, are variously de sigaed, and are on sale Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday, 59c. Another lot of 50 Oil Cloth Door Mats, size 18in. x 36 in See table full street floor Always sold at 25¢; Thursday, Fridsy and Saturday, 17¢c THIRD FLOOR Unusual Offerings Initial in Embroid- ered and Hand Drawn Hand ker- chiefs Plain and Hemstitched, all linen Plain and Embroidered 15¢ and 25¢ Plain Initial, or enclosed with wreath, 15¢ and 25¢ Japanese hand drawa work, vanously designed They are worth one third more by way of com- paring Mexican goods 50c to $1.25 NOTION SECTION—STREET FLOOR W. T. CAREY, JUSTICE OF THE PEAGE wanda today. Towanda today. Office Maney & Page Block, Rooms formerly occupied by the Office hours: 9 to 10a. m.; 6:30 to 8 p,m. Atother Uanes daring day at Valley Record office, Superintendent H. S. Putnam was in Athens today. Sylvester Collins and wife of State Run, Pa, have been guests of his brother, Gorge Collins of Athens on their way to Potter county. Mrs. C. H. Humphrey of Terry town, is spending a short time with today they together went to Elmira where they will be the guests of fnends a short time. The Waverly Choral Union will races May 30. SAYRE'S LEADING DRAYMAN. tention given to moving of Pianoe, Hovsshold Goods, Safes Waverly on the evening of May 23. It will be given under the direction of Mrs. Blackmore, who has had it in rehearsal for several months. The Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum is now in session at Old Point Comfort, Va. Supreme Regent Wiggins has doffed his LAWS. & WINLACK, J B Smith will go to Ellindale, del, in a few days to make a month's visit with hus neice, Cora Attorneys and Counselors | jester. at Law. James E Fredenburg died at the i GENERAL LAW BUSINESS home of his daughter on Hugh TRANSACTED street, Wednesday evening, aged 7§ . ycars. LAWS' BUILDING, 219 DESMOND ST, Mrs. F. I. Estabrook was in at- Valley Phone 180-A. Sayre. tendance at the Women's Christian Temperance Union LERIGH AND SCRANTON Sayre today. COAL At the Lowest Possible Prices. Orders can be left at West Sayre Drug Store, tar » ot as Rs yards at Sayre. Both Phones, COLEMAN MASSLER, CEES Save money by buying there. 6 ¢ The Rt Rev. Bishop Hoban will H. H. Mercereau, joseph'schuch Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Special attention to Pension Papers. Valley Phone 11 X. week. 13 Degmond Street, Sayre, tery F, Third Penna. Heavy Artill- IT the war of the Rebellion. DR. A. 6. REES, M.D. 100 Lake 88, West Sayre, OFFICE HOURS: 8 80 11:00 a. m., 1 to 4:30, 7:00 to 85:00. Genito and chronle diseases s | | crown and sceptre and is presiding We tremble lest they may adopt some more new edicts. The Hosmer Marine band will furnish the music at St. Joseph's fair this evening. A large number of useful and ornamental articles will be sold at auction. On to- morrow evening the Aeolian or- chestra will render a fine concert. The Italians, Camila Mato and Joe Ocid, were on tnal at court yesterday on the charge of violat- ing the pure food law, by attempt ing to sell renovated butter. The |jury could not agree and their case will go over until next term. | The ordination of Alvin C Sawtelle and John V. Axtell will take place at the Presbyterian church next Tuesday evening when the Presbytery of Lackawanna will convene for that purpose. The public are invited to the exercises, William's Carbolic Salve With Arnica and Witch Hazel The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tet ter, Chapped Hands and all skin erup- tions. It is guaranteed to i satisfao- refanded. rice 250 by liliams MCg. Co, Props. 0. Bold by M. Driggs, ATHENS Strawberries Naval Oranges Bananas, New Cabbage Texas Onions Lettuce Radishes Extra Fancy California Celery Cucucumbers Aspiragus, Etc Home Veals Never better than now, 6to 8 weeks old and well coated with fat, tender, juicy and fine flavored. «8c . 12C Stewing pieces Chops 10 rs, 14 Flour White Star friends flour is gaining | day. “It's better fl »ur for less money” is the general verdict. 1; bbl sacks 1; bbl sacks 1 bbl in sacks . . + : Cyclone, Spray, Standard, Mor- ley’s graham, meal, buckwheat flour and mill preducts Groceries Cream cheese, old . - - new every i i f Pure lard . Potatoes . . Best creamery prints | 5 Ib sacks sugar, granulated 231b * i if 1 3 Ibs fancy Rio coffee .. to} 1 Ib Kamer's Special blend coffee « 0. 25 | (2 unmatchable coffee values) Oak Leaf soap Acme soap . Lump starch 3 cans red salmon . 3 cans pink salmon . 6 lbs broken rice Banner oats . . Force i Shredded wheat . Egg O See Nu Life toc bbl matches . . H. P. pea beans, qt. Miscellaneous Best Painted Garden Wheelbar- rows, regular price $3 25; Saturday price, $2.63, A nice assortment of plain and high grade screen doors and win- dows, wire cloth, poultry netting, fence posts, garden tools, All colors in Jap-a-Lac, Devoe Paints Varnishes, Oils, Glass, Etc. Blue Flame Wick Oil Stove Is the newest and best stove of its kind that has been brought out yet. Lighted and extinguished as quickly as gas. Blue flame from | the start, intense heat, economical, and pleasant to operate. Market Top cuts of beef put up ina skilled manner, 5 lbs brisket . 5 lbs plates . Hamburg steak . Round steak . . Finest quality rump roasts, boned and rolled . Top quality nb roasts, boned and rolled . Top quality short cut . Pork chops 13% Porkroasts . «iv 5. «13M CHERRY HAMS AND BACON | are ina class by themselves. There | are no “just as good” to the users of Cherry hams and bacon. Chuck roasts . . . . 10¢, 124 Wafer-cut, sugar-cured, sun- dried beef put up while you wait is a long start toward a good lunch. Potato chips are fiue if properly | made. No guess work with the Golden. Boxes 10c. Cadet Mowers Contain the cutting features of higher priced machines, are lighter to handle, made of first quality ma- terial by the Caldwell Lawn Mower Co. $3.00 and $3 25. 20 27 i hn Ww NN | NNN - -— AN we WNL ee ribbed roasts 14 SHOES BARGAINS IN +¥ SHOES 100 Pairs Edwin C. Burt and Patrician Shoes for Women. Regular Price $3.50 and $4. Sale Price $2.78 A. E. Nettleto $3.98 100 Pairs La Lrance and Other $3.00 Brands for Women. Sale Price $2.19 200 Pairs Walk-Over, Mon- arch Pats, and Worthmore n's and $4.00. Sale Price $2.78 WILLIAM P. LANE Athens—Notice of the death of William P. Lane of Owego, in last evening's Record, brings sadness to some of his old Athens friends who have known and respected him highly in earlier years. He was a talented musician, and took part in many of the events that prominently in past times. He possessed a high tenor voice, such as is seldom met with among professional singers and his Office and Residence at 106 Center Street, Athens, Pa. Valley Telephone 97d services were sought for far and near. Mr. A. C McCaslin was in Binghamton day before yesterday half hour before he started out on his fatal fishing trip with his two little grandsons. He was in good spirits and anticipated great pleas- ure from lis day's outing. Mr. Lane worked in Athens last sum- mer as painter and decorator in al carriage manufactory. BIG CROWD ATTENDED Athens—There was a large fair last evening. The rug was won W. E Croll. The door prize of a ton of coal was awarded Carroll of Sayre. There will be special attractions tonight and Hosmer's band will be present to enliven the hours with good music, young people after the exercises are over | | L. We wish to call your attention to our numer- ous selections in Lawns and Batistes Resldence: -1 AN UNUSUAL THING Did you ever hear of a plumber having a “Special Sale?” Well, that's what we're doing We have the larg est and most com- plete line of Gas Fixtures and Sun | lies in the valley . J “ Twenty - five dif- | *® { Twenty tv ait ~The Satisfactory’ Place. fixtures to select from, and, until Jupe 1st, these! will be on sale AT 2 COST. Don't printers and a new, up- wait until the best €quipment are at your ones are picked out, but come now and save money ! on those fixtures that vou need. Murrelle’s Printing Office | disposition to please. | our promises. * —— i Elmer Ave. : Valley Pose 128x. BENJAMIN, WE PRINT 20 Spruce St, A few samples of which are to be seen in our ei, window. We also have a line of Summer Suitings In the pretty silk effects for this season. We invite you to call and look over our stock What Will You Wear This Summer ? It's high time to decide what style you want and make your selection now D. E. McMAHAN I. 0. 0. F. BLOCK, ATHENS. E. M. DUNHAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Lockhart Rtraet, Sayre, Pa, CAFE Lockhart St. Sayre. while our stock is complete. We offer for choice all new model single and dou- ble breasted sack suits in the ever popular blue serges and the gray worsteds which fashion has approved as the correct thing. To truly appreciate the importance of the style come here and try on the different models. It will be la pleasure to show them. § ++ | Murphy & Blish, Tailors, Clothiers and Haberdashers, SAYRE, PA, A Lockhart St, Next to Postoffice