The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, March 27, 1906, Image 1

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    Er ————————— —— | HU
There is as ‘mach ‘difference in
-103 Lehigh Ave, Lockhart Bldg,
Both Phones,
sw $75,000.00
Paid on Time Deposits.
RP. Wiber, J. KN. Weaver,
W, A Wilbur, J. W. Blabop,
J.B Wheslock. W T. Goodnow,
O.L Haverly, SewarlBaldwis, ¥. T. Page,
R. ¥. Page, Cashier,
Renting, Estates Managed Collecting
E. E. Reynolds,
Sayre and Waverly.
Property Bought, Sold and
—Rxchanged —
IT Packer Ave.,
Valley Phone 230x, Sayre, Pa.
Lehigh Valley Coal
Bradford Street Yard Phone, 1354
sup? Stars, fare
Wholesaler of
Wines, Beer and Ales.
rosy cheeks, bright eyes and
good health in general by
using a glass of
everyday. It is a PURE
product of malt and hops.
Bxcoedingly nouri shlin'g,
‘mildly stimulating, a tonic
that not only does good but
John D. Rockefeller Wishes
“to Testify Privately.
Jehan BD. Arekbeold, Appearing For
Cll Magnate, Made = Cenditions}
Offer of His Testimony =Qb.
Jetis te Cartoonists,
NEW YORK, March 27. — At the
Standard Ull" hearing here John D.
Archbold, the trust's vice president,
testified that John DD. Rockefeller had
authorized Lim to make au offer that he
(Rockefeller; would appenr Lefore At
toruey Goneral Hudley of Missouri and
testify provided « private besriug
could be arranged
Mr. Kichbold sald the reisous Mock
efeller would not appear iu public
Were that Lis health was precarious
and that he would not subject himself
to the notoriety snd cartoons that
would fellow
Mr. Rockefeller, coMuued Mr. Arch
bold, Is in Lakewood, but colues fre
quently to New York
“Now, Mr Attorney General” sald
Mr. Archbold, “Mr. Rockefeller huows
nothing whatever about this case, but
he is williug to meet You quietly and
&DsWer any questions you may ask
“Mr. Rockefeller knows | aw making
this offer for him. Ou account of his
health be feels that be cubnot come
bere. He dislikes the notoriety and
Sartooming that would attead his ap-
pearance iu public, and, as I sald, the
excitement might prove dangerous to
his health. His reasons for not appear-
Ing bere are purely physical, and 1 re-
peat that If be cau be examined in pri-
vate be will attend. But be knews
nothing about this case”
“There is only one way in which we
will examine witnesses,” snapped Mr.
Mr. Archbold gext to Heury H. Rog-
Orv Is probably the best posted man ip
the Standard On company concerning
the ramifications of the Lusivess of the
corporation. :
Mr. Archbold testified concerning the
official relations between the Rockefel
ler concernu und the Waters Plerce Ol
Company of Missourl, the Republic OU
sompeay of New York sod the Stand.
ard Of] Company of Indians At the
last Leariog H. H. Hogers, also a vice
prealdent of the Rockefeller company,
admitted that the last named company
practically owned the other three com-
“Whe 1s the Wanagiog officer of your
Sompany I” was asked. ‘There Is no
"usb person. Joby D. Rockefeller is the
t, but Be has mot for ten years
Ben an active interest in the com-
A He is the noma) head, but for
¥6 years or se has not attended the
“Why! Because of {il healthy" “Yes,
that and advancing age.”
“Mr. Rockefeller does Bot direct af-
fairs, then 7" “No; there is no master
mind there. We bave a Rumber of ex-
ports representing various interests.”
Mr. Archbold then #ave statistics of
abo 4 \
of which the Stapdard Ol}
roduced about 45,000 barrels.
“Are you familiar with the product
of oll in this country? “I am.”
“What Is It?' “The dally production
3 scudy vi In the United States Is
Sallong dally, and the
Saas Oil produces about one-sev-
a pat the refined product?”
ard Ofl probably sells and
markets about 70 per cent of it, and I
want to add that wherever there is a
Standard Oil refinery in the United
States there is a competition refinery
in that section. There Is a great deal
of competition in the of} business. The
competition, of course, ls greatest In
the big ol! region of Pennsylvania”
The witness then told of the Standard
Oll interests (n the new fields of Kan-
Sas and insisted that the Standard O11
rrels of petroleum pro-
. Archbold Jumped
to hie feet and sald: *] object to those
artists who are sketching me. It Ig In-
decent—posittvaly indecent—and ask
Commissioner Samborn asked the
photographers and pencil artists to de-
sist, and they 414 desist for a fow min-
RE ———
Bank Robbers Takes to Lyems.
ROCHESTER, N. Y., March 27
Kelly, Schultz and McCormick, the
men suspected of bank robbery
and murder in Sodus, were faken to
Lyons last night. No confession was
obtained from any of thew. Over a
thousand people were at the New York
Central rallroad station to see them
off, but there was no disorder. The
police here have beep notified that AMc-
Cormick Is Henry King of Toledo, a»
ueterious yeggman and bank burglar
American Insurance Ia Lords,
LONDON, March 47~The Earl of
Onslow has raised the question In the
Joie of lords as to whether, fo view
of disclosures made regarding cer-
tain American Insurance companies,
the goverument proposes to compel
fo doing business in
this country to keep In this country
2 gpufliclent proportion of their secur.
ties to cover the claims of British poll-
cy holders. The subject will come up
in the house of lords today.
Kaiser Abandon Summer Cruise,
BERLIN, Maren 2T.~Emperor Wil-
liam, who delayed starting on his pro-
posed Mediterranean cruise owing te
the deadlock In the Algeciras confer
§8ce, Bas uow entirely abandoned the
trip. The statement is made that ir
I Dow toe late for she Kaiser te start.
American liser Ham-
Miss Townsend "Killed by Father,
Whe Then Shot Himself.
EVERETT, Mass, March 27 « He
than three hours before the time set
for her wedding, Pausy E. Townsend
Wis abot and fatally wounded by ber
father, Joseph P. Townsend, lo the sit-
ting room of their home In this city.
Townsend then ended his own life by
putting a revolver bullet nto his head.
Miss Towusend was to have been
‘married to Francis E Perry of Fort
Myers, Fla. at 4 o'clock last night at
the People's temple, Boston Early
In the afternoon the father sent the
only other member of the fawily, his
Afteen-yearold son Joseph, to East
Boston ou an errand counected with
the coming wedding. The boy return
ed about 4.30 and let himself into the
house with a key Calling to Lis fa.
ther and receiving uo answer, Le push.
*d open the sitting room door snd eu-
tered. On the four lay the body of bis
father, the bead tu a pool of blood and
a small rifle across the knees Beside
bim was a revolver of a Leavy caliber.
Miss Townsend lay upon a couch at
the side of the roow and, according to
the boy's story, was still alive, al-
though the futher was dead The boy
tried to force some brandy down hig
sister's throat and, failing, burried
after doctors. When they arrived the
girl was dead She bad Leen shot
through the head.
The only clew to the cuuse of the
tragedy was a uote written by Town-
send. [It read
“At 8:40 1 bave taken wy daughter's
life and my own. I do this rather than
See her the wife of Francis Perry”
So far as is known Townsend had
nothing against Perry, and the suppo-
sition Is that Townsend's mind was
tabalanced by reason of his love for
bis daughter and his brooding over the
prospect of separation from her, Town-
send was born In Baltimore fifty-six
years ngo. His wife had been dead
several years
Miss Townsend was an active work-
or In local church circles and was well
Known and popular
General Ernst Gives Military Aspect
Regurding Great Waterway,
WABHINGTON, March 27.4 Bair-
man Shouts aud Assistant Chief Pep
perman of the Isthmian canal commis
slob bave returned to Wasblugton.
Mr. Shouts Is much lniproved Iu health
as the result of hls stay lo Atlantic
At the canal beariug General Erust
said be was convinced that the United
States could get a better canal In less
time and with less expense by follow-
Ing the minoMty report thag in trying
to bulld a sea love! canal. He declared
that the lock canal would cost less
than one-half as wuch than a level ca-
sal and could be bullt in half the time.
Concerning the military aspeots of
the two projects, Genera! Ernst sald
that both would be vulnerable and that
be would not be in faver of making
the waterway a military proposition.
He said that be would have the camal
neutral, but in the contre! of Amer|-
He thought that foreign commanders
would be afraid to use the canal if en-
faged In war with the United States.
Senator Morgan asked the witness
what would be the rights of Germany
or Great Britain If In g war with the
United States they should ask to send
battleships through the canal te attack
San Francisco. General Brust sald
that under the understanding of the
definition eof beutrality these foreign
powers would have the right to use th
canal, but did not think they weul
care to de so.
- ————
New Jersey Girl Trapped Burglar.
MARLTON, N. J. March 27. Mise
Helen Hurfr, daughter of Walter B.
Hurff, an aged and invalid farmer Uv
Ing near here, discovered a burglar In
the bouse late at night. Thiaking only
of the welfare of her father, whose con-
dition Is such that the least excitement
might prove fatal, the girl calmly
pointed a revolver at the intruder and
locked him In the cellar, where she
kept him until the police arrived. He
turned out to be George Hoy, a for-
mer employee on the farm,
Avis Bill Passes Tremton Senate.
TRENTON, N. J, Mareh 27. ~The
Seuste, with but que negative vote,
Passed Benator Avie’ bill for the crea-
tion of county hoards of taxation, Sen-
Stor Minturn, who voted In the nega-
tive, spoke against the bil, saying
there was uo popular demand for it,
that it was destructive to home rule
and that It was In the Interest of the
railroads. Mr. Avie sald the bill was
& necessary one and that its purpose
was to bring about equality of taxes In
the diferent counties.
Guaner's Mate a Saleclde,
NEW YORK, March 27. — Jon
Thompson, a gunuer's mate, who hsd
served twenty-five years In the United
States navy, was found dead from a
self inflicted bullet wound in the head
on the rifie range at the Davy yard lo
Brooklyn. An exawioation of the body
by a surgeon showed that Thompson
when found Lad probably Leen dead
for twenty-four hours.
Pensions For Ages Veterans,
WASHINGTON, March 27. The en-
ate committee on Peusious agreed to
report favorably a bill providing that
veterans of the civil war who have
reached the age of sixty-two shall re
celve $12 a month, veterans who have
reached seveuty, $15 a month, and vet
erans who have reached seventy-five,
$20 & month
ce ————————
New York Editor Dead,
NEW YORK, March 27.—~Nathan 8
Coban, business manager of the German
Journal, is dead at his late
bere, He was Afty years old.
President Mitohell Makes De-
mand on Coal Operators,
it Ia Anticipated That Their Reply
Will Be a Refusal, In Which Case
the Federation May De-
clare a Strike,
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind, March 27.
Through President Mitchell and Vice
Prealdest Lewis of the national min-
ers’ organization and President Perry
of the [iliucls Wivers, the Federation
of Mine Workers presented their uit:
atu to the operators io the Joint
scale comuwittee of the Central compet
itive district.
It was a demand for the restoration
of the 1808 scale, which is an advance
of 5.53 per cent over the present wage
scale. The three officials of the winers
announced that the miners wore united
In this demand and ad at no time
cousidered the acceptance of any terms
less favorable gor would consider nuy
The operators at once asked for an ad
Journwent to cousider the matter,
which was grauted
It is anticipated that thelr reply will
be a refusal, and In that event the
comnmlittee will report a disagreement
to the joint conference of winers and
Operators. In that case the question
will be debated before the Joint con
veution. According to those concerned,
there ig little prospect for an agree
John Mitchell, president of the min.
ers’ union, took the floor and said be
Lad been Informed on reliable authori.
ty that there were rumors In hotel cor-
ridors that the operators believed that
if they would stand firmly by their
position and prolong the sessions of the
Joint scale committee the miners would
agree to sign the present scale and re
cede from their demand for an increase
Ia wages. He sald Le wanted to ex-
plain to the operators that there would
Le under no circumstances 40 agree-
meut at jess than the scale of 1903 un-
less after a disagreement the operators
could euforce less terns, aud be dia
not belleve they could. Vice President
Lewis said
“1 want to say more than President
Mitchell bas sald. We will be divided
neither In this scale confereuce, out of
this scule conference, In the couven
tion or anywhere else so fur as I am
“We believe that the operators cau
pay the 1908 scale, and there is uo rea
sou for eur considering aoything else
“If we leave this conference and
suspeusion ef work takes place In the
mining Industry of this country It will
not be because of any perwonal differ
ences Letween the operators and mig
“Of course after we have ceased ne-
gotiations and arrayed our following
on different sides of the question I am
Bot prepared to say what will de-
Britain's Demand on Turkey.
LONDON, March 47. — Turkey bas
net yet replied to Great Britain's de-
mand for the withdrawal of Turkish
troops from Tal on the Anglo-Egyp-
tian frontier ef Senal peninsula,
which Great Britain claims to be Berry
tian territory, while Turkey clajms it
ls part of the Ottoman empire. The ait:
uation has been exaggerated. Great
Britain believing that it wil Bot be
Decessary to use foroe te compe! the
withdrawal of Turkish troops. The
government, however, Is firm in cop.
tending that there is no question but
that Tabah i« Feyptian territory.
Six Firemen Killed,
NEW YORK, March 47.—Practically
destroying the greater part of an en-
tire block In Old Greenwich village, a
$350,000 fire snuffed out the lives of
six firemen. One of them was Fore-
man Jobn F, Walsh of engine com-
pany Neo. 14. He was three times on
the bonor roll of merit. The other five
Were of his company. A collapsing
roof took them down with it to their
deaths. Half a dozen other firemen
were badly hurt by collapsing walls
and were taken to Bt. Vincent's hosp!
On Hve of an Agreement,
ALGECIRAS, Spain, March 27.—The
delegates to the Moreccan conference
are om the eve of an agreement. They
Are generally satisfied with the result
of- thelr work and belleve that an
agreement Is no longer doubtful Ten
days prolmbly will be necessary for the
Arrangement of details, The Duke of
Almodovar, president of the confer
ence, states that no formidable obeta
cles lu the way of accord exist
Bright Made Consul In Britain,
WASHINGTON, March 27 ~The seu
ate In executive session confirmed the
following nominations: Frederick |
Bright, Olle, cousul at Huddersfield,
England. Postmasters: Connecticut—
D. D. Brown, East Hampton. New
York—M. T. Morton, Southold Penn
sylvauta—James Bickerton, Duquesne;
Charles Sutter, McKees Rocks; J, E
Euwer, No “ivlor, Mount
¥ : ! ———— i
“ Me,
ORAG i +o heakage of
Ras from a lightiug plant caused an ex-
plosion iu W. H Lemkey's dry goods
store, destroying the entire stock, also
that of Leuthold & Evans clothing
store In the rooms adjoining;
Killed Wite at Washiab.
WINDSOR, Conn, March 27.-Wil-
Ham Howanl Tucker, sen of a police
man of Martford, enme to this town
And killed bis wife, Nellie, at the home
of Ij Baker in the bamlet of Wil
son's Station while she was at weltk
over the washiub.
of Kendal Wen win Ease
In 1:17 2.5.
WASHINGTON, March 27 ~Under
lowering skies and in an atmosphere
damp, chilly and penetrating the spring
meeting of the Wasbivgton Jockey club
Was opened at Bennings. The inaugu-
ration of the racing season of 1008 in
the east was Witbessed by an immense
President Roosevelt's daughter, Mrs
Nicholas Longworth, attended tLe
opening meet at Beunlugs with her
husband. She wore the celebrated Ol
via traveling gown, which cost $3,280
She falled to cash a ticket oo Hace
Iuterest centered in the seventh run-
ulog of the Bennings Spring handicap,
in which there were thirteen starters
After five horses had been scratched
the Duke of Kendal was added, snd
the race proved to be easy for him.
He assumed the lead early in the run-
ning and won Landily. never belng
Pressed at auy time. The time, 1:17 25,
was good in view of the beavy track
The steeplechase was a disappoint-
ment as a contest, every horse in the
race falling except Follow On The
victory of Follow On was a popular
one in Washington, as he was ridden
by Dion Kerr of this city.
Two favorites won (nu the six races,
the other four being taken by outsid-
ers. Summaries:
First Race.—Lackey, first: Fancy
Bird, second; T. 8. Martin, third.
Second Race ~Naucy, first; Al Pow-
ell, second: Computer, third.
Third Race.—Castor, first; Nonsense,
second; Zany, third.
Fourth Race.— Duke of Kendal, first;
Pater, second: Bellsnicker, third
Fifth Race —Folliow On, first; Bob
Murphy, second.
Bixth Race —Moerlingo, first; Bill Cur-
tis, second; Jack McKeon, third,
Court Tennis Tournament.
NEW YORK, March 27. ~Represent-
atives from Philadelphia and Boston
clube as well as a large contingent of
local racket and court tennis players
assembled at the New York Racket
and Tennis club to take part Io the
preliminary watches of the natiousl
racket tournament for the doubles
champlonship. The atch resulted in a
Victory for P. D. Haughton and Quincy
A. Bhaw, Jr. Boston who beat Er
skine Hewitt aud W Stackpole, Now
York, In four straight sets, 15-5,
15-11, 10-12 and 17-18
Noted Wrestlers Matehed,
NEW YORK, March 2° Tow Jen:
kins, Awerican champlon, snd Fred
iruho, England's best wrestler and
the world's huskiest welght lifter, are
watched te grapple on Tuesday, April
10, at Bulzer's Casino, here. The cond!-
tious call for the best twe falls In
Niskhol Won Five Raoes.
NEW ORLEANS, March 27 —Nicol
occupled the center of the stage at
City park, his wounts winolng five
races. Plebl and Budweiser were the
only beaten favorites French Empress
Was sold before the day's racing be-
€80 to L. L Lamar and ran In his col-
All Favorites Defonted.
HOT APRINGS, Ark, March 27
Favorites were defeated In every race
at Oaklawn. Tres Joli demonstrated
her ability by winning for the fourth
consecutive time. Investor and J. Ww.
O'Neill furnished the surprises of the
An Ezxereise Galley For Security.
NEW ORLEANS, March 27.—Elastie
aud Don't Ask Me were the beaten fa.
vorites at the Fair grounds. The fifth
Face was only an exercise gallop for
Want Relief For Konge Natives.
BOSTON, March 27-4 telegram to
Bacretary of State Elfhu Root aAppeal-
Ing to bin to take action looking for
the relief of the people of the Kongo
was sent to Washington by the Baptist
ministers’ conference of Boston. The
telegram follows: “The Baptist confer
ence of Boston, representing 100
churches, respectfully urges you In be-
Bailf of buwanity eso to volce Awerican
sentiment as to secure effective relief
for the outraged Kongo people.”
May Revive Laber Bill.
BOSTON, March 27.-Governor Cur
tis Gulld, Jr, promised the Fall River
and New Bedford legislative delega-
tiou that be would seriously consider
their requests that be send a special
messuge to the legislature askiug that
the bill killed In the senate on Friday
which forbade women and winors
working in factories ut night be re
Ezxplosion at Headers Mines,
BIRMINGHAM, Alu, March 27.- A
long distance telephone wessage from
Readers miues, about Afteen wiles
southwest of this CIty, says two are
dead and several fatally injured by the
premature explosion of dynamite ln-
side the workings. In preparing the
night's “firlug™ it 1s thought a spark lg.
pited one of the chutes
Noval E. Foard Dead.
CHARLESTON, 8. C., March 271.—
Noval E. Foard Is dead bere. He sent
the first newspaper dispatch anvoune
lug the opening of hostilities In the
civil war. The New York newspaper
by which the dispatel was received at
first refused to publish it. believing the
facts It conveyed too highly Improba.
ble to be given credence
Carilsts Arrested at Barcelona.
BARCELONA, Spain, March 27.-A
secret Carlist meetlug was surprised
by the police here. The president of
the meeting was wearing a colouel's
upiform. Several arrests were made,
and a quantity of rifles, cartridges and
other military effects Wore discovered.
Bafe at Magtaon.
Praises Work of Philippine Con-
stabulary In Repelling Trescher-
ous Atinek of Pulajanes-Te
Exterminate Outlaws,
MANILA, Merch 27 Governor Cur
ry, Judge Leobinger, Superiutendent of
Schools Hoover aud all the other Amer
icaus who were Hissiug after the Nght
at Magtaon sre safe. having returned
10 the post there
Goveruor Curry in a report to the
EOVErnwent ou the fugagement with
Pulajanes says
“Had a hard Bght, in which Captain
Jones of the coustabulary lost half of
his command, Kaluiog a magnificent
victory Iu the face of overwhelming
odds. The Pulajanes under a flag of
truce and while promising to surrender
suddenly opened fire, chargiug the con
“The leader of the Pula janes ordered
lis men to first wipe out the constab
ulary and then to capture wyself and
other Americans
“I have requested a company of fed
eral troops lmwediately and later on
when jolned by this additions] force
will wage a war of extermination
against the fugitives, which {s the only
“The constabulary did splendidly,
though their inferior firearms, which
Were minus bayonets, placed them at
& disadvantage. With the assistance
of the federa troops we will be able
to exterminate the fugitives, who arc
now in the mountains, and will destroy
the crops.
“The natives of Samar, with the ex-
ception of the Pulajanes, are in VI
pathy with us and are Assisting us
Every town is endeavoring to assist
io the extermination of tho fugitives
Several promiuent Filipinos were pres
out and witnessed the treacherous ac
tion of the Pulajunes’
Governor Curry was lost thirty six
bours, but was found Io a road camp
He has withdrawn bis application for
A leave of absence and proposes to fin
Ish the pacification
Mormons and Sait Momopoly.
WASHINGTON, March 37. —- Evi
deuce iu rebuttal of the last testimony
taken In the case against Senator
Smoot of Utah was presented to the
uale committee on privileges and
elections. The first witness was Rob-
ert J. Shields of Balt Lake, general
sales agent of the Inland Crystal Salt
Company, the president of which s Jo-
soph Smith. the head of the Mormon
church. Mr. Shields Is a gentile and
never Las bLeeu a member of the Mor-
mon church. He wag recalled to refute
the testimony of C. A. Smurthwalite,
which was to the effect that the Mor
won chureh was so Actively eugaged
In the salt business as to gain a con.
trol amounting to a monopoly
ee ———————
Seven te Die For Cruel Murder.
HONOLULU, March 27 —A telegram
from Mllo, ou the laland of Hawall,
says that seveu Koreaus were conviet-
ed of murder In the first degree and
sentenced to death for having tortured
and burned a Korean suspected of
stealing $50 from another Korean. In-
Stead of reporting the theft to the po-
lice the friends of the man who lost
the woney chased the suspected Ko-
rean through the cane fSelds and cap-
tured him. The man was beaten with
sticks and stones and tortured with
knives. When this fatled to force a
confession they rubbed Japanese soy
Into the wounds, causing excruciating
pain. Finally the man was beld over a
fire and broiled until he died.
Train Wreckers Hela.
OAKLEY, Mich, March 27 -Floyd
Elliott and Loren Cole have been
plaged under arrest charged with at-
tempting to wreck a Michigan Central
passenger train near bere. It (s al
leged that while under the influence of
liquer the young men placed n freight
truck on the track a little while before
the fast train was due. The truck was
discovered and removed Just In time
to prevent a wreck. Cole Is sald to
bave confessed.
McCaffrey Thought Insane.
PHILADELPHIA, March 27. John
J. McOaffrey, who was arrested here
after be bad fired two shots from a
revolver through a window Iu the resi.
dence of former Judge James Gay Gor
dou, Mayor Weaver's private counsel,
was held ln $2000 ball for court. Tes.
timouy was presented to show that
McCaffrey had at one time been an
Inmate of an fustitution for the Insane
An luvestigation as to his sanity will
be made
Tornado at Blllings, Okla.
PERRY, Okla, March 27 Three per
Sons were severely injured and thou
sauds of dollars’ worth of property
was destroyed LY =n tornado that
struck the neighborhood south of Ril
lings, Okla. James Russell and wife
Were critically burt as they lay in bed
Thelr bome was blown to pleces, and
they were buried In the rulus Mrs
Sam Merrifield sustained serious infu
ries In a siuljgr manner
Carnegie ORers $15,000.
SALEM, Va. March 275 President J
A. Morehoad announces that Andrew
Carnegie offers fo give $28.000 for a
new endowment fund of Moauoke col
lege when a lke sum bas been raised
and the debt of £10000 ou the new
building has been padd. The abject of
the proposed new fund of $30.00 is to
add more professorships
I ——————
Waather Prababliiftion.
Fair aud colder; wet winds.
TT ——————
here. It pays to visig
Globe” often because
can show you go;
Lew every time you com
Made of sheer mate
and fine German Val in,
tions, regular price
his week 9c,
Regular 20 and 25¢ bel
fitted with patent adjus
ment and the very latest
buckles. 20e¢ kind 15¢c. &
kind 19c,
Togo Silks
This cloth is very popu
in the cities, all “the new
shades, our price for 27
Other Silks in Many Weave:
Greys predominate, ¢
rose, helio and greens
popular and the ever sta
navy is in favor. Wa ha
many of these in stock am
more on the way.
Dress 600d
We have the latest. The
Globe store in the cities
keep us in tonch with the
‘correct thing” as regards
both fabrics and shades,
Our spring line is here.
We are showing Arabian,
Swiss, Nets, Nottinghams,
from 35¢ the pair up. On
prices are lowest,
Wednesday Specials
New corsets with fron
and side supporters, new
girdles and girdle corset
all 50c values. Wednesda:
special 39¢. :
Office Maney & Page
Rooms formerly
late John R. Murray,
Office hours: —§ to 10 a, mg
: to 8p, m. At other times du
3 day at Valley Record offics,
Swall Farms, Large Farms, Good Bail
ings, good fruits, well wateped. ousen
and Lots for mis or xchange. “All af
bargain prices. Houses to remt.
Home pbone 81-m
The Record, has the beat He
Lease over printed in Bradford count:
also Vest Pocket and Desk R ;
Books; ace and Orica of Legal BY j
for Justices and Be
Political Announcement =
To the Republican Voters of Bradford
County:— io
1 hereb, aunounce f asa oe
date for Re nal aad
vania Legislature from Bradford &
subject to the rules of the Republionn
ty. Dr. CG L. {
PD atareh 10, 1908, Td Ward: aime