| what's better still, is worth buying, for we GRAF & CO. . of Broad St. and Park Ave., Waverly. | NATIONAL BANK OF SAYRE. Oapital $50,000.00 $12,000.00 Surplus - | We solicit your Banking buai- | ness, and will pay you three per cent. Interest per annum lor money left on Certificate of Deposit or The department of savings is a special featare of this Bank, and all deposits, whether large or small, draw the same rate of interest. BM. N. SAWTELLE, Qashier, he Valley Record B. MURRELLE, Publisher. Ww. - T CAREY, Editor. Published svery Pr except Sun- fay Marralle's a Printing Office, Sayre, Sabseription, $3.00 per year; 25 cents ‘per month. , rates reasonable, snd made known on me Bitared 8 4 32 second-class matter May WERE postoios at Sayre, Pa under Ast of GC ‘ongress of March 3 All the news that’s fit to id : __ THURSDAY. APRIL 2. 1908. FANLLY SAFE, wo HOME IS RUINED H. fhipman Hears from His Sister, Who Was in San Fran- cisco at the Time of the Earthquake A letter and telegram were re- ceived at almost the same instant by E H. Shipman of Sayre, assist ant chief engincer of the Lehigh Valley, who had supervision of the erection of the ncw shops, yesters day afternoon announcing that hus sister, Mrs. Horace Walton and family of Oakland, Cal, had sur vived the seismic disturbances on Pacific coast, but that the family home had been destroyed Mrs Walton's husband general.agent for the Metropolitan “Life losurance company, his dis -tnct including all of the Pacific coast. Although his home is at - Oakland his office is at Sun Fran- ‘e1sco Oa the day the first quak- ing commenced Mr. Shipman sent a telegram to his sister as she were safc. The message reached Oakland on Apnl 20, and on the same date a letter and tele gram were forwarded hicre stating that they were safe, and on account of the lage number of messages to be sent from the Pacific coast, the one sent by Mrs. Walton was delayed so that it only arnved here at the same time the letter SWITCHER MEET An important meeting of the . board of adjustment of the Switch- men's Union, representing the vari. © ous locals composed of switchmen in the employ of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company was held in - Wilkes-Barre yesterday. There 1s king if ~ all points along the line—Buffalo, . Manchester, Ithaca, Sayre, Coxton, Wilkes-Barre and Jersey City, be- ing represented. The . portant question considered was the action of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen in taking the places of the striking switchmen at Kansas City, which strike is on at most Other important business iw DYNAMITE A TRAIN. Striking Miners Blamed For Wreek | Near Yatsaville, Fa. WILKESBARRE, Pa, April 28 -A Lehigh Valley train was dynamited and | wrecked close to Yatesville, five miles from here, the intent of the plotters TN Dr. and Mrs. Higgins ‘returned from their wedding trip ————————— Mrs. W. Lane, of Mac, Pa, spending a few days with Se] | friends. David Samuels, of Jersey Shore, lis visiting his brother, I. A | Samuels ' Mrs Sewvila Higgins, of Ulster, lis visiting her sister, Mrs. C L Kitchen. i B L Lewis is in Canton attend- ling the anmjversary celebration of the 1.0. O. F. £ ars Ihe scene of the outrage Is not far from the East Boston settleinent. where the linliaus have since the suspension of mining caused wuch trouble While the train was shattered ouly Thomas the engineer, nnd Lis Areman H. CC. Brown of this city. Hoth were badly hurt. That nobody was killed Is taken as wos retarkable The dynamite had been placed on the tracks on both sides and as the ecuglue drawing the (raiu, which was = fast freight, struck the explosive It was lifted Ligh above the tracks and hurled oii its se, while the tender was torn frow It, thrown into the air sod tum bled over an embankment, together | with three Leavily loaded cars, which were sinashed Uy the force of the ex plosion The englover and Bremen, protected by the heavy body of the engine es caped death, but were injured by the gying debris aud the shock Sheriff Davis and a squad of the state troop of maunted police hurried to the ald of the Lehigh Valley officials and scoured the country, but falled to make guy arrests WOULD FIRE GORKY, Women's Clubs Down on Russian Au- thor and Socialist. NEW YORK, April 26 ~The wotneu's clubs have taken Lold of Maxim Gorky When the Womeu's State Republican association wet to discuss Socialism they neglected the subject In hand to call out for Gorky's deportation ‘Should not as women, take sole action against this wan?’ asked Mr= H M Fiat “People of sucn character should nut be allowed io thle Of course whet Lv arrived It wus not Knewn bow be was liviug, but Lie came here spd expected to be re ceived, aud | thick be should Le de ported. Gorky is the emibodlinent of Socialism.” Uther tewbers spoke aloug the same lige we country General Serrell Dead NEW YORK, April 26 Brigadier Geoersl Edward Wellwau derrell, a noted civil and military engineer, Is desu bere al the age of eighty vears Altbougl be bad asccowplished wauy great cugluecering feits, Le died lu pov erty il Serrell was the eugiueet who first survesed the luteroceanic ca- ual routes for the guveruwent across the Isthuwus of Pauama He bulit the Hoosae tunnel and planved apd con structed the Niagara suspeusion bridge He received uplue wedals sud decora tious aud was a fellow of the Amer! can Acadewy of Selence. During the civil war he was kuown as “Old Shov els.” Three ties be received the thauks of Sougreas Gel Women In Commons Caused Rumpus. LONDON, April 29- Discussion of Jawes Kier Hardle's wotion lu favor of fewale suffrage led to a very un usual scene in the Louse of commons last night, several suffragist woweun In the gallery makiug a demonstration by cathiug out: ’ Divide! Divide!” thruet- ing through the grill a Hag luscribed, Vote For Wouen,” cliveriug, ete. The speaker lwwedlately ordered the gal lery cleared Ihe sppesrauce of the pullce caused a further commotion, Willa Hedmoud askiug whether It was iu accordance with deceucy that poifcemen should be called to expel ladies After much voluble protest the dewonstrators were removed FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Closing Stock Quotations. Money on call steady at 4 Jy per cent; prime mercantile paper, (@b6% per cent exchanges, $369 344.857, balances $11 W740 Closing prices Anal Copper Atchison BH &O Brooklyn R T C.C,.C.&BtLL Chess & Ohio Chi & Northw bau Lie dei 133 La Lou iy ly 1384 124% N Y Central Norf. & West Penn. R R Reading Rock Island st. Paul Southeru Soulliern Bouth. Ry sugar Texus Pacific Unlon Pacific 14 U. 5 Steel 134° U8 Steel pt 1%, West Lulon “ 18 3] 105% oy ” a) = ne IL 187% 104% Lia 187 Pac By pt Electric Lentral Kawanna i & Nash Mar fin Metropolitas Misscur! Pa New York Markets, FILOUR-Dull, Lut steady, Minpesola patents, BSG 0. winter straights, B09 Sw, winter extras, £2 50338, winter pat ente $9040 22 WHEAT -Taken as a whole the wheat marke! was steady and at tioies a shade higher on room covering. complaints from western Kansas and stead) ables, It f eased off, however, through May liguida tion and northwest selling, May, SW 15-@ Pid July, MAUS $l CORN There was considerable strength anal uit firm Ci bi {| Mas i BUY Aut ir arn based + ood demand and - 3 ¥ July, SGUEINe r¥ ite y. exlira western extra nearby prints, Ih Flim and Ww. higher at mark. wenlern fresh fer EGOS fresh, 1% at mark CHEESE--Firm, farwy, I do fair to god. 11% POTATOES Dull. Pennsylvania, cholce r bushel, S30Ec : New York, chofce, per ushel, sgl do, falr to goud, per ULTRY — Pirm; fowls. 1440 bushel. roosters, ¥o.; winter chickens, nearly TL, ih New York full creams cholce, 134138 C do. | LIVE 5. spring chick BIN. ducks, ! ST | Mrs. W. G Thompson of Els. bree street, six weeks’ illness, Me. C} street, is recovering from a Barrett of 100 Cross 1s spending f iends in Towanda —— E H Mecrcerean went to Mon: roeton yesterday afternoon and re tdened home this morning. Claude, the little son of Walter Brooks, Miller street, who has a severe attack of catarrhal fever, 1s much better. George Smith of Cortland and Miss Mau! LaGrange of Owego came to Sayre yesterday and after securing the necessary license were united in marriage by a local jus tice of the peace. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a few invited guests. Inestimable. “When | was preaching at Walla Walla, Wash," sald a miuister, "there Was uo pegru preacher in town, and | was often called on to perform a cere- mony between negroes Oue allernoon, after | had married a youlg Degro couple, the bridegroom asked the price of the service. ‘Oh, well’ sald [, ‘you can pay me whatever you think it is worth te you' The negro turned, snd silently looked his bride over from head to foot, then slowly rolling up the whites of his eyes to we sald: Goodness, sab, you Bas done rulned me for life, you has, for sure” Inland Surf Baths, German lake resorts and other inland watering places are Interested in a novel artificial surf bath wikh waa tried last summer Iu the Starnberg lake, near Munich. A big tank is bullt, or a portion of u lake or river Is io- closed. At the outer end is placed the wave-making machinery, which con- sists of either an osciliating partition or a large plunger which is dropped 1n- to the walter at regular intervals. The result Is a curious substitute for oat- ural waves Irish Emigrants. Bince the census of 1900 was taken pearly 200000 Irish emigrants have settled in the United States, the year ending with July, 1905, sbowing a larger number than any year since 1895. A pew lmpetus has been given to Irish immigration within the last two years, 4 turn which is quite per- ‘plexing to those native irish societies which have been unsuccessfully at- tewpting to stop the great national leak for so many years Regiments s Severe Test, In presenting olors to the Second battalion, South Staffordshire regi- ment, at Bepares, India, the other day, the prince of Wales recalled the fact that the regiment had been ship wrecked three times, each time show- ing perfect discipline. and he remarked that a shipwreck tested a regiment's discipline more severciy than a battle Sorry for the Groom. “1 suppose you've heard that I'm to marry Mr Green?’ she sald to ene of ber old friends “No,” he replied, coldly “You don't seem to be very enthe. silastic about It” “Why should I be? Net knowing Mr. Green, | haven't any grudge against him “—Philadelphia Ledger Mikddo's Medics, The smperor of Japan ls always at- tended by physicians despite the fact that he is in excellent health Four eminent medical gentlemen are attached to the imperial household and one Is within call at all hours of the day and night. The pulse and temperature of bis majesty are taken four times each day and the results are carefully recorded Have Won Titles, There are now five British peeresses who were acresses, Damely: May Carripgton (Lady de Clifford, Belle Bilton (Countess Clancarty), Coanle | Lachrist (Countess Orkney), Rosle | Boote (Marchlouess of Headfort), and | Anna Robipsou (Countess of Ross { lym). Not Quiet Then. Mrs. Gusch—1 like your husband's style very much. Mrs Planeley —How do you mean? “He's such 8 quiet dresser.” You should hear him some can’t find bis collar but- News and “advertising matter may be i After 12 o'clock noon call the main | office at Sayre, Valley ‘phone 138X. Mouldings at Strong’ s. F. I. Howard is in Philadelphia to-day. Mrs. E. S. Smith is confined to Wall paper at Strong's. Miss Finacgan of Plymouth is visiting Waverly friends. Devoe paints at Strong's. Thomas McCarty of Towanda, 1s visiting relatives in Waverly, Mrs. C. EE. Hull of Athens, is calling on Mrs. E. J. Neaves today. Buy your spring millinery of Mrs. Ellis, of Waverly, and save money, 298.2t The bankrupt stock of L. C, Kepler has been purchased by E. J. Neaves. For correct styles in millinery at the right price call on Mrs. Ellis at Waverley. 298-2t F. E. Lyford was in Owego yes- terday to attend the funeral of Frederick Platt, The Tioga hose company will give'an informal reception in their parlors tomorrow evening. The Rev. M. S. Godshall and family went to Binghamton today at cironthe D LL & W, Dr. and Mrs. C. E Annabel leave tomorrow morning for a ten day visit in New York city. Mr. and Mrs. Manning, who are to have charge of the Langford hotel, went to New York today. Mrs. Chas. Laine left this morn- ing for Middletown, N. Y, where she will visit friends for a few days. Mrs. Frank Haggerty enter- tained about 20 of her lady friends at her home on Chemung street last evening A number of Waverly people will attend the lecture on the Gaelic Revival by Dr. Douglas Hyde this evening. The amount of the subscription for the San Francisco sufferers that appears on the papers at the First National and Citizens banks aggre~ gates $177 The directors of the Monaca Temple association have been no- tified to meet at the office of the president, C. O. Hoagland, to mor- row evening, April 27 Mrs. Emma Tozer of Fulton street, leit today for Port Jervis, to attend the wedding of a neice, and for a two weeks’ visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Taft. O. F. Benson went to Buffalo this week and purchased a fine team of horses which he brought to Waverly yesterday. The team is black and weighs 3000 pounds, and is one ol the handsomest teams in this section. st A Ap SUNSHINE CLUB'S SUPPER Waverly--The Sunshine club had a supper at the W, C. T. U. hall last evening. Some time ago the club was divided and each division was to bring in as many new members as it could before a given date, and the division securing the greater number was to be entertained by that sccuring the smaller number. The membership of the club was greatly increased by the contest and last night the winning side was entertained by the losing side, get all the news that is obtainable, and The Record is no exception to Clean up the alleys and back Garden making is progressing rapidly. p— The open street car has mde its appearance. “Si Stebbins” at the Loomis to~ morrow night. Watch for the pa- rade at noon Mrs. Charles Harris is having an addition erected to her home on Elmer avenue. Several from Sayre are in To- wanda to-day as witnesses before the grand jury. There was a white frost last night and in some places the ground was frozen quite hard. : er ——— re — Remember the ball game to morrow for the benefit of the San Francisco fire sufferers. Sayre Lodge, I 0 0 F., will confer the third degree at a meet- ing to be held this evening. Girl wanted for housework at No. 401 Keystone avenue. Wages £3 per week, No washing or iron ing, 298 ———— Comstable Guy Hollon, of To- wanda, was in Sayre yesterday afternoon serving papers in several suits, Attend the ball game tomorrow afternoon, the proceeds of which is to be sent to the San Francisco fire sufferers. The regular monthly meeting of the stockholders Sayre Building and Loan association will be held this evening at 7 o'clock, Several Odd Fellows from Sayre went to Canton today to attend the anniversary of the organization which is being celebrated in that place. —— The funeral of Charles Lambert will be held at g o'clock to-morrow at the Church of the Epiphany, and the interment will be made in the Catholic cemetery. —— In addition to the Packer band the Boys' band of Waverly has also been secured for tomorrow's parade. A special car has been donated by the traction company to bring the musicians to this place and take them back ——— a — Past Grand B I.. Lewis, treas- urer of Sayre lodge No. 1090, 10 O F, left Sayrc this morning ens route for Canton, Pa, where the Pennsylvania Odd Fellows are celebrating their 87th natal day. Mr. Lewis is onc of the standard Odd Fellows in this vicinity and on his visit to Canton will renew his acquaintance with numerous friends in that vicinity. $3 Sayre to Geneva and Return Account Centennial Celebration, via Lehigh Valley Railroad. Tickels sold May 13th to 18th inclusive; return limit May 19th. Tickets will be good going aod returning on all trains except Black Diamoud Express within the prescribed limit. Consult ticket ageuts for further particalars. 206-21 Wilkes-Barre Centennial Jubilee The Lehigh Valley Railroad announces reduced excursion fares to Wilkes Barre, Pa , account Centennial Jubilee, Tick- els will be sold May §th aod 12th, to be retarniog until May 14th, and will honored on all trains except the Black Diamond Express. Fare feow Fayre, $283 round trip. Bee Lehigh Valley ticket agente for further partic- ulars, 204.16 Williams’ Kidney Pills pRYe you neglected your Kideys? you overworked your nervous jas- PA pb pe. with your Kid- neys and Bladder? Have you pains in the loins, side, back, foie and blad- der? Have yous flabby appearance of the face, especially ir the eyes? Too frequent desire to pass urine? If so Williams' Kidney Pills will cure you. Sample Free, By mall 60c. Sold by D ists, Williams Mig. Co, Prop's, Cleveland, O. Bold by CU, M. Driggs, druggist. For Jury Commissioner 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Jury Commissioner, subject to Res publican rales. [| am ln favor of an equab'e distribution of jurors in the coanty, and am opposed to being direct ed by any political boss as to whose Dame may be placed | in the jury box. 1 our years’ service due- | ing the Civil War and believe in the equality and justice now that | fought to establish then. F. N. DIXON, Wysox, Pa. April 18, 1908.-sl16jan-1taw, SOCIALIST CLUB Meets every Frida os the elepligne;. Gall sate. i All per pair. LOOMIS OPERA HOUSE FRIDAY, APRIL 2, ONE NIGHT ONLY — The Greatest Rural Play Ever Written, S| STEBBINS Including the World's Best Yankee Character Comedian. DAN DARLEIGH Superb Band and Concert Orches- tra Watch for the Farmer Band Parade at Noon, Day of Performance. Prices— 25, 35 and 50 Cents. K. J. Clements and Gertrude Clements Graduates of the American School of Osteopathy, under the founder, Dr. Taylor Still, Kirks- ville, Missouri, are located tempor- arily at the Hotel Snyder, and Floor, Room 3, Waverly N. Y,, until they can secure permanent of- fices in this city, aud will be pleas- ed to meet all who are interested and explain the science. All acute and chronic cases successfully treat- ed. Examination and consultation W. T. GAREY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Office Maney & Page Block, Roows formerly occupied by the late John R. Murray, Office hours: 9 to 10 a, m.; 6:30 to 8 p, m. At other times during day at Valley Record office, Wm. B. McDonald, D. D. S. All modern methods for the scien- tific performance of painless opera- tions on the mouth and teeth. 104 South Elmer Ave, OVER THE GLOBE STORE, H. L. TOWNER, M.D. Specialties. Diseases of Women and of the Reetuw, Hours-TtoPam,1t08,7to8p, m, OFFICE-SAMURLS BLOCK. Valley Telephone 27x. 138 Lockhart 86. JOHN C. OSBORN, Heavyand Light Draying and Moving Gardens plonghed. ashes drawn away, and all kinds of team work attended to promptly. Livery attached. 207 N. Lehigh Ave. Valley Phone 208x I. L. BENJAMIN, Painter, Decorator apd Paperhanger. First-class work done prompiy at rea- sonable prices. Residence: 120 Spruce St., Athens, Pa, L. B. DENISON, M. D. Office, Rooms 2 and 4 Talmadge Bullding, Elmer Ave Valley Phone at office dnd improvements, ier tan Vena.” lnanire J) Jews of favre, I ney, R. F, D, No. 26, Athens, Bi-Aw Pasture to let after May 1 1908. Prices, 160 per week for o b for older cattle and 60c for Boreas. H. McKioney, R. F. D, No. 38 Athens. Twosmall ofices, one room with bath, saitable for gentleman. Inguire H. Re Talmadge, nt. For rent, office rooms in the Wheelock Block. 04 Two offices for rent in the Page block. Third floor of the Glaser block. Kies- trie light, bath room and all modern im- provements. Enquire ab Glaser's Loan office, Lockhart street. 1788 & Card Reader Madam Beott, the famous cal is here for 10 days ou Weds Saturday Sveniufh © Se and G0 cents. Erie ed. Waverly, ¥ N.Y. For Sale. a 2 Good breeding mare, igre can bo farnished ~ Call at G Furni- ture store, Waverly. s,s WH For sale~1 cockstove almost new, 1 kitchen cabinet, y bullet, only used two months. Mrs. H. D. Sweetland, Chemung street, Baby carsiage for sale in fine oo Inquire 302 Seka we Pia Judson he Drie peg pei) Pa. Back, A ur Lost SBtrayed or stolen, ogi black setter dog, wearing name Leader, Political Announcements The announces fa comdisis Tort bouinaion of Jae Commissioner, subject to the rules of Democratic party of Budi eit Towanda, Pa., March 30, 1908. To the Republican voters of Hradiond County : for Representative, subject to can ro 1 am in favor of Nir lation, to the end rors aga. tions shall bear their al ation. 1 favor the enactment of a a permitting trolley lines to carry also law to enforce : he provisions Coastitation relating js railroads er carrying companies (soe Ark. of Constitution). 1am alsoin favor of two cent fares on railroads. S To the Republican Voters of radios Couaty: 1 be announce mysell as 8 date for resentative to the Yahia Legislature from to the rules of the K [1] Yioeted 1 will work for and the enactment of laws al roads to carry freight, £1 cents a mile fare on g pelling tions to bear their pr share of taxation, providing for tire expense of the Lai pol the state funds, and for measures As may be demanded people of this ty,