The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, May 08, 1906, Image 1

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LE. E. Reynolds,
Por male in Athens,
Valley Coal
st Quality & Prompt Delivery
Rayment & Haspi'a Stove, Sayre
- Both Phones
© Wholesaler of
» Wines, Beer and Ales.
Io Packer Avenue, SAYRE, PA.
Negotiated, Insurance Writ-
Houses Rented, Rents Col-
lected, Taszes Paid.
“Rosy cheeks, bright eyes and
health in general by nus-
a glass of Stegmaier’s
y day. Itis a pare pro-
of malt and Ex-
Three Year Treaty. -
At Close wf Coaference Presldest
Baer Said, Wiih a Smile, “Every-
thing is Lovely and the
Goose Hangs High.”
NEW YORK, May 5 All danger of
& coal strike for three years has been
averted, President Mitchell and a coin
mittee representiog the union aud
President Baer and a comuitiee repre
seating the operators baying reached
Ah agreeibeut that will be iu effect un
til April 1, 1908.
The operators agree to take back all
of the mem who went out ou April 1
without prejudice, with the exception
of those who persunally engaged in
acts of viclenes. The miners ugree to
be bound by te terme of the gree
went formulated by the arbitration
committes appointed by President
Roose ell four years ago.
In substance the sgreement centin
ues the old terms, but there will be
some concessions granted the uulon in
the way of changes In the couciliation
beard. The operators insisted that the)
agreewent should run for three years,
and Mr, Mitctell after a short argu
ment withdrew Bis proposition fer au
annual agreement or for cue to expire
in the spring of 1808
The couference between the two com
mittees lasted one hour. At the expl
ration of the procesdiugs President
Baer appeared at the door of the cem
mittee room, with a sinlle on his face
He said be was on his way to dictate a
«iraft of the agreement When ssked
what terms bad been agreed upon he
“Everything is levely, and the goose
hangs high”
The stipulations will bave
agreed te by the winers
now Iu session at Scranton
Mitchell will feport to the
this afternoon at 2 o'clock. There la no
doubt that the convention will indorse
the action of the subcuinmitiee The
feeling between operators apd employ
ees is better than it Las Leen for
months, and the anthracite wives will
to be
be in full operation probably tomor
President Mitchell, District Presl
dents Nicholls, Dettrey aud Faby and
District Secretaries Dempsey and Gal-
lagher comprised the miners’ commit
George FF. Baer, W. H. Truesdale, J
KH. Kerr, David Wilicex, Merris Wil
ams, BE. B. Thomas aud J. L Cake
represented the operaters. Mr Trues-
dale sald before the meeting:
**The operators will losist upon a
contraet lasting three years. We don't
want 8 repetition of this trouble in
1008, a presidential year”
Coal Drops 40 Cents & Tou.
NEW YORK, May 8 —A reduction of
40 cents = tou ln all except the steam
sises of anthracite coal Is announced
by the Lehigh Valley Raliroad eompa-
ay. This sanouncement followed the
news that the committees represeutiog
the eperators and the miners had
reached an agreement. Other compa-
nies will follow suit.
Hener Brave Tars on Kearsarge.
WASHINGTON, May 8 High praise
and such reward as the navy depart
ment is able te extend is accorded to
the brave sallors who at the risk of
life rendered first ald to the injured in
the Kearsarge disaster through gen-
eral orders. Acting Secretary Newber-
ry has indited letters personally to each
of these men. To George Breeman,
seaman, he awarded a medal of honor
and a gratuity of $100 for extraor
dinary heroism and alec suspended the
rules of the department so as to permit
big to appear at the next examination
8s a candidate for boatswaln.
Two Sailors Killed by Trails.
FOXBORO, Mam, May S85-—-Twe
men wearing the uniform of the
nited States receiving ship Franklin,
stationed at Norfolk, Va., were struck
and iastantly killed by a Boston-Teun-
ton passenger train os the Providence
division of the New York, New Haven
and Hartford raliroad at East Foxboro.
Papers In the pockets of the clothing
bore the names of W. Hitkey and J.
W. Neben. It is thought the young
men were walking from Boston to
Peosghkeopulie Hotel Keeper Jalled.
Expected sensations failed to develop
in Poughkeepsie's biggest scandal when
William C. Campbell. proprietor of the
Hotel Bavoy, was brought before Mag:
istrate Mack on 8 charge of keeping a
questionable resort. Campbell, how
ever, pleaded guilty and was sentenced
jo three months in the county jail. No
evidence was offered agelnst him
Threat of Strike Closes Yards,
KINGBTON, N.Y, May 8—Ip anticl:
pation of trouble today when members
of the Brick Tile and Terra Cotta
Workers’ union threaten to strike un-
less thelr dewnands are granted the
brickyards slong the Hudson river be
twesn Newburg snd Coxsackie are not
femmer Home at Tyriagham Burned.
“IYRINGHAM, Mass, May 8 — The
mer estates of Charles E Cloud of
is $15.000 The cause of the fire Las
a 3
Count Boal de Castellane Wine Place
in Chamber of Deputies.
PARIS, May S-—The election results
show Increasing government gains
The miuistry of the interior gives the
gains at thirty-five aml the losses at
eleven, or a net gala of twenty-four
seats, The effect of this Is to give the
“bloc,” or groups supporting the gov
ernment in the chamber of deputies,
243 votes against a total vole of 130
for the opposition groups. The govern-
mental left, therefore, appears to be
assured of a majority of about 100.
There remain over 180 districts In
which second ballots will Le neces
Amoug the prominent men elected are
former Foreign Minister Delcasse, for.
mer Premier Ribot, War Minister
Etienne, Minister of Marine Thomson,
Count Bon! de Casteliane, the Margulis
de Dion, Jean Leon Jaures, the Social.
ist leader; Baudry d'Asson. Premier
Sarrieu and Paul Deschausl, former
president of the chamber of deputies
The clear meanlog of the elections ls
that the counfry does not want to re
turu to the old regime of church and
state. The electors bave declared tham-
selves In favor of a firm, digulded for
eign policy, orderly respect for the law
at Lowe aud a lberal application of
the separation law.
Out of 38! constituencies the govern:
ment has carried 202 and the opposition
168. Im 158 districts there will be re
Lisutenant C. C. MeMilian Played =
Man's Part During the Disaster.
WASHINGTON, May 8. Captain BR
0. Crisp of the reveuue cutter McCul
loch, on duty at Sau Franciscy, lu ap
official report makes special reference
to the heroic eonduct of Becond Assist
ant Bugioeer Lisuteuant ©, C. McMIil-
lan of the reveuus cutter Bear, who,
assisted by a squad of met from the
Bear and Thetis, undoubtedly saved
the appraiser's bullding from destruc:
tion by fre after the earthquake
He took a gang of murderers from
the city pen at the request of the au
thorities and turned them over to the
army people at Fort Mason. He im-
pressed all who came around the Fair
mont hotel and put them to work oa
the fire apparatus in a valp attewpt to
save the hotel.
He saved most of the valuable paint.
ings lu the Mark Hopkins Institute eof
Art, and when they were about to be
burned on account of the irresistible
rush of the flames Le bad the paintings
cut from the frames, rolled up and car
ried away. A city Sre engine was
abandoned which he took charge of
and with it wade a heroic fight against
the flames.
He broke open several grocery stores
oe ware about to be burned and fed
nds of people who were crylog
for something to eat. When he could
no longer fight the fire he proceeded in
advance of the flames and destroyed
hundreds of barrels of whisky and In
that wanner prevented much looting
and kept the liquor from the lawless
When be ceuld no lenger save prop-
erty be retreated to the Bear's steam
lsuuch and rendered all possible ald
along the water front, and when the
launch broke down Le secured the loan
of an old tug, fixed her up and report-
ed to Captain Hamlet for duty on the
water front |
“These,” says Captain Orisp,
some of the things Le has done.”
Becretary Shaw's official report says:
“Lieutenant F. N. Freewan, Ensign
Bertholf and Midshipwan Pend, or-
dered to San Francisco by Admiral
McCalla, with practically the whole
crew of the torpedo boat destroyer
Perry, fought fSames over two days
without rest at lmminent risk of thelr
lives and saved snloue or alded in say.
lug all that is left aloug the water
“Twenty men from the Chicago did
most galiant work fightiag fire from
the northi end of the custom house
Lieutenant Freeman and Lieutenant
L. R Sargent are entitled to great
credit for gallant, weritorious and dau
gerous work performed. Too much
houor cannot be bestowed upon thew"
Cabs Wants Sew Trades Treaty.
HAVANA, May § - A subcommit-
tee of 8 joint committee of all the com
mercial and ludustrial associations of
Cuba has submitted to the full com
mittee a report ou the general basis
for the negotiation of & new commer
elal treaty with the United States, It
Is understood the full committees ap
proves of the report, which will be
subinitted to the commercial bodies on
Wilkeabarre's Centennial Jubilee.
centenufu) Jubilee, which will open in
this ety. ms Sciay next te a
$ A e
3 ta SL
Charles L. Spier Killed In Fight
With Midnight Robber.
Young Staten Islander Bravely Tao- |
kiled Hearglar In Darkness at lle
Homo—Received Ballet In Heart
Prom Owes Weapon.
NEW YORK, Msy S8-<Charles L.1!
Epler, conlideutial man to Heury H,
Rogers of the Staudard OU trust and |
president of the Richmond Light and |
Raliroad company, was shot to death!
by an burglar iu his home at New Brigh. |
ton, Staten Island, after Mr. Spler aud | i
the Lurglar had had a haul to Laud |
struggle lu which they overturued ta !
bles, wrecked
ching and glass
Ar Spier, who was oue of the wost
prowinent young business neu in this
part of the country, lived with his
Jouug wife lu one of the show places
of Richmond borough. Their howe
overlooks New York bay, and there are
Eeuerous grounds ou either side aud to
the rear and frout.
The Spler home bad been a mark for
robbers for almost two years Three
wouths ago it was plundered under the
very eyes of a flerce bulldog, which
Lad been purchased to keep off the
robbers. Either the thieves Lad a
strange lufluence on the dog or else he
knew them.
Mr. and Mrs. Spler retired shortly
before miduight. Three hours later
Mr Bpier aross and dressed. He tried
not to awaken his wife. Ina few min
utes be returned to his bedroom.
“There are burglars In the house,” be
sald. “Where is my revolver?’
The revolver was given to him, and
be started from the recom, when his
wife seized him.
“I'm afraid to let you go.” she said
The young flnuncier laughed at his
wife's fears. At this instant the bull
dog came to him and whined
“They can't hurt me with my revoly
er and this good old dog,’ be ventured
“Come Tapster,” he sald calling the
deg. Then he turned te his wife.
“Now, dear” he #ald. “don't be
frightened. We shoul! be getting used
to burglars by this tiie” As he left
her be kissed her and wi iked down
Ars. Spler. terror stricken, locked
herself in her roo. Im a few minutes
ber busband returned, closely followed
by the dog
“I couldn't find any one.” he began
While be spoke thers cdme a rattling
of glass and silverware in the dining
room below, and be bounded down the
stairs, the dog rumming hebind him,
growling furiously. THe burglar must
have been waiting for Mr, Epler iu the
haliway at the bottom of the stairs
The two closed on each other. Mre
Spler could hear them as they strug-
glad about the hall, Then there same
a single shot, and then all was gulet
save for hurrying foetsteps out into the
Mrs. Spler became desperate and
made her way through the dark hall
way and down the steps. She turned
at the bottom and called softly:
“Charlie! Charlie!"
She found him lying
through the heart,
cliairs aud smashed |
dead, shot
Huvey of Ex-FPresident of Vonesnela
Lands In Great Britain.
DOVER, Eugland, May S.—Geuneral
Castro's euvoy, Dr. J. Torres Cardenas,
secretary te the former president of
Venesuela, bas landed Lere from Ca
lais, France, en route to London.
General Castro resigned the pres!
dency of Veuezuels temporarily to
Juan Vincente Gomes, the vice pres!
dent, April 9, expressing his desire to
retire to private life for some time.
It was announced from Carscas un
der date of April 28 that Castro bad
temporarily abandoned every vestige
of political power and was living at
Los Teques, twenty miles from Cara-
cas. Previous to this, however, a nom-
ber of reports were circulated regard.
img Castro's intentions, which were
said to Include a visit to New York.
The secretary of state of the Vene-
guelan goverument, Dr. J. Torres Car-
denas, confirmed the reports that Cas-
tro bad retired to Los Teques for a
long rest and emphatically denled that
he had permanently resigned the pres
Idency. He added that be knew noth
ing of Castro's further plans or of how
long be would reiualn absent from the
Veuezuelau capital,
Nine Baried Alive by Earthquake.
THOMASTON, Me, May S --lufor
mation of the Lurying alive of his
brother, Fred Peaslee, togetLer with
vight others, by the earthquake in Call
fornia was received here by Frapk C
'easlee In a letter from relatives at
Aptos, Cal, ten miles from San Frau
cisco. Peaslve, why was a foreman for
a large lumber company, and the men
were working In a deep gulch near
Aptos. Both sides caved in, burying
the wen.
Feurtean Hurt Near Camden.
CAMDEN, N J, May 854A» the
Cape May express on the Coast Jersey
and Seashore railroad was rounding a
curve on the vutskicts of Camden a rail
became displaced und one of the cars
on the tralp toppled over. There were
about fAfty passengers lu the coach,
aud fourteen were hurl. The car
Shught fire sud was partially destroy:
Conflal Near Rigs,
“RIGA, May 4--Au srined band at-
tacked the Milway stathe at Tukum
8 a po
ear-old Hailed sa Equal of
Beat Great Racers.
NEW YOHK, May XK —-Following his
victory in the fourth race at Jamaica,
carrying 120 pounds, Halifax Is halled
as one of the Lést three yearokls of
the year, probably the equal of many
of his age of past years whose nanies
His cum
mauding victory was the talk of the
men. Halifax ls engaged in several
gowd stakes. Summaries
First Hace. Joe Falbert, first;
sible, second; No Marks, thin
Becoud Hace —Preen, first;
second; Right and True, thind
Third Hace —Go Between, first; Batts,
second: Masanielle, third
Fourth Race Halifax, first; First
Premium, second; Beuevolent, third
Firth Race — Blue Dale first; Clem
Lester L
Sixth Race
Games Played Yesterday In the Na-
tional and American Leagues.
At Brooklyn-
New York ee 80 CoO 0 0
Brooklyn ¢$ 2013008 °*5
Hite— New York § Brookiyn 8 Fr
rors New York ©, Bicokiyn ¢ Batter
ies Wiltse, Ferguscn and Bowerman;
Pastorius and Ritter
At Pittsburg-
Chlcag e000 2100-13
Pittsbu ¢ 1 ¢ 666901 0-12
Hits—Chicago, 7; Pittaburg. § Errore
Chicago 1; Pittsburg 1 Batterias
Fun gen and Kling; Hidelrand and
AL Philadelphia—
Boston ¢ 00020086 0-2
Philadeiphia C0 80 26901 +13
Hits -Boston. 4; Philadelphia, 7 Errors
— Boston, §; Philadelphia, 2 Batteries -
Pleffer and O Nell,
At Cincinnati
Duggleby and Doosin
Bt louis. 1000010000 0000 0-13
Cincinnati 0€1 0010 ¢0¢e00CQO-3
Hite 81 Louis 9, Cincinnati, 10 Errors
—8t. Louls ©. Cincinnati 1} Batteries
Brown and Raub. Weimer and Schiel
v - PC
Chic id * =i
New York 15 < Ti
Philadelphia 13 9 ta
Pittsburg 1G 10 to
Boston 2 is is
Bt louls 5 n a
Cincinnat! # 18 oo
rocklyn t 14 m
Al New York
Washington il 00801] 9
New York ¢ 31020103
i J
Hits—~Washingtor New York 8 Er
rors— Washington. § New York, ©
terles—Patten, 8udbicff and Heydon
and Kisinow
Atl Cleveland
Detroit 3 ¢1021110-8
Cisveland 01 0G 01 1-13
Hits Darrell, 14; Cleveland, il. Errors
Detroit Cleveland. 1 Baitteries~Dono
Yan rg ayns,; Hess and Buelow
At Boston
Fhiladeiphia 1 39111400 0-4
Boston 09 CO 9000 0-0
Hits Philadelphia, §. Boston. 6 Errurs
—Philladelphla. 2 aston. 1 Batteries
Waddell and Schreck; Winter and Gra-
At Chicago
Bt. Louls 9 3 8 2 0068 1 0-0
Rr 0 C28 0¢0¢ 00-0
Hite—8t. Louis, 18; Chicago, § Errors—
Bt. Louls, 3; Chicago, 3 Hatterles—How-
ell and Rickey, Owen. Fiene and Hart
Ww iL
Philadeiphla i
Washington 10 bd
Datroit : 10 Ls
Saveiand 8 by
New York ’ 3 ww
& yous 9 12 od
Chicago » ’ 4
Boston $ u a
Horace E. Won In Homp.
MEMPHIS, Teun. May 8 - 8ix of the
Lest (wo yearolds In the west faced
the barrier iu the Memphis stakes at
five furlongs, at Moutgomery park
Horace E. a proncutced favorite at
8 to 6, won in a romp from Fontaine
bleau and lowered the track record for
the distance a quarter of a second. In
the third race Gold Enamel, Fire Dal
and Dr. Heard were left and McGrath
finished frst, but the judges sent the
horses back to the post, and they ran
It over. Gold Enamel, Fire Dal and
Dr. Heard finished in the order named
Two Field Events at Yale.
NEW HAVEN, Conn, May 5.—~Two
field eveuts, the broad jump and the
pole vault, which were postpoued at
the annual spring games of the Yale
Athletic association, were run off and
resulted as follows: Broad jump, won
by L. T. Sheffield, "08; distance, twen-
ty-two feet. Pole vault, won by A. C
Gllbert, ‘08; height, eleven feet four
Two Pavorites at Lonlaville.
LOUISVILLE, Ky.. May S—~Desplte
the fact that there was uo stake fea-
ture on the programme nearly 10,000
persons saw the races at Churchill
Downs. Macamber, the heavily back
od favorite in the fifth race, was left
at the post. Dr. Nowlin and Fair Fa
got, both at short prices, and Carew, lu
the last race, were the wiuning favor:
Hoppe Defeated Cure,
CHICAGO, May 5 In the first gawe
of the professional bilitand tournawent,
begun last ulght at the Orchestra hall,
Willle Hoppe defeated Louls Cure by »
score of HM to JW
May Vesatival at Albany.
ALBANY, N Y., Muy S ~The nt
teenth annunl May festival of the Al
Lany Musical association, one of the
oldest orguulzations of the kind in this
state, Las opened here. Verdl's “Map
zon! Requiem” was sung by the big
chorus and Schubert's “Upfnished
Sympbony In B Minor” was played by
the Boston Festival orchestra. The so-
lolsts were Miss Loulse Ormsby, Mme.
Isabelle Houten, Edward P, Johnson
sod Jullap Walker
Beatile Dock Destroyed by Fire.
SEATTLE, Wash, May 8 -Arlivg-
ton dock, filled with government sup-
plies lotended for the Philippines on
the transport Sheridan, was deslroyed
by fire. The Shermau and the French
ship Daulel, J¥ing close by, were stight
ty damaged; The total loss
18 $185,000,
of which $100,000 Is cn at
Measure Supposed to Have Periahed
With Witte Hegime NHesvived and
Promulgated Late Last Night
Haas Stirred Indigaatiea.
ST. PETERSBURG, May 5 —Anoth-
or of the kaleidoscopic changes in the
political situation to which Russia is
becoming accustomed occurred late
last night when, with utter unexpected-
Guess, the draft of the pew fundamental
law, which was s®hposed to Lave per
ished with the Witte regime, was of
fclally promulgated aud made the per
wanent basis of the Kuselan state ynal-
terable except ou the ipitiative of Em:
perur Nicholas or bis successors
Though the draft of the new funda-
wental law bas undergone cousiderable
editing and nuwervus minor changes
Lave beet made lo It, In essence it re
mains identical with the project tele
sraplied to Americas on April 24, which
evoked a storm of auger and condemna-
tion by the dominant Liberal party.
Published at the present instant. when
the people had been lad to believe that
the unpopular draft had been dropped
and when the dismissal of the old call:
ust was accepted as an indication of
the desire on the part of the guvern-
went to jolo bands with the national
parliament, the news arouses still
greater indignation and threatsns to
undo all the work of Professor Mlilu-
koff and the other Constitutional Demo-
cratic leaders in the cause of modera-
The new fundamental law of the em-
pire, signed May b. contains eighty-twa
articles dealing with the nature of the
imperial power, the rights and duties
of citizens, the methods of legislation,
the rights and limitations of the na-
tioual assembly and council of the em
pire and the constitution snd responsi:
bilities of the council of ministers
Tbe only modification ‘a the “consti-
tution’ a8 published which weets with
favor is the elimioation of the pro-
vision empowering the emperor to fix
salaries and pensions of officials, there
Ly subjecting even the judiciary to the
possibility of undue fuaucial induence.
All the other changes are lu the dl
rection of further buttressing the lm
perial power, protecting the crown
lands and properties from interferetice
by the parliament and giving the em
petur power to vuuciude loaus lude
pendently should the parliament refuse
to pass the budget
The retirement of seven welnbers of
Count Witte's cabinet [s foreshadowed
and furuistes food for much comment
Pittaburg Authorities Arrest Pollo
man and Expect to Get Others.
PITTSBURG, May S—Btill auother
arrest has been wade here, the fifth In
the crusade against graft and vice that
is belug carried ou in this city Ly the
police and the city government, and a
number of others are expected to be
made before the end of the week
The man arrested was Stephen D
Carr, 8 policeman, but It is sald that
among those to be arrested are several
members of the city councils. Super
iutendent Thomas A. McQualde of the
bureau of police lald Iloformation
agalust Carr, au cast end police officer,
charging him with accepting “graft”
frown Robert H. White and protecting
White ip bis unlawful occupation of
running a common gambling house
The director of public safety intl
wates that other arrests of a similar
character are pending aud may Le car-
ried out today. Carr Is accused of ac
cepting the sum of $25 on a specific oo
casion and other large sums of woney
on various occasions
The information says that he de
manded the money from White ou pain
of baling arrested and that he bas con
tivually received such sums under
“color” of his office as a policeman.
Mrs. Longwerth Laughed at Arvest,
CINCINNATI, May 8S —Congressluan
Longworth apd Mrs. Longworth were
arrested for exceeding the speed llmit
as they were golug to the Country
club in thelr automobile. They were
to attend a diner and were rather
late. Mr. Loogworth put ou full speed
in a stretch of level nud apparently de-
serted road. After a short chuse the
couple were arrested. Mrs. Lougworth
laughed heartily over It and readily ad-
witted the facts
Celebrate Cannon's Birthday.
WASHINGTON, May 5 Speaker
Cannon was the guest at a reception
Kiven him last night at the Arlington
Lote! Ly Lis colleagues lu the house of
representatives In honor of his seven
tieth birthday. It was a notable ova
sion, wade so Ly the presence of 'resl-
dent Roosevelt and alwost every ofl:
cial of note in Washington and others
from outside cities who called to ex-
dend thelr cougratulations. No ladles
were present
Family Tragedy at New York,
NEW YORK, May 8 Miss Agatha
Waters, daugbter of John R. Waters, &
wealthy fire lusurance broker of 40
Cedar strect, was shot and killed bere
while asledp ln her home by ber iu
sanely devoted mother, Mrs. Mary U
Waters. A moment liter the mother
turned the wespou ou herself and blew
her bruins out in view of her startied
aod grief stricken busband and 8 see
oud daughter.
Jdessey Cliy Otel Killed on Erle.
Anna Clark of Jersey City,
Our 10¢ num
one for the money."
finer ones at 124 ani
Those New Su
Handkerchief |
waists and suite
linen, -ronud thre
etc. All onr o
importaticns direc 1
mills at a saving of
middlenan’s P uit :
our linen values
port these direc
line embraces all
things in sheer
Prices nf 48 in
materials begin &
er domestic ak
It cost you noth
erect form have
new Jine of corset
inarket—the Nufor
garment is designe
ply the necessary {
the latest effects
It has the new hig
the frontis several
—the waist prod:
slender effect. Thi
number of ver is
styles in tha Nete I
which are unasna
fitting models for bi
der and over-dev
Wednesday §
Just a
white goods, the
of last 10c sale, W
last Wednesday Sees
Other specials 8
Globe War
Harness, s, Washed, Olled,
Harness Bought old
Ricye ia R
Mirrors and
Boots and ee