FITTO MARCH 28, 1906 nothing but the celebrated Valley fresh wined anthra- t coal and all kinds of rE Both Phones. NATIONAL FIRST ™ganx OF SAYRE GENERAL BANKING Paid on Time Deposits. DIRECTORS. RP. Wilbur, }. XN. Weaver, WA. Wilber, 1. W. Bishop, W T. Ooodnow, 8. L Havuly, Seward Baldwin, PF. T.Page LV. Page, Caabler Renting, Estates Managed Collecting E. E. Reynolds, For sale in Athens, Sayre and Waverly, seams INSURANCE Property Bangi, Sold and ~ D.CLAREY COAL (0. Lehigh Valley Coal Best Quality & Prompt Delivery Guaranteed Bradford Btrect Yard "Phone, 185d Ofc ad Raymond Haaow's Boe, Se7re ELMER A. WILBER, Wholesaler of Wines, Beer and Ales. OUR SPECIALTIES ~ WEICH BEER AND ALES, NOR- “WICH BREWING COS. ALES. x09 Packer Avenue, SAYRE, PA BOTH "PHONES. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE. egotisted, Insurance Writ- fen, Houses Rented, Rents Col- : lected, Taxes Paid. ROOM 7, ELMER BLOCK LOCKHART ST., BAY?E GOURT ony cheeks, bright eyes and good health in general by using a glass of day. 21t is a PURE WHEELER MEMORIAL Assembly at Atlanta Pays Tribute to Dead Leader. Corporal Tanner, In Brilliant Ade dress, Spoke of High Qualities of Genersl ldolized by South. erm Feople. ATLANTA, Ga, March 28 Uaiting In their tribute of veneration. heuor and respect 10 the wemory of General Joseph Wheeler, the leader lu twe wars, Lis comrades and foes lu the sixties and his followers in the war with Spain gethered here and jolued io such a celebration us I= accorded to few men in military or civie life Roused ta a pitch of enthusiasin bY the words of General Wheeler's friend and associate In war and in peace, for- mer Congressman John W. Maddox, the old soldiers shoutad themselves hoarse. They were also stirred to their hearts by the tribute of Corpoml James Tanner, commander in chief of the Grand Army of the Republic. Neariy 500 Coufederate veterans gathered with a third of that number representing the northern armies. The Confederate uniform: was seen bere and there. Both fags that General Wheeler followed were intertwined about the theater, where the addresses were made. The old “rebel yell” groet- od now and then the remarks of some of the speakers. All joined with deep earnestness in the praise given to the memory of the honored dead. The guests of honor were the daugh- ters of General Wheeler—\iss Annie Wheeler, the “army angel” of the Cu- bau war; Miss Lucy Wheeler, Miss Carrie Wheeler and Mrs. Julia Wheel: er-Harrise. They shared a box in the theater with Mrs. John B. Gordou, the widew of another great Confederates commander, Corporal Tanner pald a high compll- ment to the courage and ability of General] Wheelpr as shown on many battlefields, Loth in the civil war as a Confederate leader and in the Bpaulsh WAT As An American commander. He expressed that a monument to General Wheeler's memory would be erected, as Is proposed, saying “Many menuments have beeu pro that have never been bullt. Some Are proposed that it would be much better never to have built Memories thers are coneerning which it would be better that prayers should ascend to high heaven that they way die out flow the recollections of men and be grant od the meray of oblivion rather than that they should be perpetuated. But & menument to Joseph WW heelor—yes. “Lay tbe foundation securely that it may withstand the assaults of time and the elements. Bulld it as bigh as You please. Frem out the whole great north, east and west, against whose opposing ferces he struck so often, so forcefully, from no sod gripped grave of any of our beys who went to death under his blows shall a single skeletop finger point in accusation of bis sol dieriy conduet and kaightly boaor.” Mr. Tanner also complimented the wemen of the south in high terms, say- ing: “The Union forces would have Achieved success, in my opinion, eight- eel mouths sconer than they did If It had not been for the women of the south. Why do I say this? Because It is of worldwide knowledge that men never earried cause forward to the dread arbitrament of the battlefield who were so intensely supported by prayers and by the efforts of the gen- tier sex as were you men of the south, Evesy mother's son of you knew that if you dide’t keep exact step to the peic of ‘Dixie’ and the ‘Bonnie Blue g' If you did net tread the very front lias of battle when the contest was on, knew in short that if you re- turned home In aught but soldierly bonor, that the very fires of hell would pot scorch and comsume your unshriven souls as you would be scorched and consumed by the scorn apd contempt of your wowmenbood. The same condition of affairs, though pot to such a unamimous degree, existed nerth of the Mason and Dixon line. “When one speaks of the women of the war Be would not If he wishes and sould not if be would draw a goo graplical line that shall mark a divi- ston between wemen om the matter of support of the cause for which thelr loved ones battle, 80 when I speak of the women of the war I cau group In one mass the loved ones of your bouse- hold and those who are nearest and dearest to me." The last formal address was by Ma- Jor Charles R. Miller of Cleveland, O., commander in chief of the Spanish: American War Veteraaus. The exergises closed with “tape” and revellle and the benediction. Quietly Hanged Himself. SANDUSKY, O, March 28 —Jacob Kurtz, former superintendent of the Awerican Wine company here, hanged himself so quietly during the night in a room adjoluing that im which his fam- fly wae slpeping that they kuew noth- of his death until early morning, a the body was dlecovered. . Bank Cashier on Trial. LISBON, O, Maret 28 The trial of Toller O. H. Van Horne of the Canton State bank began bere. He Is charged Jointly with Cashier Bechtel with bav- ing falsified the books Ly charging a Gctitious indebtedness of Cerbata. the Firet National bank of Cle DID NOT APPEAL TO ROOSEVELT President Mitchell Offered Senle of 1903-Yo Agrerment. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind, March 28. — When the joint conference of the oper ators and miners opened at Tomlinson Ball bers President Mitchell and Secre- tary Wilson of the migers, J. H Win- der, chairman of the operators; H. N. Taylor of the Illinois operators, H. L Chupman of the Oblo operators and the delegates were present. Mr Mitchell denied a report circu- lated in the hall before the joint eon- ference was calied to order to the ef- fect that the miners had asked Presi dent Roosevelt to use his efforts to: ward securing peace. The report of the comiuities setting forth its disagreement was received and made part of the record Follow- ing the adoption of the report there was pllsnce lo the ball for teu min- utes, each side apparently waiting for the other to make the first move Mr. Robbins smiled occasionally, but did uot offer to speak. President Mitchell finally arose and sald It was his expectation that some proposition would be made by the oth- er side looking to a settlement of the age difference. It was plain, he sald, t the operators had not been able to agree amoung meelves The mipers d gone out of thelr way fo secure a settlement. If there were a disagreement the respousibility was with the operators. Ope large state had agreed to pay ap advance io wages. He thought the operators of the other states of the district should make 8 statement In defense of thelr position. He offered as a Lasls for set- tiement the restoration of the scale of 1003. An adjournment was taken with- out any agreement belng arrived at SPRIGGS GOT THE LIMIT, Wegre Ceomviet Will Finish His Life In Slag Sing. ~ NEWYORK, March 28 — Bob Spriggs, the negro, whose Cornelia street girl cage for years held white prisoners at the pleasure and mercy of negro men, will serve the balance of bis days at hard labor In Sing Sing. Judge Cowing sentenced him to twenty years’ impris- onment. This weans a life sentence to the mulatto, as with all commutation for good conduct he faces an actual imprisonment of fourteen years, and be is forty-eight years old now. Hig bealth is not good. He looks like a con- sumptive, and there Is vo probability be will live out his term His woman associate lo the gefari- ous trafic, Sallie Beunett, a fat ne- gress, was given a sentence of ten years Bprigge looked (ll and scarvd when brought into the court, where a jury In less than eight minutes found him gullty of abducting Hattie Warren, one of the most miserable of Lis bu- man chattels € Must Dismiss the Regieides. BELGRADE, Servis, March 28 -M. Jovanovice, the Servian commercial agent at London, bas Infermed the cabinet that Great Britalo has stipu- lated for the dismissal of eleven of the regicides as a condition preliminary to the resumption of diplomatic.relations. After a heated &scussion four of the ministers favored acoeptauce of the ocoudition, while three, Including Pre- mier QGrulcs, opposed. Following the assassination the night of June 10, 1803, of King Alexander and Queen Draga, King Peter, the successor to the throne of Bervia, appointed to high offices several of those whe were oon cerued in the crime. Archbishop Ireland at Rome. ROME, March 28 —Archbishop Ire land was received and bad a private audience with the pope. Archbishop Ireland's presence In Rome bas no other object than a visit of duty to the pope and also to meet some old friends here. He will spend several weoks in Rome. The archbishop has already received many visitors, includ- {ug Cardinal Vincenzo Vanoutelli, who did pot walt for the American prelate to call upon him, as ls customary, and who also ssked Archbishop Ireland to his house, Barglars Got Rich Haul WHEELING, W. Va, March 28 — Burglars blew open with nitroglycerin the safes of the postoffice and the Phil: lippl Milling company at Phillippl, W. Va, and made good thelr escape without arousing the eftizens. Ouly a few dollars In cash were secured from the milling company, but from the postoffice safe a quantity of registered mail was taken, Including two pack. ages of currency cousigued to the Cid. ens’ Natioual bank sald to coataln §5,.- 000 Boys, Laughing, Walked Out of Court SPRINGFIELD, O, Marah 28-- Laughing openly lu court at the light fines Imposed for rioting, the eight boys who were arrested by the soldiers some days ago during the riots here walked out of the police court free. Judge Miller when the rioters were arralgoed before him said the recom- mendation of the jury that the fine be only a dollar on account of the youth of the accused was an outrage. His Body Cut In Twe. STAMFORD, Coun, March 28 Harry Kingsley, a well known young mau of this city, was run over by a freight traln near the Port Chester de- pot, and bis body was cut lan two Kingsley and an friend went te Port Chester and were returning home on the tracks whet the train struck Kings- loy. Arrested Vor Murdey at Barve, Vi. BARRE, Vt, March 3 He lavesti- PERKINS IS ACCUSED Charge Against Morgan's Part- ner by District Attorney. NEW YORK LIFE CAMPAIGN GIFT ISSUE Teast Case Wherein First of Netable Insurance Chiefs Faces Criminal Prosecuntion—Warrant Issued on Techniéal Charge. NEW YORK, March 28 — George W. Perkins, partper of J Plerpent Mor gan, will be the first of the uotable men Io the life iusurance cases to face criminal prosecution. At the request of District Attorney Jerome, it Is sald, Magistrate Moss has issued a warrant for Perkins on a techuleal charge. According to the’ programme, he will appear in the Center street police court today, and the warrant will thea Le served If the test case against Perkins holds good it Is stated that Mr. Jerome will obtain warrants for others connected with “yellow dog” funds aud insur ance contributions to campaign funds, Ou the morning of the day when the grand jury, actiug upon the lustruc- tions of Judge O'Sullivan, expected to r : GEORGE Ww. PERKINS call upon him with a formal demand for the evidence he holds against the lusurauce grafters District Attorney Willian Travers Jerome began a prose. cution on his own book by menus of police court warrants Regardless of the netion by Jerome, the judges of the court of general ses slons will push the Investigation that they paved the way for It looks lke a fight to a fulsh between the distriot attorney's office and the grand jury room, with punishiuent for the lusur- ance planderers at the sud of it by one weans or another, There was a sceue when the grand jury reported to Judge O'Sullivan. Mr. Jerome started to say something, ap- parently for the jury's benefit, but the judge ignored him and sent the grand jurors about their Lusiness. Mr. Je rome, angry at the snub, walked out of the room As #008 as he reached the criminal courts building the dietriot attorney hurried inte the Ceuter street court, where for half an hoyr he was In pii- vate consultation with Magistrate Jo- soph Moss. The two men were closed od in the magistrate’s private office, When Jeremie and fssued from their consuiation it was stated that at Jerome's request Magistvate Moss would at once issue warseats charging technical offenses against 8 map whose name had been prominently conneeted with recent life insurance diselosures. Mr. Jerome at first asked the magis- give him several warrants off- band. It is sald that among those whom he wanted to arrest were George W. Perkins, Cornelius N. Bliss and George B. Cortelyon, but Magistrate Moss declined to issue any warrants unless depositions were first furnished to him, Ten Arrveets In Entevprise Bank Onse PITTSBURG, March 83 —In the face of«denials by government officials it was learned from an authoritative source that warrauts bave been lssued for four other persons In connection with the collapse o: the Enterprise Na- tional bank. These are in addition to the six persons now under arrest, five of whom were arrested and the sixth, former Paying Teller Thomas W. Har vey, who [0:2 Furrendered himself Goslin Skipped Baill, NEW YORK, March 28 —Alfred R. Gosllu, who was arrested a week ago with Charles M. Dunn on charges of conspiracy against the Western Gold Mining company, In whielr $89.500 worth of the company’s stock was in. volved, fulled to appear {n the west side court when his case was called, and Magistrate Wable declared his £1,000 cash ball forfeited aud lesued a bench warrant for his arrest. Connaught and Suit at Vietoria, B. C, VICTORIA, B OC, March 28 Prince Arthur of Connaught, nephew of King Edward, with a suit consisting of Lord Reedsdale, General Kelly-Kenuy, Ad: miral Seymour, Colonel Davidson. Cap: taln Wyndhaw and Miles Lampson of the British foreign ofMce, has arrived bere ou the steamer Empress of Ja. pan from Japan, where the prince lu- vested the emperor of Japan with the Order of the Garter Ohio Passes Afken's BIL. COLUMBUS, O, March 28 — Amid scenes of excitement almost unprece dented In Oblo legislative procedure, the senate passed the Alken house bill increasing the saloon tax from $350 to $1,000 sud sealed Its action Ly voting down a motion te recousider. Filoree Fire nt Mintesville. STATESVILLE N, C_ March 28. the ord cont mn r.C LB Rare 10, 1908, ths