The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, April 19, 1906, Image 1

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    sell Bituminous and
market price,
J. HN. Weaver,
J. W. Bishop,
W T, Gooduow,
Seward Biidwia, P.T. Page,
RW. Page, Caster.
tates Managed Collecting
E. Reynolds,
For sale in Athens,
Sayre and Waverly.
Loaus Negotiated
i "r Packer Ave.
Phones 230x, Saris, Pe.
Lehigh Valley Coal
Hm —
flames Following Shocks Spread
Far and Wide.
San Francisco, a Prey to Destroying
Fires, Under Military Law and
Guardiauship — Nearly Al Its Fiae
Bdifices, Private and Publis, Are
Gene-Llties of Oakland, San Jose,
Sacraments, Berkeley and Alameda
Share Calamity, Which Came at
Easily Hoerning—lioss of Life 1s Ap-
palling-iMany Crushed by Falilag
Bulldiags=Fivees Still Burs—Facifc
| Squadron Reported Lest.
OAKLAND, Cal, April 18. — San
Fraucisce, devastated by an earth
quake and swept by flames, is now un-
der military rule and cempletsly emt
off by telegraph from the east.
Earthquake and fre have caused the
greatest calamity California has aver
known. In San Francisco it is estimated
that a thousand persons have perished,
wiille as masy mers are suffering from
Injuries. The entire business portion
of the city Is In ruins, and the flames,
which, ewiug to the lack of water
through the breaking of the water sys
ten mains, caunot be checked except
by the blowing up with dynamite of
bulldings {a their path, are still sweep-
ing through the city
A Denver special dispatch says that
the Pacific squadron. which was ut an-
chor In Ban Frincisco bay, was sunk
by the sartliguake
The Pacific squadrou, under com-
mand of Admiral Goodrich, sailed on
Monday from San Diego for San Pedro
bay, Califorals. The-squadron cousisty
of the Chicago, Boston, Marblehead
and Prineeton.
It Is utterly impossible at present to
estimate the property loss, for the ex-
tent of the conflagration osunot be teld
until the fire bas burned itself out.
Thousands of people are homeless, and
many are huddied Ib the parks aud
public squares beside the housebold
gooda they were abie 10 save.
‘The city Is under martial law, and all
the downtown streets are patrolled by
cavalry and (nfantry. Details of troops
are also guarding banks Most of
the principal buildings have already
been destroyed, and others are in im-
minent danger. Over all the scene of
desolation a danse pall of smoke.
Communica with outside towns
cut off, but the re-
alo Alte that all but
of the Leland
university have been
, is a mass of
student is known to have
lost his life. In Oakland five persons
were killed. Ban Jose and Sacramento,
Berkeley, Alameda and other places
beard from suffered severely, but re-
precisely 5:18
o'clock In the morning, Its motion ap-
parently being from east to west. At
first the upheaval of the earth was
gradual, but in a few seconds It In
creased In Intensity. Chlmaeys began
to fall and bulldings to orack, tettering
on their foundations. The people be-
came panic stricken amd rushed into
the streets, most of them io their night
sftire. They were met by showers of
Many were Instantly crushed to
death, while others were dreadfully
mangled. Those who remained {udoors
geuarally escaped with their lives,
though scores were hit by detached
plaster, pictures and articles thrown to
the Boor by the shock. It is believed
that wore or less loss was sustained by
pearly every family lu the ity.
The tall steel frame structures stood
the strain better than brick buildings,
few of them being badly damaged.
The big eleven story Monaduock office
building In course of construction, ad-
Joining the Palace hotel, was an ex-
ception, however, its rear wall col
fapeing and many cracks being made
across ifs front. Bowe of the docks
and freight sheds along the water front
slid into the bay. Deep fissures opened
fn ibe filled in ground uear the shore,
and the Union Ferry depot was lo-
jured. Its high tower still stands, but
will have to be torn down,
A portion of the new eity ball, which
cost over $7,000,000, collapsed, the roof
sliding Into the courtyard and smaller
towers fumbling down. The great
dome was moved, but did not fall.
The new postoffice, one of the finest
in the United States, was badly shat
The Valencia botel, a four story
wooden bullding, sank into the base
« & plle of spiutered. timbers, un.
Hills for Safety
The death list
is the estimate of conser
The prop-
thing like accurate figures.
Efforts to remove the
been given up as lost.
Fauned by = light breese, the Samss | 4,
quickly spread, and soon many blocks
ware seen to be doomed.
to the terror of the
to stay the progress
le. All efforts |
bay, was soon ablase, the fire covering
a belt two blocks wide. On this, the
main thoroughfare of the city, are lo-
cated many of the finest edifices in the
city, Imcluding
Floed, Call, Examiger and Monadnock
buildings, the Palace and Grand hetals
aod numerous wholesale Louses,
At the same time the commercial es-
tablishments and banks north of Mar-
ket street were burning. The buruing
tended from Sansome street to the
water front and from Market street to
Broadway. Fires also broke out in the
be in flames.
between the first and second shooks,
the Jatter finisbing the destruction of
buildings unsettied by the first Fire
Chief Sullivan bas been killed
Although water has been secured to
the firemen in many sections, the fire is
by no meaus under control. It Is rag-
ing around Pine and Montgomery
streets, and the Western Unlon bulld-
ing has been abandoned to its fate.
Practically all the wholesale district
has been destroyed by the fire, and
the flames are spreading into the
Hayes valley district, s residence sec
tion of Ban Francisco. St. Ignace’s
cathedral was among the bulldings
which was destroyed. The whole dis-
triet in the vicinity of the postoffice
and mint have been destroyed.
Postal Telegraph and the Western Un-
lon buildings and the magnificent new
Unfea Trust company bullding, eleven
stories Ligh, bave been dynamited,
The papers in Oakland estimate the
dead at frem 500 te 700 and 20,000
The fames, fanued by the rislug
breeze, swept down the malo streets
until within & few bundred feet of the
ferry depot, the bigh tower of which
stood at a dangercus angle. The big
cellar to roof, aud the heat was 30 op-
pressive that passengers from the fer
ryboats were obliged to keep close to
the water's edge in order to get past
tke burnlog structure.
It was impossible to reach the center
of the city from the bay without skirt:
ing the shore for a long distance so as
to get entirely around the burning dis-
trict. At about 8 o'clock the Southern
Pacltic ofolals refused to allow any
more passengers [row trausbay poluts
to land nud sent back those already on
the boats. The ferry and train service
of the Key route was entirely alan:
Suara wit Weirr-ilves Me Aililions el
dallazy worth of property which has
bean piaged iu the streets that It may
escape the ravages of the flames.
The Fist Ounlifornis artillery, 900
trong, two companies, has been de-
talled to patrol duty on Ellis styest.
Two mere companies are patrolling
Broadway in the Itallau section.
Mayor Schunits sent out word to the
bakeries and milk stations throughout
the city that thelr food lies must
be harbored for the homeless. Preovl
teats no every park Ia the oity, and
those who have lost all will be given
food and shelter.
Tue prisoners confined In the city
prison en the fifth @oor of the Hall of
Justice were transferred In ions to the
basement of the structure. Later they
were removed to the Broadway jail,
and If the necessity arises will be
taken to a branch county jall en the
Mission road.
Commissioner H. Myrag Welf an-
ance companies interested had decided
sured with them. The companies will
pot dlseriminate between fire and
earthquake, and every one insured will
be paid to the extent of the loss. But
two of the companies affected are Pa-
cific coast concerns, the others having
principal offices in the east or in Eu-
rope, aud all will stand the loss with-
out dauger or fallure,
One of the frst orders issued by
Chlef of Police Dinan was the closing
of every saloon in the city. This step
Is taken to prevent drink crazed men
frow rioting In the city streets.
There was little dynamite avallable
in the city. Mayor Schmitz seut a tug
sives. He sent also a telegram to May-
or Mott of Oakland. At 1080 he re-
“Three engines and hose companies
leave here Immediately. Will forward
dynamite as soon as obtained.”
received news of the San Francisco
disaster is due In part to the courage
of the telegraph operators there, who
stuck to their posts and coatinued to
send news aud other messages in spite
of great personal danger,
The operators and officials of the
Postal Telegraph company rewaiped
in the main office of the company, at
the corner of Market and Moutgomery
streets, opposite the Palace hotel, un-
til they were ordered out of the bulld-
ing because of the danger frow the dy-
namite explosions in the lumediate vi-
The wen at once proceeded to this
place, across the bay, and took posses
salen of the office there. The company
is operating seven wires from Oak-
land All messages from the city must
be taken across the Lay in boats. W.
©. Swain, ap electrical engineer In the
Rervice of (be Postal company, return-
ol several times to the malo building
fu Sen Frauciseo and got In communi
east. He said
House. The cable servi¥ 13 working
all right.
The destruction of the Telephoue
buliding in Ban Fraucisco has broken
teleplionie communication with this
The Bouthern Pacific is dolug its ut
most to get people out of the city aud
is net chargiug refugees for trauspor
The sheds over the Southern Pacific's
long wharf on Ban Francisco bay have
completely collapsed. Many of the
bunkers fell luto the bay, carrying
with them thousands of tons of coal
The long wharf was cone of the most
lwportant shipping poluts about the
bay, and freight trafic will be luter-
rupted considerably.
AS a result of the breaking of the
mains of the Spring Valley Water
company the town of San Mateo was
flcoded. It was owing to the broken
mains that the fire gained such Lead:
way in San Francleco. The towu of
Ban Rafael, despite its own troubles,
dispatched fire fOgbting apparatus to
Sau Franclaco,
From early moraing the offices of the
Western Union and Postal Telegraph
companies in Oakland bave been filled
with people in all walks of life fiing
messages of inquiry as to the condl-
tion of friends and Interests In other
cities of CQalifornia which suffered
from the earthquake shock.
The fire swept down the streets so
rapidly that it was practically impos-
sible to save anything lu its way. It
reached the Grand Operas House, on
Mission street, and io a moment bad
burned through the roof. The Metro-
politan opera company from New York
Bad just opened Its season there, and
all the expensive acenery and cos
turmues were soon reduced to ashes
From the opera house the fire leaped
from buliding to building, leveling
them: almost to the ground in quick
The Call's editorial and mechanical
departments were totally destroyed lu
a few minutes, and the fates leaped
across Btevensou street toward the fine
building, which, with its lofty dome,
fs the most notable edifice In Ban
Francisco. Two swall wooden build
ings furnished fuel to Ignite the splen.
aid plle. Thousands of people watched
the hungry tongues of fGawes licking
the stone walls. At first no lmpres
sion was made, but suddenly there was
a Cracklug of glass, and su entrance
was effected. The louer furnishings
of the fourth floor were the first tu go
Theu, as If by magic, smoke issued
frown the top of the dowe. This was fol
lowed Ly a wost spectacular Hlumina
tion. The rouud windows of the dome
shone like so many fall woous, then
burst and gave veut to long, waving
streatvers of Hames The crowd
whjched the spectacle with bated
breaths Our wuiban wrung ber
hands aud burst into a torrent of tears
“It in so terrible!” she sald. The tall
and slender structure which had with:
sto the furces of the earth appeared
fo be doomed to fall a pry to fire.
Alter awhile, he the light §
was rulped, though its massive walls
were pot all destroyed. A little fur-
ther down Market street the Academy
of Sciences aud the Jennie Flood build-
ing and the History bulldiog kindled
aud burned like so much tinder.
Eparks carried across the wide street
ignited the Phelan bLulldiog, and the
army beadquarters of the department
of California, General Funston cem
manding. were burned.
Stil] pearing the bay, the waters of
which did the firemen good service
along the docks, the fire took the Rial
to building, s handsome skyscraper,
and couverted scores of solld Lusiness
blocks {nto smoldering plies of bricks
A. W. Hussey came to the police
station at the Hall of Justice and told
bow, at the direction of a policetunn
whom be did not know. but whose star
uumber he guve as 815, Le Lad cul the
arteries iu the wrists of a man pialoed
under timbers at the St. Katherine bo
tel. According to the statement made
by Hussey, the man was begging to be
killed, and the policeman shot at him,
but his alm was defective, aud the Lul
iet went wide of the mark. The officer
then banded Hussey a knife with du-
structions to cut the velus lu the suf
fering man's wrists, and Hussey obey
&d orders to the letter
Chief of Police Dinan directed that
Hussey be locked up. There has been
oo opportunity to investigate his story,
but the police believe that the awful
calamity rendered him Insane and that
the Incident reported to them has no
of the man who mada the report.
The entire loss Is now estimated at
hundreds of mililons of dollars
A beavy southwest wind sprang up
and carried the destruction of the en
tire financial district, but away from
the residential district.
The Anglo-California bank bag also
been destroyed. Every bullding in the
city has been more or less damaged by
the earthquake.
The Bouthern Pacific Railway com
pany bas brought a tom of dynamite
into the vicinity of the burning section
on Market atreet to be used If possible
in blowing up property to prevent the
spread of the fire.
Up to 11 o'dlock about 400 dead had
beeu brought to Mechanica’ pavilion
and others were belog brought In.
The south side of Market street, Le
tweeu Fourth and Fifth streets, was
swept by fire, and the fatues spread in
all directions. It seems that the entire
business section of San Francisco
must be destroyed.
General Funston, commander of the
Presidio, bas turped out the eutire
force of soldiers at that polat
The whole north end of the city is
wrecked, and the Sames are spreading
in all directions
The Postal Telegraph cowpany aud
Commercial Cable conipany have vpen-
ed a temporary office bere
The postofice was badly shakeu and
has entirely collapsed
The Osh market, at the corner of
Clay and Merchant streets, has col
lapsed, killing six people
A teu story building at Tenth and
Mission streets, adjoining the Grand
Opera House, bas been burned, apd
other buildings betwecu the theater
and 8t. Patrick's church are doowed.
The gas works, south of Market
street, have been blown up and started
another big fire in that section of the
A portion of the Mission, several
miles from the Lusiuess section of the
city, was destroyed
The fire bLegau at Tweuty-second
street and rapidly moved eastward.
The newspapers, having had their
power cut off, have combined and will
issue oue paper for all frow the office
of the Chronicle, which has its own
power plant.
There was a great rush at the banks
by depositors, who wanted to draw
out their deposits, but the banks de
cided to keep thelr doors closed. By
order of the chief of police all the sa-
loons have been closed.
In Oakland five persous were killed
by the collapse of the Empire building
The Gore block, at the junction of
Market and Pine streets, ls probably a
total loss.
The Banta Fe roundhouse and ma
chine shops at Polnt Richmond, across
the bay, bave collapsed.
The Mechanic’ pavilion bas been
converted Into a temporary hospltal,
aud already several buudred victims
of the disaster are belng treated there
by a corps of volunteer surgeons.
The Valencia hotal, Detweeu Bevel:
teenth and Eighteenth streets, on Val
encia street, a five story frame build
Ing. toppled over into the street, bury:
ing seventy-five persons lu the debris,
only the first story remalulog Intact
Many hundreds undoubtedly lost their
lives in a manner similar to thie
A bouse on Fourteenth streel, uear
Valencia, was wrecked, killing two
Many of the firelouses are damaged
#0 badly that it Is Impossible to get
the fire apparatus out
A lodging house ou Seveuth street,
between Howard and Mission, kuown
as the Klogeley, collapsed. 1t Is on
fire, and eighty people are believed to
be buried ino the flaming rulus.
At Eighteenth and Valencia streets
there ls a crevice in the street six feet
wide, and entire sidewalks are torn
up. The street cur tracks are badly
twisted all through the southern se
tion of the city, aud traffic Is at a
The Episcopal church, ou Eleventh
street, is badly damaged
Studebaker Carriage fuctory, un Tenth
and Market streets, the top story caved |
Shidter have been shot by. poi
Corset Tal
Ww. B. Erect Form 0 F
tic and givable but made wit]
needed strength and dum
They correct any false lines
your figure possesses and intend
natural grace. A special model
each sort of figure. Prices upwar
from $1.00.
Below we give a few illus
of the models :
aa above is No, 721 s
el, made of French batiste,
dium bust, long dip hip, hose sup-
porters front avd hips. Price §l. :
The above is model 723, es
ly desigued for semi-slender
made of white batiste, supporiens-on
front and hips. Price $1. 3
"The abore is model 737 for avers
age and large figures, the varions
parts scientifically joined, propesly
accentuating the waistline
made of sterling jean and
serviceable. Price $1.50.
Seo other papers for our speci
for tLe week.
Globe Warehous
Talmadge Block, Elmer A¥
Eve log N: od 0)
ytulog Rew hi r snd Uptoain
Foust ae Once
Rates $1.50 Por Dey. |
Carpenter and Builde
17 Pleasant St. Waverly,
® ® i
Ccntractor and Bull
Plans and Estimates
201 Miller Bt.