have a large and Undertaking. OF SAYRE. Capital - $50,000.00 Surplus - $12,000.00 We solicit your pees, sad will pay you cent. interest per annum for money loft on Certificate of Deposit or WAVERLY FRANK E. WOOD, Representative News and ‘advertising matter may be After 11 o'clock noon call the main office at Sayre, Valley ‘phone 138X, F. A. Bell is in Owego today. J. W. Hoban is in Elmira today. S. C. Smith spent Sunday at El. mira. Abe Unger was in Nichols yes. Judge Shoemaker weat to Owe- go today. John E. Lewis was in Elmira yesterday. E. L. Green spent Sunday at Susquehanna. C. F. Roe and family are visiting friends at Troy. Andrew A. Slawson went to Corning today. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. LaRiew spent Sunday at Elmira. David O. Decker, Esq, is in Waverly—State Railroad Com- Missioncr Frank M, Baker preside at the hearing at town hall Satuc day in the matter of the application & of the trustees of the village for a ‘bridge at East Waverly over the The witnesses sworn by the vils Jage were President Lawrence, Trustees Farley and Howard, 1. G. Dodge, Nelson Lyons and C. M Frisbie for the village; E N. Kin- ney was sworn for the Lehigh Val- ley railroad. F. A. Bell appeared for the vil- lage, and G. N. Clifton of New York city represented the Lehigh The testimony produced teaded to show that the crossiag was much used, dangerous, and that a bridge was needed. The present plans will call for an expenditure of $10,000, BEMENTED WOMAN TAKEN IN CUSTODY Waverly — A woman named Newell, who formerly resided in Waverly, and who is demented came to Waverly yesterday, it is thought from Binghamton. Later she went to Sayre, where she wan- dered about, and was taken in charge by the police at that place, and sent by them to Waverly. She was then placed in charge of Super- intendent of the Poor George Mil ler, who found lodging for her over night with fricads in South Waver- ly. It is said that the woman has a son in Waverly but that he re- fused to give any aid or even to see his mother. This morning she was taken to the county house, where she will stay until it is determined where she belongs. MISS WARY E. BURKE Waverly—Miss Mary E. Burke died at Buffalo last Saturday after- noon after two weeks’ illness from pneumonia. Miss Burke formerly resided here, where she was well known. She was a musician of rare ability and at one time sang in tthe choir at St. James church. At ~ the time of her death she was musical critic for the Buffalo Cour- W. G. Merriam went to Owego on business this morning. Miss Ella Powers is home from Binghamton for a week's visit. William Osborne of Towanda was in town this morning. Miss Lottie Payne of Chemung street is speading the day at Owego. Dr. H. E. Minian and wife of Owego were in Waverly yesterday. Miss Jennie Pratt went home to Campbell to spend Sunday with her pareats John Handrick spent Sunday at Great Bend and will return to Waverly this evening. Mrs. George M. Legg is spend ing the day at the home of Wesley Wilcox at Walkhr's Hill Miss Hattie Evans has resigned her position as bookkeeper at Shepard & Stanfords. Miss Florence Edmiston re- turned from Philadelphia, Satur- day, where she visited for the past two weeks. Misses Richardson and Randall ot Elmira returned home last even. ing after visiting Waverly friends. Mrs. W. A. Stevenson, whose husband recently died at ElPaso, Texas, was visiting Waverly friends yesterday. G. Tracy Rogers of Bingham- ton, president of the new electric railroad combination, is in Waver- ly today. er eo ——— Mrs. C. H. Clark and son Sew ard returned to their home in New- ark, N. J, yesterday, after a two week's visit with J. B. Glazier. C. B McNitt is putting electric wires in his Fulton street barber shop for the purpose of installing electric lights, fans and massage, THE LAST DAY! The Record wants two or three more agents to handle the finest book that will be printed about the San Francisco disaster. Since the book is to be given away absolute- ly free to Record subscribers, it will be the best agent's proposition Waverly— William Washburn, a| farmer, residing at Ellistcwn, was struck Saturday afternoon by the Lehigh passenger train that runs between Sayre and Waverly to meet the Erie train, and received injuries from which he died about an hour later. The accident hap pened just east of the Penasylva- nia bridge. The Lehigh train was coming north to meet Erie train No. 1, which reaches Waverly at 3:45, and it is thought that the de- ceased stepped from in front of No. 1, in front ol the Lehigh train. He was brought to the Ene station and when examined by Drs. W. E Johnson and L. S. Betowski it was found that several ribs were crushed and that he had a bad wound on the head, The identity of the injured man was established by his son in law, who had come to the station out of curosity. ’ Deceased lived with his son, Frank Washburn, on the Pennell farm. He'is also survived by one daughter, Mrs. A. Brink, of Waverly. The funeral was held from his late home at Ellistown this morn ing; burial was at Nichols and was in charge of the Odd Fellows of that place. FEAR MAY DAY RIOTS. Pasis Stisred Over Attempt ta De stvey Argesnteunil Bridge. PARIS, April U.—The civic aud mil itary authorities have completed final preparations for dealing with the May tay situation aud are coufdent that the day will pass without serious dis order, but st the same time the public which Is not lu the least reassured Ly the elaborate military concentration, is again showing great unvasiness as the 1st of May approaches This uneasiness was accentuated by ths explusion of a bomb Friday night uader the raliway bridge at Argenteull, ia the suburbs of Paris, which links the capital with Havre, and by sn at- tempt later of a band of a hundred striking jewelers to penetrate the pop uleus center of the Place de I'Opera for the purpose of makiag a demonstration before the great jewelry establish- meats In the Rue de la Paix The activity of the police in making mere searches aud selaures, although designed to insure the public safety, alse has had the effect of lucreasing public apprehension, many persons be lleviag that such extraerdinary efforts indicates the seriousuess of the situs tien. “Government, military and polles officials give the mest positive assur ances that order will be maintained, and the ealmer beads accept these statements. But the nerveus element of the city 1s hastily preparing -fov eventualities, seme persons leaving town and taking their valuables with them and ethers laying In eteres for aa emergeney. The seenss at the great supply stores are unprecedented, hundreds of persens invading them aad clamoring fer emergency supplies, The explosion of the bemb under the Asgenteull bridge is the first evert act ia what the revelutiemaries term “di rect action.” The bridge is 5 massive structure cressing the Helae aix miles outside the St Lasare statiea, and hundreds of trains eroes It dally. The military re-eaforcements that bave been brought te Paris erossed the river ea this bridge. Dispatehes from the provinces show that moet astive preparations are be ing made for the May day diserders. At Lyons 20,000 mea have quit work Re-enforcements of troops have been seat te all the big cities. Scbelarly Prelate. Oasdioal Perraud, bishop of Autua, Prance, who died recently, was noted a8 ene of the most scholarly prelates of Burope. He was made an immortal in days whea the sacredotal habit had already come to be a Poor recom- mendatien for public honor, but the cardinal, who, like Newman In Bug- land, was the head of the Oratorisns in France, never had amy difficulty ia maintaining a position of quiet dig- nity. Reveres the Rite. Heary D. Moorman, 26 years old, the youngest county judge In Kentucky, Was recently elected in Cloverport, and & few days ago performed his firm mar- riage ceremony. He says It will be bis this thing of linking two lives. The seriousness, the sacredness, the 3imoa- pure of the thing is not there when an officer of the law ties the knot” Friend of the Drama, The Maliep of Loudon, generally re- Bosente Postefos Abjaen. 0.—Fire of wa premptu trial, when be confessed te having killed Mr. Johnson After the hanging the erowd dispersed. Murder Flend te Be Orueified. MOGADOR, Morocco, April 80. — A cobbler of Marrakesh named Mesfowl! will be crucified en Thursday for the murder of thirty-six women, whose bedies were found buried under his shep and in his gardea. A Cruise Down the Fetomae. WASHINGTON, April 30. — Presi dent and Mrs. Moosevelt, whe started Saturday ea & orulse down the Pete mac river on the Sylph, retusmed at 0400 clos last night. $3 Sayre to Geneva and Return Account Centennial Celebration, via Lehigh Valley Rallroad. Tickets sold May 13th to 18th inclusive; retarn limit May 19th. Tickets will be good goin ard rotorning on all trains except Blae Diamoud Express within the prescribed limit. Consult ticket agents for farther particalars. 208-21 Wilkes-Barre Centennial Jubilee The Lehigh Valley Railroad announces reduced excursion fares to Wilkes-Barre, Pa, account Centennial Jubilee, Tick- eta will be sold May 9th and 12th, to be ood returning until May 14th, and will honored on all trains except the Black Diamond Express. Fare from Bayre, $2.86 round trip. Bee Lehigh Valley ticket agents for further at o- ulars. 16 Williams’ Kidney Pills Have you neglected your Kideys? Have you overworked your nervous sys- tem and caused trouble with your Kid- peys and Bladder? Have you pains in the loins, side, bacle, ins and blad- der? Have youa flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyea? Too frequent desire to urine? If so wi Kidne will eure you. Sample Free, mall 50c. Sold by D ista, Williams Mg. Co, Props, Cleveland, 0, Sold by C. M. Driggs, druggist. K. J. Clements and Gertrude Clements Graduates of the American School of Osteo , under the founder, Dr. w Taylor Still, Kirks- ville, Missouri, are located tempor- arily at the Hotel Snyder, and Floor, Room 3, Waverly N. Y., until they can secure permanent of- fices in this city, and will be pleas- ed to meet all who are interested and explain the science. All acute and chronic cases successfully treat- 2. Examination and consultation ree. A. H. MURRAY, N.D. SPECIALTIES: Har, Nose and 1 ag ot § by Wheslook Block, sppointment, R. H. DRISLANE, Contractor and Builder Plans and Estimates Furnished. 210 Miller Bt. Sayre, Pa. "MEAT, NEAT SPECIALS ’ a A nT Valley Phone 60x. Bell Phone 138w - \ = a) Women's and Chil- li Ae SRN AN Excursions EF. RIE RAJLROAD. Only $78.25 to Los Angsies, Cal- ifornia, and return, from Waverly, via Erie Railroad. Tickets on sale 1 24th to May 4th inclusive. Go retarn to reach original starting point nqf later than July 3ist. sdmay-eod California Excursion—LosAngeles or San Francisco, Californias, and re- tarn, via Erie Railroad. Tickets on sale Good to retarn to reach original starting point not later than Rept I5. Round trip from Waverly, $50.25. 208 taw s july 1 SOCIALIST CLUB Meets every Friday evening at Howard Elmer Hose house, Maple street, West Sayre, All invited Everybody welcome. WANT ADS Rates : — Wanted, Lust, Found, For Sale, ole, § cent a word cach lassrilon for first three times, § cent a word each insertion thereafter. None taken for less than 35 cents, Hituations wanted, free to pald in advance subseribers, Notice. Want ads inserted by persons not bav- ing a ledger account with The Record aust be for when ordered printed. We positively cannot charge want ads Jeasiortusbnnmiy. tie expense of buok- keeping and ecting is entirely out of p to the amount Iavolvad lo the transaction. Wanted. Wanted —-A No. 1 reliable and well broken work horse, weight about 1200; must be fair roadster, Inquire of A H. Sawtelle at Valley Telephone Company building, Sayre. 2008 Card Reader Madam Boott, the famous card reader, is here for 10 days only, Wednesday aud Saturday evealogy excepted. Price 25 and 00 cents, Erie House, Waverly, N.Y. 200-0t* For Rent Suite of rooms in the new Odd Fel- lows block, south flat, Hot add cold water, electric lights and gas. L.F. Shaw, Valley phone #9m. 300-8* Rooms for rent, modern improvements, range, gas lights. Inquire 623 8. Wilbar avenge, 200-t8 Farm house, garden and room for one or two houses If desired. Two miles west of Sa Price $4. J. H. McKin- ney, R. F. D. No. 28, Athena. B4-Aw Pasture to let after May 10, 1008, Prices, 160 per week for yearlings; 2bc for older cattle aod 50c for horses. J. H. McKinney, R. F. D, No. 26, Athens. Two small offices, one room with bath, suitable for gentleman. Inquire H. R. Talmadge. 278-4 For rent, office rooms in the Wheelock Block. 204 Two offices for rent in the Maney & Page block. nef Third floor of the Glaser block, Eleo- House and lot on Lewis street. Write for particulars to P. H. Ginsburg, Rob inson Building, Elmira, N. Y. 300-1m Good breedin nate, yeligree can be farnished Call at Graf & Co's, Furni- ture store, Waverly, 748 Uprighs piano, cost $350.00, will sell for $200; velvet carpet with border, not worn at all, cost will sell for ; sideboard, cost $25, will sell for 16; plecoio banjo, cost $18, will sell at $5. 408 Elmira St, Athens, 200 38¢ Small Organ, cheap. aire at 305 Desmond street, ne 209 6° The Dr. Judson on North street, Athens, Pa. y to W. Howard Alea Farmers National Bank, Athens, L. B. DENISON, N. D. Office, Rooms 2 and 4 Talmadge Building, Elmer Ave, Valley Phone at office ani residence the Paper It Is Withou This Section Ban Francisco's Finest Skyscraper. less; millions of doll worth of property has b destroyed, and all in all tk most terrible calamity thi has ever visited the world is now a mattér history. : The entire civilized wo has been shocked by appaling disaster,and an thentic story of the sce and incidents connec with it will be read wil avidity by the public. Knowing that the peo ous of reading a correct comprehensive accountof an unparalleled conflagratic that followed the €&rt quake’'s shock The V; Record has entered into arrangement whereby | can furnish to new sub scribers, and old ones wi pay arrearages and renew subscriptions, book, containing a graphic account of the shocking cal- i This book is now being prepared by the Mon- ner. numerous nearby cities. arly ancisco a it was devastated by fire. ) Rn eye witnesses, etc. greatest of all disasters. Kept In San Francisco.§ The Was Not Destroyed. L terms of The Records offer you The terms are easy. All you ve to do when the agent call two lo 1 Mail © containing edited, and a 400- occurred in years, ments” Vale Hecord a I —— ERG, Sm No ————————————— : : Te i.