The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, April 11, 1906, Image 1

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    There is as much difference in
the quality o coal as there is
between white and yellow sugar.
We sell nothing but the celebrated
Lehigh Valley fresh mined anthra-
cite. We also sell Bituminous and
Loyalsock coal and all kinds of
Our specialty is prompt service
and the lowest market price.
103 Lehigh Ave, Lotkhart Bldg.
Both Phones,
“x. $75,000.00
Paid on Time Deposits.
RB PF. Wiibar, J MN. Weaver,
W. A. Wilbur, J W. Blahop,
. J.B Whesickk. W T. Gooduow,
O.L Hawerly, Seward Baldwia, F. T. Page,
R. FP. Page, Cashier
Renting, Hstates Mamaged Collecting
E. E. Reynolds,
REAL ESTATE For sale in Athens,
Sayre and Waverly.
Property Bought, Sold
~—— Rxchanged —
lovestmeats Loans Negotiated
by 117 Packer Ave.,
Valley Phone 230x, Sayre, Pa.
Lehigh Valley Coal
Best Quality & Prompt Delivery
Bradford Street Yard Phone, 186d
0s at Ruymcul 4 Haupt's Store, Sayre
Wholesaler of
Wines, Beer and Ales.
109 Packer Avenue, SAYRE, PA.
Loans Negotiated, Insurance Writ
ten, Houses Rented, Rents Col-
lected, Taxes Paid.
It has been our custom for
years at this time to give our
friends a special brew of Eas-
ter Beer and the one we have
brewed this year we are proud
. It's called
L's absolutely pure and has a
flavor all its own, that's sim-
ply delicious. On sale this
(8 case sent home, that all
may enjoy 8 glass with their
Monte Oliveto Market Col-
lapsed; Hundreds In Ruins.
Destruction of Terre del Greece Typ.
ical of Many Other Villages—{urse
Heats Lpon the Clty, Say
the Natives.
NAPLES April 11. A frightful dis
aster occurred in the center of this Glly,
following the eruptivu of Mouut Vesu-
I'we hundred aud fifty persons
estimated, were buried
the market Moute UI
roof collapsed under the
cioders from the volenuo
Sixty bLedies recusered
Over 100 wouuded bave Leen takeu to
Ihe disaster at the market place was
appalling Tbe courtyard 0
square feet and was roofed The space
withiz was unasually crowded with
buyers and their children, the accident
happening at the hour ef the day when
trade is wost brisk. Rival displays of
Sowers, {ruits sod vegetables contend
ed for buyers, while marketwomen
scresied their wares and joked with
their castowers Little children played
about the stands, adding gayety to the
scene. the like of which is not te be
witnessed outside of Naples
Suddenly, with scarcely a tremor of
warulog, there was a terrifying crash,
apd the Lrilllaut sight disappeared in
a cloud of dust. while shrieks of agony
reat the air
The peeple outside seemed demented
They surrounded the market, in many
cases tearing their Lalr, cursing amd
screaming. “Ob. my busband Is there™
or “Briug out my child” and endeavor-
Ing, with their own hands to move
heavy Leams from beueath which the
groans of the injured were fesuing
The cries for help were so heartrending
that even rescuers were heard to seb
aloud as they worked with feverish
eagerucss, to save Ile or extract the
bodies of the dead from the rulas
Such was the anxiety of the people
to take part In the work of rescue that
it required determined efforts ou the
part of the large force of police and
carbineers present to keep the most
desperate frem moving beams too pre
cipitately and thereby causing further
deaths or Injuries
Some of the people about the market
were heard to exclaim that a curse
rested upon the people of Naples for
repudiating their saluts om Monday,
when Meunt Vesuvius was lo its most
violent moed. The identification of the
bedies of a number of these killed by
the collapse of the market reef was
found to be Liapossible, some belng re
duced to pulp, while othiers were Lor
ribly mutilated, giving rise to scenes
which are better undescribed Among
the dead were many childrey who Lad
been seat Ly their parents to do the
morning's marketing, and the grief of
the pareats when the bodies of their
children were found was bheartrend
The work of searching the ruius con
tinued ia the wost energetic mauner
doctors, firemen, wunicipal guards, po
lice and arsenal ewployees taking part
in It under the direction of the Duke
af Aosta, prefect of Naples
Owing to the volcanic activity of
Mouut Vesuvius the fate of the vil
lages and towns grouped around the
volcano seetns Lopeless. Instead of de
creasing the fall of sand and ashes
emitted from the crater Las increased
Even with the sun sbiniug high io the
Leavens the light is a dim vellow, in
the midst of which the few people who
remaloed io the stricken towus, their
clothing, bair and beards covered with
ashes. move nbout io the awful still
ness of desolation like gray ghosts
The case of [ourre de! Greco is typ
ical. For thirty bours the place has
been practically deserted, but amid the
rulos aud semidarkoess, illuminated
from time to time by vivid fashes of
lightning, a few of the lobabitants go
about hungry and with throats parch
ed with smoke and dust, seemingly uu
able to tear themselves away from the
ruins of what so receutly were their
Lemes Communication by rail or
tramway with Torre del Greco and
Torre del Aunuuziata Is impossible ow
ing to the cinder. sand and ash de
The number of dead taken frow the
church at Sap Gluseppe which cel
lapsed wblle a congregation of about
200 persous were attending mass is
twenty-six. There were seveaty nlue
severely injured
The stream of lava which started
anew iu the direction of Torre del An
aunziata has reached the cewetery of
that town and turned {u the direction
of Potupeil
A violent storm of sulphurous raln
bas descended on Seu Gluseppe, Vesu
viaus and Saviauo
The volcano resuming
sspecially toward Geroola
it is
in the ruins of
wheu the
wuight of
have lwen
cus ers
Rossevelt Cabled His Sympathy.
WASHINGTON, April 11. “The pres
ideut seut by cable a message of con
dolence to the king of Italy upon the
havoc and loss of life resuitiug from
the eruption of Mount Vesuvius
Buildiag Collapsed at Plttaburg.
PITTSBURG, April 11. Oue person
was killed and two others slightly iu
jured lu the collapse of a buliding
here. The bulldiog was a five story
brick structure on Liberty avenue, in
the center of the city, that was Lelong
razed, and the victims were laborers
employed ou the work.
Supervisor's Sudden Death.
BALLSTON, N.Y, April 11 Walter
obnson, y of the town of
Elfjah IIL at the Eleventh Hour Hee
solved Net to Go te Zien (ty
CHICAGO, April 11 Jobo Alexander
Dowie arrived in Chicago on 8 Wabash
traiu from St Louis A temporary
Zion City will be made in Chicago
Dowie will not go to Zion until he is
arwed with the legal documents which
he believes, will otice wore put him in
power in Zion City
When the traiu roiled futo the station
bere au immense throug was there to
catch a glimpse of the ‘first apostie
He was given a spevtacular welcome
Cries ranging fro the Ziouites' “God
be with thee” to the irreverent “Good
boy, Dowie,” were showered on the old
man lu bewildering confusion As Lie
walked through the crowd Le was for
& time iu danger bodily hurt, so
great was the crush The police seem
ed powerless to hold back the
Wken be bad traveled about Lalf
acruss the depot platform 8 wan way
iug a legal paper sprang at bimu Zion
guards, who crowded about closely
reached for the iustrumment, Lut before
they cuuld lay bands upon him police
officers picked up the wean bodily and
threw Lim over a nearby railing Dow-
le did not seems disturbed Ly this un
usual locideut, but swiled and =ald I
guess It was another those
emissaries of the devil which they
have Leen sending to me lately, but
they'll never get me That's the way
they all go—over the fence
Dowie eutered his « arriage and, with
a number of his followers, drove to the
Auditorium Annex, where apartioents
bad been secured
At the botel Dowie made the follow
lng statement
“The tight that I will make to regain
wy prestige iu Zion will be a legal cue
1 do mot think It for me at this
time to proceed at ouce to Kion, as |
fear my enemies have set & trap and
would do bodily injury to me [I will
not state now just what these legal
steps will be because | am uot certaln
of them myself
Dowie has retained the law firm of
Eddy. Haley & Wetter to assist bim in
his legn! fight
Attorney Wetten said after a long
talk with him that Dowie would prob
ably not visit Zion City before Friday
vue of
President's Son-in-law to Nave Mard
Run For Congress.
WASHINGTON, april 11 Repre
sentative Nicholas Longworth. son-in
law of the president. is in serious dan
ger of losing his seat In cougress Re
ports from Clocluuati indicate that he
will have the bardest political fight of
his career in Lis effort vo retain his po
Theodore Horstman, a prominent at
torney and reform leader, Las deter
mined to be a candidate against Loong
worth. He was at one time city solic
itor and was ouce independent candi
date for mayor He Is said by Olle
politicians here to be a wan of ability
aud certain to prove a formidable op
Mr. Lougwortl's position is compli
cated by the fact that he has nlways
Lad the support of George B. Cox. the
recently defeated Hepublican Loss of
Cinclonat! ' It was threugh the efforts
of Cox and net through his own efforts
that Longworth went to cougress. Now
Cox and his followers have suffered
defeat, largely through the efforts of
the presideat and Secretary Taft It is
expected here that for this reason the
Cox following will be decidedly luke
warm toward the Longworth candida
cy. On the other band, Secretary Taft's
influence will probably be put forth for
Longworth, and this may save him
Bill te Abolish Raines Law Houses
Fassed at Albany.
ALBANY, N. Y., April 11.—The sen
ate passed Ly a party vote the Pren
tice LUI aimed to abolish disreputable
Halnes law Lotels
Governor Higgius sent In an emer
BeUCy message, as Le did when the bill
was passed Ly the'assembly, and the
rules were suspended so as to facilitate
Its passage The LI goes now 10 the
governor for approva!
Ibe senate passed unanimously and
without debate two of the insurance
bills which had vot beet nwended
Que assembly LIL WoW. aweund
Ing the general corporation law as to
acquisition of real property by life in
surance companies, the other assewnbly
Bex. awending the penal cowie so ns to
probibit the giving of relmtes tn life io
surauce business Both hills have pass
#d the assembly aud go pow
eruor Higglus
to Gov
Murder or Accident?
[LOS ANGELES April 11 - The
police of Hollywood, a suburb of this
city, were notified that a fourteen year
old boy uamed Rayvwond had
murdered sud bis wother, Mra. Kute
P. Raywond, wife of a government ew
ployee at Washington in a serious
coudition mt the fully residence bere
Iie police found the body of the Loy
Ising lo the bed, dead frow gas as
puyxiation The wother wus also iy
lug lo te room uncousclous frown the
snine effect She 18 expected to re
Espert Hydraulic Euglaeer Dead
NORWALK. « April 11. Wil
Ham B Hider uf the best known
sud most expert vuglneers of ivdraullce
plants la the dead at lis
home in Cannou, wesr Danbury He
was sixty-four yenrs old nud 8 ustive
of Norwalk,
country. is
French Warships (6 Ald at Naples.
PARI, April 11. The council of min-
Inters has decided to send a division of
Preach warships to Naples and take
part in the efforts belug made to sue
cor the sufferers from the outbreak of
Mount Vesuviue,
Maxim Gorky at New York
In Peasant's Garb.
Comes to Spread Doctrine of Unlon
of All Men In One Comrade Family
of Free Workers—Soclalism,
the Heligion of Freedom.
NEW YORK. April 11. Alexei Max-
lmovitch Piesbkoff emaucipator, pa
triot and man of letters, w Lose fae as
8 novelist under the pseudouywm of
Mazin Gorky has penetrated to the
far corners of the earth arrived last
night on the steawsulp Kalser Willielm
der Grosse, a picturesque figure. dress
ed Io the garb of the peasants of the
The Russian revolutionist
$OcCial palhologist was ad
his wife, a very beautiful wotuan with
a wass of light bruwa balr sod large
lustrous eyes, who served as Ler Lius
baud’s iuterpreter aud spoke iu soft
Parisian Freuch the barsh guttural
Russiau words uftered by him
Gorky, though coming to Awerica a
sick wap, lu no way resembles the
nervous, ansemic, hunted sentimental
individual which bis photographs ph
ture The apostle of Russiau liberty ia
i tall, square shouldered, deep chested
nau whom It is very hard to bLelleve a
The face though uot in the least clas
sical in its features, is that of a virile
intense, stroug. manly wan. The fore
bead is broad. furrowed deeply when
be talks and surmounted LY 2 mop of
dark bair pushed back Two fearless
gray look defiantly from under
heavy bushy eyebrows
You feel at ounce that this is a self
possessed. masterful mau-a wan in
whom character is even wore remark:
able than intellect
The great apologist of the humble, of
the iittle people of Russia, the Cos
sacks of the Volga valley, was hanging
over the rall of the Lig lluer as the
reveinue cutter drew up alougside. and
Lis eves at once picked out little Nico
ial, Lis adopted sou, who Las bevn in
New York studying English for a year
from awong the crowd of uewspaper
wen aud Russian revolutionlst leaders
There a wild waving of Lauds
aud as Nicolai reached the deck of the
vessel two stroug arins closed
bim, and for a few minutes there were
wotlhiug but aud Kisses and
strange words iu Russian
About the first questivu asked of the
author of “Folua Gord'veff” was as to
his motive lu cowiug to America
“First of all” sald the great un
curbed individualist, “wy health fs
poor and 1 shall bave to prop It up
before I step into the areus again
The spirit 1s unconguered, Lut the
body is not what it was You see |
bave gone through many hardships,
and they leave dvep scars
“As much as my strength will per
it, however, 1 shall devote all my
time to the spreading of the doctrine
of the union of all wen io one comrade
family of free workers 1 shall preach
Soclalism — the religion of liberty,
equality aud fraternity—anud those |
cannot reach with my voice 1 shall eu
deavor to reach through my writings
*“l do pot kuow how long or how
short my stay in this country will be,”
sald Gorky "but of this I aw sure
that while Lere I will try to do sowe
thing for my fatherland
“l do not believe lu the douws wor
in the present method of bLolding elec
tions. The elections have uo connection
whatever with the liberation of the
people. The Social Democrats are not
taking part iu the electious as a party
though a great wany have Leen elected
‘That the douma will Lring Russia
quiet aud prosperity 1 do not belleve
The actual condition of the revolution
in Russia !s this lu more than twenty
two provinces the people are starving
to death, using all the woney they Lave
aud receive to buy arms with
Asked whether he thought that the
revolution could su ceed without arms,
Gorky's answer broad smile
You cap kuow from historical prece
dents that it Is (wpossible.” be sald
Toulghit a diuuer will be given here
la bovor of Gorky Besides Lis Rus
sian fricuds waeny Awerlcaus are ex
pected to attend and one of the prin
cipal gues's will Le Mark Twaln
Before 1 itus to Hussia It is ex
pected that he w
United St
Mupauied by
was 2
| travel all over the
Chinese Bandits on Hampage.
the southern purt of Houan proviuce
aud io westerns Shaugtung, caused by
the Big Khuife society of Boxer
bey are nowinally
hostility to the new educa
ud the Catholics but
rin of the pillage of
lu Houan the latter
fo number 1200 and curry
inscribed the worlds
ua With the Mancha Dynasty ™
Disturbances lu
a relic
ret ported
caused b
Houa! seine
ther tal the
towns Ly DEudits
are said
Senntur Hicase Not Galley,
COLUMBIA, 3 « April 11 —Ktate
Senator Eugene 8S Blenso charged
with the wurder of his brother in law
Joc at Saluda, was ac
quitted last night
Ben Coleman
Mre Astor's Father Dead.
ward Sh ppt father of Mr»
John Jai ob Astor i? his howe
bere of Leart disease. He was eighty
Is dead
four years of age
Horses and Mules Harned,
PENDLETON, Ore, Apri 11 In a
fire which destroved a large stock sales
stable bere sixteen horses and several
mules were burned to death. The loss
is $5,000,
jurants Down Hastern League Cham
i plons by a Score of 11 to ©
I NEW YOHKK. April 11 - The Giants
Lield a swatting fest on the Polo
grounds and lucidentally whitewashed
last year's chawpious of the Eastern
league, the Provideuce team. Ly the
scure of 11 10 ©
Awes, McGlanity apd Tayler took
turns lu the box. and two Lils repre
seul the sum total of the Rhode Island
boys’ batting record
Right Fielder Browne led at the bat
with four pretty singles tu Lis credit
Deviiu was second ou the list with a
two bagger and two siogies Doulin
aud Marshall also cracked cut double
sackers that in every case resulted in
Ihe disimmond was tolerably fair
the outfield was like must and the
base lines treacliervus for running
Jack Dunn bad quite a bLuoch of old
leaguers in Lis Providence team,
amoung thew Steve Brodie. cue of the
Baltimore champions, Harley of Phila
deiphia and Dunn blwselfl, 8 former
New York chawpiou
Not many fans gathered ou the ter
raced balconies, because most of the
baseball contingent Lugged the delu
sion that there would Le no gawe
Batteries Taylor. Ames, McGionity
and Bresuaban; Cooper, Maddox and
Game Cock Won Steeplechase.
WASHINGTON, April 11 A fair
day, both as to weather and sport
were the characteristics of raciug at
Benniugs. The Southern steeplechase,
8 pink coat hagdicap for hunters guali-
fled under the rules of the National
Steeplechase and Hunt association. was
the notable attraction and proved to be
the Lest running of the race ever wit
uessed Game Cock, with I. Evans
up. was the favorite and Oleroso, with
Mr. Smith in the saddle, was a strong
second cholce These two led the
way, taking the last hedge nearly to
gether. Oleroso then drew away from
Gawe Cock, and until the last hundred
yards he seemed certain to win, but
with a flue ride Mr Evans just man
aged to get the decision fer the fa
sorite DY 8 uose
Sutton Outclassed Boston Billlardiat,
NEW YORK, Apri 11 Sut
ton. who has gaiced an iuferuatioual
reputation as a Uiillard expert defeat
ed Albert G. Cutler of Boston iu the
world's billiard chawplouship tourna
went at 182 balk live Ly a scyre of HX
to JU Suttou gave a flue exhibition
of his skill, his two highest runs be
ing 116 aud 100, with au average of
25 Cutier wade severa! spurts, Lis
Lest efforts netting him 81. 50 aud 40
respectively, The Boston man was out
Lreul gy
Gloomy Gus at Oakland,
SAN FRANCISCO, April 11 lu the
racing at Oakland Gloowy Gus won
the third race at odds of 25 to 1 Mc
gregor, another loug shot, captured the
place. A hundred yards from the wire
in the fourth race Linda Hose appears
to be a certain winuer, but Tue Major
was giveu a splendid ride aud reached
the wire first
Open Golf Tournament.
WASHINGTON, April 11 In an
open golf tournament for professionals
and awateurs here Alex Smith, Nas
sau, N.Y wou first prize of $180 with
the medal score of 160; Isaac Mackie
Foxbllls, Staten Island. second prize
$100, score 108; David Ogilvie, third
prize. $0 score 16]
La Pacelle at Hot Springs.
HOT SPRINGS, Ark, April 11.—La
Pucelle lowered the track record for
six aud us Lalf rfuriougs at Oaklawn to
1°18 3-5 defeating Broom Handle, the
sbort favorite Expect to See
aud lua Gray were the winning favor
Lady Henrietta at New Orleans.
NEW ORLEANS, April 11 la Sp ige
of light showers the Fair grounds track
was fast Lady Heurletta, tnuch the
best of Ler company. was the ouly win
Diug favorite
Edwin J. Cooper on the Stand
AUGUSTA, Me, April 11 Edwin J
Cooper, husband of the defendant, was
the principal called at the
Northy murder trial here He testified
that he had kwowuw Northy for fifteen
Years Northy cawe to Lis Louse In
Novewber, 180 to board and to work
Llacksmith shop He sald that
was a goud workwan, a boy of
iu his
Mrs Cooper
seell Northy
a bamwock at
aud bad watched thew ludulgiug
Kames, but had seen nutbliug about
thelr conduct which would justify biw
lu weking a protest
words, sud Le spoke to
He Lad
and Cooper
in Lis Louse
Storm on New England Coast.
BOSTON. April 11 The storm which
passsd over New Foginod during the
night aod forenoon was vie of unusual
severity nut ouly because of the cow
bination of slevt
wud ralu which foruwed the precipita
tou, but also in the extent of dawage
dove to luisud and warine property
reports frow the coast giving accounts
of vessels driven ashore, suuk or dash-
ed to pleces vn the roc ks. The worst
acoident reported was that to the
schooner DD Gifford of Boothbay Har
ber. Me which
rocks io
Was res
wind and the suuow
was wrecked on the
barbor. Her crew
life savers
ued by
Sis Raliroads Divide Trae,
PHILADELPHIA, April 11 hat
the bituminous coal traMe Is divided
fiohg six raljrosd companies was de
veloped at the flest hearing of the In
terstate colmmerce commission held
bere for the purpose of determining
| Whethier the raliroad companies are (n-
terested directly or ladivectly in the oll
(or coal which is transported aver thelr
! mes, :
Strike Commission to Settle |
Matters In Dispute.
After Hefusing Mitchell's Offer of Ar-
bitration Mine Owners Make Coun-
ter Froposal te Declde the
Muted Questions
NEW YORK, April 11. At the meet
Ing of the joint committee of the an
thracite operators aud miners the op
erilors submitted a counter
tion to President Mitchell's arbitration
Ihe operators made a counter
posal that the commission
by President Roosevelt iy
quested to de
13 be re
whether anv cliauges
the hard coal
which re
iu conditions iu fegious
that the!
should be
Hilt the
wages aud
Lave UL UrTe=d
award of the
wodifled. The UW Lele
lguiry to two grievances
& method fur the adjusinent of cota
plaints. The mivers bave takeu the
proposal under consideration and may
Wive the gperators an totLor
row, when another coufervuce
the subcommittees of the two parties
will be held
Ibe principal poiuts of the counter
proposal were that the operators were
willing to arbitrate any matters
that way bave arisen since the authiea
cite coal strike commission passed up
ou the original differences three
ago, that the operators would still
unwilling to recognize the union and
that In sigoiog apy new agreement
with the miners it be made for a
of three lustead of two venrs, so that it
wouldn't terminate upon the eve of a
presidential election
The counter proposition
crators is lo part as follows
“You suggest that your propositions,
which include recoguition of the uulon
check off, limitation of the wu
wen permitted to work
tract wiver, limitation of the smount
of work which be doue by
Wiser, uo terwiuation of cwploywent
of apy ludividual without
aud supervision of our wining opera
tious geuerally. with all the wackinery
that your organization bas created fur
controlling the coal Lusiness Le
subliuitted to the Loard of conciliation
created Dy the authracite strike com
wission. a board with which you have
shown your dissatisfaction by asking
lu the propositious which you have sub
mitted that it Le abolished
Your proposal, as we understand
eveu iuvoived the submission by us of
the question of our making su agree
ment with the Uulted Mine Workers
of America to the exclusion of nonun
ion workers—a question which we did
not subwit to the authracite strike
cowitnissiou for reasous then stated. ln
which we were fully justiied by that
Every question that
sented was, lu sowe form or other, aft
er careful lnvestigation, passed upon
Ly the anthracite strike commission-—-a
wmmission cowposed of disinterested
The award it wade has Leen faith
fully lived up to
“Your propositions cover various
wetbods of Increasing wages to such
au exteut that the price of all coal
would be iucreased. the ou
dowestic sizes running as high as 31 2
per tou
proof of the uecessity we are opposed
to any action which will have the ef
fect of lucreasiug the preseut price of
anthracite coal
“The board of couclliation, to which
you have asked thot all these sarious
Questions Le referred. was not created
for auy such purpose It was design
ed as 8 winor tribunal to give effect to
the awards the cowlnission wade aud
determine controversies
“For the reasous stated we therefore
declipe your suggestion to refer
questions decided LY the anthracite
COA! strike commission tu the bLoard of
of the op
aber of
under a8 cul
way “acl
you have pre
lu the absence of couvinclug
to arisiug
Smuggled Goods From Warship
SAN FRANCISCO, April 11 —Swmug
gled goods of cousiderable value, which
were brought to thls city on the battle
ship Oregon, were seized by the United
States government luspectors at a local
freight shed Auioug the goods seized
were pleces of valuable silk
with high priced specimens of
Lhe customs house ofMicials are pursuing
thelr tuquiry and expect to wake other
Fey Lave seat telegraws to
ishing that
rius expensive china sets along
wany places suspicious
packages La pled and held until
mu luvestigation of thelr
Le wade
wonteuts cau
Panic on the Plilgrim
NEW LONDON, Conn, April 11
After a fearful night Iu the storm
the svuud, during
which many
a state of panic, the
steanter Pligri beaved sighs of tvlief
when that reacted this
Larbor The Pligritu was forced to
abaudou the sttewpt to reach Fall
River because of the dense fog sud the
Leavy sea runoiog lu the sound The
S00 passeuxvis trausferred to a
special train aud sent ou to Bostou
passengers of the
vessel sufels
Standard Ol Agent (oavicted
lu the superior
ugent fut
was convicted of aell
Coun, April 1
court John Boylau, the
local the Standard Ol com |
pany ug wil o du
laferior aud dangerous quality sud was |
sentenced to forty
furl $20 apd costs
the oll agent grew out of twa civil sults |
brought against the company by Theo
dore White as the result of an explo
sion of u Inmp at his home in Janvary.
days in jail and
he case ga inst |
Weather Frebabilitica,
Fair and warmer; varlable winds.
New Easter Finery
Those New Silks
Hair lines and pin checks,
gun metal and greys. These
are the most popular in the
city today. Of course we
have a full line of the staple
weaves in plain colors, Rad-
ium Jap, Peau de Clune,
Taffetas, Crepe de Chenes,
Silk Mull, etc. All at the
usual “Globe Warehouse
low prices.
Satin stripes, silk tissues,
batistes, swisses, lawns,
etc. All from the best
manufacturers in the United
In the plain weaves we
are showing Jacquards,
Nippons, Eoliennes, ete. All
new spring shades at right
White Materials
Immense line of plain
weaves made especially for
shadow work. Also ndia
Linens, Lawns, Batistes,
Nainsook, Persian Lawn,
Persian Nainsook, Leno de
Amerique, French Lawn,
ete, from 39 in. to 48in.
We give you as good value
as New York City or any-
where clse.
Let your own jodgment
convince you. We buy di-
rect from the mills.
New Golored Umbrellas
$3.00 umbrellas, all pure
silk, in the newest col-
ors and latest borders.
This week $2.00. “Enough
Wednesday Special
New white waists, regu-
lar $1.50 and $1.25 values,
Vednesday 98c. They are
all new. A glance at our
window will convince you.
For one day only, Wednes-
day, 98c.
Globe Warehouse,
Talmudge Block, Eimer Ave.
H. H. Mercereau,
Notary Public
Special attention to Pension
Valley Phone 11 X,
{2 Dusnond Sipemt,
Office Maney & Page
Rooms formerly occupied by the
late Jobn R. Murray,
Oftice bours:—9 to 10 a. m.; 8:30
to§ p,m. At other times during
Small Farms, Large Farms, Good Build.
Ings, good fruits, well watered. Houses
and Lots for sale or exchange, All ab
bargain prices. Honses to rent.
= ;
| W. T. CAREY.
+ day at Valley Record office,
Nooe phone Al.w Reon 2. Ta) Bik,
Subscribe for The Record.
Contractor and Builder
Plans and Estimates Furnished.
108 Linenln Bt Sayre, Ps.
DR. A. G. REES, M.D.
100 Lake Bt. West Sayre,
8 to 11:00 a. wm, ? to 4:80, 7:00 to 8:00,
Genito and chronle diseapes
aoc anh ad. i \ -y