The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, May 14, 1906, Image 2

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& CO.
| Willams
| ooo Special
1 Ib Lowney’s chocolate
4 pkgs Royal cornstarch .
3 pkgs seeded rasien
3 pkgs English currants
2 Ibs shredded cocoanut
4 Ibs ginger snaps .
g bars Acme soap .
10 bars Railroad soap
11b A Noi Japan tea.
40c Japan tea .
3 cans Herald baked beans
30c bottle Queen olives .
1 Ib Boston Combination coffee
5 Ibs
1 Ib White House coffee
5 lbs
Pillsbury's Best flour .
Washburn's Best flour
3 cans Conewago com .
4 caas Osborn corm . . .
~ 1 doz. R02 glass cans Hoyt's toma.
- “ 1
I seh can pie peaches
2 Ib evaporated apples
I. A. &G. R. Williams
Capital $50,000.00
Surplus - $12,000.00
We solicit your Banking busi-
ness, and will pay you three per
oeat. interest per annum for money
left on Certificate of Deposit or
Bavings Account.
The department of savings is a
special feature of this Bank, and
all deposita, whether large or
small, draw the same rate of
The Valley Record
3 H MURRELLE, Publisher,
w. T. CAREY, Editor.
| —
Published svery afternoon excopt Suz-
ay a Murrelle’s Printing Office, Sayre,
Sabserl 00 ; 25 cents
ption, $3.00 per year; 25 cen
FRANK E. WOOD, Representative
News and adve rtising matter may be
left at Gregg's Racket Store, Waverly.
After 12 o'clock noon call the main
office at Sayre, Valley ‘phone 138X.
A Unger
spent Sunday in
for your millinery.
Robert Smith of Geneva spent
Sunday in town.
Charles Brown went to
tl A Ass sn
Buy your” millinery of Mrs.
rect styles 6-3
Barton were visiting Mrs, Barton
Hall Sunday.
Mrs. Ellis, at Waverly, can save
you money and give you the latest
in millinery. 6-3
Misses Edith and Mary Ingham
visiting their
brother, Ingham, Lincoln
H. B,
Wesley Smeaton returned from
Horseheads last night, after visiting
his sister, Mrs. L. M. Chappie in
that place for the past four days.
Walter Bishop's cafe at the
corner of Broad and Loder street
is rapidly acquinng a fine patron-
age. Mr. Bishop provides his
guests with first class lunches,
which with an elegant assortment
of pure wines and liquors makes it
a most desirable place at which to
at the
the signal D. lL. &
station were last
night so as to set the signal against
any train passing. i
Who did the cutting is not
known and the deed was discovered
before any trains had been stopped
The freight trains generally pass at
a high rate of speed and -it
thought that the act was done by
some one who wished to catch a
train ride at that place.
Waverly—The D. LL & W
station at Wilawanna was burned
to the ground last night. The
building caught fire at about 11
o'clock and burned so fiercely that
the telegraph poles near the build-
ing caught fire and were almost
entirely consumed and the mid
night train from Elmira
delayed about an hour.
Tomorrow is is Lehigh Valley
pay day.
Men's dress and working shirts,
soc kind at 42c at H. Sattler's.
Don't forget the concert at the
Baptist church on Wednesday
Born to Mr. and Mrs. James
Kirkland of North Lehigh avenue,
Largest lige of hats in the valley
at prices that save you money at
Athens Racket Store. 6 3
Lehigh Valley stock a little over
a week ago dropped to 05 1s agam
soanng upward, on Saturday was
quoted at 74
The W.C T.1
meet tomorrow afternoon at the
home of Mrs John Bull, No
Sayre will
Passenger traffic on the Lehigh
Valley still continues to be heavy
Sayre is crowded with human
— —
George Armstrong, a Lehigh
| car near Rummerfizld on Saturday |
afternoon and sustained in
which will confine him to his home |
The passenger trainmen on the |
Lehigh Valley and other roads in
the east donned their summer uni- |
forme today. The new uniforms |
are neat and tasty and add greatly |
to the appearance of the wearer
nr gists
The electric fan is making its |
appearance. J. R Kasper, Sayre's |
well known restauranteur, has in-
stalled one of the swiftly moving |
air agitators and the patrons of that |
place will hereafter enjoy the breeze. |
oO {
Nearly all the miners in the
anthracite regions resumed work |
today. The men that had been]
imported have left the collenes and
it is expected that normal cons
ditions will prevail in a few days. |
Charles H. Allen, one of the]
oldest and best printers in Brad-|
has resigned his |
and ac@®pted al
similar one with the Bradford Star,
Automobiles are becoming plen-
tiful in Sayre and yesterday the
owners of these machines took ad-
vantage of the fine weather and
good roads and made trips into the
surrounding country and nearby
S— —
The proclamation from the grand
sire and the grand master that the
second Tuesday in June or so near
that date as 1s convenient shall be
observed by the Independent Order
of Odd Fellows as a memonal day
in honor of their death has been
— tle
The books, entitled “The San-
Francisco Horror,” which The
Record has been giving away with
each yearly subscription, have ar-
rived and are ready for distribution
The book contains over 400 pages
and is in cvery detail exactly as
advertised. agents will be
ready to deliver them in a few
days excites suspicion and invites
Now neither is wanted, but the sure way to avoid both is to “keep up.” This
3y paying a small amount at
For quality,
i ii and style our stock of Spring garments leaves nothing to be
sirable and
ing which
pn ¢
Attractive ¥ $8
Ladies Suits 30
Stylishly stunning suits in novel effects
and artistic designs. There are so many
shades in vogue that even the most partic-
ular and those who want something differ-
ent will have no difficulty making a selec-
tion. Our showing is such that we can
meet all demands.
The Eton Jacket with its “soft fluffiness
and feminine frills” is very popular.
Nothing is smarter or more jaunty than the
waist line jacket. We have every other
model and style and an inspection of our
offerings will at once command your atten-
tion and give you pleasure.
Select your garment and pay a little every
worthy. Being made by union
have no lurking germs which
The fabrics, the attractive
quahty of the matenals are
of our stock.
and general character of our
once show to the purchasers
good values and embody all the
lish garments.
Advertise in The Record.
Williams’ Kidney Pills
Have you neglected your Kideys?
neys and Bladder?
the loins, side, back, groins and blad-
der? Have you a flabby appearance of
the face, especially under the eyes? Too
frequent desire to paas urine? If so
Williams’ Kidney Pills will cure
Sample Free. By mail 50e,
Druggists. Williams Mfg. Co, Prop's,
Cleveland, O. Bold by UC. M. Driggs,
Charter Notice
In the Court
ford County
Notice is hereby given that an appli-
cation will be wade to the above court
on Monday, June 4, 1806, by Job Griffin,
O. L. Haverly, Vine Crandall,
inson, E. M. Cowell, J. W. Beamau, et
under the Act of Assembly of the Com
ficial societies, opders or associations
ec Week Ouly
Nidan Allies
oe FOR 1906.
The Pierce, Racy cle, Miami, Rambler,
Crescent and Nubia.
"Largest stock of bicycle sundries. Tires from $1.50 up.
Saddles from 50c up. Pedals from 50c up. Pumps
from 10c up. Coaster Brakes from $4.00 up.
Broad Street.
eman in Hercu
was sunset
She is the ¢
Nearly two hundred tickets have
{been sold for the concert to be
{given in the Baptist church on
Wednesday evening by a Maxfield |
Moree, Miss Malissa Treat and
Miss Evelyn Rathbun, and the
| indications are that the church will |
Waverly high]
school was defeated by the Sayre
high school base ball team on last |
Saturday afternoon by a score of |
16 to 10. The game was rather |
loosely played, although at times |
the players displayed dash and|
vim. Both sides Made many errors.
|be crowded to the doors. The |
HOSPITAL NOTES | program consists of 14 numbers
L. H. Clark, oh Rummerfield, | and will sppeat in the daily papers}
and Mrs. John Park, of Montrose, tomorrow, The piano 10 be' used]
at this concert will be furnished by
discharged f .
WeTe 'SCarged tms forenoon | Barrett Brothers of Binghamton.
Entered as second-class ‘matter ‘May
Gader the Ack of Congrem of Kaveh 1
Act of Congress of Narch 8,
{ therein,” Approved April 4, A.D, 1803,
and its supplements, for the charter of
an intended corporation to be called The
Keystone Guard, the character and ob-
{ ject of which is the formation of a secret,
| fraternal, beneficial seciety, to provide
{ for the payment to its members of sick,
disability or death claims in such
{amounts as may be authorized, and to!
| provide for the payment of money upon
the expiration of a fixed period of not
leas than five sears to members whose
benefleial or distribution period may
{ then expire of sach sum not ex
the maximum amount named in the
| beneficiary certificates as the cou-
| stitution and general laws in force
at the expiration of said period way
For Rent
Part of a double house, Stevenson
street. Inquire of Peter Hocklander on
the premises.
" Housn for rent at 209 North
| venue, Inquire at 2094.
Rooms for rent, modern | rovements,
gas lights, Tn 513 8,
Room 3, Forrest House,
H. L. TOWNER, M.D. Wanted,
Specialties Apprentice girls wanted at Miss Shu-
DI of Women and of the Reet | lenbusg's dressmaking parlors, 108 ( he. |
Hours—7 to 9a. my 1% 8,7 to 8 p.m. | mung stree t, Wave rly. 148 Rios, Bo, Jas
OFFICE—-SAMUELS BLOCK. Boy wiuted. Apply at Gately Farni-| =
treet. W Trg amall offices, ne room with beth,
Valley Telephone 27x. 118 Lockhart 5 | ure Cou Brunt #67 gel Waren!
) suitable for gentleman. Inquire H.
YOUNG L ADIES and GIRLS can find Talmadge.
UK . PECKALLY, 0 work—good wages--and paid |
th a howa by the Ya Tha Heigrin % 300 2
a a i DEALER IN ES x
For rent, office rooms in the Whesloak
k hn
| Two offices for rent in the &
this purpose to have possession and ene Domes . | |
| joy a) the ighias A and privileges Foreign and tic Fruits For Sale Page block, 2
conferred by said Act of Assembly and | at a bargain to right
The Record, has
— ie the laws of this Commonwealth. Pare Olive Oil for medical purposes. Fred J. Taylor. 3e
| L. T. HOYT, Bolicitor. Macaroni at §, 8 and 10¢ per pound. — Lease ever ted in =
ing FOR SALE CHEAP 6-mayld, 21,28 i A quantity of hoasshold goods. Ine also Test |
: No. « Rlizabeth St Waverly
{ atreet, Waverly, 2nd floor. CC. L, Sher- for Justices and
One Indian motorcycle, 19035 |
——————— quire for next 20 days at x» Broad
i { herd. 2
EDISON PHONOGRAPES | ue nse irc os JI | 3 AKER. DR. A. 8. REES, M.D."
p House and lot on Lewis street. Write |
Records and supplies on easy perfect running order, double grip 100 Laan ast Sage, insta Balding, Elmira, N. Y. "$00.1m
monthly payments. Over 1,000|control. One Merkle motorcycle Carpenter and Builder. 8 60 11:00 a. m., 2 to 4:30, 7:00 40 8:00,
17 Pleasant St. Waverly, K. Y. | gpecinity. a :
“All the news that’ 1 fit to print”
fC SMOxDAY, MAY 1, Ta.
Harry LaPlant w was in Towanda
this forenoon on business.
-— —
Edward Sullivan and Fred Myer
drove to Nichols yesterday.
Mrs. Elsie Brown, of Milltown, |
underwent an operation this morn- |
General store
party. Central
Mrs. A. P. LaPlant and children
have returned from a visit with
friends at Towanda.
Herman Jedkins, night clerk at
Kasper's restaurant, has returned
from a week's visit with friends and
relatives in New York city.
gold molded records in stock at|as good as new, a great bargain, at
Zausmer’s jewelry store, Waverly. | Zausmer's jewelry store, Waverly,