The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, May 03, 1906, Image 3

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    posted, the more easier
we can serve you well.
is not so great where
r stores are stocked with
can buy and labor produce.
fo shaw you the spe
William Chase Is the Victim and
He Causes the Arrest of His
Assailant This Morning
William Chase, a bartender at
the Brundage House, was the vic-
tim of an assault on East Packer
avenue last night about 8 o'clock,
and as a result has been going
about today with his head swathed
mond St., Sayre. 322 8, Main St,, Athens.
6 don’t trade with us we both lose money. “ea
The Man Who
“Gets There”
Driggs” Wine of Cod Liver OM
Makes blood—lots of It—
75c Per Bottle.
C. M. Driggs
Prescription Drugglet.
pank Building, Sayre, Pu.
$10 CASH
You can save on the new machine
you buy—the slick-tongued agent's
We have the New Home, Si
and other makes. You have “50
agent's commission to pay if you
ay here. Call, write or telephone
NS fiffany's Music Store,
222 Main Street, Athens, Pa.
The e Valley Record
“All the news that's Bt to print”
J E. Wheelock has had a fine
concrete floor laid undcr the porte-
cochre of his residence.
Orders for Stegmaier’s beer must
either be accompanied by cash or
paid for on delivery at private
houses. 304 6
House for sale on Thomas ave~
nue. For particulars enquire of E
M. Dunham, attorney, Elmer block,
Lockhart street. 302.
W. W. Livingston of Lestershire
has rented a building on Lehigh
avenue for a jewelry store and
optical establishment.
$1.10 to Ithaca and return, ac
count Cornell-Columbia base ball
game Saturday, May 5. Tickets
good to go and return May 5 only.
For further particulars see Lehigh
Valley agents. 303-3t
The Athens W. C. T. U. will
meet tomogrow afternoon .at 2:30
at the home of Mrs, Charlotte Os-
Joract’ Mais and Willow
by William Mecadows and Charles
Valentine, was walking east on
East Packer avenue. Midway be-
tween Thomas avenue and River
street, the three men who were
walking abreast, encountered an
Italian who was alone. The Ital
ian was in the center of the walk
and itisalleged that he bumped
into the three men in a rather un-
ceremonious and uncalled for man:
ner, according to the statement
made this morning by Chase The
Italian then ran toward “the river
and finally disappeared into a house
near East street which is occupied
by a number of Italians. The three
men continued their walk toward
the ball ground but when opposite
a high board fence on the north
side of the street below River street
a half dozen or more Italians
jumped from behind the feace and
before the men were aware of their
intentions the foreigners drew
knives and proceeded to cut and
slash. Chase fared the worst ol
the lot. He received a stunning
blow on the side of the head which
knocked him down and rendered
him senseless. His two compan
ions were also the victims of divers
blows, but escaped serious injury
The foreigners were finally put
to rout and Chase, bleeding pro
fusely from a wound about three
inches long in the side of the head,
was taken to the office of Dr H
A. Haines,
During the fight several revol
vers in the hands of the Italians
were fired but none of the shots
took effect.
This morning Chase appeared
before a local justice and caused a
John Doe warrant to be issued
which was placed in the hands of
Chief Walsh, who arrested an
Italian laborer named Sam Clivio,
who is charged with having hit
Chase. It is claimed that one of
Chase's companions can identify
the Italian as the man who com-
mitted the assault, Clivio will be
given a hearing this afternoon.
Mrs. E. F. Mercereau this mora.
ing received a telegram announcing
the death of her father, J. S. Cy-
“|phers, at his home in Falls, this
state, The deceased has been ill
in health for a long time and re
cently his condition has been criti-
cal. Some years ago Mr. Cyphers
was a resident of Sayre, and there
are many who will recollect him.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Mercereau
went Falls this noon. The funeral
will probably be held on Saturday.
For some years engines have
been taking water without stop-
ping, and mail trains have been
picking up mail sacks from posts
without so much as a pause. Now
an appliance for coaling engines
without stoppiog has been invented,
and experiments with it are said to
have been highly satisfactory. The
next improvement for the saving
of time will be a device for throw-
ing passengers on and off the trains
without stopping. !
The Epworth League of the
Methodist church elected officers
last night as follows: R. C. Tay-
lor, president ; Mrs. E. A Williams,
ist vice ; Miss Lottie Charter, 2nd
vice; Miss Myra Druckenmiller,
3rd vice ; Miss Grace Sherwood,
; Fred
Dr. M. C. Hunter and Miss Maud
Randall Upited in Matrimony 's
Holy Bonds
+ Dr. M. C. Hunter, Sayre's well
known physician, and Miss Maud
Randall, a graduate nurse of the
R. A. Packer hospital, class of ‘94,
were united in marriage at the
home of the bride's brother, Moses
Randall of Jersey Shore, yesterday
at high noon, the Rev. W, Emerson
Karns, pastor of the Methodist
church of that place, officiating
The ceremony was performed in
the presence of the immediate rel-
atives of the bride. Dr. and Mrs.
Hunter returned to Sayre today.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs.
Sarah Randall of Dushore and also
a brother of Dr. William Randall
of that place. She is a most esti-
mable young woman who made
many friends during her term at
the Packer hospital as a nurse,
The groom has resided in Sayre
for the past eleven years, during
which time he has built up an
extensive medical practice and is
numbered among Sayre's substan.
tial and most reliable citizens.
Both have scores of fricads who
will extend congratulations and
wish them many years of wedded
happiness and unbroken prosperity.
There is no nook or corner in
the valley where The Record does
not circulate
Vegetation is growing rapidly
The rain of yesterday was of n-
estimable benefit
The regular monthly meeting of
the borough council will be held
on Monday evening next.
Ordeys for Stegmaier's beer must
cither be accompanied by cash or
paid for on delivery at private
houses. 304 IW
Iron balconies and a fire escape
are being added to the building on
Lockhart street that will be occu-
pied by the Fletcher restaurant,
The regular semi monthly meet-
ing of the Sayre Aerie of Eagles
will be held in their rooms this
evening. Business of a routine
nature will be transacted,
The men who attempted to
board an eastbound freight train
here yesterday while intoxicated
was djscharged in police court
yesterday afternoon
The clerks employed by the
Lehigh Valley railroad company
at the Church street freight house
in Hazleton have been put on re-
reduced time owing to dullness in
New line of millinery goods just
received at Angell's store, Thomas
avenue. Ladies and children's
ready to wear and full trimmed
hats at about half usual price.
304 3t
The postoffice at Laporte was
broken open on Wednesday night
and the thieves secured about 300
in stamps, and ransacked the office
drawers and cabinets but secured
nothing further of value.
The W. C. T. U. of Milltown
will meet at the chapel tomorrow
afternoon at 5 o'clock. Mrs. Syl-
via B Norrish, the county presi
dent, will be present and speak,
and itis desired to have a large
Hon. T. Host, representative
in the state legislature from this
county, announces his candidacy
for renomination. The platform
on which Mr. Hoyt will go before
the voters appears in today's issue
of the Record.
A committee representing the
Valley Driving Park Association
will go to Towanda today to secure
; | the Sppearsace of a number of
He Is the Most Despised of Man-
kind and Is Sadly in Need of
The Record is in receipt of the
following letter, written in red ink,
and profusely decorated with a
skull and cross bones, bowie knife,
revolver and a figure which might
be taken for a flaming torch. The
words are all printed and the cpistle
reads as follows :
“Sayre, Pa, April 30, 1906.
Jos H. Murrelle,
You had better SHUT OFF WN
NING. A word TO the WISE is
Since the receipt of the commu-
nication The Record and its force,
from the proprictor to the office
cat, have been enjoying life as of
yore, eating three “squares” per
day, and sleeping the sleep of the
just at night. Whether the etter
is the work of a practical joker or
of an emissary of the disintegrated
Republican machine is a matter of
speculation. The chances are, how-
ever, that it was written by some
humanity and society a service by
quietly going to some secluded
spot and praying for brains,
from the manner in which the let
protection against his threats,
The Record has placed the letter
** Jems” which it has been collecting
tecently, and later in life when we
have retired on a comfortable for-
tune made out of the printing busi
ness, we will sit by our fireside,
read the aforesaid “ jems" to our
grandchildren and try and impress
is the anonymous letter writer.
On account of a lack of quorum
Sayre borough school board last
night. A committee, however,
consisting of Directors Thompson,
Whittle, Cook and Maddock, met
and took up the applications of
teachers for positions for the en
suing year. With the exception of
Ada V. Fancher, seventh grade;
Edna Fearon, fourth grade, and
May Delaney, first and second
grades, all the old teachers pre
sented applications. Nearly one-
half of those who applied demand
ed or asked for an increase in
salary, The applications will be
recommended to the new school
board which will hold its first
meeting and organize on the first
Tuesday evening in June.
A m—
Ex- County Commissidhis John
D. Kinney died very suddenly at
his home in Warren Center on
Tuesday evening. He had been in
poor health for some time but was
able to be about the house, and a
tew minutes previous to his death
expressed himself as feeling much
improved. He was stricken at nine
o'clock and passed away an hour
later. The deceased was 66 years
old and was highly respected. The
funeral services will be held to-
morrow afternoon at two o'clock
at the house.
A meeting of “the Bradford coun
ty Educational Association will be
held at Towanda, May 11-12. The
following is the program:
Friday evening—Discussion—
Shall the State Pay All School Ex
penses? Speakers — Prominent
citizens and professional men,
Saturday morning — Industrial
Occupations in the Rural Schools
y= Prof. VauNorman of State Col
Reforma dinner Saturday noon.
Saturday afternoon — Paper —
Music in the Public Schools—
Miss Terry of Troy, Pa.
Other discussions
In eo
No at
205 Desmond St,
Valley Phone 191 a,
Our Assets January 1, 1
Liabilities. . . 0
No, of policies in force, 187,812.
Basi af To
y past year
We are af-
Desmond Street,
A big difference —whether one's
p teeth are well kept or receive poor
$ atteation. This especially applies
[ to the fair sex. If yon contemplate
having dental work done, you will
wake no mistake by consulting us.
Teeth extracted without pain.
Teeth Cleaned Ole
Teeth dlled with cement, 50¢
Silver filling. ibe
Gold Fillings i 00 uw
Gold Crowns
Full Set Teeth 5.00
Opposite Blg Store,
We Want to Post You
about a recently cecurring opportunity
in real estate dealing. There are chances
all the time, but this strikes us as being
vapecially good. We waut to make mon-
ey, bat we are willing to share the find
with you, The whole proposition is
open to your carvful -even eautious
of the
ere rh Mem tr ry
The Original and Only One
Ideas and Execute them In the
most brilliant manner,
Jokes and Methods that are Fresh
and Bright,
A Screaming Farce, Babbli
rimen®, originality
with M
35, 50 and 75 Cents.
Pure Reservoir Ice to
Sayre patrons.
Meets every Friday evening at
Howard Elmer Hose house, Maple
street, West Sayre. All invited.
Everybody welcome.
Contractor and Dude