\ WIELAND (0. « BIG STORE WITHEE J LITTLE » . SAYRE, PA. NE WE FILL MAIL OR- DERS AND PREPAY FREIGHT OR EX. PRESS ON PUR- CHASES OF S$s5.00 OR OVER. 5 a4 oN V0 Ad & - + KEEP IN TOUCH WITH THE BIG STORE. variety of goods carried in the store. YF, ZANE, af : i “br SPECIAL ON Floor Coverings THIED LOOK 90 Japanese matting rugs, large variety to "select from. size 30x60. Our regular 75¢ rug for 3 days only, Thursday, Friday and Satur day, 59c. ! 200 ailcloth mats, size 24x30, animal designs, E 25¢ mat. For Thursday, Friday and ~ Saturday, 17c E50 Smith's Axminster 27x54 rogs lar $275 value only, $1.00 All weol and pro brussels art squares $5.87 to $9.57. A regu For Friday and Saturday Garments PORCH Ao SSHEZLa lH wi) Make Your Hot Porch Cool, = = WithaVu- dor Porch Screen at factory pri- ces O We also have Bam boo screens at §1 and $2 each. SHADES 1 Off Smart, nat- ty, stylish 3 Coats and Suits for = spring. We are over stocked and have laid a- side about 25 suits and a cor respond- ing number of coats. They are black and yanous col- orings. Cloth ol panama, brilliantine, mixtures and silk. All { off original prices Notion Special introd in one lot at on horns 007% of list price The Leonard They are used by their merit. Department uclory showing this week at 118 sale Monday morning and 37 becausa we bought them at Prices ranging from §1 up See If you have not seen it you Enamel lined. various Railroad companies, cleanable refrigerators §98/ up Attorneys and Counselors at Law. GENERAL LAW BUSINESS TRANSACTED. BUILDING, 219 DESMOND BT, ISOPERANOUSE ORCHESTRA oy Up-to-Date Masie furnished = Parties and all manner of Boo- White | Mountain Freezers, Oil and | Refrigerators, Gasoline Stoves, Screen Doors and Windows at BOLIGH BROS., HARDWARE THE NATIONAL BANK OF SAYRE. $50,000.00 $12,000.00 “Lockhart St. Sayre. ~ Try The Record. Capital Surplus - We solicit your Banking busi- neas, and will pay you three per cent. interest per annum for money left on Certificate of Deposit or Savings Aceount. The department of savings Is a special feature of this Bank, and all deposits, whether large or small, draw the same rate of {nterest, N. H. SAWTELLE, Cards For Sale. Ralls? Recusd has 1a stock the NORE EHH Tr ] (In effect Dec 33, 190% ) Trains leave Sayre as follows RASTBOUND. Dally for Towands, Tuukhon- Pittston, Wilkes Barve, Mauch pam l Allentown, Dethichem, New bl Baitimore and Washington M. (Waverly 645A. MM.) Week days a for Athens, Ulsfer, Towanda, Mos roeten, New Albany, Dushore, Sattler ol Halls, Williams port. Wyalusing, Lacey ville, Tunkbanaock, Fliision and Wilkes-Barre Waverly 8333 A. MM) Daily fot a, Toukhssuock, Plitston f ions Gles Summit § 2 Haves, Fean Haven Junction, Mauch Chank Allentown, Bethichem New York, Phil sdeiphis, Baitimaore and Washlugton Ne Towanda, Tunkbhanoock Wilkes Barre, Olen Semml is aed, Mauch Ch Allentown, hem ew Yorz, Philsdeiphts, Baltimore and A.M. Sunday culy, for Athens, Milas, Ulster, Towands, Ly slusing, Lacey: ville, Mesboppen ansock . MM. (Waverly 1323 FP. M hii Dall for Jack Dismond Kx- sands, T Pp ttaton. Wilkes Barre, Qlen Sam. 3 such Chunk, Alleslows, Bethlehem, New York, Philsdeiphia, Baltimore and Washington PM (Waverly q4sP. M.) Week days 9) only for Atheas, Ulster, Towanda, Mon- ee, New Albany, Dushore, v datter- win . Wyslasi Lacey. | ville, Tokbensad, tston and Barre Daily for Allentown, Bethle- 10: To Easton, Newark and New York. Carries Sleeping Car Passengers only WRATBOUND, A.M. Delly for Geneva, Buffalo, Nis I: Bi ars Palla, Tuts, by Detrolt, Chicago, AM fut vier for Geneva, Rochester, Cal denis, Batavia, BuSalo. Counecls for Niagers Valls and Toromto. A.M. Dally for Lock Venu Eiten & f) ke Ithacs, a yn 1 Ml . Corners, Oeneva, Rochepter, Bata Counects for Auburn Week days only. A.M Week days ouly, for Lockwood, 11 00 Van Kiten, , hace, Trumans burg, Hayts orners, Oenerva, woches Batavis, Buflaio and Niagare Palls Daily for Ithaca, Trumansburg, Isler 4 laken, Havis Corners, Geneva, Cliifice Springs, Victor, Rochester, Caledon Batavis, Bula Cowpects for Niagurs Palle Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis and points west Connects for Auburn week days TS 3: Ark a (Watkins) Vaio Valois, Lal Nr Varick and AL, M. Daily for Lockwood, Vas Niten pd Trumansburg, Hay rao: | Genes snd Manchester. AUBURN DIVISION, AM Werk days only, for Owego, Pree ville, Cortland, Camastots, Orotos, Moravia, Auburn, W r Haven, Syracuse, Utics and Al | There is no nook nor cor- ‘ner where The Valley Rec- ord’does not circulate DR. A. 6. REES, M. D. 100 Lake St. West Sayre, J. T. Corbin, Esq, was in To- wanda today. J. K. Stewart of Towanda: was in town yesterday. Horace Crandall is in New York visiting his sister. B. Ww. Bradley of Ghent was calling upon Athens friends today. The “Country Kid” home talent will give their play ia VanEtten to might, .. Dr. George E. Ware of Philadel. phia, was transacting business here yesterday, : Lewis Gore went to Sheshequin decorating. Thomas M. Stalford of Wyalus- ing was transacting business in Athens today. Mrs. George Osborne of Tren visiting her sister, Mrs W, H. bore Mrs. MW. Pearl weat to Ulster this morning, where she will visit at the home of Adolph Watkins, George F. Stanton moves from 525 Keystone avenue to the James A Bristoll house, South Main street C.F: Palmer, paperhanger and decorator, Athens, Pa. Communi cations by mail will receive prompt altention. 301 Iw Adolph Hinds, who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. J. Griffin, returned to Wysox this morning. of Marion, Ind, are at the home of Mrs. Tidd’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George E Davis. George E Davis went to Buffalo last evening to meet his daughter, Mrs. George N. Tidd, who re- turned home with him today. Lewis Davis, with his wife and child, went to Ulster today where Davis's parents for a short time. PATRICK REARDON. Patrick Reardon died at the home of his brother, Daniel Rear- don in Ridgcbury yesterday after noon at about 5:30 o'clock of heart disease, aged 70 years, He was born in Towanda but he resided with his brother in Ridgebury, ex. cept when he served in the army for two years. His funeral will take place tomorrow at 10:30 a. m. from the Ridgebury church, Fath- er O'Garman officiating, and Rog- ers & Miller will have charge of HELD T0 COURT Tom Dangerfield had a hearing before Justice Johnson yesterday |3 forenoon but was granted further time for defense, which was con- cluded last evening, and he was held to court to answer the charge escorted him to Towanda this morning and he will remain in jail until his case comes up in court. Mrs. J. "H. Brown, 103 Ferry street, has a fine line of samples of tailor made dress and suit materials which she would like to show the ladies of Athens and vicinity, from No. 133d. Mill Sale Lace Curtains Three Days Only From 29¢ Pair Up Rare chance to secure best values at little money. D. E. McMAHAN L 0. 0, F. BLOCK, 200 m ATHENS Very Fancy Strawberries with home-grown prices. NEW CABBAGE BERMUDA ONIONS LETTUCE | RED, RIPE TOMATOES RICH, YELLOW, FIRM RIPE BANANAS | SPINACH, CUCUMBERS | ASPARAGUS PIE PLANT TOP ONIONS, Ete. Fresh, crisp and in the pink of con- dition for careful and discriminating buyers MEATS There is no season of the year when veals are in fatter or finer condition than now. We have a fine lot of 7 and 8 weeks old ones from Messrs. Payne and Z-ller for tomorrow's trade. Stewing pieces, to 14 Fine Western Lambs and Pork There seems to be several hights to “top’’ beef. The best in each market is their “top.” Our beef bunch of about 40 carcasses, We paid top price—but we have the T0P QUALITY If you want a roast or steak ex- tra fine, leave the order at Karner's Top round steak . . 124% Top hamburg . . 124 Top kettle roasts . . 10 6 Ibs plate and briskets . 2 Flank steak, hamburged . . Another lot of oh ( HERRY HAMS. Better buy a whole one through the bone) They are very easily managed then and are con- venient for use. The Cherry Bacon is fully equal to the hams. We have our dried beef-shaving machine running now, supplied with choice cuts of well cured beef. Try a box of our fancy Sliced Halibut Very fine for lunches. Potato chips . . 10 Karner's Special Blend coffee 25 Just opened a case fresh roasted and packed this week. The best 25c coffee proposition in town. Pure lard 3 Ib compound lard 25 6 loaves Painton’s bread . . 2% This is the bread that made the Waverly bakery famous. 10 bars Oak Leaf soap . . . 10 bars Acme soap 7 I starch . . 4 cans corn . . 3 cans peas . 4 qts beans . . 4 pkgs Egg O See . 4 pkgs Nu Life . 5 Force North Rome cream cheese 3b cars oyster crackers Wiate Star Flour 2 This is the bread flour that makes the whitest and best bread, stays moist longer and costs 1§c less per sack. 14 bbl White Star 29 29 25 is bbl 4 ceive (80c saving on a barrel) Wall Paper The last season we shall sell this line. The closing prices makes a fine opportunity to supply your needs Have you seen this season's New Perfection Blue Flame Wick Oil Stoves They generate a blue flame jn stantly and are extinguished as quickly as gas, overcoming the two objectionable features of the wick- less stoves of past seasons: odor less and smokeless, at half the cost of gasoline. Dress Shirts The finest assortment ol fancy materials in the best make-up soc shirts in town. Tomorrow, 43c. Shoe Values Ev of course, but we have some that are worth your at- SHOES +4 940000 Bridge Work Our Specialty a minute; we want to tell thing. We do plumbing, steam and hot wat- er heating, gas fit- ting, tioniog, sell { |the lations “Cheer- you some- BS CC A 5d hgh H. R. TALMADGE, Both "Phoses. Elmer Ave. Attorneys and Counselors. M. P. A. Block, Sayre, Pa. May- nard Block, Athens, Pa. A.E. BAKER, Garpenter and Bullder. 17 Pleasant St. Waverly, N. Y. I. L. BENJAMIN, Palater, Besoralw 2 and Paperhanger. W. T. CAREY JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Office Maney & Page Bloak, Rooms formerly occupied hy the late John R. Murry, Office houre:—§ to 10a. m.; to8 p,m. At other times daz day at Valley Record olioa. Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Hpeotal attention to Peaslon } Valley Phone 11 X. | 13 Desmond Street. Political Announcemen ts candidate for the Souilzaticn of Jury Commissioner, subject rules o rty 0 3 BG This Summer? ble breasted sack su and the gray w the st Tailors, Clothiers and Haberdast