W T. Geodnaw, F.T. Page, ay For mis in Athens, Sayre and Waverly. Y COAL C0. Valley Coal & Prompt Delivery 1 AND REAL ESTATE. d, Insurance Writ Rents Col- MINES RESUME WORK President Mitchell's Last Talk to His Followers WORKERS CONDEMN STATE POLICE Federation Has Secured, fSald Miteh- ell, Something Never Hefore Ob- talacd, a Signed Anrvement With Coal Operators. SCRANTON, Pa, May 8 Work will be resumed Ly the mine workers throughout the anthracite feld tower OW momiug The repair wen and suy others Uecessary to prepare the collieries for general operntious will re port for work this morning. This was decided upon at the closing session of the couveution after the agreeivent eu- tered futo om Monday in New York between the vperators sud the subscale Omni ttee was formally ratified A few of the radicals ouce wore took the floor whew the motion to ratify He Mouday agreement was made and olive were urged that the suspension be turned into a strike. but they were hopelessly lu the minority. and their Teluarks were listened to ln silence The convention adopted resolutioos condemning the state coustabulary and providiug for the mine workers as au orgaLization taking an active part in politics ia the gomination aud support of legislative candidates President Mitchell ou enteriug the ball was vociferously applauded and was calial upon for a speech He sald “This will probably be the last time that I shall address you, aud It might be well for we to say one or two things. Some are inclined to believe that be cause we have not secured an advance fu wages or any improvement In the oeuditions of ewployment that we have uet accomplished anything. 1 waut to say that I believe you have taken the wost advanced step In the history ef thls movement “You have secured what you have usver before secured a signed agree meat with the operators. It is an agreeiuent which Is pot entered luto with the Uuited Miue Workers. but with the officers of that organization for they Laie «igued an sgreciuent with your uational president and with your district otficers “I am couviuced that if the United Mine Workers walutaio the streugth and solidarity of their organisation that three years beuce the ruliroad presidents wili ask you to muske an Sgreetuent with thew rather than that you should be forced to ask them to make AB agrecwent with vou “Last summer | wade a tour through this region. | urged the mine workers fe come back Intu the organization. At that time there were ouly 34,000 members. At the close of that tour there were 80.000 welubers 1a the or «aniiation. Had that tour uot been wade there would have Leen a reduc. tion In wages, according to rellable lu- formation that 1 Lave In Wy posses sien. My luformation Is that the rail roads were ready to lucrease the work Ing day from uloe to ten bheurs. to re quire the englueers to work seven days In the week aud te require the Srewen to work twelve hours lustead of eight. Lf this Is true, then we have won a vic “In couclusion let me express the Bope that when you return to your Lomes you will be as loyal to this unien as you have been iu the past. As I sald Lefore, this way Le the last twe that I will have the privilege of ad- dressiug you. Whether it Is or not. you Owe It to yourselves, to your families, to your class and to your craft, to be loyal and true to this organization, whick bas doue so much for you. It cau and it will do more for you If you will stand by it aud remalu true to yourselves.” There was & treweadous outburst of applause when Mr. Mitchell sat dewn The convention adjourned sice die im- mediately after President Asks For $500,000 Mere. WASHINGTON, May 9. ~The presi. dent Las transmitted 10 congress a let. ter frow Secretary Taft recommending the appropriation of au additional $300,000 to meet conditions at San Francisco. The president's letter says: “1 herewith trausinit a letter from the secretary of war lo respect to the sit. uation as to the army supplies at San Fraocisco. It sets forth the necessity for ag additional appropriation of $800,000, which I recommend be made at once” Pastor Pleads Not Guilty, WATERLOO, N, YY, May 9 The Rev. C. Btuart Bain, pastor of the First Baptist church of Waterloo, was arraigoed before Police Justice Litzen berger on the charge of arson In the third degree. It was alleged that he sel Ore to his church, which was par. tially destroyed ou March 0 last. The Rev. Mr. Bain plended not Kulity. Jalled For Fraud at Vienna. VIENNA, May 0A wan named Frater, 8 native of Great Britalu, was sentenced 10 two years' Linprisonment at bard labor for represeuting hlwself to be the sou of Joseph Leiter of Chl cago and drawing checks ln Mr Let. ter's unme on Brown, Shipley & Co. bankers, of Loadou. Detroit Attorney Dropped Dead. DETROIT, Mich, May © Alfred Russell, cue of the prowinent. attor ueys of Detroit aud formerly United dfstriet attorney for tbe easter FRISCO WOMEN BAREFOOTED, Metealf Reports to President and Cabinet on Devastation. WASHINGTON, May 9 Secretary Metealf has returned here and bas ex- plained to the president and cabinet that the reports of the devastation wrogght by the earthquake and fire weré not exaggerated und that the work of relief necessarily must cou- tinge for some tline. He praised the army for its efficient work and that of Dr. Devine representing the Hed Cross. In discussing the situation Secretary Metcalf sald that the destruction of San Francisco and the other California cities and towns furnished the best ob- Jet lesson to architects aud bullders in this country and Indeed the world It was proved conclusively, he sald, that steel structures Lad best with. stood the shocks and fire sud that granite under iutense heat was prac tically worthless The opportunity Riso was afforded, be sald. to judge of the staying qualities of certain kinds of bullding material aod luterior tuishes Another point which he sald impress ed hin considerably was the fact that the situation disclosed a less propor: tion of poor persous fo Sau Francisco than gevernily had beeu supposed. It was fouud that there was ou deposit banks over $1u5,000,000, or au average of $300 per capita for every Citizen of the city. Discussiug the subject of rebuilding Secretary Metcalf believed that the re sumption of business was the most im- portant cousiderstion. He particularly was struck, be sald, with the fortitude of the stricken peo- ple aud declared that oot during the whole time he was lu California did be hear a slugle complaiut He saw many Instances of wowmen formerly In comfortable circumstances walking around barefooted. . As regards the Chiuese, they are be ing cared for oun exactly the same plane as every other person, snd he said they Lad uo complaint whatever fo wake KICKED “OLD GLORY.” Unksown Man Mobbed mt Moboken For Outrage to Flag. NEW YORK, May ¥- Au uuknown man whe walked down the walu street of Hoboken Kickiug nu American flag along io the JiIrt wae mobbed by Indig nant citisens, clubbed Ly = policeman sentenced Ly the court and put to work breaking stoues iu a penitentiary be fore the day was over The “man without un country” refused to disclose bis ldeutity when questioned Ly the court, but sald be was the “kiug of buns" aud came from “nowhere.” He was a big fellow and gave the crowd, whieh stopped his abuse of the fag, a hard fAght The mob was calllug out tu one an- vther to lyuch Lim when a policeman luterfered aud arrested Lim after a struggle In which the unknown wae badly clubbed. When Recorder Stan tou read a lecture to blm iu court for abusing the Hag Le luterrupted. de claring “that is all it is good for Tle recorder imposed a seuteuce of six wouths. Visit Has Politienl Signidcance, VIRNNA, May 9-—-The vews of Em- peror Willlam's forthcomwlug visit to Emperor Fraucls Joseph iu June occa slons much comment In political clr- cles here, which attributed It entirely to the Morocvan couference. It Is vape- clally emphasized that the visit 1s due to Ewperor Wililam's fuitiative, who in a letter to Emperor Fraucls Joseph expressed Lis appreciation of Austria Hungary's attitude at Algeciras, add- lug that be wished to pay a personal visit to the 2wperor. The latter, re plylug, expressed the pleasure It would afford Lim to receive his friend and ally Jall Birds Struck For Tobaece. WASHINGTON, Pa. May 9—Twen- ty county Jalil prisoners composing the squad used In cleaning the public bulldiugs weut on strike and refused to work uatil given their dally allow- ance of tobacco, Heretofore the coun Ly commissiouers had supplied the pris ouers with tobacco, but au order was Issued that no more would be furnish- el. The priscuers refused to work and Were threatened with solitary confine went, but they remaloed fir. The slerilf appealed 10 the commissioners, who rescinded the order cutting off the tobaccu Vesuvius Again Firiag Up, NAPLES. May #.—-Vesuvius is agals showing cousideruble activity. A dease column of smoke Is risiug from the crater sud spreading like an umbrella, Sccompanied by loud detonations and electrical discharges, which are “ape clally ooticeable from Resina. The walo crater is discharging sand and cluders. Au English euginesr named Mozer ascended Mount Vesuvius, go fug within eighty yards of the Openlug of the crater. which wow is 400 feet lower toward Hesiua than It was before the recent eruption. Twe Cancveists Drowned. OLUTOWN, Me, May 9. By the up- setting of thelr cance iu the turbulent flood that sweeps down the Penobscot river ju the spring Harry F, Semen of Philadelphia sud William B. Russell of Boston were drowned, snd Willlam B. Hagisden, 8 companion of Semen ia a traveling theatrical company, was saved Just as be was belug carried over a dam, Aceunod of Playing Kye Doctor, FREEHOLD, N. J. May 9. Edward Hause, who UNION BRINGS SUIT Racing Association Sued For Defaulter's Turf Losses. BELMONT “CALLED DOWN" COUNSEL Turfmas Examined In Case of Ei. Treasurer Rasmussen, Whe Is Ac- cused of Using Union Money For Gambling Purposes. NEW YORK, May §—After creating ; KTeal wxciteweut in the supreme court luy assalliug couusel for employing tac tics which he culled “indecent” August Belmont took the witness stand lu the sult of the Housemumiths nd Brouze Erectors’ union against the Westches- ter Raclug association for the recovery of $1085 lest at Morrls park race truck by F. P. Hasmussen, treasurer of the union. Justice Awend ordered Lawyer Per due to call Mr. Belmont as 8 witness after counsel for Rasmussen had fought vigorously to keep him off the stand His coutention was that 4 he had subposused Mr. Belmont he had bis testimony Mr. Belmont publicly “called down” opposing counsel and galued the wit: (ues stand With the assistance of the Judge Mr. Belmout iu the course of Lis ex amination admitted he was a stock: Lolder aud director of the Westchester association. He declared that the would be accepted from thew. The Wheelock Q Was any arrangement made at this time with the Metropolitan Turf association A. No. The miller was entirely dropped Witaess was unable to say whether the association was told they could only contribute by purchasing tckets. Mr. Dolphin—I'm reading frem your testiiony lu suother case. : Mr. Belmout—ObL. very well That's arranged to purchase & certain number of tUckets each day Q How wany did they buy each day? A 1 could wot tell you | was uot the treasurer. [ was ouly a direct: or. We did not kuow what ous's ex- peuses would be Q Theu your sctioo depeuded on formly on all tracks 4. Did they contribute wore than vas admission? A. That I don't know. They Lad there an organization out side - 4. But you were assured « certain uumber would be bought! A That I don't know. They made that arrsuge- ieut themselves In their turf uasocla: tien. It was generally known, I should Bay, & Columon accepted amount ar rauged amoug themselves. 1 think ap- proximately #fty-seven tickets for each wan Q. Tu whow did the money go! A. lo the Westchester Raciug assecistion Mr. Dolphin, counsel for the plaintif, questioned Rasmussen as to the man- ner of wagering lu the betting ring and the preseice there of mien wearing the uniform of ewployees of the nssocla- tiou This was an effort to establish the technical counection between the association aud the bookmakers. Rasmussen was asked If be had any of the funds of the union with him on May 25, 1908. when he went to the track. He sald that be bad and that be bad wade wagers with the union's money. Ou May 5, he sald, he took about $700 of the union's money to the rack. Rasmussen foally sald he bad lost $1,658 of the funds of the union. Joint Rule 1a Zien. BELVIDERE, lll, May §—That ZI- ou Clty affairs shall be ruled by a cow wittee Of three. cue chosen Ly Voliva, one LY Dowle and oue by the circuit court judges Leariug the case, they to bave charge until the injunction mat- ter is flnally disposed of, Is the proba- ble temporary settlement of the legal battle between the Zion City factions provided Dowie agrees to the proposi- tion. His attorneys will report his wishes to Judge Wright In Chicago. when a decision will be made. Anarchist Plot at Paris, PARIS, May 6. A striking carpenter awed Habert and another man were wounded Ly the explosion of a bomb which they were engaged in loading In the garret of & house situated lu one of the districts (nbabited by people of the working class. After the men had Leen arrested Prefect of Police Lepine seirched the garret and found other botbs. [It Is belleved that the Lowbs were belug prepared for use In con nection with an anarchistic plot. Injunction Malts Eighty Cent Gas. ALBANY, N. Y.. Msy 9.-Atturuey General Mayer, District Attorney Je rome Aud Commissioners Gunnison, Shedden and Davies of the state gas commission were served with an In Junction issued by the United States court to restrain them from putting lato effect the order of the comwlésion establishing eighty ceut gas lu New York city. Confederate Veternn Bead. KNOXVILLE, Teun, May 9 -Gen- eral Joun F. Horne, aged sixty-oue years, one of the leading wholesale merchants of this city, 1s dead here after several wivuths' lliness. He was commander of the Tennessee division United Confedérate Veterans. MONTAGUE BTAKES. inguisitor Beat Out Ormonde’s Right | Fer Jamaica Feature. NEW YORK. May 9. Favorites were Sgaln successful at Jamaica. Five pub j Hc choices won, and the forw players (bad wost profitable raciug. Halton, favorite In the first race, was the only frst choice to fell The winner tuned wp lu Round Dance. un 20 to 1 shot Jockey Miller wou half of the cand, pl doting Pater, luquisitor and Lord of the Forest to vietory Inquisiter after running in a good position all the way closed stroug Io the stretch and won the Moutague stakes LY a Lend from Orulcnde's Right. with Pull Finch third De Mund, the Lest two year-old shown this Year, was sold to Paul Raluey of Cleve land, O. for the reported price of $43 G00. De Mund started ouce this vear ln & bLalf wile race. which be won by ten or Afteen lengths. He stepped the dis fauce then iu 047 15. A week ago Le i Worked a ball mile over the Gravesend track in 040 seconds far Buuasa, O'Nelll up, iu the last race fell soon after the start, but ber rider escaped lujury. The oily broke ber leg aud was otherwise badly Injured snd will be destroyed. Sumuaries First Race Routd Dance, first: i Clements, second; Higglubothawm, third | Second Kace. Yorkshire Lad. first: Jack McKeon, second; Sir Brillar third | Third Race- Pater, second; Esoteric, third | Fourth Race-—luquisitor, arst: Or monde's Right. secoud: Phil Pinch third. Fifth Race —Lond of the Forest, first: Kye. second; Cassandra. third Sixth Race -Tausgar, first: | my, second; Aureoliue. third BASEBALL SCORES. first; Cressiua Econo Games Played Yesterday In the Ya- tional nud American Leagues. NATIONAL LEAQUE $0 3 v0 81 ! Hite New Yyurk Hrooklyn ‘rore—New York. I: Biookl)u teries—McGinnity and Marshall Mcintyre and Ritter At Pittsburg. “hicago v i PRisbuL vl qo @¢ ! Hite—Chicago, 5. Pittsburg Chicago, 3 Pilaburs 1 Batteries 8 ling L 3 Scanior ie v ¢ 4 Wicker and eever and | At Philadeiphla sion $s vile hliadeiphia ¥ U8 09 0 1 | Hits—Boston, 14: Philadelphia. § Er rers— Boston, I. Philadelphia. 3 Batteries Lindemay and Needham Pittinger Ritchie and Doon TABLE OF PERCENTAGES Ww L Fav York cago hiladeiphia tisburg on t. Louis | Sinsinnati Brooklyn Vue ¢ 1 = % AMERICAN LEAGUE At New York Washington 2901210012) 9¢ New York §1G0veaelop Hits— Washington. 12; New York, 1. Er. rors-Washington. ¥; New York, 7 Bat Jaries Nan and Kittridge, Clarkson and leinow At Boston hiladelphla uve ow ston ev Hits—Philadelphis. 13 Philadelphia, ¢. Boston Coakley and Schreck bam Batteries Tannehill and Gra. TABLE OF PERCENTAGES Ww Philadelphia i Washington 1 Detroit 1 Jlevelana P.C i» ’ 13 Lillie Turner Wom at Loulsville. LOUISVILLE, Ky, May v.—Lllile Turner, second choice easily wou the Debutante stakes from a Ligh class fleld of two-year-old filles Wing Ting. the favorite, was second aud Ala ole third Kiug's Daughter tad no trouble ln capturing the baundicap from Bellludian and Bracas. It was « bad day for favorites. Warner Griswold and Clifton Forge betug the only public cholces to falsh Arst Arkansas Handicap Fer Charlatans. MEMPHIS, Teun. May 9 Ouly two favorites wou at Moutgotuery park The Arkausas haudicap was the fes ture nud resulted in the defeat of the odds on favorite Charley by Charlatan at 8 to 1. luvincible was the surprise of the day. As guod as 50 to | was lald sgalost bhiw Syracuse Shut Out by Yale, NEW HAVEN, Conu, May Yale shut out the Syracuse university base ball team at Yale field by a score of 5 fo Ulu a well played game. Syracuse fried two pltcliers, but the Yale players secured eight Lits. The Belding of both feams was good Virgintans Won First Lacrosse Match RICHMOND, Va, May 9 The Unt versity of Virglula defeated Randolph Macon wllege lu 8 match gawe of la vrodse here Ly a score of 7 ta 0 It was the first tle the gawe Las ever Leen played In Richmond Mergan's Hill Lald on Table. WASHINGTON, May 9 Seuntor Murgua's bill providing for « sen level canal for the isthmus except through Culebra, where be proposes locks, was ondered laid ou the table by the senate committee on luteroceanic causls Mr Morgan gave notice that he would wot Accept the verdict of the cowinittes, but would urge the seuate to take up the bill Nobles Petlilon the Cuar. MOSCOW, May 9 Tue Cougress of reactionary uobles adopted an address to Bwperor Nicholas demandiug the Iatroduction of a iwilitary dictatorship to put un stop to terroristic attempts and tou vestore trunguillity to the coun try. Safe Blowers Fooled, CAMDEN, N. J, May ¥. toe safe In the office of the City Line, Brick and Lumber company was blows open by burglars, Lut as all the money that HITS EASTHAMPTON Villagers Rush From Homes In Terror of, Earthquake. PEOPLE THROWN FROM THEN. oiDS Farm Balldiags Overturned, Wia- dows and Dishes Broken sad (loeks Stopped—Had Shock Three Years Ago. NEW HAVEN, Coun. Mey H—East. Lampton, a swall village a few wiles cast of Middletown, on the Alr line di Visiou of the New Haven rallrcad, Las been shaken Uy au earthquake People thrown from their beds rusted 1010 the streets, windows aud dishes were Lroken, clocks were stopped snd a stanll building ou a farw in the vut skirts was overturned The direction of the sho & was from southwest tv northeast The tremor caused « vusteruation, and the people Lurried frow thelr Lowes scantily clothed The disturbalice was greatest aloog North High street Easthampton is in a district that bas bad earthquakes within recent yeurs The most recent shock was about three years ago. It was quite severe at Haddaw, four miles south Wheu Charleston was partially de siroyed wearly every town in Conpect- Icut feit the shock. Iu the Lilly sec tions it was particularly severe, people runniug frow thelr houses Ya terror Bou of the earthquake shocks felt in the vicluity of Easthampton have been attributed to small iaudsiips on the ridge ruuning through central Massa- chusetts and Connecticut . They have nothing to do with the “moodus noises” which have occurred every few years for the past (wo cen turies Defanlter Comes to Life, CROOKSTON, Minn Mas 9—It 1s sald that Joseph Matthews, who ss deputy treasurer of Polk county de faulted to the extent of about $6,000 aud who was thought to have died ln a Loudon botel fo 1585, is alive aud ex- PeCts $00u to return tu Crookston to relruburse bis Loudswmen Matthews disappeared in 1588 His watch riug aud papers were found om the wan who died in the Loudon bLotel It is HUW thouglit tuat Matthews was ia Loudon at the time and chauged cloth ing with the dead man 10 confuse iden tification. Mrs. Matthews collected $5. UU life jusurauce ufter the supposed death of Ler Lusband aud warrivd ao other wap : Revolving Shears Cot Him to Pleces. PITISBURG, May 9 — Cualioner Dickson, tweuty seven years of age, was cut to pieces by revolving shears at the McKeesport tube plaut here Dickson was In charge of the machine, aud in sowe wanner bis hand became caught ln the machivery. He attempt wl to draw it out, Lut the shears slow ly drew bis baud decper luto the Jaws of the wachine. Before the wachivery could be shut off Dicksou bad Leen drugged luto coutact with the sharp Liades Ihe wachivery was fAnally stopped, and the budy was removed lu fragmeuts Frisee Avcepts Canada's $100,000, SAN FRANCISCO, May 9.-—Mayor Schlitz elicited applause by reading the following telegram frow the Toron to Dally Star at 8 weetiug of the con struction committee here The Causa dian pariiawent voted $100,000 for the relief of Sau Fraucisco, which was de clined by President Roosevelt It ls still awaiting acceptance WII you take It If offered direct? Please rush answey lanies DD. Phelan, chairman of the nance committee, was asked to auswer the tuessage at ouce in the af firwative Bix Arrests For MeCarthy's Death. SHARON, Pa, May 9 — Constable Wililaw Sayres arrested Dave Skirboll wanager of the Nonpareil Athletic club; Referee Fred Ferinbaughb, Youug Asbearry, the pugilists Owen Zelgler of Youngstown, Towwy Feltz of Brook lyn and Jimmy Dunu of Newcastle They are bulug beld peudiug the coro ner's inquest luto the case of Harry McCarthy, who dled as the result of a six round fdglt with Youug Asberry Monday uight at South Sharou Tornado at Ann Arbor, Mich. ANN ARBOR, Mich, May 9 -A tor uado, swcovmnanted LY an electrical storm, did $10.00 damage bere The Methodist church steeple was struck Ly lightning and burned nearly down to the roof of the church. Most of the wind dawage was lu the valley of Al leus creek. the Cornwell coal sheds suf fering the most Rassia Muy Ask For Lorky. MOSCOW, May lu addition to the accusation Maxi Gorky of engaglog iu a political propaganda the precurator has charged hia with participation in the Decetuber upris ing bere, and It Is rumored that Lie extradition from the United States will be asked for against Famous Indian Sceut Ne More. El. PASU, Tex. May 9. -Dr. D Frauk Powell a famous ludiau scout, kuowu as White Beaver, dled of heart disease ou A tralu castbouud from Los Angeles. He bad Leen in charge of Colonel Willlawn F. Cody's luterests at Cody, Wyo, for several years National Assembiymen Iu Riot. BT. PETERSBURG, May 8. Troops and the police dispersed another weet ing of the Economical society last night. Several members of the nation- al assembly who protested against the dispersal of the meeting narrowly es eaped being bayoneted. Ah de a | | | Shrunk Cotton Our 10¢ number is a gocd one for the money. Other finer ones at 12] and 15e, Those New Summer Linens E Handkerchief linéns for waists and suits, costume linen, round thread linens, etc. All our own spring importaticns direct from the mills at a savii g of 20%, the middleman’s profit. Sheer White Material Our values in thisline are no less phenomenal than our linen values. We im- port these direct and our line cmbraces all the new things in sheer (fabrics. Prices of 48 in. imported materials begin at 20c, oth- er domestic inakes cheaper. It cost you nothing to see them. The makers of the W. B. erect form have placed a new line of corsets on the market—the Nuform. The garment is designed to sup- ply the necessary figure for the latest effects in gowns. It has the new high bust— the front is severely straight —the waist produces a very slender effect. There are a number of very distinctive styles in the Nuform, among which are unusually well- fitting models for both slen- der and over-developed fig- ures. Wednesday Specials Just a little odd lot of white goods, the remnants of last 10c sale. While they last Wednesday be. Other specials space does not permit us to mention. Globe Warehouse, - Talmadge Block, Elmer Ave. VALLEY "PHONE. THE NEW HARNESS SHOP Harness, Washed, Oiled, Repaired Harness Bought, Sold, Traded Rieycles Repaired Mirrors sud Looking Glasses Replated Boots aud Shoes Repaired Subscribe for The Record, Wm. B. McDonald, D.D. S. 104 South Elmer Ave, OVER THE GLOBE BSTORE. TOUHEY'S HOTFINE, Breryibing New snd Updo.’ iid Thomas Ave, Opposite L. ates $1.60 Por Day,