The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, April 09, 1906, Image 3

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    ir BOYS | pisgracetul Row on Bast Packer
come toour| Avenue Resulis in the Two
ye’ Clothing. If the cipals Being Arrested and
‘new Spring styles| A disgraceful row which aroused
TE nearly the entire neighborhood,
Ee and for which the two principal
Suits From {participants paid a high price, oc-
{curred on East Packer avenue
shortly before midnight Saturday
night, and ended in the arrest of
Theodore Fleischutt, better known
to his associates as Charley Fleis-
chutt, and Harvey Keener, both of
whom were arraigned yesterday in
police court on charges of fighting
and disorderly conduct.
The stories told by the two men
differ, as to the cause of the row
which ended in their arrest.
Flieschutt and his wife and Keener
board at the home of Nelson Cole
on East Packer avenue, and
Fleischutt claims that early Satur
day evening he purchased a half
pint of whiskey which he took to
his boarding house and which was
later stolen, The missing whisky,
Fleischett says, precipitated a dis-
turbance, in which nearly all the
Carter, Harrison & | members of the household took
part, finally ending in Flieschutt
ejected into the street. Out.
them before you paint. a bouse he and Keener
came together and exchanged a
Co : number of blows when Officer
3 Voegel appeared on the scene and
8. Main Bt,, Athens, {put a stop to further hostilities by
placing Fleischutt under arrest.
Keener evidently caught sight of
the blue coated official and van-
Keener tells another story of the
affair, He says that Fleischytt
came to the Cole house drunk,
He found his wife there and wanted
to kiss her, but that lady didn't
appear to desire the caresses of her
husband just at that time and a
disturbance followed. A keg of
beer which had been brought to
the house in the carly part of the
evening assisted in furpishing the
courage for a jangle which lasted
until nearly midnight when Fleis-
chutt was thrown out of the house.
He went up the street a short dis—
tance and in the meantime several
inmates of the household came
into the street, among them being
Keener. A tirade of indecent and
profane language followed, and in
the meantime the residents of the
neighborhood arose from their
beds to see who was being mur-
dered. Officer Voegel was sent for
and arrived in time to catch Flies.
chut and Keener handing - each
other divers and sundry wallops.
Flieschutt was taken to the lock-
up after he had received a few taps
from the officer's club, just as a
reminder that the officer wouldn't
stand any foolishness. Warrants
for the arrest of both men, charging
them with disorderly conduct and
breach of the peace, were issued,
and upon being arraigned they
pleaded guilty. Fleischutt was
fined ten dollars and costs or the
privilege of sojourning in the
county jail for a period of 30 days,
Class No. 13 of the Baptist |and Keener was fined five dollars
Sunduy school, will hold a cake|and costs or ten days in jail. Later
sale Saturday at 2 o'clock at|a dusky son of Italy appeared and
paid the fines of the two men and
the latter were released.
Fleischutt is well known in po-
and searly everyone on the street| lice circles as an old offender. The
was carrying a piece of the beau-|last time he appeared here was
tiful tinted plant. before the late John R. Murray,
He was charged with chicken
stealing, but gave bail for his
Utopian barber shop. Just as far| appearance at court. -
ahead of hand work as the lathe is -
Martin Kelley, a man well alopg
in years, who lost his leg in a rail
way accident scveral years ago,
and who has since been wandering
from place to place, was
found lying in a helpless condition
. —0OR—~
Use Varnish Let Us Quote You Prices
The Man Who.
“Gets There”
Is the man who has blood ,
—real rich blood—and
plenty of #—in his body,
Driggs’ Wine of God Liver OH
The Valley Record
“&11 the news that's fit to print"
MONDAY, APRIL 0, 1908.
This is holy week.
The Loomis opera house will
be dark this week.
For your Easter suit see our
styles and prices. H. Sattler. 280 8
The weather wise predict snow
for tomorrow and a considerable
fall in the thermometer,
A premium given with every
pair of shoes from $1.50 up, for one
| street. 282-1w
and the Episcopal church, Waver-
ly. Finder will be liberally re-
warded by returning to Mrs. John
in a switch shanty in the lower
urray, 308 Penn. ave, Wav-
Hi i ah yards this morning, Officer Bob
ek the Le-| Degroff went to the shanty to in-
= : ! i 2
Fia :
EB 8 i fi
N % = FE * a
- x = 325
Two Horses and Four Cows
Consumed in a Conflagration
Early Yesterday Morning
Yesterday moming between §
and 6 o'clock fire broke out in a
barn situated along the Aubura
branch of the Lehigh on the Mills
town road just outside the borough
limits. Two horses, valued at
$100 cach, four cows, 30 tons of
hay, 300 bushels oats, 100 bushels
of corn, three farm wagons, and a
quantity of farm implements were
consumed. The barn was owned
by Charles Lloyd, the well known
mail agent, who runs on the Le-
high between this place and New
York. J. S. and H. T. Werts,
brothers, occupied the farm as
tenants and the contents of the
barn was owned by them. There
was no insurance and the loss is
estimated at nearly £3,000.
About 5 o'clock the borough
fire alarm sounded, but when it
was ascertained where the conflas
gration was located the companies
did not respond as the apparatus
would have been uscless on ac-
count of being unable to secure
water. The fire department from
the Lehigh Valley power house,
however, run an engine to the
scene of the fire but when the fire-
men arrived they could do but
little, Before the flanies were dis-
covered they had made such head-
way that it was impossible to re-
lease the animals, and the dumb
brutes perished in their stalls.
A few minutes after the fire
broke out several strangers, evi.
dently tramps, were seen to leave
the burning building, and walk
rapidly up the Auburn branch.
[tis thought that these men may
have been smoking in the building
and that they carelessly dropped a
lighted match.
Mrs. Samantha Shipman Expired
Last Night While Sitting in
Her Chair Conversing With
Her Son
Mrs. Samantha Shipman, So
years old, mother of E.H. Shipman,
assistant chief engineer of the Le-
high Valley's civil engineer corps,
died suddenly at her son's home
at 410 South Wilbur avenue, last
night about 11 o'clock. Mrs.
Shipman was seated in a chair talk-
ing to her son, George Shipman,
who on Saturday evening had come
from Wilkes-Barre to visit her,
when suddenly her head fell for-
ward and she expired almost in-
stantly. Her son immediately sum-
moned assistance from neighbors
residing nearby and Dr. C. A.
Haines was sent for. He arrived
without delay and after making an
examination stated that she had
died instantly upon being attacked.
Heart disease is assigned as the
cause of the death,
Mrs. Shipman came to Sayre
over two years ago with her son,
E. H. Shipman, he having charge
of the engineer work on the shop
plot. Previous to her living in
Sayre she had been a resident of
New Jersey, having spent the
greater part of her long life in that
state. Her husband died about 28
years ago and since that time she
has been living with her son. At
the time of her death Mr, and Mrs.
E. H. Shipman were absent on a
visit to New York. .
She is survived by her two sons,
E. H. and George Shipman and
one daughter, Mrs, Horace M,
Walton, a resident of California.
The arrangements for the funeral
are in charge of J. W. Grumme's
undertaking establishment apd will
be announced later, i
Lehigh Valley Easter Excursion
to Buffalo and Niagara Falls
Tickets will be sold April 15;
2 : Fare $ &
Sayre Gentlemen to Go to Har-
risburg on Wednesday to Con-
fer with State Department of
Health =
of sewer committee of the Sayre
borough council, C, C. West, a
the field survey for a sewer in this
Oak and Birdseye Dressers’
Se wt
quest of the secretary of the State
by a New York firm were submit
ted to the State department of
Health and that body has promised
ta give the local authorities all
assistance possible in determining
upon what is best. for the town.
Accordingly the gentlemen above
named will meet with the officials
of the health department on Wed-
nesday next and the situation will
be thoroughly discussed. It'is not
thought that the committee will
come back with a recommendation,
205 Desmond 8t. ~~ Valley Phone 191 a.
Mug nn age + JAS A
ANAS 7 iN, 289 ANE 28 NS FL
The miety of any basincss is in its management. Investigate our order
Our Assets January 1, 1908, :
E. F. MERCEREAU, Dist. Manager
Office 112 Desmond St., Sayre. g
able progress will be made. ;
into the Susquehanna river.
from the governor, and the gow
Messrs. Heverley, West and Walker
hanna river.
Unless this matter can be adjust-
the disposal of sewage, provided a
sewer linc is constructed. This
would mean the expenditure of
considerable money,
Wilkes-Barre Woman Leaves
Home in that Place While
Her Husband is in Sayre
Hayes Thorp, a machinist, who
lately came from Wilkes-Barre to
Sayre to work in the Lehigh shops,
upon returning to his home at
Wilkes-Barre. on Saturday found
his wife and eight-year-old son,
Edward, missing. The woman
had left no clue as to where she
bad gone, but later he learned that
Mrs. Charles McGroatry, a woman
who resided nearby, was also look-
ing for her husband who had been
missing since Friday momming.
Then it was ascertained that Mrs.
Thorp and Mr. McGroatry had
both bought tickets for New York,
and now Mr. Thorp is in that city
looking for the pair. Mrs, Thorp
is about 28 years old, wears
while the man with whom it is bes
lieved she has ran away, is a clerk
in one of Wilkes-Barre's d=part-
ment stores.
On account of pressing business
J. K, Rush, the gas plant promo
ter, was unable to reach Sayre last
week. He notifies parties interest
ed in Sayre that he has been in
Philadelphia looking up the con-
tractors who are to lay the gas
pipes in the streets here, He says
that the plant will probably be
much larger than first anticipated,
Mr, Rush also says that there will
be no stock offered for sale until
the state charter is received. An
application was made to the gover.
nor for a charter a few days ago
and itis quite likely that the same
will be granted in the course of a
week or ten days. Mr, Rush will
Housecleaning time is here and you will need
new up-to-date Wall Papers. We are better pre- §8
pared to show the latest designs in decorations
this Spring than ever, both as to price and qual §&&
ity. We carry a full linc of H. M. Berge & Son's FB
high grade papers. is
We are offering gilts at 5 cents, double roll.
QGilts at 6 cents, double roll.
Embossed gilts 7 cents, double roll.
Embossed gilts, 8 cents, double roll.
Kitchen papers 10 cents, double roll.
Borders same price as side.
Give usa call before buying. 600 patterns in
stock to select from.
G.F. Beloud & Co,
Sayre, Pa.
RHO | I Ca
Cah Re Se
Desmond Street,
And contrast their purity and white-
ness with your teeth. If ths com-
parison is not favorable, or if you
already know your teeth to be
defective, do not hesitate to coasult
whose profession is not only to cure
sore and painful teeth; but to re-
store and place them to thelr patur.
al beauty, Oor methods are the lat-
ost, thorough'y scientific and pain-
Opposite Big Store.
gives pew life and lustre toold
tables, chairs, furniture ands
pictare frames. It is fie ideal
finish for floors, interior wood
work, bath rooms, sash An
sills, :
Thirteen colors—100 &
uses—70 cents a quart can.
All the best and most widely
advertised goods are always :
be found at this store and at Bf
prices to please every parse.
Is now ready to farnisk
Pure Reservoir Ice to
Sayre patrons,
Decorator and Paperhanger.
| First class work done prompily Ahrens
sonable prices, Sr
| Residence: —120 Spruce St, Athos, Ps,
Delays Are Dangerous | B Ph
Thicgs will ‘happen over night to | oth ones,
change the entire course of events Thus
with your house and household at peace
and in safety at sunset Easter Sunday
there nl no home the next day
Fire! Why don't you get and keep your | Painter,
personal property insured through us
against fire every minute in the year ?